Social Services Referrals

When faced with a crisis, people often recognize that professional help is needed, but may not know where to find services to meet their needs.

The Village employs a full time Social Worker with a thorough understanding of the resources available to help people in need of referrals for services including mental health, substance abuse, housing or homelessness, domestic violence, child/elder abuse, or sexual abuse.

Staff liaisons work with the following Boards and Commissions to provide planning expertise and recommendations to the Village Council.

Village Senior Services


Compiled by the Village. this guide contains useful phone numbers and contacts for older adults. 


The Village's Taxi Coupon Program assists eligible participants with their transportation needs. The Village provides a 50% subsidy to offset the cost of taxi services.


The Downers Grove Police Department can customize a presentation for your senior group on a variety of safety topics. Call 630.434.5641 to inquire,

Township Senior Services

S.A.L.T. Council

The Downers Grove Township Senior Advisory Committee is a collaboration between local law enforcement, fire protection, governmental agencies, local businesses and senior residents, with a shared goal of improving the quality of life of older persons in their homes and in the community.

File of Life 

This kit contains a standardized medical information card in a magnetic pouch to be placed on the front of a refrigerator. Emergency responders are trained to look for this information, which may enable them to deliver medical attention more quickly. Available at the DG Township Office, Civic Center and Fire Station 2. (5420 Main St.)


Find a Food Pantry

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Emergency Shelter

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Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault

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photo of Heather Lippe

Heather Lippe, MSW, LCSW

Social Worker


Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

navy square graphic for 988

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing thoughts of suicide, a mental or substance abuse crisis or any kind of emotional distress.

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