May 07, 2019
1. Call to Order
Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. He explained to the public that this would be a two-part meeting. The first part is to close out the year for the present Council. The second part will follow the swearing-in ceremony of the new Mayor and Commissioners, and will mark the first meeting of the new Council.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner White, Commissioner Hosé; Mayor Tully
Absent: None
Non-Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden
The Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village-owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general nature. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. Individuals wishing to speak should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and individuals are asked to refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2019-8143 - A. Minutes: Council Minutes - April 16, 2019
Motion: Commissioner White moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by voice vote.
4. Public Comments
This is the opportunity for public comments.
5. Consent Agenda
COR 2019-8154 - A. Claims Ordinance: No. 6309, Payroll, March 29, 2019
COR 2019-8155 - B. Claims Ordinance: No. 6311, Payroll, April 12, 2019 & April 26, 2019
BIL 2019-8156 - C. Bills Payable: No. 6452, May 7, 2019
RES 2019-8150 - D. Resolution: Authorize an Amendment to the Agreement with V3 Companies, Ltd. for Stormwater Engineering Services
Summary: This authorizes an amendment to an agreement with V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd., Woodridge, IL, in the amount of $13,200 for additional engineering services for Stormwater Project Analysis Project #3, Elm and Earlston between Ogden Avenue and 41st Street (SW-080).
MOT 2019-8149 - E. Motion: Award $149,190.00 to Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc., St. Charles, IL, for a Three-Year Contract for Mosquito Abatement Services
Summary: This authorizes an award of a three-year contract for mosquito abatement services to Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc., St. Charles, IL, in the amount of $149,190.00.
MOT 2019-8158 - F. Motion: Authorize $36,776.40 to DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for FY 2019-2020 Dues
Summary: This authorizes renewal of the FY2019-2020 DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference membership and submission of dues in the amount of $36,776.40.
RES 2019-8150 - G. Resolution: Authorize a Second Extension to the Agreement with Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital d/b/a Amita Health Adventist Medical Center, Bolingbrook
Summary: This authorizes a second extension to the contract for the annual Fire Department Fit for Duty Medical Exams with Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital, Bolingbrook, IL.
MIN 2019-8123 - H. Minutes: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions
Summary: Library Board of Trustees - March 20, 2019
Motion: Commissioner White moved to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Walus, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
6. Active Agenda
7. Mayor's Report
Mayor Tully noted that tonight is about looking forward. He explained that the last meeting recognized the contributions of the outgoing Commissioners. Tonight's focus is on the new Village Council. He congratulated the new Village Council and shared some "fun facts" about them. It is a diverse Council including backgrounds in engineering, law, health care, sales, education, ecology, and one more Council seat yet to be filled. He said there are 22 years of experience among the new Council members. The "Old Council" had a total of 54 years of experience serving the Village. He added that regardless of who the sixth Commissioner will be, a majority of the Council will still live south of the railroad tracks. For the first time in 20 years, the 2019-2021 Village Council will have three female members. And finally, Mayor Robert T. Barnett wins the all-time award for a Mayor living the shortest distance from his house to Village Hall.
Mayor Tully then welcomed and congratulated the new and returning Village Council members. He said to Commissioner Leslie Sadowski-Fugitt that he is looking forward to the fresh perspective she brings to the Village Council. Her passion for environmental issues and stormwater will be helpful to this Council and future Councils.
The Mayor noted that Commissioner Rich Kulovany has a long history with Downers Grove having grown up in the Village. He has volunteered on a number of Boards and Commissions, and given years of service to not-for-profits in the Village. Mayor Tully added that he is passing the Historic Preservation baton to Commissioner Kulovany.
Mayor Tully reference the Village's organization chart that lays out all the different departments and people who will be working with the Council. At the top of the chart is a box that reads "Village Council." Above that is one that reads "Mayor" which is directly beneath the uppermost box labeled "Residents of Downers Grove." He congratulated both new Commissioners on officially being demoted, and then advised them to never hesitate to ask questions.
To the returning Commissioners, the Mayor said that Commissioner Earl's commitment to land use and expanding her skill set is a benefit to the community. He has always appreciated her conscientiousness.
The Mayor said that Commissioner Nicole Walus has been the most warm-hearted member of the Council, always bringing some personal touch to commemorate special holidays. He said she has been a quick learner, juggling many responsibilities.
To Commissioner Hosé, the Mayor commented that he always respected the Commissioner's views. His real life experience has been very valuable.
The Mayor said to Commissioner/Mayor-elect Barnett, that this is a natural extension of his long commitment to Downers Grove. When he ran for office the first time, he and Mayor Tully practiced together for the debates. He is more aligned to the task of Mayor than he knows or thinks; he sees Mayor Barnett as more than up for it. This is the first time since 1999 that the Mayor of Downers Grove has not been a lawyer.
Mayor Tully then quoted Carly Fiorina's statement on leadership: "The highest calling of leadership is to challenge the status quo and unlock the potential of others."
Mayor Tully expressed his appreciation to the families of the elected officials saying that the new Council members stand on the shoulders of previous Councils and they must now extend their reach to achieve new heights of success. They will all write the next chapter of Downers Grove's history.
The Mayor then passed the gavel to Mayor-elected Barnett.
Mayor Tully closed his comments by reminding everyone that there are 44 days until the next Rotary Grovefest.
Mayor Tully then introduced and welcomed the Honorable Ann Celine O. Walsh, Circuit Judge for the 18th Judicial Circuit, DuPage County, who will conduct the swearing-in ceremony, and thanked her for being present.
8. Motion to Adjourn Sine Die (Without Date)
Mayor Tully has for a motion to adjourn this portion of the meeting, without date.
Motion: Commissioner White moved to adjourn sine die. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Walus, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
9. Swearing-in Ceremony of Mayor and Commissioners
The meeting was reconvened at 7:24 p.m. with the swearing in of the Mayor and Commissioners by Judge Walsh.
Mayor Barnett
Commissioner Walus
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt
Commissioner Kulovany
10. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Commissioner Kulovany, Commissioners Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Walus, Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Hosé; Mayor Barnett
Absent: None
11. Mayor's Report
Mayor Barnett made the following statement:
"Thank you all for participating in this week's Council meeting. Community is why we're here and I welcome your presence in person here tonight, and those watching at home or planning to attend in the future. Thank you Commissioners Waldack and White for your service to our community, and Mayor Tully for your leadership.
Congratulations to Commissioners Nicole Walus, Leslie Sadowski-Fugitt and Rich Kulovany for choosing to serve and being elected with votes of confidence by our community. And to our colleagues Greg Hosé and Marge Earl who remain committed to service, we are thankful for your experience and leadership. I am looking forward to building and strengthening relationships that will help us serve Downers Grove together. What makes our community great is us - all of us, each of us, each of you, each of us here, each of us watching at home. Together we are our best investment as a community. A community that includes and values all its members is a community ready to challenge and address the unknowns we might face tomorrow. We are better when we work together.
Thank you to every one who participated as informed and engaged voters. As DeForest Soaries said, 'Voting is the foundational act that breathes life into the principle of the consent of the governed.' The more we are all involved the better - the better we are able to serve and encourage everyone to make our community all it can be, including those who don't feel they have a stake or a voice in what we do. While campaigns and elections are challenging, they also offer the opportunities for re-starts and new beginnings. And so no matter whom you voted for, please remember that your Village Council values you and values your input. Working together, residents, businesses and staff alike, we can make decisions to benefit us now and for decades to come. When I began my service on the Village Council ten years ago, we talked about our future of building a better Village and how we might weather economic uncertainty. Through the hard work of two different Mayors, many Council colleagues, Village employees and our residents who found innovative ways to serve our community, our Village has done well to make frugal, prudent decisions. While we continue in those traditions we can also create new ones, and redefine what's needed for lasting change that improves our community long after we've served. I think we can all agree that's good. The ultimate goal for each of us is to leave things better than we found them. I'll be the first to say that starts with me. That said, I look forward to leading a Village that welcomes change and opportunity and chooses to engage in, not avoid, difficult conversations. That way together we can better address challenges with honest assessments focusing on what matters most - the people of our community. It's my goal to continue to ensure that our local government is practical, real, and accessible, and that we provide quality services at a value that reflect the standards and priorities of our community.
Thank you to all the friends and neighbors without whose help this would not be possible tonight, especially to my wife Cary, and our children Bobby, Ana and Will for their role in encouraging and helping me find ways to fit service into how we work together as a family.
And thank you to my parents, Bob and Janet, for instilling in me a guiding resolve and faith, an interest in government that motivates me to do better, and the heart to serve.
I look forward to the next four years and am humbled and grateful for the opportunity you have provided. Thank you all."
12. Public Comments
Preston Straub, who lives on the south end of town, said they were part of an annexation a few years ago. He serves on the condo board and has had interactions with Village government officials. He questioned the spirit of the Village and thinks there are some things this board should be aware of regarding procedures. He brought a section of the Municipal Code that he thinks is not being used. There is supposed to be a Building Board of Appeals in the community to address some things going on in the Village. He apologized for bringing this to the Council on this particular occasion. Mr. Straub said he sees some conflicts in the Code that need to be addressed. He distributed a sheet from the Code regarding the Building Board of Appeals. He didn't want to get into the intricacies involved at this time, but noted that when the issues came up he hit a wall attempting to exercise the procedures in the Code. Eventually he was informed that the Building Board of Appeals no longer exists.
Mayor Barnett suggested that Mr. Straub provide his contact information to Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker, who will work with him to address his concerns.
13. Manager's Report
There was no report.
14. Council Member Reports
Commissioner Kulovany said it is his honor to serve. He is passionate about Downers Grove as it is a special place. He will serve with honor and will serve diligently. He thanked Mayor Tully and former Commissioners Waldack and White for their commitment. He will listen to the people and is here to serve.
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt stated she is grateful for the opportunity to be of service. She moved here in 2012, and wants to give back by serving. All candidates ran professional campaigns. She thanked Mayor Tully, and Commissioners White and Waldack for their years of service to the Village. She then thanked her family for their support.
Commissioner Walus commented how thrilled she is to serve again. She congratulated Commissioners Sadowski-Fugitt and Kulovany, and told Mayor Tully, Commissioners White and Waldack that she will see them again soon.
Commissioner Earl thanked Mayor Tully and Commissioners Waldack and White for their service, and she then welcomed the new Commissioners.
Commissioner Hosé extended his thanks to the former members for their dedication, and welcomed the new Commissioners to the Council dais.
12. Adjournment
Mayor Barnett asked for a motion to adjourn.
Motion: Commissioner Hosé moved to adjourn. Commissioner Earl seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners Hosé, Earl, Kulovany, Sadowski-Fugitt, Walus; Mayor Barnett
Nay: None
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Mayor Barnett invited the public present to attend a small celebratory gathering in the Committee Room.
Respectfully submitted, April Holden Village Clerk
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