June 07, 2010

June 5, 2010

Strategic Planning Retreat – 7:00 a.m. – Fire Station 2, 5420 Main Street

June 7, 2010

Plan Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • PC-22-09 (Continued from 02-01-10) A petition seeking a special use approval for a telecommunications tower located on the east side of Fairview Avenue, as the southeast corner of the intersection of 40th Street and Fairview Avenue, commonly known as Whitlock Park, 4064 Cumnor Road, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-04-103-004); Ray Shinkle, Insite RE, Inc., as agent for Verizon Wireless, Petitioner; Downers Grove Park District, Owner
  • PC-27-09 (Continued from 05-03-10) A petition seeking 1) a special use for a drive through; 2) a front yard setback variation; and 3) a variation to permit parking within the required front yards located at the southwest corner of Butterfield Road and Downers Drive, commonly known as 1353 Butterfield Road, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 06-30-408-001); Jeffrey R. Walker, J.R. Walker, Inc., Petitioner; Downers Drive LLC , Owner
  • PC-03-10 A petition seeking an alley vacation of a 16-foot wide by 155-foot long alley running north and south adjacent to the properties commonly known as 812 and 820 Randall Street and 5241 Lyman Avenue, Downers Grove, (PINs 09-08-316-009, -008, -007); Chris Salman, Stature Custom Homes, Ed Stukas and Zivile Chirban, Emily Farley, and Robert and Roberta Olp, Petitioners; Village of Downers Grove, Owner

June 8, 2010

Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Council Agenda 06-08-10

Consent Agenda

  • A (BIL 00-04174) List of Bills Payable: No. 5832, June 8, 2010
  • B BID 00-04170 A bid awarding a contract to Geneva Construction Company, Inc., Aurora, IL, for 2010 Resurfacing (B) Project in an amount not to exceed $1,843,543.38

Active Agenda

  • A ORD 00-04153 An ordinance authorizing a special use amendment for Midwestern University to permit an expansion and addition to the existing parking garage with a variation

First Reading

  • A MOT 00-04171 A motion renewing membership dues for the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference
  • B ORD 00-04177 An ordinance amending certain fees related to liquor licensing
  • C BID 00-04180 A bid awarding $466,552 to Earth Werks Land Improvements & Development Corporation, Batavia, IL, for 8th and Cumnor stormwater improvements
  • D BID 00-04178 A bid to award $1,013,093.21 to J. Congdon Sewer Service, Inc., Carol Stream, IL, for the 2010 water main improvements

Attorney’s Report

June 9, 2010

Transportation and Parking Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • File #14-10 Middaugh Avenue at Grant Street – Parking modifications
  • File #15-10 Mochel Drive at Curtiss Street – One new handicapped parking space

June 10, 2010

Environmental Concerns Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Public Works Facility, 5101 Walnut

Agenda Summary

  • Discussion of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Communities Program (continued from May 13, 2010 meeting)

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