- Customer Self Service (CSS)
- FOIA Requests
- Food Trucks
- Garbage and Recycling
- Historic Preservation
- Map Services
- Parking
- Permits
- Public Safety Education
- Self-Inspection Checklist
- Service Requests
- Snow and Ice Removal
- Social Services Referrals
- Street Maintenance
- Stormwater Management
- Stormwater Utility
Tree Maintenance
- Utility Bill
- Vendor Self Services
Tree Maintenance
Our professional Forestry staff manage and maintain 23,000 trees on land owned by the Village. Care includes removing damaged or diseased trees, regular pruning and planting new trees and beautifying the municipal landscape.
Storm Damage
The Village is responsible for the removal of fallen branches and debris from trees located on Village property.
Property owners are responsible for trees on their private property, including removal of debris as the result of storms. Residents may dispose of tree debris through the Village’s collection program for garbage, recycling and yard waste, or hire a licensed tree company.
What's the best way to apply mulch?

- Avoid placing mulch against the tree trunk. This can lead to trunk decay.
- Mulch should be about 4' deep. Refresh the appearance of older mulch by raking it, instead of adding more.
- When adding mulch around a tree, the circumference are should extend out to a tree’s drip line when possible.
Does the Village offer mulch?

The Village has free woodchips available at a fenced pickup site located on the north side of Curtiss St. at the intersection of Katrine St. Hours are dawn to dusk Mon-Fri, and Saturdays and Sundays from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Residents are welcome to take the amounts they need using their own transport. Delivery is not available.
What is a tree gator?

A TreeGator® is a 20-gallon plastic reservoir that attaches around the trunk of the tree that can be easily filled with a garden hose. Small holes in the bottom allow water to slowly trickle out, encouragin deep root growth.
Residents may have one TreeGator® for each new tree planted in the parkway, at no cost
Village Forestry
2024 Cicada Emergence
This year, the Chicago region will see a remarkable natural phenomenon that only occurs once in 17 years: an emergence of periodical cicadas.
Learn more from the Morton Arboretum.

Licensed Tree Removal Companies
Companies performing tree removal in the Village of Downers Grove need to have a tree removal license per the Municipal Code.

Tree Pruning
Tree Pruning will begin February 20, 2024, and continue through June.
Watch this video to learn more about the tree pruning cycle and visit the Pruning Map to see areas to be completed.
Village Forestry
2024 Cicada Emergence

This year, the Chicago region will see a remarkable natural phenomenon that only occurs once in 17 years: an emergence of periodical cicadas.
Learn more from the Morton Arboretum.
Licensed Tree Removal Companies

Companies performing tree removal in the Village of Downers Grove need to have a tree removal license per the Municipal Code.
Tree Pruning
Tree Pruning will begin February 20, 2024, and continue through June.
Watch this video to learn more about the tree pruning cycle and visit the Pruning Map to see areas to be completed.
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