January 19, 2021
1. Call to Order
Mayor Robert Barnett noted that all of the commissioners in attendance would be doing so remotely by conference call from their homes. Commissioner Kulovany would not be in attendance. Also attending the meeting was Village Manager Dave Fieldman, Asst. Manager Mike Baker, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk Rosa Berardi.
Mayor Barnett called to order the Village Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led those in the room in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He explained the protocol for the meeting and the guidelines to submit public comment.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Mayor Barnett; Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Greg Hosé, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray
Absent: Commissioner Rich Kulovany
Non-Voting: Village Manager Dave Fieldman, Deputy Village Manager, Mike Baker, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk Rosa Berardi.
MOT 2021-8816 A. Motion: Conduct the January 19, 2021, Village Council meeting electronically.
Motion: Motion by Commissioner Hosé to conduct the January 19, 2021, Village Council meeting electronically. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray, Mayor Barnett
Nay: None
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried.
3. Proclamation - Proclamation: Civil Rights Week
Mayor Barnett recognized the works of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His fight against racism was front and center but he also fought against the war in Vietnam, poverty, employment, and for all people regardless of race, occupation or socio-economic status. Mayor Barnett wanted the community to see Dr. King as an example fighting for everyone who was marginalized. In Dr. King's last speech in Memphis, before being murdered, he focused on human rights; he understood that human rights, civil rights and justice are all "legs of the same stool" and when one is missing it is a problem we all need to face together. Mayor Barnett read a proclamation in honor of Dr. King and proclaimed the week of January 17 through January 23, 2021, as Civil Rights Week in the Village of Downers Grove.
4. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2021-8821 - A. Minutes: Council Minutes - January 12, 2021
Council Minutes Village of Downers Grove January 19, 2021
Motion: Commissioner Hosé made a motion that the Council adopt the minutes of the January 12, 2021 meeting, as presented. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray, Mayor Barnett
Nay: None
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried.
5. Consent Agenda
BIL 2021-8823 - A. Bills Payable: No. 6572 - January 19, 2021
COR 2021-8824 - B. Claims Ordinance: No. 6393 - Payroll, December 31, 2020
RES 2021-8810 - C. Resolution: Authorize an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Downers Grove Park District
Summary: This authorizes an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Downers Grove Park District.
RES 2021-10
MOT 2020-8805 - D. Motion: Award a Contract in the amount of $4,068,833.52 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for Burlington Highlands Drainage Improvements
Summary: This awards a contract in the Amount of $4,068,833.52 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. for Burlington Highlands Drainage Improvements.
Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved that the Council adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Mayor Barnett
Nay: None
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried unanimously.
6. Active Agenda
7. First Reading
Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker summarized that the three items on tonight's First Reading agenda collectively involved in the selection of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System replacement which is a Village Council priority action item. The items included contracts with two software vendors - Tyler Technology and N. Harris Computer Corporation. The last item is a consulting services contract with BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC to manage and oversee the implementation of the new system. Mr. Baker described how the ERP system integrates key functions across the organization and serves the organization's financial and operational
Council Minutes Village of Downers Grove January 19, 2021
needs. Every department will be impacted by the replacement of the ERP system but most of the impact will be felt by the Village's Finance and Community Development Departments. The current ERP system has served the Village since 2006 and is drawing near the end of its useful life. The project to replace the ERP system started in 2019 and the Village engaged the services of BerryDunn to assist with vendor selection through a formal request for proposal process, resulting in eight responses with the two vendors selected to best suit the needs of the Village's requirements. The Munice software package with Tyler Technologies was selected to replace all current Finance, Human Resource and licensing functions. The CityView software by N. Harris Computer Corporation was selected to replace all Community Development and permitting functions. With the installation of the new ERP system, Mr. Baker said it will allow for Village to improve efficiency and customer interaction in many areas. BerryDunn will service the Village to ensure the implementation of both software packages is on schedule. Staggered implementation processes will take place with the completion of the system by December 2022.
During the two-year time frame, the total project cost is $2.7 million, below the budgeted amount of the project.
Project team members to answer Commissioner Questions included Assistant to the Village Manager, Megan Miles; Finance Director Judy Buttny; Community Development Director Stan Popovich; and IT Director Dave Kenny. David Ledbetter, with BerryDunn, was also available for questions. Mr. Baker acknowledged all of the named individuals and especially Assistant Village Attorney Dawn Didier for her efforts on the project.
Mayor Barnett asked if any of the Commissioners had any questions or comments.
Commissioner Hosé recognized that this is a massive undertaking that must be done, as Village processes would grind to a halt in many places without it. He thanked staff for their efforts in a project of this magnitude and he's excited to see it move forward.
Commissioner Earl echoed Commissioner Hosé by stating that it is a huge undertaking and she thanked staff. She expressed some concerns about implementation/updates on 2 different systems and consultant turnover but said she does support the project.
Mayor Barnett said that any project like this has many question marks but has faith that we can take solid steps forward.
Commissioner Gray thanked all involved in the massive system change over. He asked if the new system will cover any areas that the old system didn't and will the new system have any gaps that the old system didn't cover. In particular, he asked about departments that weren't covered with the old system that would now be serviced by the new system.
In response, Ms. Buttny and Mr. Kenny explained that the new system covers what the old system did but would also include additional functionalities that will help serve the Village internally and externally.
Mr. Baker added that the new system will encompass serving the needs of all Village departments, just as the current system does.
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt stated that she is excited to see this project get underway and is sure that staff and Council will be kept up to date along the way and will be able to change on the fly as needed. She thanked everyone involved in the project.
Commissioner Walus thanked everyone involved and stated that the project is vital for the Village to function.
Mayor Barnett explained that every aspect of what the Village does is woven into the successful operation of an ERP system. He encouraged those people watching that don't know what an ERP system is to google it.
MOT 2021-8817 - A. Motion: Award a contract to Tyler Technologies, Inc. (Tyler) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
Summary: This awards a contract to Tyler Technologies, Inc. (Tyler) for the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
Council Minutes Village of Downers Grove January 19, 2021
MOT 2021-8818 - B. Motion: Award a contract to N. Harris Computer Corporation (CityView) for Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
Summary: This awards a contract to N. Harris Computer Corporation (CityView) for the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
RES 2021-8819 - C. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC for Consulting Services for the Implementation of a New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
Summary: This authorizes the Village of Downers Grove to enter into an agreement with BerryDunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC for consulting services for the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.
8. Manager's Report
Manager Dave Fieldman announced the recent passing of former Public Works Director Nan Newlon (2009 to February 2020). Condolences were extended to her family, friends and Village teammates. Manager Fieldman would especially miss her as a dear friend.
9. Public Comments
Mayor Barnett reported there was one comment received that questioned tax and whether the location of a property was inside or outside the Village limits. Mayor Barnett stated that staff would respond directly to the person that submitted the comment.
10. Mayor and Council Member Reports
Commissioner Gray stated that he received an email from a resident and wished to read it, as it related to celebrating the life of Dr. King. Ms. Louise Kelly's email offered gratitude and support to the Village's leaders for all they have done to make the community safe and functional during the pandemic. Ms. Louise Kelly said that with the celebration of MLK Day, she questioned if the Village of Downers Grove had previously been a Sundown town. She spoke a report found on the City of Evanston's website regarding race and redlining that occurred years ago. Additional information in Ms. Kelly's email included speaking of an event that MLK attended in Evanston. Ms. Kelly also cited author James Baldwin, a contemporary friend of MLK, who spoke of history not being the past but it is the present. She stated that she hopes we can work together to create a more inclusive future for our town and asked if there are conversations at the municipal level regarding race relations. She ended by commenting that having abolitionists buried in downtown Downers Grove is something to be proud of. Commissioner Gray expressed his appreciation to Ms. Kelly. Commissioner Gray then stated that he received a photo of Commissioner Kulovany who continues to get better daily. He sent Commissioner Kulovany well wishes. Lastly, Commissioner Gray expressed his condolences to the family of Nan Newlon.
Commissioner Earl stated that it's been a sad week for the Village of Downers Grove and for the Pierce Downer's Heritage Alliance due to the loss of three champion women: former Mayor Betty Cheever, Jane Amorosi and Nan Newlon. All three women were instrumental in the conservation of trees, promoting Lyman Woods and were working at a time when not many women were active politically or were in government. She expressed her condolences to the families.
11. Adjournment
Council Minutes Village of Downers Grove January 19, 2021 Mayor Barnett asked for a motion to adjourn into Executive Session
Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved to adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2 (c)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to consider personnel matters. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray, Mayor Barnett
Nay: None
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosa Berardi Village Clerk
Agenda Section | Agenda Item | Comment | Commenter |
Comments of a General Nature |
| I am not allowed to be on the Main St commuter parking waitlist since I am not considered an Incorporated resident, even though I pay taxes to Downers Grove. This is insane and needs to change. | Janet Hayes, 500 Redondo, Downers Grove |
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