November 16, 2004

1. Call to Order

Mayor Brian Krajewski called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Krajewski led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Ron Sandack, Commissioner Stan Urban, Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Martin Tully, Commissioner Mark Zabloudil and Mayor Brian Krajewski Non Voting: Village Manager Riccardo Ginex, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden

Mayor Krajewski said he would like to remind everyone present that the Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC . In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.

The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions on the active agenda items for this evening’s meeting. Following this, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on any subject. Finally, if a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing.

The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. He stated that remarks be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.

The Mayor said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.

3. Minutes of Workshop and Council Meetings

Executive Minutes for Approval Only – October 19, 2004 Council Meeting – November 2, 2004 Workshop Meeting – November 9, 2004 Commissioner McConnell said she would provide two minor corrections to the Village Clerk. Commissioner Tully provided a correcttion to the minutes of November 9, 2004, noting that with regard to the tax levy, a public hearing must be held if the increase resulted in more than 105% of the prior year’s levy. Mayor Krajewski said the minutes would be filed as corrected.

4. Public Comments and Questions

A. Comments and Questions on Active Agenda

1. Joe Rehak, 6301 Carpenter, commented on the petitions for Say No to Walgreens, saying there was no spot on the petition to say “yes.” He said he collected many petitions and no one signed the back which is where they could sign if they wanted to vote yes. Many asked why another Walgreens is needed with the Jewel/Osco at the same intersection. He reviewed some of the comments he received regarding Jewel and how they have been in the area for a long time, do not move out, and do remodel the store. He said the Mayor indicated he received many e-mails from people saying to vote “no” on the Walgreens petition, and he commented that no one made these people e-mail the Mayor. Mr. Rehak said he has signed many petitions over the years that did not provide an option of “yes” or “no.” He disagrees with the manager of the Green Knolls Center, Mr. D’Angelo. Mr. Rehak said he doesn’t understand the problem with the “drop” in the grade, saying Lonestar fit in on that property, but Walgreens won’t. He sees no loyalty on the part of Walgreens. Mr. Rehak then apologized on behalf of the businesses for the bad attitude expressed toward the Mayor. He commented on statements made by Mr. Jim Russ, and said that the citizens voted for the Council to look after the residents of the Village. Mr. Rehak commented that the parking in the back of the Green Knolls center is slippery and dangerous.

2. Terry Madden, 920 60th Place, said he is not against Walgreens, but against the size and orientation of the business for the proposed location. He urged the Council to vote against it. He looked up the Municipal Code and read some excerpts regarding the standards for special uses, noting that this is a neighborhood issue, and the store is not necessary at that location. There is an Osco across the street, and there are four other Walgreens within three miles. He noted that Walgreens will close the store at 75th and Lemont regardless of the outcome of this petition, which must mean it is not necessary. The attitude of Walgreens has caused resentment on the part of the neighborhood of 2000 people. Mr. Madden referenced the detrimental aspects of the proposal, including the fumes affecting outdoor eating areas within the location. He believes the Walgreens will alter the character of the locality because the building will be too large and the drive-through will also have a detrimental effect on the surrounding community. He noted that the Municipal Code repeatedly refers to whether or not a proposal will effect the “neighborhood,” stating that this is a neighborhood issue and the neighborhood would like the Council to support the neighborhood. Walgreens has refused to make changes requested by the Village. He sees this as another Lisle/Meijers store problem. That issue ended with no store being built, and a new Village Council being voted in for Lisle. Mr. Madden then quoted comments made by various Council members in regard to the decision-making process and their role in representing the residents.

3. John Polivka, 6016 Washington, said the issue is variances. If the store did not overpower the site the variances would not be required. To accommodate parking, they will enclose the rear entrance which could result in a future safety concerns by limiting access to the rear of the center. Landscaping requirements will not be enhanced by this proposal, and he questioned whether the stormwater requirements are also being met given the size and location of the building. Mr. Polivka tied this issue into the recent Community Dialogue and asked that the action of the Council support the words of the Council in accepting the Community Dialogue.

4. Dr. Gordon Goodman, 5834 Middaugh, said he had many comments against the proposed Walgreens issue, but wanted to address the parking. He said that as a result of reconfiguring the front parking, and reassigning the parking, 21.3% of the parking has to be behind the building. He noted that no photometric analysis of the back parking area has been submitted, and the only illumination is from a street light on Lane Place. He said there is a dark corner next to the florist’s location. In visiting the site he noted that there are six double-flood lights across the back length which offer poor illumination. He asked that this issue of lighting be taken into account in making a decision. Dr. Goodman noted that the back areas are used for dumpsters and those are not easy to drive around. The illumination of the center must be taken into account. His general opinion is that the proposal should be rejected.

5. David Matthias, 4622 Saratoga, commented on the Architectural Review Board. He is a fourth generation resident of this town. The town was built with diversity which has brought character to the community. He believes that a Board of this type will limit the diversity. He thinks there are other ways to control the architectural development of the town.

6. Phil Mendrick, 6124 Lane Place, said he watched last week’s meeting on Walgreens, stating that the statement made by the attorney for Walgreens’ that there were 50,000 people in the Village and only 2000 are against the development was troublesome to him. Mr. Mendrick said that the statement was ridiculous because only the neighborhood of the proposal should be sampled. The Council represents the residents of the Village, not Walgreens, and the residents have money invested in their neighborhood.

7. Jeff Bilik, 1201 Blanchard Street, said he is a member of the EDC and is a practicing CPA . He fails to see how this project will help economic development in Downers Grove. The pharmacy side will not make a significant difference. He said that Walgreens is trying to build a convenience store, and they will not be helping other stores in this shopping center. Mr. Bilik wondered what the Architectural Review Board would say about this proposal. By the closing of another store, he doesn’t see how this will benefit them economically. He said he hoped the Council would vote against this.

8. Virginia Riordan, 1037 61st Street, said she has no objection to Walgreens, but feels that this proposal is much too big. She believes it is rude of them to turn their backs to the businesses in the center.

9. Laura Duckert, 5560 Main Street, said she is a merchant in the shopping center and still supports the Walgreens. She respects the other residents’ points of view and wishes all could respect each other. Ms. Duckert said she is amazed about the emotion this has been brought to the front and she feels it is basically because this is about change, and no one likes change.

10. Mike Kelch, 5729 Carpenter, said that he believes change is good. The Plan Commission and EDC have spent two years developing plans for blighted areas, and that plan stresses mixed uses. Walgreens does not fit into the dream. Mr. Kelch said that this would be a 20-year commitment in approving the variances. 63rd and Main will not have the opportunity to move into the strategic vision. He said that the question of what will be done at that site will eventually be worked out by another developer who will make something happen. By the Council approving the variances, it is comparable to the Village subsidizing the Walgreens development.

11. Barry Peckhart, 1028 61st Street, said he also reviewed the Municipal Code in terms of granting variations. He then read portions of the Code. In this specific case, the site at one time was capable of producing a viable business, and that being below grade is not unique to this area and can be overcome. There are other businesses that can overcome the grade issue, and the building proposed by Walgreens would be about 30 feet in height. People will know the building is there. As to the essential character of the locale, he said that putting in a 15,000 square foot block building will be out of character. Regarding the portion referring to hardships to owners, Mr. Peckhart said that being below grade is not a substantial hardship. Pricing for the property is set by the owner, and if it is priced too high to draw other businesses, the hardship is caused by the owner.

12. Peter D’Angelo said he is the Manager of the Green Knolls Shopping Center. He spoke with Ken Rathje three years ago about this specific development. Mr. Rathje was tough and recommended reconfiguring the lot and make it a rectangular parcel. Walgreens agreed to that and worked back and forth with staff. They found they had to do underground stormwater detention. He couldn’t understand that because the parcel was less than one acre. Walgreens agreed to participate in the cost of $400,000. When Mr. Rathje left they began to work with Brian Pabst. There were about eight items Walgreens was asked to meet, including changing the loading dock location, and reconfiguring the drive-thru to the north side. They also agreed to additional greenspace and to moving the building on the site back 18 feet. The only two things Walgreens could not do related to size of the building and the building orientation. He noted that every single change personally cost him money, amounting to $110,000. Mr. D’Angelo said that he feels he is reasonably available as his cell phone number is on the sign in the center. Regarding the back parking area, if they add lighting it will be directly effecting the adjacent neighbors. In addition, the dumpsters are not next to the building because people come and set them on fire. He noted this just occurred on Hobson Road, and his shopping center has had two such fires as well. Mr. D’Angelo said he doesn’t think the Walgreens plan is perfect. He wishes they could support another restaurant at that site. The price is high. He does not own the site. Walgreens said they need to build a building that large. Mr. D’Angelo added that only those across 63rd Street can clearly see the potential building. He would like to see this built, however, if it doesn’t get done, someone else who might be more politically acceptable than he is, would still have to come through him.

B. Comments and Questions on General Matters

1. Ms. Lou Kaufman, representing the Morningside Square Condominium Association at 5329 Main Street, was present with Mr. Patrick Anderson, President of the Station Crossing Homeowners’ Association at 965 W. Grove. Ms. Kaufman said some residents were present to support the petition being presented to the Council in opposition to the SSA #2 tax. The petition, signed by 63 registered voters, asked that they be excluded from the SSA #2, which they believe should not be applied to them as part of a residential dwelling. The SSA #2 is a business tax. They believe they should be treated as private homes. The residents support the downtown businesses by their patronage and by the sales tax. They have no need for downtown parking spaces due to their proximity to the CBD .

2. Mr. Anderson also requested exclusion for Station Crossing from the SSA #2 as they are also strictly residential. They believe they should be given refunds for the taxes already paid.

3. Barry Miller referred to page two of the handout distributed to the Council, noting that on page two the $115 SSA #2 shown on his tax bill is the amount received by Downtown Management Corporation. The actual tax he pays is $1,666, 14 times greater than the amount shown on the bill. The difference of $1,551 is given to the Village for its use. He then referred to page 3 which showed the SSA #2 map drawn in 1997. He explained the boundary markings on the map. He said the SSA #2 boundaries exclude private homes, except those with businesses on the first floor. The only exceptions are Morningside Square and Station Crossing. Mr. Miller said that if the Opus Plan presented for the Curtiss Block redevelopment were to be completed as proposed, another 36 residences would be built within the SSA #2 district. Condominiums are simply residential configurations of stacked homes. In the past SSA #2 taxes for private homes were refunded to the owners. They believe no residential properties within SSA #2 district should be taxed to promote downtown businesses or be given to the Village for its use. If the Village is unwilling to exclude condominiums, then in fairness, all residential properties including private homes, apartments, and condominiums should be subject to the same SSA tax.

The Mayor asked how many years are left on the SSA , and Attorney Enza Petrarca said that two year remain. The Mayor asked who does the rebates, and the Village Attorney said she would check into it.

Commissioner Schnell said that at the time this was put into place, they purposely excluded the residences. At the time the SSA was established the Morningside building was a commercial property. She said she believed there was going to be a meeting with the Downtown Management Corporation to discuss the issue. The history behind this was that the properties in question were not residential at the time the SSA was established.

Mayor Krajewski said that he assumed the developers who sold the property to the owners didn’t fully explain this to the residents. He said that the Village is looking into this issue.

4. Pam Goodrich, 6101 Leonard Avenue, said she wrote a letter to Dave Van Vooren regarding the sidewalk on Leonard Avenue. She indicated that they face 61st Street. She read the letter into the record, stating they were told by the Village that it would be 4-5 years before Leonard Avenue would be eligible for a sidewalk. Mr. Vera, her neighbor, said he would like to have a sidewalk on the 61st Street side of his property. Mr. Vera spoke with Mr. Grecco who told him that the owners could share the costs which would be about $1000 to $1500. Further discussion with Mr. Grecco indicated there were funds remaining for the project and he would get back to them. Mr. Grecco then came to their home saying he had received approval to install the sidewalk at no cost, stating again that the Village had come in under budget. Their property was chalk-marked and flagged for utility locations. She said that Mr. Grecco further said that Village employees were prepared to remove a 60’ 20-inch diameter tree from their front yard. They asked how to keep the tree, but were told it could not be kept. After the tree was removed, Mr. Vera had subsequent conversations with Mr. Grecco who said that someone higher up in the Village has rescinded the approval. He now says installing the sidewalk will cost upward of $5000, and offered to have someone from the Village come out and install saplings. Ms. Goodrich said this is totally unacceptable, and they cannot afford this at all. They are a taxpaying family. The Village took their tree, they have no sidewalks, the flags are still there, and they feel as though they have been cheated and lied to. The Village said that they could pay over a period of time for the sidewalk, and they could receive two five-year old saplings in place of the removed tree. She said that she has pictures available, and a copy of the letter has been given to the Clerk.

Mayor Krajewski said that the Council and Village Manager are aware of this. He explained that there is a matrix of sidewalks, and did not understand how they could be moved upward on the sidewalk matrix. Ms. Goodrich said she did not understand how the sidewalks were installed as they do not connect to other sidewalks. The Mayor said that the area was discussed last year as there is a bus stop there. He said that the Village Manager is looking into this.

Commissioner Tully said that there obviously was a mistake made and the Council will look into this.

5. Christine Fregeau, 1918 Elmore, said she is the Vice President of the Education Foundation of District 58. The Rotary Club presented a $4000 check to the District and she wanted to thank the Rotary for their generosity, and to recognize the partnering of various agencies in the community.

Landmark Preservation Council of Illinois

Lisa DiChiera, Director of Advocacy for Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois (LPCI), thanked Commissioner Tully for the invitation to attend the Council meeting. She said that the Council is a 33-year old advocacy organization working on historical preservation advocacy throughout the State of Illinois. They have worked in Downers Grove previously on other homes including the recent threat to the Lyman House. They are happy that issue was resolved, but it is obvious that many residents feel there is a loss of historic preservation. She distributed packets to the Council containing information on certified local governments, of which there are presently 55. The most recent addition to the list is Glen Ellyn. Preservation Ordinances are important planning tools for balancing growth and new construction in residential and commercial areas. Downers Grove is experiencing a lot of growth, as are all the western suburbs.

Ms. DiChiera said in the ‘70s the State of Illinois conducted a survey of architectural resources throughout the United States. There were 196 such properties in Downers Grove at that time, and the list is a sampling of what the State identified many years ago as important and architecturally significant properties. She said that LPCI has a grant program to provide matching funds to communities to conduct their own surveys on historically significant properties. She noted that the Historical Society has done a wonderful job of identifying honorary districts, although honorary districts do not receive protection. A survey conducted by the Historical Society showed a remarkable response of 51% of residents, 91% of whom said preserving the historical character of their neighborhood is important to them. She pointed out that Downers Grove has the opportunity to apply with the National Registry Historical Districts. The National Registry is a designation at the national level to bring some degree of recognition to important properties, and opens an opportunity for tax incentives including preservation easements and rehabilitation grants. The best way of protecting historic properties is at the local level. LPCI is offering their assistance in this matter. She said that the LPCI has funding to assist the community. An article on economic benefits of historical preservation was included in the Council’s packets.

Mayor Krajewski said he listened to her presentation last week at the Historical Society. He said that Hinsdale has a preservation ordinance in place, but it seems to be more educational in nature. He asked if the 55 certified local government communities are mostly recommending bodies to the specific municipalities.

Ms. DiChiera said that a survey was conducted of 55 local landmark Districts, of which a bit more than half have chosen not to have an owner consent clause. The Village Board has final say over objections of the owners, and can protect the property even without consent of the owner. Hinsdale has chosen to get consent of the homeowners.

Commissioner Tully thanked Ms. DiChiera for attending the meeting and for outlining opportunities for preservation. He stated that he feels they should pursue an historical preservation ordinance where owners could voluntarily submit their structures for consideration. He said this would do three things: 1) heighten awareness of the structures; 2) educate the public; and 3) provide a voluntary means for preservation. Commissioner Tully said he would like the Village to conduct a survey to identify the inventory, and he appreciates her willingness to do this. He also would like to pursue the Village becoming a Certified Local Government in Illinois, and asked if the Council had interest in further exploring this.

The Mayor said he is interested in covering this as well as the TIF report in a Council Workshop meeting.

Commissioner McConnell asked what kind of funds are available and what are the uses for those funds. Ms. DiChiera said that there is a wide range of projects, including soft costs, as well as bricks and mortar costs. Funds for non-profits and municipalities for surveys and for National Registry nomination are also available. The grants are generally in matching funds. Costs for the survey generally run about $50 per house. Commissioner McConnell said she would like to pursue options in Downers Grove, but wants to know how to go about doing this. She suggested that Commissioner Tully appears to be willing to be a champion for this project, and Commissioner Tully agreed to take this on.

Commissioner Schnell thanked Ms. DiChiera for coming to the meeting. She feels it needs to be voluntary, and needs to be discussed at the December 4 budget forum as well.

5. Public Hearings

6. Consent Agenda

Mayor Krajewski asked for a motion to remove File ID 00 -01773, a bid to award the purchase of up to 6,000 tons of bulk rock salt and 750 tons of ClearLane from the State of Illinois master contract. Commissioner Tully moved to remove File ID 00 -01773 from the Consent Agenda and to vote on this item separately. Commissioner Urban seconded.

YEA : Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Zabloudil, Commissioner McConnell, Commissioner Schnell, Mayor Krajewski

COR00 -01762 Claim Ordinance: No. 5555, Payroll, October 29, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A

BIL00 -01763 List of Bills Payable: No. 5550, November 16, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A

BID00 -01774 Bid: Award $58,069.31 to Winkler’s Tree & Landscaping, Inc. for Parkway Tree Pruning Contract Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Tree Pruning Passed The Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski

7. Active Agenda

BID00 -01773 Bid: Award Purchase of up to 6,000 Tons of Bulk Rock Salt and 750 Tons of ClearLane from the State of Illinois Master Contract Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: Bulk rock salt – $29.91 per ton ClearLane – $39.54 per ton The Mayor said he will vote against this bid, although staff has already agreed to the terms of purchasing the minimum number of tons through the State. He feels a better plan would have been to purchase 5000 tons through contract. In the future, the Subcommittees should look at these bigger purchases, and the Council should make the final decision.

Commissioner Sandack asked whether they are contractually bound to purchase the amounts, or if they were setting aside those funds.

Dave Barber, Director, Public Works, said that staff put in a preliminary order early in the year, but the actual commitment is what is being approved tonight. The State moves forward based on the Village’s estimated allocation, and the contract is based on the sum of those allocations or requests. This binds the Village to the purchase at $29.91 a ton.

The Mayor said that the Village cannot change the rate at this time, and Mr. Barber said that was correct. The Mayor said that is why the Council should set the contract. The Village is now stuck with purchasing 4800 tons. Mr. Barber said this is based on historical purchases, and the Mayor said that the Village is using more ClearLane now. He would rather have less, than have a lot of salt sitting in the storage shed.

Manager Ginex said that the Village has consistently had 6000 tons of salt going back to 1999. The Mayor said that the point is they are increasing the amount of ClearLane being used.

Commissioner Tully said he is not as concerned about the difference between 5000 and 6000 tons. But he would like to reserve the right to modify the amount. He said it may be a good idea to bring this to a Committee so the Council can review it. They are now aware of the situation and perhaps the Council should retain the right to modify or adjust the contract.

Commissioner McConnell said if they are making a commitment that the State will hold them to, it should come to the appropriate committee first.

Mayor Krajewski said he is concerned about the commitment aspect.

Commissioner Zabloudil said that this should not go to the Public Services Committee, but it could come to a Workshop as an information only item.

Attorney Petrarca said that they are not committed to purchasing any salt at all through this bid. But if they want to go through the State’s prices, they have to purchase 70% of their estimate.

Commissioner Schnell said she liked Commissioner Zabloudil’s idea of this being presented as an information only item. Commissioner Tully agreed with that idea as well. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Approve this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully and Commissioner Zabloudil Nay: Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Salt

ORD00 -01592 Ordinance: Authorize Lot Reconfiguration for the Properties Located at 6202-6248 Main Street and 6250 Main Street, Downers Grove, Illinois Sponsors: Planning and Community Development Summary of Item: This will authorize a lot reconfiguration for the properties located at 6202-6248 Main Street and 6250 Main Street, Downers Grove, Illinois.


ORDINANCE NO . 4625 Commissioner Tully explained that the Council is voting on two ordinances tonight regarding the Walgreens proposal. The first ordinance is a lot reconfiguration. There hasn’t been much discussion regarding the lot reconfiguration; however, the second ordinance requests authorization of a special use and the adoption of a number of variances for a Walgreen’s drive-thru pharmacy and a 14,500 square foot retail facility at the corner of 63rd and Main Street.

Commissioner Zabloudil said he will not vote in favor of this as it is tied to the request. If this passes and the project does not pass, it would result in a reconfiguration of the lot in the future. He’d like it to remain as it is now.

Commissioner Sandack said that the first proposal refers to the Lonestar property which is not owned by the existing shopping center. There are easement issues, access issues, etc. The owners of the Green Knolls Shopping Center have control of the property.

Commissioner Sandack said that this is simply reconfiguring an oval island and allowing it to mesh better with the existing property.

Commissioner Tully asked if the lot is reconfigured, but the other special use and variances are not adopted, would it remain reconfigured to the project as proposed by Walgreens. Attorney Petrarca responded that more than likely if there were a new development they may need another lot reconfiguration.

The Mayor said he won’t vote in favor of the second item, but finds it hard not to vote for the lot reconfiguration. He asked if there will be standing for the petitioner to reconfigure the lot, and Attorney Petrarca said the petitioner has standing to bring both petitions to the Council. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully and Mayor Krajewski Nay: Commissioner Zabloudil Indexes: Lot Reconfiguration

ORD00 -01593 Ordinance: Authorize Special Use at Walgreens, 63rd & Main Streets, to Permit a Drive-Thru (Pharmacy) Window Operated in Conjunction with a 14,500 Square Foot Retail Sales Facility Sponsors: Planning and Community Development Summary of Item: At their meeting of February 16, 2004, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended that a Speical Use be granted for the property located at Main & 63rd Streets to permit a drive-thru (pharmacy) window operated in conjunction with a 14,500 square foot retail sales facility.

AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING SPECIAL USE AT WALGREENS , 63rd & MAIN STREETS , TO PERMIT A DRIVE -THRU (PHARMACY) WINDOW OPERATED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A 14 ,500 SQARE FOOT RETAIL SALES FACILITY Mayor Krajewski thanked the residents throughout this long process. There have been substantial changes to the original petition before the Plan Commission. If it was as simple as voting based on resident input, he noted that there were a number of e-mails and telephone calls received in opposition to the proposal. The Village received an FOIA request for e-mails of support. He said it is the right of citizens to vote the Council out of office. The Council has to look at the criteria of the Village ordinances and the standards for granting the variances. If they are satisfied that the petition meets all of the standards, they must approve the special use. If the evidence does not meet the requirements, the ordinance is disapproved. He thanked the residents again for their input, and said that e-mails were received over the days asking the Council members to clearly explain their votes.

Commissioner McConnell thanked the staff and the Commission for looking at this request. The Council has spent significant time and energy on this. Good information has been provided. While she could not respond directly to everyone, she has read each of the communications received. She noted that she lives one block away from the area, and would be able to be a “Not in My Backyard” person. She said she believes that the requirements have been met and will vote in favor of this request. She thanked the residents for the comments. Some comments were inappropriate and not acceptable in the Village. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and input as long as it is done respectfully. She said there will be other issues in the future, and hoped that the comments of residents and public officials will be made respectfully.

Commissioner Urban thanked the residents for their input and the time they have spent attending meetings and writing handwritten letters or e-mails. He was elected to serve this community as a whole. He also thanked the business owners for their input which was beneficial, as well as staff for answering all the questions put to them by everyone. He said that Mr. D’Angelo brought up an interesting point that they need to strike a balance in the community, whether it is the community at large or the community of that specific neighborhood. They must look at the pros and cons of any project, knowing they cannot make everyone happy. He has heard things about it being too close to the Osco, or has insufficient green space, or inappropriate orientation. There is precedence where the back of one business faces the front side of another. He pointed out Family Video at Maple and Belmont Avenue as an example. Commissioner Urban said that he thinks Walgreens is a reputable company and he sees no problem with the proposed orientation. He realizes that there were 1400 or 1500 signatures on the petition regarding the size of the building. He also heard from a number of merchants in that mall, and the majority of them were in favor of it. He is looking for a balance. He believes all requirements have been satisfied by the petitioner. In regard to respectful input, he asked that residents be respectful, and said he will vote in favor of this request.

Commissioner Tully said he will not support the Ordinance, and that he has articulated his reasons in the past. He does not believe that it meets the criteria set in the Ordinance. He said that obviously they need to be mindful of what the Ordinance says and of what is best for the community. The Ordinances relevant here afford the Council a fair amount of discretion because they concern special use requests and variances – significant variances. He has no problem with granting variances if they make sense. The Ordinance was amended to allow for variances in projects where they make sense. He is not sure these specific variances make sense. He noted that change is inevitable, and in short he thinks that the Council can and should do better than this proposal. This is not about Walgreens. They have a business model they want to apply and that is their right. But the Village Council and community have the right to say this is not what we want here.

The Mayor said that Commissioner Tully is the only Commissioner who has spoken on the standards throughout the review of this proposal. The Mayor noted that Plan J was originally submitted to the Plan Commission and was recommended to the Village Council with one dissenting vote by a Commissioner who felt that petitioners should be told to do it our way. Today they are looking at Plan J-6-B after a number of changes. The Council has the authority after receiving a recommendation to make modifications and changes. These changes were introduced by the Council, and not seen by the Plan Commission. He said he argued repeatedly that this petition should have gone back to the Plan Commission for them to properly look at J-6-B. He said he also looked at the special use standards for approval. He reviewed the four standards for granting a special use under the Municipal Code 28-1902. The use is specific to the district in which it is to be located. In terms of complying with the zoning, the Mayor said it does comply with the zoning in the area, subject to being granted the variations; however, the petitioner does not satisfy the criteria for the variances. As to the necessity and desirability of the use at the specific location, the Mayor said that Walgreens said they have placed several drive-thrus in the community, however staff could only find one, and that was one of the factors Walgreens gave for this project being necessary and desirable. There are no drive-thrus on 63rd Street.

Mayor Krajewski said that he is concerned about the safety issue of the drive-thru and the poor lighting behind the businesses. He asked for the traffic report and no traffic report was presented for the north side of the building, as it was originally presented on the east side. He does not see the criteria of safety as having been met. He referenced Commissioner Schnell’s statement that the Village has leeway when applying special use permits. And he noted that the property manager said earlier that they have been meeting with staff for three years. The ordinance that made this special use a possibility was not passed until September 2003. He said that variances can go too far. There are guidelines established for setbacks and green space. The Mayor said that in regard to the condition that the property would be unable to yield a reasonable return, Mr. Babcock, the property owner, at the Plan Commission meeting acknowledged that the shopping center does not need Walgreens to stay economically viable. In regard to the plight of the owner being caused by unique circumstances, the Mayor said that the cost of the property has caused the problem. He is also concerned with the fact that this is a nonconforming parcel, and granting variances will make this a legally non-conforming piece of property. Regarding altering the character of the area, he feels that the size of the building, and its orientation on the site both alter the character of that particular shopping center. The Mayor said he believes that they can do better. He thanked the residents for pointing out that there are numerous Walgreens that have conformed to requirements in other communities. It was that Walgreens would not, not that they could not comply. He specified that he would vote no on this proposal. He apologized for not speaking to the specific criteria earlier. It simply seemed obvious from the residents’ standpoint that this was not right for the area.

Commissioner Zabloudil said it is clear where he stands on this. They need to keep this in perspective and decide whether the petitioner has met the requirements. In his opinion the petitioner has not met the criteria established. He believes it is important to take the residents’ views into account. The Council is elected at large and needs to look at the community at large. This issue should be taken seriously, and they must look at the impact on the whole community. He will not vote in support of this issue. He received an e-mail this weekend highlighting the orientation of the building.

The Mayor asked that staff show the slide depicting the orientation as submitted in that e-mail. It showed the current vacant parcel, and then the drive-thru and building orientation. He said that this depiction shows that the safety issue must be addressed.

Commissioner Zabloudil said that he has identified several other Walgreens which were oriented to meet the requirements of other communities.

Commissioner Sandack said that this has been an elongated process which became overheated and sometimes it was difficult to remain objective. He said that the issues need to be tackled on the merits, and not on personalization of issues. He said that out of disagreement comes good ideas. He takes a different perspective on this. Many residents have spoken on the propriety of the proposal. He respects those who have opined on this project. But doing things simply because of resident input is not sufficient. The building orientation is not a criteria for the project, nor is the size. The size fits under the Village’s Code. If they moved the building to face another way there would still be variations to consider. The reason they are talking about this proposal is because the Council adjusted variation requirements for this proposal in September 2003. This property was the driving force. There was a thoughtful search for how to put unique property to good use. This property has been vacant for almost four years. He said that the concern for the Council is to look at the Zoning Codes and it is not enough to say “I don’t want Walgreens.” The petitioner has the right to bring forth a proposal. The Plan Commission voted in favor of the 14,500 square foot building facing south. The orientation and size are not Code issues or variance issues. The petitioner has asked for a green space variance. There is no green space there now and any green space at all is a bonus. He believes they have made substantial landscape plans. Regarding the parking, the amount of parking meets the criteria. Businesses in that shopping center have borrowed spaces that used to be Lonestar spaces. In terms of special uses, the Village grants them for banks, Walgreens, CVS , and for drive-thru facilities regularly. The criteria is specified in Section 28-1902, which he then read. In terms of being necessary or desirable, Walgreens is not doing anything illicit or illegal. The second condition is that the proposed use is not detrimental to the area. He noted that businesses in Green Knolls are entitled to have their opinions, and they have overwhelmingly said they are in favor of this project. It is a destination draw. The third criterion is that the proposed use will comply with regulations specified for the district in which it is located. He said that the Village regularly grants drive-thrus in commercial zoning districts.

As to the variations, Commissioner Sandack said that Section 28-1803 specifies the standards for granting variations. Orientation and building size are not issues of variation. Variations shall be permitted if the Zoning Board of Appeals or Plan Commission finds that it is in harmony with the general provisions and interests of the Zoning Ordinance, and there are particular difficulties or general hardships in carrying out the letter of the law. He said that the proof that this is a unique property is that it is still vacant, and clearly there is a hardship. Commissioner Sandack said that he disagrees that Lonestar has done anything other than put the property up for sale. This is a commercial area, and if they cannot put a retail facility in that location they can’t put anything there. They are talking about a good retailer who will pay taxes and will help neighbors generate taxes. He noted that the petitioner has come before the Council multiple times and has been cooperative. The only two things they will not do is change the orientation and the size. They have done everything else they have been asked to do by the Village. He sees this as a unique property and will vote in favor of this.

Commissioner Schnell said there have been many controversial issues debated during her years on the Village Council. The process works because residents feel comfortable discussing their opinions and concerns over special issues without fear of reprisal. Unfortunately, with the debate over the Walgreens the process seems to have brought the residents down and the issues have taken on a life of their own. Politics have gotten in the way of good government and good citizenship. She said they need to work as a community to listen to all points of view while having the right and obligation to express your own opinion. Resident input is the backbone of the Council’s decision-making process, and everyone should feel they have the opportunity to publicly express their views. The issue of whether or not Walgreens should be built is a complex one that has been before the Council for many months. They have seen several revisions to the plan originally presented to the Plan Commission. There has been a Community Dialogue where the residents discussed many issues raised by this petition. She said that she has serious reservations about the safety of this development, particularly pedestrian access safety. Two types of variations have been requested which have been granted before, but they need to be assessed in this specific case. There is a difference of opinion on the Council as to whether this is appropriate to the development of the shopping center. She believes that difference mirrors the opinions of the community. She has spent countless hours walking the site and reviewing the data and comments made by the public. She appreciates the input. As a Council member she has always voted as to what she truly believes would be in the best interests of the community, and for that reason she will vote no on the development. A motion was made by Commissioner Urban to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion failed by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack and Commissioner Urban Nay: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Special Use – 63rd & Main Streets

MOT00 -01775 Motion: Authorize Execution of Contract Change Order #18 in the amount of $2,865.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Facility, Project #14-00 Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize execution of contract Change Order #18 in the amount of $2,865 for the CBD Parking Deck Project to provide an additional Miradrain drain for the north foundation wall and provide for cored holes in precast panels for exterior lighting wires.

Motion to authorize execution of Change Order #18 in the Amount of $2,865.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Deck Facility, Project #14-00. Commissioner Urban recused himself from this matter as well as Change Order #19 and the resolution regarding the Appearance Code as he is a lease holder in the CBD TIF District. A motion was made, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Central Business District – Parking Deck

MOT00 -01776 Motion: Authorize Execution of Contract Change Order #19 in the amount of $5,786.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Facility, Project #14-00 Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize execution of contract Change Order #19 in the amount of $5,786 for the CBD Parking Deck Project based upon extra work and changes in the contract documents.

Motion to authorize execution of Change Order #19 in the amount of $5,786.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Deck Facility, Project #14-00. A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Sandack, to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Central Business District – Parking Deck

RES00 -01778 Resolution: Suspend Enforcement of Certain Provisions of the Appearance Code re: Portable Sandwich-Board Signs Sponsors: Village Attorney Summary of Item: This will suspend restricitions for placing signs on the public right-of-way in the Central Design Area for the months of November and December 2004.


RESOLUTION 2004 -71 Commissioner Schnell commented that when guidelines are prepared she wanted to be sure that language addresses the needs of the disabled to avoid accidents caused by the improper placement of the signs.

Commissioner Tully said in communicating with Linda Kunze of the Downtown Management Corporation, the language was revised in paragraph 7 regarding no placement of signs where the width of the paved area for pedestrian passage is reduced to less than five feet. This is for 60 days. He asked about marked crosswalks. He proposed an amendment.

Attorney Petrarca said this will be taken care of administratively. The Council is voting on the resolution to suspend enforcement of provisions of the appearance code as it relates to sandwich board signs.

Commissioner Schnell clarified that they still need to specifically state the location of the sandwich boards to address safety concerns of the disabled. A motion was made by Commissioner Sandack, seconded by Commissioner Zabloudil, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Zoning Ordinance – Signs

RES00 -01777 Resolution: Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Employee Benefit Technology Systems Sponsors: Human Resources Summary of Item: This will authorize an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Employee Benefit Technology Systems, LLC d/b/a America’s VEBA Solution, for the administration of a health benefit savings plan.


RESOLUTION 2004 -72 A motion was made by Commissioner Zabloudil, seconded by Commissioner Tully, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Employee Benefits

RES00 -01780 Resolution: Establish the Downers Grove Architectural Design Review Board Sponsors: Planning and Community Development and Village Attorney Summary of Item: This will establish an Architectural Design Review Board.


RESOLUTION 2004 -73 Commissioner McConnell asked what the difference was in what the Council received in the packet and what was left for the Council earlier in the evening. Attorney Petrarca said that there were changes made regarding historical preservation measures.

Commissioner Tully said it is not the intention of this Resolution to mandate architectural requirements. It is a recommending board to explore the issue of any regulations that might be put in place.

Commissioner Sandack said they should establish clear-cut duties for the Board. If they think a permanent Board should be empowered they should do that up front.

Attorney Petrarca said that currently they have an Appearance Code regulating the architectural review, and a Design Review Board with its own design guidelines for the downtown area. She purposely made this board temporary because she anticipates that this board will evaluate the entire system and recommend what to do with the other board, and properly amend the Code.

Commissioner Tully said that they need a group that has training and experience in architecture and historical preservation. He does not see this as an abdication of power. He agrees with Commissioner Sandack that they could provide more direction to the Board. Commissioner Tully said he has no problem in creating this Board. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Nay: Commissioner Sandack Indexes: Boards and Commissions, Architectural Design Review Board

RES00 -01781 Resolution: Authorize Submittal of Grant Application to the Hinsdale Center for the Arts for FY 2005 Community Arts Access Regrant Program Sponsors: Tourism and Events Commission Summary of Item: This will authorize submittal of a grant application for the FY 2005 Community Arts Access Regranting Program for funding in the amount of $900.00 for the support of three performances by the Midwest Ballet theatre in conjunction with the Downers Grove Heritage Festival.


RESOLUTION 2004 -74 A motion was made by Commissioner Urban to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Hinsdale Center for the Arts, Heritage Festival 2005

MOT00 -01782 Motion: Estimate 2004 Tax Levy Sponsors: Finance Summary of Item: Motion to find and determine that the aggregate levy for the Village of Downers Grove, as defined in the Illinois Truth and Taxation Law, estimated to be necessary to be raised by taxation for 2004 upon the taxable property in Downers Grove is $14,100,981. This amount is based upon an estimated levy of $2,519,429 for corporate and police; $2,378,252 for fire; $866,178 for police pension; $1,435,168 for fire pension; $3,136,763 for library operating; $382,885 for 1996 library debt service; $273,068 for the 2003 library debt service; $270,570 for Fairview Avenue debt service; $412,465 for Central Business District 1999 Series debt service; $409,269 for Central Business District 2000 Series debt service; and $300,763 for Central Business District 2001 Series debt service; and $264,733 for Central Business District 2002 Series debt service; $514,678 for G.O. Water Issue 2001A debt service; and $680,665 for Central Business District 2003A debt service. The estimated levy for Special Service Area #1, Brick Street Special Service Area is $7,424. The estimated levy for Special Service Area #2, CBD Special Service Area, is $240,000. The estimated levy for Special Service Area #3, Prince Pond Special Service Area, is $8,671. A public hearing will be held on these proposed levies on December 7, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Council Chambers. The adoption of the proposed levies will be held on December 21, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Village Council Chambers. Commissioner McConnell requested clarification that the numbers are based on the current rate versus the current dollars, and the Mayor said that was correct.

Commissioner Tully said this is the estimate of the tax levy for 2004. There will be a public hearing on this issue and the adoption of the proposed levies will take place on December 21. He is not in support of adopting this levy. It is the same rate but translates into a tax increase in terms of dollars. He is not in favor of increasing the total dollar amount of the levy. He would support holding the dollars flat which would represent lowering the levy.

Commissioner Schnell said she will support it because they have the ability to abate if necessary. It keeps the rate the same as last year which is important to her. She needs to hear from the community on December 4 before they lock into something. She said that the community needs to understand what the costs are, and the Council needs their input. She encouraged residents to come on December 4 and voice their concerns.

Commissioner Sandack said that this topic is more gigantic than Walgreens and he hoped it receives half the amount of participation because that would be a good input into a vital topic. He said that they are talking about a stable revenue source versus consumption taxes for the provision of essential Village services. Some time ago police and fire costs were covered by property taxes, but that is no longer the case. He reviewed other costs such as insurance, pensions levies, etc. that are not in the Council’s control. He said that discussion has to be held as to what the community wants.

The Mayor said he will not support this. He said the levy represents an 8.46% increase in property taxes for the Village, which is a substantial increase. Many other entities have stopgaps. Although this will help generate more dollars, he did not support the last two abatements. Keeping the dollar amount the same is a tax increase based on what last year’s number should have been. This is a stable revenue source and the Village has been low in what they tax the residents on property as compared to some neighboring communities. He said that they have more than doubled the rate in the past three years. He encouraged the residents to attend the public hearing on this issue. He believes there needs to be a reallocation of where the Village is spending its money. They have too long ignored the needs regarding the Village infrastructure. The Council is making decisions based on information being given to them. He said they cannot be given inaccurate information. They need accurate financial numbers. He keeps asking how the numbers are being prepared before they are being presented to the Council, and he still has not received an answer to the question. He wants to keep the dollars the same, but is having less confidence in numbers. He feels that the numbers being given to him are faulty.

Commissioner Tully said that public input is critical in this process. The residents need to understand the costs, the revenue streams, and express what they want to see more or less of. Some things are beyond the Village’s control such as pension levies etc. He noted that the “box” keeps growing, but they cannot allow it to keep growing. He believes reallocation can be done and should be done. This concerns the entire Village of Downers Grove and its future. A motion was made, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell and Commissioner Zabloudil Nay: Commissioner Tully and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Tax Levy – 2004/05

RES00 -01784 Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Subdivision for the Fairway Court Subdivision with Exceptions Sponsors: Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 16, 2004, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision for the Fairway Court Subdivision with exceptions.


RESOLUTION 2004 -75 Commissioner McConnell said she would vote no on this development. She said that Ponstein is an excellent builder. She is voting no due to the exception being requested to the Plan.

Commissioner Schnell said she is also voting against this. She thought it was not consistent with the neighborhood. A motion was made by Commissioner Sandack, seconded by Commissioner Zabloudil, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Nay: Commissioner Urban and Commissioner Schnell Indexes: Subdivision – Fairway Court

ORD00 -01783 Ordinance: Amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Sponsors: Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of September 20, 2004, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended adoption of this ordinance amending the Comprehensive Land Use Map.


ORDINANCE NO . 4626 Commissioner Schnell said she has some problems with the Court-ordered parcels being shown as commercial, as she does not think those classifications are appropriate. A motion was made by Commissioner Zabloudil, seconded by Commissioner Tully, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Nay: Commissioner Schnell Indexes: Future Land Use Plan

8. Mayor’s Report

Materials to be Received – Minutes

Community Grants Commission – October 6 & 20, 2004 Library Board – October 13, 2004 Liquor Commission – October 7, 2004 Public Safety Committee – August 3, 2004 Sign Committee – October 26, 2004 Transportation Advisory Commission – September 16, 2004 A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Note Receipt Of this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Materials to be Received – Monthly Reports

New Business

Mayor Krajewski said that he wants to have a TIF analysis done in the next few months. They need to be looking at it seriously.

Commissioner Zabloudil said it was reviewed earlier this evening by the Finance Committee and information will come from the Deputy Village Manager to the Council.

The Mayor said that he’d like the Council to look at the taxicab subsidies allowing people who live in senior housing, or who are unable to drive to get their groceries or doctor appointments. They also go to cultural events which had been subsidized by HUD . HUD has cut their subsidy and he would like to look at continuing it.

Commissioner Zabloudil said they looked at this tonight as well. They’ve asked for additional information from staff.

Mayor Krajewski then said regarding the budget hearings, the various departments need to report on all the programs they are doing within their groups and the associated costs.

9. Manager’s Report

Manager Ginex said that Mary Scalzetti attended the International Festival and Events Association meeting in Boston and received three awards, including two gold awards. The gold awards were for the 2003 on-site Heritage Festival taping, and for the TV promotion for the 2004 Heritage Festival promo. A bronze award was received for the best street banner. He congratulated Mary and her staff, and Doug and his staff.

The Manager said that Sue Brassfield in Finance is looking at developing a cost analysis of the Village’s current administrative fees and making recommendations for changes.

Manager Ginex said that in 2003 the police registered 85 bikes in the program to allow individuals to register their bikes over the Internet. So far this year 186 bikes have been registered over the Internet.

The Manager said the Public Works Department Pipeline reported that the first round of hydrant flushing has been completed, and 186 trees were planted in November by the Department of Forestry.

10. Attorney’s Report

Future Active Agenda

11.Committee Standing Reports

Finance Committee

Commissioner Zabloudil said the Committee also reviewed the 2003-04 audit report. He asked that action plans be very specific indicating the people assigned to various plans put in place.

Public Services Committee

Commissioner Tully said that Public Services met this evening and discussed the 2004-05 capital improvements projects from the public works standpoint. He asked that Dave Barber provide the update to each member of the Council. Work was approved with respect to dredging St. Joseph’s Creek, but it will not be done this year. The money that would have been used for this will be used to update the Stormwater Master plan, as it was anticipated that additional funds would be needed for this project even though the estimated amount will be less than what was originally expected.

In regard to the roadway maintenance program. Commissioner Tully said bids were submitted in July for about $2 million. The timing is presenting problems, and they may need to do this earlier next year. Also, the Requests for Qualifications have been sent out regarding Ogden Avenue, and the award may be made in December or January. Construction is anticipated in 2007. They need to look next at what projects need to be addressed concerning infrastructure maintenance.

12.Council Member Reports and New Business

Commissioner Sandack urged residents to participate in the budget process and attend the December 4 meeting.

Commissioner Schnell said that Character Counts was present at the Rotary Luncheon and she thanked the Rotary for the $4000 donation toward character education in the Village. She said the Rotary came before the Council regarding doing a parking deck mural and there will be future meetings regarding this.

Commissioner Tully reminded the residents that the Coffee with the Council meets on November 20 at 9:00 a.m. at the Public Works Facility at 5101 Walnut.

The Mayor commented on the income tax, which was projected to be about 4% above budget. The report they received today shows however that they are 5% below budget. Secondly, regarding the Home Rule Sales Tax, it was projected to be 2% above budget, and as of October it is 10% above budget.

The Mayor then noted that the City of Chicago is attempting to raise money and is considering dog licenses. Attorney Petrarca said that was part of Sue Brassfield’s cost analysis. The Mayor said he doesn’t support licensing dogs.

Mayor Krajewski then thanked the YMCA for a very successful fashion show. He said that the Immanuel Residence had a great event as well. The American Legion had a Memorial Service to dedicate two howitzers to the Legion, and they are looking at getting a tank as well.

The Mayor said that the Village Council is moving forward with Opus to reach a redevelopment agreement within the next 60 days to design something in line with community input. He said a press release went out yesterday, and is also on the website.

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Tully moved to adjourn. Commissioner Urban seconded.

VOTE : YEA – Commissioners Tully, Urban, Sandack, Zabloudil, McConnell, Schnell, Mayor Krajewski

Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m

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