December 21, 2021
1. Call to Order
Mayor Barnett called to order the Village Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led those in the room in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He explained the protocol for the meeting and the guidelines to submit public comment.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Mayor Barnett, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Kulovany, Commissioner Gilmartin, Commissioner Glover
Council Attendance (Not Present): None
Non-Voting: Village Manager Dave Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, and Deputy Village Clerk Emily Tompkins
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2021-9250- A. Minutes: Village Council Meeting Minutes - December 14, 2021
Summary: Village Council Meeting Minutes -December14, 2021
MOTION: To adopt the meeting minutes of the December 14, 2021 meeting, as presented.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
4. Public Comment
Jim Kelly, resident
- Complaint about cars racing in parking garage. Requesting PD surveillance/enforcement.
Marshall Schmitt of 4923 Seeley Ave
- Requesting Council dialogue with residents regarding the Longfellow property sale regarding zoning ordinance and overbuilding in the Village; FOIA requests have been responded to; Manager Fieldman and Attorney Petrarca have been responsive.
- Not in favor of approval of current Longfellow development.
David Rose, resident
- Requesting Council make reexamine handling of electronic remarks, email, and discussion at coffee with the council to make them more publicly available.
- Not in favor of encouraging all people to get a COVID vaccine; in favor of expanded testing.
- Concurs with Marshall Schmitt's comments.
5. Mayor's Report
Mayor Barnett commented about the Longfellow situation. The Village does not own Longfellow and the Council is not selling Longfellow. The Mayor addressed the mischaracterization of his comments from the previous week regarding the public health issue; he is not trying to be a health expert, but tries to be an additional outlet for data, information, recommendations, and best practices from the Health Department. He reported on the Health Department meeting last week which he attended and was held for all the mayors. The points were not that the vaccine prevented disease, but that vaccinations seem to be the best defense against bad outcomes. 95% of the bad outcomes in DuPage County have been from unvaccinated individuals. Most important was his comment at the end which stated "Please talk with your doctor". What Mayor Barnett and the DuPage County Health Department are saying is that the epidemic is not over, is a serious issue, and there are opportunities to mitigate the effects of it. There are opportunities for therapies for those infected. Instead of taking advice from the internet, speak with your doctor.
RES 2021-9234 - D. Resolution: Appointing and Reappointing Members to Boards and Commissions RES 2021-94
Summary: This resolution appoints and reappoints members to boards and commissions.
MOTION: To adopt a resolution appointing and reappointing members to Village Boards & Commissions, as presented.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by roll call.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
NAYES: none
Council Comments/Questions:
Commissioner Kulovany: Excited about the list, reviewed candidates and spoke with 7 of them, thinks Village is moving forward with balanced representation on the boards and commissions. These are volunteer positions that Council appreciates.
Commissioner Gilmartin: Thank you to all who applied to be on a board or commission.
Mayor Barnett: Boards and Commissions serve a valuable role to the Village increasing input and opportunity for public hearings on subject matters. They are an important part of Village government. It is also an opportunity for people to be involved. Encourages everyone to take a look at the boards and commission section on the Village website and to apply if interested in volunteering. Residents and boards and commissions input is valuable. Thank you to colleagues for helping with this process.
6. Consent Agenda
BIL 2021-9259 - A. Bills Payable: No. 6638 - December 22, 2021
Summary: No. 6638 - December 22, 2021
COR 2021-9258 - B. Claims Ordinance: No. 6437, Payroll - November 19, 2021 and December 03, 2021
Summary: No. 6437, Payroll - November 19, 2021 and December 03, 2021
MIN 2021-9262 - C. Minutes: Note Receipt of Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes
Summary: Note Receipt of Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes - Foreign Fire Insurance Board, 09-23-2021
RES 2021-9267 - D. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with Peterbuilt Illinois d/b/a JX Truck Center of Bolingbrook, IL, in the Amount of $164,419.24 for the Purchase of One Peterbuilt 348 Snow Plow Truck RES #2021-90
Summary: This resolution authorizes an agreement with Peterbuilt Illinois d/b/a JX Truck Center of Bolingbrook, IL, in the amount of $164,419.24 for the purchase of one Peterbuilt 348 Snow Plow Truck.
MOT 2021-9265 - E. Motion: Authorize a 3.8% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Manager Effective January 1, 2022
Summary: This motion authorizes a 3.8% Annual Salary increase to the Village Manager's salary effective January 1, 2022
MOT 2021-9266 - F. Motion: Authorize a 12.2% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Attorney effective January 1, 2022
Summary: This motion authorizes a 12.2% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Attorney effective January 1, 2022.
MOTION: To adopt all items on the Consent Agenda, as presented.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
NAYES none
7. Active Agenda
ORD 2021-9177 - A. Ordinance: Amend the Rates Charged for Water ORD #5809 Summary: This ordinance amends rates charged for water.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Walus
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Hosé
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
ORD 2021-9178 - B. Ordinance: Amend the 2022 Stormwater Utility Rates ORD #5810
Summary: This ordinance amends the 2022 Stormwater Utility Rates.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
MOT 2021-9218 - C. Motion: Authorize 2022 Annual Funding of $430,000.00 to the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to fund operations.
Summary: This motion authorizes 2022 Annual Funding of $430,000.00 to the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to fund operations.
MOTION: To adopt a Motion authorizing 2022 annual funding of $430,000.00 to the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation to fund operations.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
MOT 2021-9217 - D. Motion: Authorize 2022 Annual Funding of $400,000.00 to the Downtown Management Corporation to Fund Operations
Summary: This motion authorizes 2022 Annual Funding of $400,000.00 to the Downtown Management Corporation to fund operations.
MOTION: To adopt a Motion authorizing 2022 annual funding of $400,000.00 to the Downtown Management Corporation to fund operations.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
RES 2021-9224 - E. Resolution: Amend the Trust Investment Policy for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB). RES #2021-91
Summary: This resolution amending the Trust Investment Policy for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB).
MOTION: To approve a Resolution Adopting Amendments to Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust Investment Policy. RES #2021-91
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
RES 2021-9225 - F. Resolution: Amend the Cash Management and Investment Policy RES #2021-92
Summary: This resolution amends the Cash Management and Investment Policy.
MOTION: To approve a Resolution Adopting Amendments to the Village Council Cash Management and Investment Policy. RES #2021-92
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
RES 2021-9223 - G. Resolution: Amend Certain Purchasing Provisions as Official Village Policy RES #2021-93
Summary: This resolution amends certain purchasing provisions as official Village policy.
MOTION: To adopt a Resolution Amending Certain Purchasing Provisions as Official Village Policy. RES #2021-93
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
8. First Reading
No first reading items on tonight's agenda.
9. Manager's Report
Forest and Prairie Update:
Village Manager David Fieldman introduced the presentation and monthly report on the intersection of Forest & Prairie and a related item.
The Village Council has directed staff to work on two objectives.
- Make efforts to reduce frequency and severity of vehicle crashes at the intersection of Prairie & Forest.
Temporary measures are in place and staff is doing monthly reports.
- Reduce speeds on Forest from Prairie to Franklin.
Staff is taking this work to the Transportation & Parking Commission (TAP) in January of 2022. TAP will give their consideration and recommendations on ways to reduce speeds on that street. TAP will then bring their recommendations and staff recommendations to the Council in February 2022.
Andy Sikich, Director of Public Works presented the 3rd monthly update on traffic control measures at the intersection of Prairie & Forest. The presentation is available here.
Additional traffic counts taken by staff in December key points:
- Traffic volume on Prairie held steady in December and continues to be around 77% of pre-improvement level.
- Speeds on Prairie remain significantly lower than before the improvements.
- There have continued to be no reported crashes since before the temporary improvements were installed and no reported backups onto Main St.
- Traffic volumes and speeds on surrounding streets have principally returned to pre-improvement levels.
Council/Mayor Comments/Questions:
Commissioner Hosé: Thinks the implementation of new stop signs on Prairie has had a significantly positive effect. Changes have also had a positive effect on reducing traffic volume on Forest as well as reducing crashes at Forest & Prairie. In favor of making the 4-way stop permanent. Looks forward to TAP recommendations for speed reduction on Forest.
Commissioner Kulovany: Asked if the data showed any surprises in the month of December.
Mr. Sikich: No surprises.
Commissioner Kulovany: Pleased with results on Prairie. Hopes to see speeds reduced. Would like to see traffic lighten more on the residential street of Forest.
Commissioner Gilmartin: Appreciates that 4-way stops have had a great impact for reducing speeds on Prairie and no accidents is good news. Concerned about speeds on Forest having high speeds for a very short block. Looking forward to suggestions from TAP for Forest speed reduction. Encourages that recommendations from TAP are looked at as a system for addressing other streets in Village. Still concerned with volume creeping up. Volumes and speeds are something that still need to be fixed.
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt: Concerned with the volumes and speeds on Forest. Thrilled to see speeds on Prairie decrease significantly. Interested to hear TAP recommendations for speed and volume reduction on Forest.
Commissioner Walus: Agrees with everything colleagues have stated. Topic began with reducing frequency and severity of crashes at Forest & Prairie and has evolved into reducing speeds on Forest from Prairie to Franklin. Agrees with Commissioner Hosé about making 4-way stop permanent. Excited to hear TAP recommendations.
Commissioner Kulovany: In favor of speed humps. Council has the opportunity to set a precedent for other streets.
Mayor Barnett: This problem has been one that residents have struggled with. Looking forward to seeing what additional studies show. Stormwater and traffic are continuing issues to address in Village. Perhaps 4-way stop can be made permanent in January. Looking forward to seeing what happens regarding speed considerations.
Mr. Fieldman: Thank you to everyone on Village staff for work this year and to Council for role in great policy making. Happy Holidays from the Village Manager.
10. Attorney's Report
No Attorney's Report.
11. Council Member Reports
Commissioner Kulovany: Historical Society in conjunction with the Park District has had 60 new homes recognized for the historic home program. Thank you to staff for hard work. Many positive things about the Village. It's a privilege to serve with his colleagues. Wishes all a wonderful holiday.
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt: Thank you to staff. Incredibly thankful for health of colleagues. Encourages kindness. Volunteers for a LGBTQ group and the Santa event was threatened with violence including the church staff and volunteers. Event had to move location. Thank you to pastor Andy at First United Methodist for changing the event last minute, it was an excellent event full of joy. Thank you to PD for ensuring public safety and to the Public Library for being a kind advocate to marginalized groups. Encouraged people to work harder to understand those who are different from us. Wishes all a hopeful, safe and joyful holiday season.
Commissioner Walus: Grateful to serve on Council and work with colleagues. As an educator is hyper-aware of environment we are living in. Please be kind and show people empathy. Encourages people to take the time to consider others and help each other. Happy holidays, happy New Year. Thank you to staff and residents.
Commissioner Glover: Thank you to staff for all they do and to colleagues for guidance. Happy holidays and stay safe.
Commissioner Gilmartin: Happiest and healthiest holidays to staff and colleagues. Thank you to all for tireless work. Has had the gift of learning from colleagues this year. Best wishes and happy holidays to all residents of DG. Asks that residents continue to support to each other and extend more kindness, patience, tolerance, and understanding as a community. Happy holidays and happy New Year.
Commisisoner Hosé: Believes there has been hope this past year amidst challenges. FD & PD are some of the best in the country, in the top 1%. Village is finally moving forward with the new facility issue. This was a year of hope and much of if fulfilled. Thanks to colleagues and staff.
Mayor Barnett: Shares sentiments of Council Members. Remember that shared actions and interactions are what matters most. 2020/2021 COVID epidemic and occurrence during an election cycle has raised the stress in all of us across the country. Uncertainty breeds fear. Every community will always be charged and challenged with managing the frailties that come with being human. The fear and skepticism of not knowing can be replaced by excitement and optimism if we choose. If we choose to engage and learn from each other, we will find room for each other. It is the job of each of us to choose better: to choose kindness and love. No matter your creed or conscience, love matters most. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend. Love never claims, it ever gives. When we love each other, we put aside the things that are different, annoy, or aggravate; and highlight those things which make us alike. No one ever argued, shamed or yelled someone into being a true neighbor, partner, ally, or friend. Treat one another the way we want to be treated. Take the love of community and manifest it into a love for one another. Hopes the New Year fills us with understanding, forgiveness, and the space necessary to remember that even with our differences, we are in this life and community together. Wishes colleagues, Village team, and whole community a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
12. Adjournment
Mayor Barnett asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
MOTION: To adjourn the December 21,, 2021, Village Council meeting.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Walus
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Walus, Sadowski-Fugitt, Kulovany, Gilmartin, Glover, Mayor Barnett
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosa Berardi
Village Clerk
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