February 02, 2021

1. Call to Order

Mayor Robert Barnett noted the Commissioners were present in the Council Chambers and public seating, though limited, is available once again. He asked all attending the meeting to be mindful of IDPH best practice guidelines. Commissioner Kulovany was not in attendance but Mayor Barnett mentioned he was happy to have received a text from the Commissioner earlier in the week. Mayor Barnett wished Commissioner Kulovany and his family all the best.

Mayor Barnett called to order the Village Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led those in the room in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He explained the protocol for the meeting and the guidelines to submit public comment.

2. Roll Call

Council Attendance (Present): Mayor Barnett; Commissioner Greg Hosé, Commissioner Marge Earl, Commissioner Nicole Walus, Commissioner Leslie Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Cavanaugh Gray

Absent: Commissioner Rich Kulovany

Non-Voting: Village Manager Dave Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk Rosa Berardi.

3. Minutes of Council Meetings

MIN 2021-8836 - A. Minutes: Village Council Meeting Minutes - January 19, 2021

Motion: Commissioner Hosé made a motion that the Council adopt the minutes of the January 19, 2021 meeting, as presented.  Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried.

4. Consent Agenda

BIL 2021-8835 - A. Bills Payable: No. 6574 - February 2, 2021

COR 2021-8834 - B. Claims Ordinance: No. 6395 - January 15, 2021

RES 2021-8827 - C. Resolution: Authorize a Contract Extension for 2021 Material Testing Services with Interra, Inc.

Summary: This authorizes a contract extension for 2021 Material Testing Services with Interra, Inc.


RES 2021- 11

RES 2021-8829 - D. Resolution: Authorize a Contract Extension for 2021 Material Testing Services with Millennia Professional Services of Downers Grove, IL


Summary: This authorizes a contract extension for 2021 Material Testing Services with Millennia Professional Services of Downers Grove, IL.



RES 2021- 12


RES 2021-8828 - E. Resolution: Authorize a Contract Extension for 2021 Testing Services with SEECO Consultants, Inc.

Summary: This authorizes a contract extension for 2021 Testing Services with SEECO Consultants, Inc.


RES 2021- 13

MOT 2021-8830 - F. Motion: Award a Contract for Construction Engineering Services to Doland Engineering, LLC in the amount of $243,925 for the Burlington Highlands Drainage Improvement Project which includes a 10% Contingency

Summary: This awards a contract for construction engineering services to Doland Engineering, LLC in the amount of $243,925 for the Burlington Highlands Drainage Improvement Project which includes a 10% contingency.


MOT 2021-8832 - G. Motion: Authorize a 1.75% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Manager Effective January 1, 2021

Summary: This authorizes a 1.75% annual salary increase for the Village Manager effective January 1, 2021.


MOT 2021-8833 - H. Motion: Authorize a 1.75% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Attorney Effective January 1, 2021

Summary: This authorizes a 1.75% annual salary increase for the Village Attorney effective January 1, 2021.


MOT 2021-8833 - H. Motion: Authorize a 1.75% Annual Salary Increase for the Village Attorney Effective January 1, 2021

Summary: This authorizes a 1.75% annual salary increase for the Village Attorney effective January 1, 2021.


Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved that the Council adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried unanimously.

5. Active Agenda

MOT 2021-8817 A. Motion: Award a contract to Tyler Technologies, Inc. (Tyler) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved that the Council authorize the execution of a contract to Tyler Technologies, Inc. (Tyler) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in the amount of

$1,765,028.00 plus 15% contingency in the amount of $264,754.20 for a total not-to-exceed amount of

$2,029,782.20. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried unanimously.

MOT 2021-8818 B. Motion: Award a contract to N. Harris Computer Corporation (CityView) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved that the Council authorize the execution of a contract to N. Harris Computer Corporation (CityView) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in the amount of $1,575,530.00 plus 15% contingency in the amount of $236,329.50 for a total not-to-exceed amount of

$1,811,859.50, as presented. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried unanimously.

RES 2021-8819 C. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC for Consulting Services for the Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Summary: This authorizes an agreement with BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC for consulting services for the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.


RES 2021- 14

Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved that the Council adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, as presented.

Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Barnet explained that the ERP system replacement process has included a couple of years of preparation and will include a few years for execution. The Village Council has had conversations regarding the ERP system both at the meetings and offline as well. Mayor Barnett stated that we are now at the point of executing contracts and that is why there were no discussions this evening. Mayor Barnett assured all that this has been a well thought out process and it has been discussed thoroughly in the past.

6. First Reading

RES 2021-8826 - A. Resolution: A Resolution Granting Historic Landmark Designation for 200 Shady Lane

Summary: Community Development Director Stan Popovich reviewed the location of the property proposed for landmark designation, noting the circa 1960's home (Mid Century Modern) was located in the Shady Lane Estates at the corner of Cumnor and Shady Lane. Photographs of the property followed with architectural details pointed out. The home was built in 1960 and is over 50 years old; it's an excellent example of a Mid-Century Modern home. This would be the 29th property landmarked if approved. The petitioners, the Kenny's, were present.

Commissioner Earl thanked staff and the applicant for bringing the property forward. She recalled her research as a volunteer working on Historic Preservation Landmarks and documenting the homes in Shady Lane Estates. She is thrilled to have a Mid-Century Modern home in the Historical Landmark collection of homes.

Manager Fieldman reported that a public comment was received on this matter which was supportive. Deputy Village Manager Baker read into the record the comment received tonight from resident Kathleen Nybo, stating "The home at 200 Shady Lane is a real beauty. It's an excellent example of a 1960's house. It is amazing that the exterior has never been changed. The neighborhood shows that the people care about their homes. Love all the trees; so deserving of a street called Shady Lane. This is a wonderful gift that they have given our community and our future residents. Please approve their application for being recognized as a landmarked home on Downers Grove."

Mayor Barnett thanked Commissioner Earl and staff for their work, sharing that the program was important and volunteer-based. The home is one of the newest homes with the designation and he encouraged others to get involved.

Mr. Kenny thanked the Village and all those who were involved in the landmarking process.

Braydon Kenney, son of Mr. & Mrs. Kenny, said he liked living on Shady Lane and that "Downers Grove was one of the best places in the world".

ORD 2021-8831 - B. Ordinance: An ordinance accepting the dedication of the south half of Wisconsin Avenue between Belmont Road and Sterling North Park.

Summary: Director Popovich reviewed the map on the overhead, explaining the Park District, working with the Village, will dedicate approximately 23,200 sq. feet of land on the south side of Wisconsin Ave. to the Village which will be added to the existing Village right-of-way and will encompass the entire road. Director Popovich was available for questions. None followed.

Mayor Barnett extended his appreciation to staff for working on such unique projects that come along every once in a while.

7. Manager's Report

Village Manager Fieldman addressed the Council explaining that with the recent significant snowfall (nearly 12 ½ inches of snow over the weekend), the Village has been on a 24-hour a day ice and snow clearing operation since the start of the storm. He reported that the Village has met and exceeded its performance standards posted in the Village's Snow Policy by finishing up several hours in advance of the performance standards posted online. He extended thanks to the snow and ice removal team; from the drivers to the fleet techs, to the managers that run the operations. The Snow and Ice Policy is located on the Village's web site along with additional information; type Snow Policy on the search bar once at www.downers.us .

Mayor Barnett extended his thanks to the team, commenting that the Village had 167 miles of roadway, 333 cul- de-sacs, and many public parking lots. It is a testament to the crew as the snow doesn't come down at our convenience.

8. Public Comments

Mayor Barnett noted two comments came in through rEmarks over the Village's website in the last couple of days. They will be added to the public record.

9. Attorney's Report

Pursuant to Section 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, the following was presented for Village Council consideration by Village Attorney Enza Petrarca:

  1. An ordinance accepting dedication of the south half of Wisconsin Avenue between Belmont Road and Sterling North Park.

10. Mayor and Council Member Reports

Commissioner Gray said as we enter Black History month and as he is getting his son ready for college, aside from his son's academic achievements, he is most proud of his son's ability to find commonality among others. Commissioner Gray proceeded to share a personal story about a gentleman that told him he had a "black experience" in a three-minute interaction he had when being asked to stand at church. Commission Gray commented that he found it interesting that a person could attribute a three-minute experience to better understand what someone else goes through in a lifetime. Commissioner Gray continued by stating that we have all experienced so many things over the past several months through the Pandemic. He said if there is ever a time to better understand each other, including those that don't look like us or whatever it might be, this is the "season" to take the time and better understand others.

Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt wished everyone an enlightening Black History Month and asked that people celebrate not only the heroes of the past but also the present; she recognized their accomplishments. She continued by naming heroes from the past and also those that are at the forefront today. She elaborated on the importance of having diversity, stating that we should ask ourselves and others why the Village has few black residents. She hoped that in the future, this month would not be needed and communities could celebrate the accomplishments of black Americans every day. She ended by reading an inspirational Facebook post "let's all work together and be better together'.

Commissioner Walus thanked her fellow Commissioners for their comments on Black History Month and stated she was happy to be at the meeting to witness them in person. She continued by extending "good vibes" to Commissioner Kulovany and hoped to have him join the Commissioners soon. She also announced the Ice Fest would be occurring downtown, February 12th through February 14th. She asked everyone to be safe, continue to wear a mask, be kind and show each other grace.

Mayor Barnett piggybacked on Commissioner Gray's comments and explained that commonality is so important. It requires effort and we have to want to find it. It is true across races, ages, religions, ethnicities, etc. He said this is a good reminder and it is important to want to seek commonality; seeking commonality is a never-ending challenge. It's not just in January, February, June or during the holidays. You have to want to seek commonality, as it is the way to get past differences and unite together. It is the reason we are all here in this community and nation together.  He thanked Commissioner Gray for bringing it up and presenting it.

11. Adjournment

Mayor Barnett asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: Commissioner Hosé made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Votes: Aye: Commissioners Earl, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Walus, Mayor Barnett

Nay: None

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosa Berardi ,  Village Clerk


Agenda Section

Agenda Item



Table 1: rEmarks Data for February 2, 2021 Village Council Meeting

First Reading

A. RES 2021-8826 A resolution granting Historic Landmark Designation for 200 Shady Lane

Dear Mayor Barnett, Commissioners and Staff,

I wish to state my support in designating 200 Shady Lane as a historic landmark. This Mid-century Modern house is an excellent example of this time period in architecture. Landmarking this house will also serve as an example to other homeowners in Shady Lane Estates, identified in the 2013 Historical Building Survey as having several residences that are Significant or Contributing to this historic subdivision.

Thank you, Irene Hogstrom

Irene Hogstrom, 1232 Gilbert Avenue, Downers Grove

Comments of a General Nature


I'd like to formally thank the Mayor and the Village Council for the proclamation that established January 17 - January 23, 2021 as Civil Rights Week in Downers Grove. I watched the livestream of the January 12 meeting and was inspired by the remembrance of and commitment to the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Thank you for setting this example for our community.

To understand Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s work is to understand its historical context. When you consider the depth of oppression and racism in our society, you see just how courageous he was. He lost his life for speaking out against the powerful structures of racism in this country.

As we enter into Black History Month, let's examine our own history of inclusion and see if we are where we want to be as a welcoming community. Would we have welcomed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his time? Are we welcoming today?

Louise Kelly, 532 Bunning Drive, Downers Grove

The following comment was received after 5:00p.m. and summarized at the Village Council meeting.

First Reading

A. RES 2021-8826 A resolution granting Historic Landmark Designation for 200 Shady Lane

The Home at 200 Shady Lane is a real beauty. It is an excellent example of a a 1960s house. It is amazing that the exterior has never been changed. The neighborhood shows that people care about their homes. Love all the trees, so deserving of a street called Shady Lane. This is a

wonderful gift that they have given our community and our future residents. Please approve their application for being recognized as a Landmarked Home in Downers Grove.

Kathleen A Nybo, 5253 Blodgett Ave., Downers Grove

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