August 06, 2019

1. Call to Order

Mayor Bob Barnett called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Barnett led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Council Attendance (Present):  Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Gray, Commissioner Hosé; Mayor Barnett

Absent:  Commissioner Kulovany

Non-Voting:  Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden

Mayor Barnett expressed regrets for Commissioner Kulovany's absence.  Due to his absence the Long Range Planning discussion will be moved to a later date in order to have the full Council in attendance.

The Council meeting is broadcast live and a recording of the meeting is made using Village-owned equipment. The recording of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6. 

The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general nature. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading. 

The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. Individuals wishing to speak should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and individuals are asked to refrain from making repetitive statements.

Mayor Barnett said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.

3. Minutes of Council Meetings

MIN 2019-8266 - A. Minutes:  Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only - June 10, 2019 and June 13, 2019

MIN 2019-8267 - B. Minutes:  Council Minutes - July 16, 2019


Motion:  Commissioner Hosé moved to approve the minutes as presented.  Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by voice vote. 

4. Public Comments

This is the opportunity for public comments.

There were no comments.

5. Consent Agenda

COR 2019-8268 - A. Claims Ordinance:  No. 6323, Payroll, July 19 2019


BIL 2019-8269 - B. Bills Payable:  No. 6470, August 6, 2019


MOT 2019-8263 - C. Motion:  Award $172,047.68 to Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, South Roxana, IL, for 2019 Preservative and Restorative Seal

Summary:  This awards a contract for the 2019 Preservative and Restorative Seal (CIP Project ST-004E) to Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, South Roxana, Illinois, in the amount of $172,047.68.


RES 2019-8265 - D.  Resolution: Authorize a Renewal Quotation and Addendum with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for GIS Maintenance

Summary: This authorizes a renewal quotation and addendum with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for GIS maintenance.




MOT 2019-8262 - E. Motion:  Award $171,131.87 to F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Associates, LLC, Chicago, IL, through the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance for Public Works Facility Trench Drain Replacement

Summary: This authorizes a contract with F. H. Paschen, S. N. Nielsen & Associates LLC, of Chicago, Illinois for the replacement of the trench drain system in the Public Works garage in the amount of $171,131.87.


MOT 2019-8264 - F. Motion:  Award a Professional Services Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $117,700.00 to Berry Dunn McNeil & Parker, LLC, Portland, Maine, for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.

Summary: This authorizes a professional services contract with Berry Dunn McNeil & Parker, LLC, in the amount of $107,000 plus a $10,700 contingency for a total not-to-exceed amount of $117,700.00 for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System.


MOT 2019-8274 - G. Motion:  Award a Construction Engineering and Services Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $53,064.00 to V3 Companies, Ltd., Woodridge, IL for the Elm and Earlston Drainage Improvement Project

Summary: This authorizes a construction engineering and services contract with V3 Companies, Ltd., in the amount of $48,240 plus a $4,824 contingency for a total not-to-exceed amount of $53,064.00 for the Elm and Earlston Drainage Improvement Project.


MOT 2019-8273 - H. Motion:  Award a Construction Services Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $56,540.00 to Strand Associates, Inc. for Indianapolis Avenue/Cross Street/Drendel Road Sidewalk Improvements

Summary: This authorizes a contract for construction engineering services for the Indianapolis Avenue/Cross Street/Drendel Road sidewalk improvements (SW-087-19) to Strand Associates, Inc., in the amount of $51,400 plus 10% contingency in the amount of $5,140 for a total not to exceed $56,540.00.


RES 2019-8275 - I. Resolution:  Authorize a Renewal to the Customer Service Agreement with Call One, Inc.

Summary:  This authorizes a renewal with Call One, Inc. to the customer service agreement.




MIN 2019-8279 - J. Minutes:  Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

Summary: Liquor Commission - June 6, 2019


Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.  Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by voice vote.

6. Active Agenda

7. First Reading

MOT 2019-8270 - A. Motion:  Award $924,799.30 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois for the Indianapolis Avenue, Cross Street, Drendel Road Drainage/Road/Sidewalk Improvements.

Manager Dave Fieldman asked Public Works Director Nan Newlon to make the presentation.

Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, presented the West Burlington Drainage Study area project, which is south of Ogden and north of Belmont. Phase 1 was conducted last year and this year will include additional stormsewer, sidewalk and street improvements. Ms. Newlon displayed a map of the area depicting work completed last year. She said staff recommends awarding the project to A Lamp in the amount of $924,799.30. A Lamp was the low bidder and completed last year's work, as well as many other projects in the Village.

Commissioner Earl thanked Ms. Newlon for providing detailed information in staff's report on the trees. It does not involve as many trees as originally thought.

8. Mayor and Council Member Reports

Commissioner Walus said that the Park District rescheduled its BBQ Bolt and Race event for September 7, 2019 at McCollum Park beginning at 8:00 a.m.

Mayor Barnett said that Council had scheduled a Long-Range Planning session in the Committee Room but wants to have a full Council present. For that reason the discussion has been postponed until next week in consideration of Commissioner Kulovany's absence.

9. Manager's Report

REP 2019-8276 - A. Report:  Human Service Ad Hoc Committee Report

Mr. Fieldman said staff recommends that the Village Council discussion of this report occur sometime in September. He said the Committee was created in December 2018. The Ad Hoc Committee met monthly from January through May 2019 and they have completed their report which is available online in the Council's Agenda material.

Mayor Barnett asked that this be placed on the Village's website under the top stories so it is easier to find. He then thanked the members of the Committee - Susan Wan, Samantha Aycock, Rebecca Campbell, Mary Lohrmann, Azizi Marshall, Kimberly Nagy and Stephanie Williams - for their service to the community. 


REP 2019-8278 - B. Report:  Second Quarter Financial Report

Judy Buttny, Finance Director, presented the financial report for the Second Quarter. Both revenues and expenses are performing at near-budgeted levels. She said revenues from Sales Tax, Telecom and Home Rule Sales Tax are lower than budgeted; revenues from State Income Tax, Food & Beverage Tax and State Shared revenue are higher than budgeted. Ms. Buttny said expenses were under budget due to general cost control measures put in place earlier in the year. She noted that the investment report is available in the Financial Statement package on the Village's website.

Mr. Fieldman thanked the staff team and the Council leadership for contributing to the cost control measures.


Before calling for an adjournment, Mayor Barnett recognized a resident in attendance who asked to speak about a project in his neighborhood.

William Kunder, 4617 Cross Street, said he wished to provide his perspective on the work being done in his neighborhood. He noted that few people wanted a sidewalk on Cross Street. He said he attended most of the previous meetings and recalls no discussion on the widening of the S curve. He doesn't think the urgency and clamoring that took place for the project was necessary. Mr. Kunder said he understands that improvements need to be made, however, he doesn't know that the presentation made was accurate.

Ken Lerner, 4933 Whiffen Place, also spoke about the Cross/Indianapolis Project. He added his appreciation regarding staff's clarification of the trees related to this project. Mr. Lerner said the report references the cottonwood tree on Rogers Street. He understands that a branch came down and an evaluation will be done on that tree. He hopes it can be saved as long as possible.


INF 2019-8271 - C. Information:  2019-2021 Long Range Plan - Committee Room

This discussion was postponed until next week's Council meeting.

10. Adjournment

Motion:  Commissioner Hosé moved to adjourn.  Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.     

Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, April Holden Village Clerk

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