July 05, 2016
Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner White, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Olsen, Commissioner Barnett; Mayor Tully
Absent: Commissioner Vattimo
Non-Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden
The Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village-owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general nature. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. Individuals wishing to speak, should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and individuals are asked to refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2016-6893 - A. Minutes: Council Minutes - June 28, 2016
Motion: Commissioner Olsen, seconded by Commissioner White, moved to approve the minutes as presented.
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by voice vote.
4. Presentation
Economic Development Corporation Quarterly Report
Michael Cassa, President and CEO of the Economic Development Corporation (EDC), 5159 Mochel Dr., presented the EDC's quarterly report dated July 5, 2016. He began by reporting the 2015 year-end sales taxes by category as follows: The total sales tax for 2015 was $20.8 million with a 4% increase in sales tax revenue over 2014.
FIGURES FOR 2015: General Merchandise shows a .04% increase over 2014. Food shows an increase of 6.59% over 2014. Drinking and Eating places increased 4.41% over 2014. Apparel resulted in a 1.15% increase over the previous year. Furniture and Appliances increased 23.27% due largely to Art Van Furniture, which was open for five months during the 2015 reporting period. Lumber, Building and Hardware showed a 6.65% increase over 2014. Automotive and Gas Stations showed a decline of 3.62% attributed to the drop in gas prices. Drugs and Miscellaneous Retail declined 5.77%, which could be attributed to mail order prescriptions; however, the quarterly numbers for 2015 showed an increase. Manufacturers increased by 2.47% over 2014.
FIGURES FOR FIRST QUARTER 2016 Sales Tax and Home Rule Tax for January 1 through March 31, 2016 shows a total of 7.15% increase over the same period last year. Home Rule Sales Tax revenue for the first quarter this year has increased 12.06% over same period last year.
Mr. Cassa then provided information on the Sales Tax from the State for the first quarter of 2016. General Merchandise was up 2.28% over 2015. Food declined by 2.2% due to competition in other communities. He said there are seven grocery stores in Downers Grove at present. Drinking and Eating Places increased 9.94%. Apparel increased 18.52% for the first quarter. Furniture and Appliances increased 38.93%, again attributed to Art Van Furniture. Lumber, Building and Hardware increased 7.70%. Automotive and Gas Stations declined 10.69% due to lower gas prices. Drugs and Miscellaneous retail increased 29.76%. Manufacturers increased by 185.21% attributed to Alter Brewery's opening.
Last year's Hotel Tax increased 6%, with a 7.28% increase for the first quarter of 2016 over the same period last year.
Mr. Cassa then reviewed the Sales Tax Base Enhancement Plan developed by AECom after studying the Downers Grove retail market. He said the Council members received a copy of that report. The EDC has accelerated its marketing in retail and restaurants, and has participated in numerous trade shows. Mr. Cassa met with Chris Brewer, the Project Manager for AECom. In addition an EDC staff member will become proficient in analyzing and updating the 2015 data so it can be done in-house as new data comes in. He said the EDC has also utilized the national Co-Star Tenant service as it relates to existing retail leases. Additionally, staff maintains almost daily contact with the owners of local shopping centers, retail and restaurant corporation managers, and commercial brokers who represent tenants, as well as preferred developers for specific retailers. New businesses coming into the Village include: Chipotle, Grand Appliance and TV, Duluth Trading, Tuesday Morning, and Packey Webb.
Manager Tully thanked Mr. Cassa for his thorough report.
Commissioner White said he was pleased with the report and asked for data in the future of both gross amounts and amounts net of rebates, as well as information of the differential sales tax rates that apply to different categories. He said he thought the Village was on the right track. He is a strong proponent of economic development. He wants to stay focused on value propositions. Sales tax, hotel tax, etc., are where the Village can get returns.
Commissioner Barnett asked for a split of the automotive and gasoline figures, as that would be helpful to him.
Commissioner White said they can get the information on the rebates. He also asked whether gas taxes are subject to Home Rule Sales Tax.
Village Manager Dave Fieldman replied that staff would look into that.
Mr. Cassa said he believes that the Village is not permitted to report beyond the figures they are given.
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca commented that the Village signs disclosure statements with the State that the Village will not release sales tax data.
Commissioner Barnett said that gas is a bit analogous to utility taxes and if gas prices increase it's good for the Village. He noted that it's useful to him to understand the split in the gasoline and automotive, as well as comments in the future on things such as marketing for restaurants, going to trade shows, etc.
Mr. Cassa said he would make it a point to start sharing more commercial development information with the Council members.
Mayor Tully commented on the importance of economic development for attraction and retention of businesses in the community. Sales tax revenue for 2016 is estimated to be $12 million. That is the number one source of revenue for the Village. He said that 26% the General Fund revenues come from sales tax revenues. Property Taxes account for about 24% of the General Fund revenue. The Village needs to continue robust pursuit of attraction and retention of businesses in an effort to keep the real estate property taxes level. He highlighted the sales tax contribution of Art Van Furniture, and spoke to the effort made to balance revenue streams to keep the cost of living in the Village down.
5. Public Comments
This is the opportunity for public comments.
6. Consent Agenda
COR 2016-6894 - A. Claims Ordinance: No. 6165, Payroll, June 10, 2016
BIL 2016-6895 - B. Bills Payable: No. 6272, July 5, 2016
MOT 2016-6899 - C. Motion: Authorize $94,080.50 to Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, South Roxana, IL, for 2016 Preservative and Restorative Seal
Summary: This awards a contract for the 2016 Preservative and Restorative Seal (CIP Projects ST-004E) to Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, South Roxana, Illinois, in the amount of $94,080.50.
MOT 2016-6867 - D. Motion: Award a Contract to Amita Bolingbrook Hospital, Bolingbrook, IL, for Annual Fire Department Fit for Duty Medical Exams
Summary: This authorizes award of a contract for the annual Fire Department fit for duty medical exams to Amita Bolingbrook Hospital, Bolingbrook, Illinois.
RES 2016-6865 - E. Resolution: Authorize a Second Extension to the Agreement with Air One Equipment, Inc.
Summary: This authorizes award of a three-year contract extension and future purchase of firefighter turnout gear from Air One, Inc. of Elgin, Illinois.
MIN 2016-6903 - F. Minutes: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions
Summary: Plan Commission - June 6, 2016
Motion: Commissioner Olsen moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Commissioner White seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners Olsen, White, Waldack, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
7. Active Agenda
ORD 2016-6873 - A. Ordinance: Establish Provisions for Mobile Food Vendors
Summary: This establishes provisions for mobile food vendors.
Motion: Commissioner Olsen moved to adopt "An Ordinance Establishing Provisions for Mobile Food Vendors," as presented. Commissioner White seconded the motion.
Commissioner White said that he spoke with the Superintendent of District 99, and the District 99 Board will discuss this item at their July meeting.
Commissioner Waldack said that he suggested at the last meeting that a preference be shown to the Village's brick and mortar restaurants if they express an interest in operating food trucks.
Mayor Tully commented that this is an example of taking a step to facilitate the success of businesses in our community.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners Olsen, White, Waldack, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried.
8. First Reading
Mr. Fieldman noted that the first three items under First Reading are contracts for infrastructure maintenance. He asked Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, to explain each item.
MOT 2016-6898 - A. Motion: Authorize $1,902,608.58 to Geneva Construction Company, Aurora, IL, for the 2016 Street Resurfacing Contract B
Ms. Newlon said that this contract is to Geneva Construction Co. in the amount of $1,902,608.58 and is one component of the 2016 roadway maintenance program. It includes resurfacing streets with a new layer of asphalt as well as repairing defective sections of pavement and concrete curb and gutter. The purpose is to keep the Village streets in good, maintainable condition. The majority of this funding comes from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund. She then showed a list of the 15 streets to be included in this project and spoke to the background and quality of work performed in the past by the vendor.
MOT 2016-6896 - B. Motion: Authorize $762,694.50 to Trine Construction Corp., West Chicago, IL, for the 2016 Water Main Improvements Contract A
Ms. Newlon commented that this contract is to Trine Construction Corporation in the amount of $762,694.50 which includes installation of approximately 2,300 linear feet of 8" water main, replacement of approximately 43 residential water services, sidewalk and driveway removal and replacement, and parkway restoration. The streets to be addressed are Grant Street from Linscott Avenue to Prince Street; Indianapolis Avenue from Douglas Road to Fairview Avenue; and Lincoln Avenue from Douglas Road to Fairview Avenue. Ten bids were received and Trine was the lowest bidder. They have good recommendations from other communities, and have worked for the Village in the past.
MOT 2016-6897 - C. Motion: Authorize $209,020.00 to J. Gill & Company, South Holland, IL, for Parking Deck Rehabilitation and Maintenance, Phase I
Ms. Newlon said the Village constructed its parking deck 12 years ago and it requires increased maintenance and rehabilitation. This is the first phase of the maintenance plan. She reviewed the activities involved in this plan such a concrete, masonry, and façade repairs, removal and replacement of sealant materials, replacement of the 4th floor sprinkler system, door and frame replacement and miscellaneous repairs throughout the deck. She noted that J. Gill and Company was the low responsive bidder.
Mayor Tully said it is hard to believe that it has been 12 years since the deck was built. He asked whether these activities were planned.
Ms. Newlon said that nothing was unexpected, but they need to get started.
The Mayor asked if any of this is premature.
Ms. Newlon said the deck was designed for movement and these are expected maintenance activities.
The Mayor asked whether there are things that can be corrected or changed in the deck.
Ms. Newlon said that they would redo the call boxes and video cameras to incorporate video changes as well as safety features.
Commissioner Olsen asked whether the stairwells will be cleaned.
Ms. Newlon said that is part of in-house maintenance activities and not part of this project.
Mr. Fieldman said that the next two items are part of the consolidation of the VOC. He said that the Council discussed the intergovernmental agreement in May.
RES 2016-6868 - D. Resolution: Authorize a Letter of Intent to Participate in the DuPage County Justice Information System (DUJIS)
Shanon Gillette, Deputy Chief of Police, said the DuPage County Emergency Telephone Safety Board (ETSB), has partnered with the State's Attorney's Office to provide a consolidated Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) for all police and fire services throughout DuPage County. This system improves service levels and reduces annual costs. The Village currently owns and operates its own system and it is scheduled for replacement. To address this replacement, staff has recommended participation in the DuPage County Justice Information System. He said that the consolidated system includes criminal justice data and it will be fully integrated with the DuPage County State's Attorney's office. It will reduce the annual cost by approximately $65,000 per year for the next five years. They expect this to be fully operational by the end of 2019.
Commissioner Barnett asked whether the Village is still doing preplan work through the Fire Department.
The Manager said that they were and that work would continue to be distributed.
Bob Wayman asked whether the Village does dispatching for Westmont.
Mr. Fieldman responded that Westmont will move their dispatching services to Addison's dispatching. They will have to make their own decisions as it relates to CAD/RMS.
RES 2016-6890 - E. Resolution: Approve and Authorize an Intergovernmental Agreement with DuPage Public Safety Communications Regarding a Joint Public Safety Communications System Agreement
Deputy Chief Gillette said that the Village operates its own dispatch center; however, continued operation is not feasible due to changes in State law and County policies. In May 2016, the Council directed staff to pursue membership in DU-COMM for emergency dispatching services. He then explained which service levels will be the same or enhanced, such as police, fire and EMS dispatching services, fire alarm monitoring, major incident response, severe weather alerts, and administration of overnight parking permissions. Areas that would require minor operational changes include Public Works dispatching, police station after hours lobby reception, severe weather instrument tracking, Law Enforcement Agencies Data System (LEADS) services, and monitoring video cameras at Civic Center and parking deck. The police station after hour lobby reception is the only area that residents/customers will notice a change in service. Customers will pick up a phone and have direct contact with the dispatcher at DU-COMM, and the dispatcher will send an officer to meet with the customer. He said that the transition will start in the fall of 2016 and should be completed by early summer of 2017.
Commissioner Barnett asked for more description of the changes as they relate to fire dispatch that we expect will occur.
Mr. Fieldman replied they are doing it now, but they have not been reviewed by ISO yet. Staff has every reason to believe that the changes will be acceptable as the scores would be the same.
Commissioner Barnett asked about the fire alarm monitoring.
The Manager said that the Village administers the fire alarm program, as the Village is an industry leader in this regard. The Village created an open system that keeps costs down so the Village will keep that option here.
Commissioner Barnett then asked about major incidents and the connections with Public Works and the Village Hall staff.
The Manager said he would provide information as to how DU-COMM's tactical unit will interact with the Village staff.
Commissioner Barnett then said that the Village provides really good services. He understands that the Village has to do this, but there are issues that worry him and he hates to lose the excellent service the Village already has.
Commissioner Waldack commented that the Village is forced into this, and cannot operate its own VOC under these conditions. He encouraged people to visit the Village's website. He said this will cost the Village more for similar services, and the Village will have to monitor them. He is proud of the current service.
Commissioner Olsen thanked staff for their work on this item. He appreciates the service analysis. He said that the Village's facility plan is fortuitously timed with the transition, and the reduction of space needed for the Police Department will save taxpayers money.
Mr. Fieldman noted that there is about $65,000 savings in Item D. As to the scope of the facilities, there would be a savings of $70,000-$100,000. DU-COMM will increase costs by about $118,000 per year.
Mayor Tully said that the community has long and responsibly studied potential solutions to the needs that make sense for the community. He explained that the Village is doing this because a number of things have aligned. There has been a change in policy and law that makes this inevitable, but the Village is being proactive and influencing the situation wherever it can. The customer will see no material difference in service levels, with the exception of the window availability at the Police Department. He said that the Village explored several other options as well. All things considered, they have seized the opportunity to guide and direct this. This is a very sophisticated and complex arrangement.
Mr. Fieldman thanked Chief Jim Jackson for creating the Village's open wireless fire alarm system.
9. Mayor's Report
Mayor Tully thanked everyone who attended and participated in the Independence Day Parade and the fireworks display.
10. Manager's Report
REP 2016-6904 - A. Report: Facilities Sustainability Plan Update
Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker provided an update on the Police Department plans, saying that the plan to renovate and construct an addition to the Police Department is moving forward. Staff has spent a lot of time with the architect to verify that the space program is accurate. The space program can be reduced by approximately 2,200 square feet without impacting other operations. That reduces the costs by $1-$1.5 million with the elimination of the dispatch center. This could result in lower annual debt service payments of between $70,000-$105,000.
Mayor Tully asked what the plan is with respect to updates.
The Manager replied that staff contemplates making monthly updates to the Council.
11. Attorney's Report
12. Council Member Reports
Commissioner Barnett informed the Council that he will present new business item for next week's agenda regarding the downtown development and the idea of a moratorium.
Commissioner Olsen thanked everyone who came out to the Parade. The fireworks event is a joint effort with Darien and Woodridge.
13. Adjournment
Mayor Tully asked for a motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Olsen moved to adjourn. Commissioner White seconded the motion.
Votes: Yea: Commissioners Olsen, White, Waldack, Hosé, Barnett; Mayor Tully Nay: None
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
April Holden
Village Clerk
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