November 01, 2016
1. Call to Order
Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Commissioner Earl, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner White, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Barnett; Mayor Tully
Absent: Commissioner Walus
Non-Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden
The Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village-owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general nature. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. Individuals wishing to speak, should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and individuals are asked to refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2016-7106 - A. Minutes: Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only - October 11, 2016
MIN 2016-7107 - B. Minutes: Council Minutes - October 18, 2016
Motion: Commissioner White, seconded by Commissioner Waldack, moved to approve the minutes as presented.
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by voice vote.
4. Proclamation
Mayor Tully read a proclamation in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Grove Foundation. A celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, November 2, 2016. He invited members of the Foundation in the audience to accept the proclamation. The Mayor thanked the Foundation for making the Village of Downers Grove a great place.
5. Public Comments
This is the opportunity for public comments.
Rich Kulovany, 6825 Camden, said the Friends of the Edwards House is sponsoring landmarking events the weekend of November 12 & 13 including a session for homeowners on how to landmark their property and a tour of landmarked properties. He invited people to sign up on their Facebook page.
Connie Nicholson, 930 Curtiss, said living in Downers Grove is a spectacular experience. She spoke about holiday decorations. The majority of commuters walk down Mochel Drive on their way to the parking deck, and she thinks there should be more than one tree with lights on that street.
6. Public Hearings
PUB 2016-7067 - A. Public Hearing: 2017 Budget
Mayor Tully called the public hearing to order at 7:09 p.m. to consider the proposed FY17 Budget. Notice of this hearing was published in the Downers Grove Suburban Life on October 5, 2016, and a certificate of publication is made a part of these proceedings. He then summarized the procedures to be followed for the public hearing. The Mayor noted that there have been numerous public meetings to discuss the FY17 budget.
Mr. Fieldman said he had no further presentation. The budget was published on September 23, 2016 and has been available on the Village's website since that time. It has been the subject of many public meetings including Council meetings and Saturday meetings. Questions and answers to budget questions can also be found on the Village's website.
Mayor Tully asked for questions or comments from the public and Council. The Mayor said there will be another opportunity for discussion on November 22, 2016.
There being no comments from the public or the Council, Mayor Tully adjourned the public hearing at 7:12 p.m.
7. Consent Agenda
COR 2016-7108 - A. Claims Ordinance: No. 6183, Payroll, October 14, 2016
BIL 2016-7109 - B. Bills Payable: No. 6296, November 1, 2016
MOT 2016-7039 - C. Motion: Authorize a Five-Year Contract Not to Exceed $170,500.00 with BKD, LLP, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, for Audit Services
Summary: This authorizes a five year contract with BKD, LLP for performing the independent audit of the Village's annual financial statements for an amount not to exceed $170,500.00.
MOT 2016-7104 - D. Motion: Authorize the Purchase of Bulk Rock Salt at a Cost of $64.24 per Ton and Deicing Salt at a Cost of $80.24 per Ton from Cargill Incorporated Salt Division, North Olmsted, Ohio
Summary: This authorizes the purchase of bulk rock salt at a cost of $64.24 per ton and deicing salt at a cost of $80.24 per ton from Cargill Incorporated Salt Division, North Olmsted, Ohio.
RES 2016-7105 - E. Resolution: Authorize an Extension to the Agreement with SNI Solutions, Inc.
Summary: This approves the extension of the 2014 contract to purchase Geomelt liquid deicing products from SNI Solutions Inc. of Geneseo, Illinois as a sole source supplier in an amount not-to-exceed $62,100.
Motion: Commissioner White moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
8. Active Agenda
ORD 2016-7080 - A. Ordinance: Amend Ordinance No. 5265 Authorizing a Special Use to Permit the Construction of Three Principal Buildings on a Single Lot at 2300 Wisconsin Avenue
Summary: This amends the special use for 2300 Wisconsin Avenue.
Motion: Commissioner White moved to table this item to November 22, 2016. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
The Mayor said this is being tabled at the request of the petitioner.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
ORD 2016-7061 - B. Ordinance: Amend Certain Traffic Provisions
Summary: This amends certain traffic provisions by replacing yield signs with stop signs at various locations.
Motion: Commissioner White moved to adopt "An Ordinance Amending Certain Traffic Provisions," as presented. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
9. First Reading
Village Manager Dave Fieldman asked Rebecca Leitschuh, Sr. Planner, to introduce the First Reading items.
RES 2016-7065 - A. Resolution: Grant Historic Landmark Designation for 710 Maple Avenue
Rebecca Leitschuh, Sr. Planner, showed photos of the property at 710 Maple Avenue. Landmark designation is being requested by the Huber family. This falls under the landmark designation criteria of "Person of Historic Significance to the Community." The house was constructed by Captain Jordan James Cole. Ms. Leitschuh explained the features of the house, which was built about 1856. There are several reasons that the home should be landmarked. The home was built by Captain Cole of the Downers Grove Plow Boys, which was a semi-regular military organization. He was with his men in almost every engagement over the course of three years, except when he was captured and held as a prisoner. After his service he was involved in bettering communities and served as Mayor, and DuPage County Clerk. Captain Cole attested to the Papers of Incorporation of the Village of Downers Grove. Landmarking this property is an excellent way to honor Captain Cole. Ms. Leitschuh described the changes to the home and noted it still has retained its historic quality.
Commissioner Waldack said he thought the quote about Captain Cole was very appropriate: "There is no servant of the people who is more courteous and obliging to all alike in his official and social relations than he. Such are the men that people honor." He thinks that is a great quotation and is something that should apply today.
Mayor Tully expressed his appreciation to the Hubers for bringing this forward. The Council is happy to see the number of people who are coming forward to preserve the history of Downers Grove. He also understands the work involved in researching these applications.
Amy Gassen, 5320 Benton, also thanked the Hubers for bringing this request forward. Their passion is amazing. She encouraged homeowners to research their homes.
Mr. Kulovany commended the Hubers for their willingness to landmark their home and the Gassens who assisted in the research.
Cindy Zaeske, 1130 Franklin, also thanked the Hubers for bringing this forward. This was a beautiful home and the story of Captain Cole is a beautiful part of the Village's history. She suggested that people keep an open mind when looking at the home and remember the beautiful person who built that home.
Maren Huber, 710 Maple, said they knew the home originally belonged to Captain Cole, but they had no idea as to the history. She thanked Ms. Gassen and Ms. Zaeske for their help in researching the home. She then shared a photo of the house with the Village Council.
Mayor Tully said that the land he lives on might also have been owned by J. J. Cole.
RES 2016-7064 - B. Resolution: Grant Historic Landmark Designation for 4540 Highland Avenue
Ms. Leitschuh said the property at 4540 Highland has a distinguishing architectural style in that it is an American Foursquare home and was brought forward for landmarking by the Orwins. She showed the home and the area on a map. She explained that the house has maintained its original style, structure and character. The home was constructed in 1914 and is a significant example of an American Foursquare. She explained that the homeowners took painstaking efforts to construct the garage on the location of the original carriage house and keep it within the architectural vision of the time. Looking at historic photos of the house, it is basically the same as originally built.
Mayor Tully thanked Ms. Leitschuh for the presentation, and the Orwins for bringing this forward and adding it to the Village's landmarked property inventory.
Mr. Kulovany said he supports this request.
Ms. Gassen thanked the Orwins for bringing this petition forward. She toured the home a few weeks ago and said that the Orwins went above and beyond to maintain the historical character of the property. She noted that in 2013 there were 65 significant homes in the Village. Three of those homes have been lost. However, with this home they have protected three.
10. Mayor's Report
Mayor Tully said he is the District 3 municipal representative to the DuPage County Stormwater Management Committee. The Committee met this morning. Mayor Tully provided an update on the floodplain mapping program. Staff continues to work with the Illinois State Water Survey to update the maps and is coming to a final resolution on all remaining comments regarding the preliminary floodplain maps. A recommendation will be forwarded to the DuPage County Board. That action has been postponed until the first meeting in December. He asked staff to circulate documents regarding the assessment program.
11. Manager's Report
MOT 2016-7110 - A. Motion: Direct Staff to Issue a Call for Offers/Request for Proposal to Purchase and Develop a Portion of the Civic Center Property
Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker said the Council unanimously adopted a motion on October 11, 2016, directing staff to "Pursue an alternative option for a mixed use redevelopment of the Civic Center property, including a new combined Police State & Village Hall with a multi-family residential development." Staff has prepared a Call for Offers with input from the Downers Grove Economic Development Commission. Staff expects to present an analysis and review of the offers to the Council in February 2017.
Motion: Commissioner White moved to direct staff to issue a Call for Offers/Request for Proposal to purchase and develop a portion of the Civic Center property. Commissioner Hosé seconded the motion.
Commissioner Earl asked as to how long the proposals would be valid.
Mr. Fieldman said the proposals are to be submitted in December. They would be good for 90-120 days. If directed to do so in February, staff would begin negotiating a redevelopment agreement consistent with the terms of the preferred proposal.
Commissioner Waldack said he is concerned about the process. The referendum indicated that the public does not approve of facilities costing over $46 million. He thinks the Civic Center campus is blighted and needs improvement. He reviewed the Council process with respect to Village-owned property that resulted in the Village approving a redevelopment agreement with Acadia on the Green. He said he would like to use the same process in this situation. He hopes everyone keeps in mind the fact that we own this property and the Village has a lot of say about what looks right and what is right for the property.
Commissioner White said he sees this in terms of economic viability, which is what needs to be decided. Without an offer, we will never know if this is economically viable. If this is not an economically viable offer, then this is over. If it is, Council can look at the offer and the site review. He does not intend to make site review decisions in February. The decision in February is economic viability as to whether sufficient revenue can be generated. If the addition is done to the Police Station prior to considering offers, the ability to sell the parcel and the value could vary and be greatly reduced. He said he is very far away from feeling this is the route the Council should follow. He wants economic information, information from TIF consultants and bids from developers. He said he will be voting in favor of this motion.
Commissioner Hosé said he agrees with Commissioner White. He cautioned to be wary of the $46 million figure, as the pertinent number is $14.5 million. He would like to know if we can spend $14.5 million in addition to the money not generated from taxpayers and a build a building that combines two existing buildings and generates economic development.
Commissioner Earl said she understands that the Village Hall needs some serious work and the needs of the Police Department are obvious. However, she thinks with the on-going downtown development we are jumping the gun a bit, as Council cannot know the effect of the current downtown development. We are rushing this and she does not feel that this is the best thing to do at this time. She would like more information and time.
Commissioner Waldack said he agrees with Commissioner White that we need information. His concern is both long-term and in terms of the process. He will support getting more information. The concern should be what is built in the downtown as well as the economics of the development.
Mayor Tully said everything depends on the offer that is made. He cannot say that under no circumstance would he not sell his house, as it depends upon the offer. This is the same idea. He would like to see the offers. The referendum was in response to a concrete proposal. He would like to see proposals as a result of this decision. This may solve many issues. There may be some partnership opportunities. He wants to see if this can be done at a cost and risk tolerance level that is acceptable to the community. The process will involve public input. He said he is not concerned with moving too fast because the timing will be reviewed if Council decides to move forward. He wants to be able to explain to his constituents why certain decisions were made.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Hosé, Waldack, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: Commissioner Earl
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
12. Council Member Reports
Commissioner Waldack reminded the public that there is no Council meeting next Tuesday, November 8, 2016, Election Day. He urged people to vote.
13. Adjournment
Motion: Commissioner White moved to adjourn. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners White, Waldack, Earl, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
April Holden
Village Clerk
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