November 23, 2004

Mayor Krajewski called the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall.

Present:Mayor Brian Krajewski; Commissioners Marilyn Schnell, Sue McConnell, Martin Tully, Mark Zabloudil, Ron Sandack, Stan Urban; Village Manager Riccardo Ginex; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca; Village Clerk April Holden


Visitors: Residents: Ben Gussman (Webster, McGrath & Hulberg) 207 S. Naperville St., Naperville; Eric Lucatke (Smith & Stephens Architects) 17 W 601 14th St, Oakbrook Terrace, IL; Patricia Heatherly, Mid-America Bank, 55th & Holmes, Clarendon Hills; Vincent Mancini, (Connolly, Ekl & Williams) 165 W. 55th, Clarendon Hills; Patrick Franz, Clairmont Ltd, 541 Jefferson, Hinsdale; George Arnold (Sosin, Lawler & Arnold), Palos Heights; Corina Fallbacher, 5409 Bending Oaks; Christine Fregeau, 1918 Elmore; Andrew Clark, 1226 62nd St.; Myrna Dryfhout, 4913 Cornell Staff: Keith Sbiral, Planner; Amanda Riordan, Senior Planner; David Barber, Director, Public Works; Dave Van Vooren, Deputy Village Manager; Mike Millette, Assistant Director, Public Works

Mayor Krajewski explained that Council Workshop meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are video taped live and for later cable cast over cable channel 6.

The Workshop meeting is intended to provide Council and the public with an appropriate forum for informal discussion of any items intended for future Council consideration or just for general information. No formal action is taken at Workshop meetings.

The public is invited to attend and encouraged to comment or ask questions in an informal manner on any of the items being discussed or on any other subject. The agenda is created to provide a guideline for discussion.

Special Guests

Mayor Krajewski said that today there was a delegation of 28 people from China who toured the Village, Village Hall and District 58. They have been here three days and have taken a class at the University of Chicago.


Change Order: Kovilic Construction – Parking Deck Standby Generator. Village Manager Rick Ginex asked Mike Millette, Assistant Director, Public Works, to address this matter.

Mike Millette , Assistant Director, Public Works, said the first Change Order is an extension of the change to the sprinkler system required by the fire pump done in June. Staff knew there would be some upsizing of the generator, as well as ancillary work to make it fit with the fire pump. There are five items broken into Parts I and II which include an upgrade to an 85 kW generator, an electrical upgrade, gas line extension and block wall and exhaust pipe.

Change Order: Lyons/Pinner Electric – Parking Deck Utility Undergrounding. The Manager asked Mr. Millette to address this item.

Mr. Millette said this Change Order is related to work on the electrical changes. The largest portion of the cost is the polyduct-bore and premium time. The premium time is in the amount of $10,469.24. The cost of the polyduct is $12,097.06. He said the Village is seeking reimbursement for the polyduct costs by ComEd. They will also seek a disbursement for Items A & B from ComEd. He said they would also seek reimbursement from SBC for Item F to remove and relocate the SBC pedestal.

Mayor Krajewski said he would like to receive a summary of the items for which the Village is seeking reimbursement to include the cost and status. Since this work has already been done, he would like to have the Council review these items before the work is done. For example, the generator was in November 2003. He asked when it was decided to do the work at night.

Mr. Millette said that that decision was made a couple of weeks before the work was done. The Mayor said he would like the Council to get advance notice. He also asked if there is additional work that has already been done that will require Change Orders. Mr. Millette responded affirmatively. The Mayor asked that those be included in the summary as well.

Ogden Avenue Street Signs. The Manager asked Dave Barber, Director, Public Works, to address this item.

Dave Barber , Director, Public Works, said that in the past there was discussion regarding adding street name signs on Ogden Avenue. EDC worked on this with the Lakota Group, and that sign is being used as a sample sign at Ogden and Oakwood. Public Works looked at the signs. The Village went out to bid on this project before they received confirmation from IDOT to do to, so they will have to go out for bids again. IDOT gave their approval in July 2004. Staff looked at expanding signs to the downtown area to develop a theme throughout the Village. The signs on Ogden will include larger lettering and an address medallion. The EDC liked the idea of a single type of sign. Mr. Barber said he has received bids with a fancier base and a standard base.

Since EDC recommended this, the Mayor asked why they changed from the blue sign. Mr. Barber responded that they felt the one on Oakwood stood out too much. The Mayor then asked how this went out to bid without IDOT approval, and was it known that IDOT approval was needed. Mr. Barber said he was unsure as to what the process was as it occurred around the time he joined the Village.

Mayor Krajewski asked whether the Village has applied for a grant for this. Mr. Barber said there is a grant project that approved the street way signs. Grants were not approved for the gateway signs, but only the street name signs. It is a CMAQ program. It is an 80% grant of about $150,000, with the remaining 20% to be paid by the Village. Some of this will go through the Ogden TIF and some does not since the TIF does not extend the entire length of Ogden Avenue.

Commissioner Schnell commented that she likes the green sign better than the blue, and she likes the idea of consistency throughout the Village.

Mr. Barber said that they will look at the concept of wayfinding signs for the downtown area. Linda Kunze of the Downtown Management Board will also be involved in this project.

Commissioner Schnell asked when they will go to bid and when the signs will be installed. Mr. Barber said they hope to go to bid in December and have the signs installed in May.

Commissioner Zabloudil said he likes the green as well, and asked that staff be sure to detail the costs.

Commissioner McConnell agrees that it makes sense to be consistent, and she thinks this is a good start.

Commissioner Urban added that he was also happy to see the green signs.

Commissioner Tully said that the blue was presented due to a marketing study. He is happy to see Downers Grove green. District 58 also contemplated changing to blue, but stayed with Downers Grove green. Regarding the size of the letters, he recommended making the name of the street larger and Avenue or Street smaller. Mr. Barber said that some street names are longer than others which limits the size to 6”.

Commissioner Tully addressed the Ogden Avenue Master Plan, saying it included many items and has been adopted by the Village. He noted that specifics of the plan, such as curb cuts, may not be adequately written into the Village Code.

Mayor Krajewski inquired as to the status of the gateways. Mr. Barber said staff has discussed with EDC taking this concept and applying it to wayfinding signs. The grant was not approved for gateways. He said they will make it a task for the group this year for gateways and wayfinding signs. They had a plan but it was fairly massive, and they are looking at revising this. Manager Ginex said during the budget process the Council looked at items of substantial costs, including the gateway signs. The Council decided to wait on it at that time. Mr. Barber said staff will work with the EDC to revisit this. The Mayor said that staff should move forward on Ogden Avenue’s Master Plan so as not to lose opportunities.

Commissioner Schnell noted that at the Public Services Committee, Mr. Barber said there was another opportunity to apply the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. It is her understanding that the Plan does not have enough teeth in it. She said perhaps the Council should revisit that to determine how to strengthen it and enable the Plan Commission to implement it. The Plan Commission needs to understand clearly what the direction is.

Commissioner Tully suggested that the Ogden Avenue Master Plan be placed on a Workshop to review the status and implementation. Mr. Barber said that an RFP is going out tomorrow for consultant services for the sidewalks and curb cuts grant. They could report on this when that is brought back. In response to the Mayor, Mr. Barber said the first phase of the sidewalk plan is to do a land survey to determine environmental impact and the land acquisition requirements for construction.

Commissioner Zabloudil suggested that the Village Attorney could prepare the language regarding minimizing the number of curb cuts.

The Mayor said this could be discussed with the EDC .

Mid-America Bank Special Use. The Manager asked Amanda Riordan, Senior Planner, to address this item.

Amanda Riordan , Senior Planner, said this concerns property at 535 Ogden Avenue for a drive-up banking facility of five lanes. The petitioner has taken significant steps to foster the goals of the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. They are also adding a significant amount of landscaping at a rate of 23% of the lot. The petitioner is also proposing the installation of public sidewalks on private property because of lack of parkway. The Plan Commission recommended in favor of this petition. Two changes recommended have already been made by the petitioner and approved by the Public Works Department.

The Mayor said that the petitioner did a fantastic job in looking at the Ogden Avenue Master Plan and trying to adapt to it. Regarding the landscaping, he asked whether there is a photo of what will be there. Ms. Riordan said that Kerstin von der Heide has reviewed the landscape plan.

The Mayor asked the Village Attorney whether there will be language in the special use regarding the landscape requirements. Ms. Riordan said that the language is that they must comply with the plan as submitted.

Commissioner Zabloudil said the proposed curb cuts look great.* * He asked how many curb cuts had been eliminated. Ms. Riordan said the area is much more attractive as several curb cuts have been eliminated.

Commissioner Sandack said that this is a well thought-out plan that takes into account the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. He appreciates the lengths the petitioner went to in order to present an aesthetically pleasing development.

Commissioner Schnell echoed the positive statements regarding the petition as presented. She appreciated also that they listened to the input from the residents regarding traffic. Ms. Riordan said that Parking and Traffic Commission needs to make a recommendation so it can be enforced.

Commissioner McConnell thanked the petitioner for the attention paid to the plan and she would like to see that the landscaping plan is adopted.

Commissioner Urban also appreciated the work given to this project. He asked as to the specificity of the landscaping plan. Ms. Riordan said it is extremely specific identifying types of trees, plant species, etc.

Commissioner Tully then referenced the criteria for a special use and said he feels all of the criteria have been met, as well as traffic concerns and the provision of adequate parking. There are no exceptions or variances being requested by the petitioner. Instead they took great steps to conform to the Ogden Avenue Master Plan.

Mayor Krajewski said that the Village is beginning to see some substantial dollars and nice projects coming into Ogden Avenue. He said they need a template to track the development.

Automobile Special Use Text Amendment. The Manager asked Keith Sbiral, Planner, to address this item.

Keith Sbiral , Planner, said that discussions began with a proposal to limit car dealerships to a minimum of two acres in size. The concerns, both aesthetically and functionally, were with dealerships on smaller lots. He noted that there has been a proliferation of this type of dealership in recent years. The recommended ordinance make definitions consistent, and applied those definitions to the different zoning districts. They are now all special uses, so any new car dealership must come before staff, the Plan Commission and the Council. As new dealerships are proposed, they can be more closely examined. No zoning district changed through this ordinance. He said that the next step is to look at the parking, the design of the facility, and the landscaping quality and quantity.

Commissioner Schnell asked about Luxury Motors, which uses a series of lots to the south of the dealership. She asked if this kind of modification would preclude that from happening before it came to the Council. Mr. Sbiral said they would have been required to get a special use before they could have expanded in that manner. Existing car dealerships will be considered to have a special use. If they want to make a change, they will have to conform.

Mayor Krajewski said that Luxury Motors is leasing parking spots in some areas. He asked if this will this cover that issue. Mr. Sbiral said that would be considered an expansion of their special use, and it may also be an enforcement issue. He will look into this.

Commissioner Schnell said that she has received complaints of salespeople running across Ogden Avenue.

Commissioner Zabloudil asked if Luxury Motors were to acquire adjacent properties, would they have to come before the Council, and Attorney Petrarca said they would.

Commissioner Sandack asked about the original recommendation that would require a two-acre minimum for car dealerships. Mr. Sbiral responded that discussion was that there would be more space, but the same problems would exist. With a special use the Village can make sure it fits into the area before they open. It is a means of controlling the process before they open for business. Regardless of the size of the dealerships, they would have to come before the Council. A special use is a control mechanism.

Commissioner Sandack asked if neighboring communities on Ogden Avenue or similar roads use similar mechanisms. Mr. Sbiral added that Lombard and Westmont require a special use for everything. It seems to be a common practice. Commissioner Sandack asked whether going from permitted uses to special use has been tested in the courts. Attorney Petrarca said it is within the Council’s discretion.

Commissioner McConnell asked if the ordinance will address setbacks, landscape plans, etc., as they relate to our current Code for new endeavors. Mr. Sbiral said that was correct. Commissioner McConnell then asked about the inventory situation and parking to the curb issues. Mr. Sbiral said that the dealerships have few required parking spaces because the process is not controlled up front. This process will give the Village an opportunity set guidelines and assist in designating the greenspace and parking areas up front. He indicated that they could also define the inventory into the Code.

Commissioner Urban asked about using Ogden Avenue turning lanes as loading and unloading docks. Commissioner Sbiral said that would be looked at in the overall plan.

Commissioner Tully said that this is a step in implementing the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. Due to smaller lots, dealerships can pop up over night. This provides better control for what goes in, and gives control over what happens after a special use is granted. The Council will be able to place conditions on special uses.

Lot Split: 4913 Cornell. The Manager asked Mr. Sbiral to address this matter.

Mr. Sbiral described the property as a 120×300’ lot, which they wish to split into two 60×300’ lots. The property is zoned R-3 single family residential. There are two exceptions for the lot widths since they are less than 75’.

Mayor Krajewski noted that they did not have the minutes from the Plan Commission public hearing in the packet. He said he would like to know the process to prevent this from occurring again. Mr. Sbiral said that it was a scanning oversight on his part. The Mayor said he would like it reviewed to prevent this from happening again.

Commissioner Schnell said that the minutes address the proposed shared driveway. She said she understood putting the garages in the back; however it looked like flag lots with the pole down the center, and she does not think they want to have this aesthetically. She also asked about ditches in the driveways to transfer water, which was discussed at length at the Plan Commission meeting. Mr. Sbiral said that the petitioner tried to clarify that. Commissioner Schnell said she has concerns if the driveway has to be shared.

George Arnold , attorney for the petitioner, said that the petitioner, Patrick Franz, was present.

Patrick Franz said the idea started out simply as his preference to put the garages in the back and have two driveways side by side which may be separated by a swale or grassy area. He said that the driveways do not need to abut.

Commissioner Schnell said that one of the objections to bigger homes is that the front is all garage. Her concern was in trying to have a swale on concrete, but now she understands that this would not be the case. She doesn’t want this to look like a pole, and wants it to blend in with the neighborhood. Stormwater issues need to be addressed. Mr. Arnold said that the stormwater will have to be approved before a building permit is issued. Commissioner Schnell suggested that they work with the neighbors so the community feels it will work for the neighborhood. Mr. Arnold said he has already begun to talk with the neighbors.

Commissioner Sandack said that what is being contemplated is a lot split. Design and driveway is irrelevant at this point. The petitioner is seeking two 60’ lots. Looking at the neighborhood, it shows that this is the only lot that is not split. Approving this would make it consistent with all the lots on the block. The criterion for this petition is simply to apply Section 20-600© of the Code. He feels it clearly does meet the Code and he will vote in favor of this split.

Commissioner Tully said he agrees that the issue is a lot split. The ordinance states that the width should be 75’, but the petitioner can request an exception. The criteria for granting the exception has been met. He asked if this was a true 60’. Mr. Sbiral said it is a true 60’ on both sides. Commissioner Tully said this meets all of the criteria for granting an exception.

Intergovernmental Agreement re: Bike Path. The Manager asked Dave Barber to address this matter.

Mr. Barber said this agreement is between the Village and DuPage County. He said 200’ of the bike path is on Fairview, south of 75th Street. The Village would maintain ownership and do what they already do, such as remove snow from the area.

Commissioner McConnell asked whether there will be additional costs on a long-term basis. Mr. Barber said there would not be. If there is any widening it would be on the shoulder.

TIF Report. The Manager asked Dave Van Vooren, Deputy Village Manager, to address this matter.

Deputy Manager Dave Van Vooren said that the TIF model the Village has been using was prepared by Friedman about four years ago. He reviewed how the TIF model was set up as a spreadsheet with multiple links. He said that the model lists all of the properties, PIN numbers and frozen values of the 1996 TIF properties. There are over 200 PIN numbers in the analysis. He noted that doing this for Ogden Avenue would be extremely complex as it includes many more properties. Mr. Van Vooren used the Morningside Project as a sample project, noting that originally there were two original PIN numbers at a value of $277,000 in 1996. From the assumption sheet, they expected 37 condos to be built at an average sales price of $280,000 generating an assessed Equalized Assessed Valuation (EAV) of $3,400,000.

Mr. Van Vooren said that every project (16 in all) has a project sheet, and when a project is developed the frozen value is removed. There are also pages for outstanding debt that the Village has relative to a specific project, including principal and interest accumulation for the individual debt issues. He stated that staff has not modified the numbers in order to maintain the integrity of the analysis. Mr. Van Vooren also noted that there are assumption tables available to review any specific project, and a means to calculate changes in value based on the year, size, location of the project, and other variables. There is a base EAV in the TIF , which uses an inflation factor of 3.5% growth which drives the general base EAV . The base EAV subtracts the 16 special projects. He then reviewed the method for calculating a revenue stream. He noted that the estimated TIF tax revenue for 2003 is $556,410. The model anticipated it to be over $600,000. Mr. Van Vooren explained the difference in terms of when the properties came on line, the tax rate, etc.

Mr. Van Vooren then reviewed the performance of the TIF , using the Morningside property as a sample again because he has more detail on this property from the Assessor. The assumption was 37 units at $286,000 and a total of $3,452,000. The actual is 38 units including common property, and the anticipated incremental value was $3,486,000. The actual incremental value was $3,544,000, or about $70,000 difference. It showed that the model for this particular year on this project was pretty accurate. He pointed out that the staff uses the assessed values.

Mr. Van Vooren then said that with revenues and debts outstanding, the cumulative total of how the TIF has performed to date is -$34,498,690. He said that the Curtiss Block project will affect this. He noted that the cost of administrative staff, consultant services, and operating costs, etc., are not in the summary sheets.

The Mayor said with regards to Ogden Avenue, he doesn’t want them to go PIN by PIN , but would anticipate adding in site-specific projects, and not every PIN . He wants to make sure the integrity of the model is right to base their assumptions. With the estimate and actual EAV , for 2003, the actual performed less than anticipated. He noted that the estimated revenue was $400,000 and the actual was $484,000, which leads him to question the integrity of the model. Mr. Van Vooren said that you must go to the year before in order to get the accurate figure. The actual EAV and estimated revenue exceeded the estimates. Frozen values change every year. He believes the model is performing well.

The Mayor asked about the actual EAV for 2004, and Mr. Van Vooren said they won’t know that until March 1, 2005.

Mayor Krajewski referenced the audit report and said he would like actual numbers on the spreadsheet. The audit report cumulative to date is off in terms of what is shown. Mr. Van Vooren said they are looking at a massive amount of assumptions. The Mayor said the Friedman model discussed using a portion of sales tax related to the Curtiss Block toward the debt and principal of the bonds. The Council has never discussed what will be set aside, and he believes they need to discuss this.

Mayor Krajewski then asked about assumptions tying in with the projections. He said he had asked previously for the cumulative deficit, and suggested taking out the first two parking contributions since they were not made. He also said that based on his calculations the cumulative deficit will come down. He said it is $2.8 million to date. He asked Mr. Van Vooren to provide additional information regarding loans from other funds to the TIF . Mr. Van Vooren said there is a $200,000 loan from the TIF to the Real Estate Fund. He noted that property taxes in 2002 of $1 million were levied.

In response to the Mayor, Mr. Van Vooren described the assessor’s methods of assessing office buildings by market value and by rent income. The staff calculated the assessment of the Downers Grove Community Bank at $2.50 per square foot assessment.

The Mayor said it looks as though there is a $34 million deficit, and he believes they should plug in assumptions that will cut that deficit in half. Regarding the six footnotes in the back of the report, this was done from the analysis of 2001. At some point in time, some of these should be changed. Mr. Van Vooren responded that the Model includes an inflation factor.

The Mayor asked if the base EAV changes or if the actual EAV changes. He also asked who is the Chair of the Joint Review Board (JRB). Mr. Van Vooren said the Mayor is the appointed Chairman of the JRB . Mayor Krajewski asked about the meeting of the JRB . Mr. Van Vooren said they are completing the reports and will then schedule the meetings. They will have the reports for the current year and the previous years. The annual meeting is to review the reports filed by the State. The Mayor said he would feel more comfortable if the 2002-2003 meeting is scheduled as soon as possible.

Village Attorney Petrarca said there will be one meeting with separate agenda items. Mr. Van Vooren said they will post a notice and hold the meeting as soon as possible. The Mayor said they have to have a meeting by Statute within 272 days after filing the report. So the Ogden Avenue report and the one from 2002-03 for the downtown area which exceeded $100,000 were filed March 31, which means he has to the end of December to comply with the Statute.

The Mayor said he assumed that consulting fees are paid through the bond proceeds. Mr. Van Vooren said that all expenses are funded by Fund 107, the CBD TIF paid for by proceeds or increment. The Mayor said he would like to see the costs. Mr. Van Vooren said there are approximately $200,000 of administrative support costs.

Commissioner Tully asked for an explanation of the negative numbers on the TIF project sheet. Mr. Van Vooren responded that they take the original numbers off the rolls and then add in the new numbers. They are projecting a one-year lag between the two. The model is used to determine the next year’s performance.

Commissioner Sandack said this provides a good snapshot, noting there are hundreds of variables. The numbers will change when the property changes hands. He commented on placing some conservative figure in for purposes of estimates regarding the Curtiss Block. Mr. Van Vooren said that they assume it will be a revenue stream, and he is not opposed to plugging in whatever number the Council wants as long as it is understood that it is merely a random estimated figure.

The Mayor said he had a question related to last year’s abatement of $1,100,000, believing the TIF would generate $800,000 when it actually came in at $556,000. Mr. Van Vooren said that they did not change the model. It was off about 20% the year before, and they felt there would be a larger impact for two major projects. The Mayor said that there appears to be a negative $250,000 in the debt service fund. Mr. Van Vooren said he does not believe it is that large of a negative balance. The Mayor asked if that effects this year’s debt payment. Mr. Van Vooren said the FY2004 debt payment is $1.95 million is to be paid in calendar year 2004. The note for 2005 is $4.5 million. Payments are made in January and July. He will need to verify the figures for the fiscal year. They will need to pick up about $900,000 in 2005 for the bond issues parking fund.

The Mayor then asked if they are any closer to making a decision on the permits in the parking deck for the first quarter. Mr. Van Vooren said he believed that was on the agenda last week for P&T.

Commissioner Tully said that they have to move carefully because if they move too quickly, it might be difficult to change the situation. He does not want to over commit.

Commissioner McConnell said that they have not closed the Curtiss lot yet, and they need to make sure that this is taken into account.


Finance Committee

Commissioner Zabloudil said that the Finance Administrative Committee reviewed the draft management letter based on details of the audit, and they resolved a number of issues.

Public Safety Committee

Commissioner McConnell said that Public Safety will meet on November 30 in the Council Chambers and discuss the impact of the new codes as they relate to fire issues.

Public Services Committee

Commissioner Tully said that the Public Services Committee met today and will meet frequently over the next months as they review the capital improvement plan as it relates to Public Works. He said that the project list was reviewed, and they looked at parking lots, sidewalks, street lights, etc. They are looking at $6.8 million of capital improvements over the next five years.


Manager* * Ginex said that Ann Marie Perez and the Legal Department were instrumental in delivering the first Municipal Prosecutors Seminar in Naperville.


Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting four items to the Council: 1) An ordinance authorizing a special use for Mid-America Bank to permit construction of a drive-through banking facility; 2) An ordinance requiring special use approval for automobile uses; 3) An ordinance approving a lot split with exceptions with regard to lot width for the property commonly known as 4913 Cornell Avenue; 4) A resolution authorizing execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the County of DuPage and the Village of Downers Grove for the Southern DuPage County Regional Trail Green Valley Spur East Bikeway.


Commissioner Zabloudil asked about the status of the sidewalk issue raised by a resident last week. Manager Ginex said that they are looking into this. He said that he has talked with some of the Commissioners on this item.

Commissioner Zabloudil said that they need to respond and get the issue resolve. He said they need to make sure this doesn’t occur again.

Commissioner Tully reviewed that the resident came forward regarding the construction of her sidewalk. She stated the residents were given mistaken information regarding the Village’s ability to install the sidewalk at the Village’s cost. A tree had to be removed and was removed but no sidewalk was installed.

The Mayor asked for a final report and asked whether this will connect to other sidewalks.

Mike Millette said that the sidewalk will connect Chase to Leonard, but not on the west side. There is a north/south sidewalk on the west side. It would cost $1100 for both houses.

Commissioner Sandack said that the Village needs to make this right. A parkway tree was cut down.

Commissioner Tully said if the tree is to be replaced, it should be replaced with a sizeable tree and not a sapling.

Commissioner Schnell agreed that they need to do something to make this right. They need additional information, and she said that the woman should know that the Village is looking into this.

Commissioner Zabloudil wished Downers Grove North good luck in the football final.

Commissioner Sandack extended the same wishes to the team, and reminded the residents of the Hospitality Day and Santa Parade.

Commissioner Schnell echoed the wishes for Downers Grove North, and encouraged the team to enjoy the experience no matter the outcome. She extended Happy Thanksgiving wishes to the community as well.

Both Commissioners McConnell and Urban extended Thanksgiving wishes to the community.

Commissioner Tully reminded everyone that the Hospitality Parade is on November 28 at 1:00 p.m. The Downers Grove South State Soccer Champions will be in the parade, as, hopefully, as will the Trojans. He wishes Happy Thanksgiving to the residents and best wishes to our troops overseas.

The Mayor said that the Downers Grove North team is invited to participate in the parade win or lose. He also reminded everyone that the tree lighting ceremony is at 4:30 p.m.

Mayor Krajewski said that the O’Neill PTA Middle School invited him to be the speaker at their breakfast. He also spoke at the Career Day event at El Sierra School. He congratulated Good Samaritan Hospital on their successful annual fund raiser.

The Mayor said as they go into budget season, he said the Council may want to look at the EDC and spin it off privately. They need to look at the options available


Corina Fallbacher , 5409 Bending Oaks Place, announced that Thursday morning they are having the first Bonfield Express 5K race. Jim Bonfield was a Dean at Downers South, and the race is to raise funds for a scholarship in his name. She invited the community to come out and encourage the participants. She thanked the Village for its support to bring this event to fruition.


Commissioner Tully moved to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Section 2©(1) of the Open Meetings Act to consider personnel, pursuant to Section 2©(6) of the Open Meetings Act to consider setting a price for real estate, and pursuant to Section 2©(5) of the Open Meetings Act to consider the purchase of real estate. Commissioner Urban seconded.

VOTE : YEA – Commissioners Tully, Urban, Zabloudil, Sandack, McConnell, Schnell, Mayor Krajewski

Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session at 9:13 p.m.

April K. Holden Village Clerk tmh

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