March 03, 2015

1.Call to Order

Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. 

2. Roll Call

Council Attendance (Present):  Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Neustadt, Commissioner Olsen, Commissioner Rheintgen, Mayor Tully

Absent:  Commissioners Barnett, Durkin

3. Executive Session

Commissioner Neustadt moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to consider personnel matters.  Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion.

Vote:  Aye:  Commissioners Neustadt, Olsen, Hosé, Rheintgen; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session at 6:01 p.m.

Reconvene into Open Session

Call to Order

The Mayor reconvened the Council meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Tully invited the Girl Scout Troop #50127 from Henry Puffer Elementary School to assist him in leading those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


The Girl Scouts assisted the Mayor in reading a proclamation declaring the week of March 8-14, 2015, as Girl Scout Week in the Village of Downers Grove.  They presented the Mayor with a box of Thin Mints.

Roll Call

Council Attendance (Present):  Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Neustadt, Commissioner Olsen, Commissioner Rheintgen, Mayor Tully

Staff Attendance:  Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden

4. Minutes of Council Meetings

MIN 2015-6136 - A. Minutes:  Council Minutes - February 17, 2015

Motion:  Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Durkin moved to approve the minutes as presented. 

Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by voice vote.

5. Council Member Reports

Commissioner Barnett discussed the competition and culmination of the Regional Destination Imagination event held in Knoxville, Tennessee this past weekend.  He described the organization and said the Downers Grove District 58 was well represented at the event.  He congratulated the students in District 58 who participated.

Commissioner Neustadt announced that the District 99 band played at Carnegie Hall last week.  He suggested asking them to share their experience at a Council meeting.

Commissioner Hosé said St. Joe's Brownie Troop 51997 is collecting donations to help the homeless.  Donations can be made through March 11 and will go to PADS.

6. Consent Agenda

COR 2015-6106 - A. Claims Ordinance:  No. 6095, Payroll, February 6, 2015

BIL 2015-6107 - B. Bills Payable:  No. 6176, March 3, 2015

MOT 2015-6080 - C. Motion:  Authorize a Change Order for $57,200 to D. Ryan Tree & Landscape LLC for Tree and Stump Removal Services

Summary:  This authorizes a change order to an existing three-year contract for Tree and Stump Removal services to D. Ryan Tree & Landscape LLC of DeKalb, Illinois in the amount of $57,200.00.

MOT 2015-6105 - D. Motion:  Award $112,992 to Hancock Engineering, Westchester, IL, for Watermain Construction Engineering Services

Summary:  This awards contracts for watermain construction engineering services to Hancock Engineering of Westchester, Illinois in the amount of $112,992.00 for Community Investment Program (CIP) projects WA-006 and WA-028.

MOT 2015-6098 - E. Motion:  Award a Contract for $86,240 to Safe Step LLC, Hortonville, WI, for the 2015 Sidewalk Rehabilitation Project

Summary:  This awards a contract for the 2015 Sidewalk Rehabilitation project to Safe Step LLC of Hortonville, Wisconsin in the amount of $86,240.00.

RES 2015-6100 - F. Resolution:  Authorize an Extension to the Agreement with Western Gradall Corporation

Summary:  The authorizes a contract extension with Western Gradall Corporation of Naperville, Illinois until December 31, 2015 for the provision of roadside drainage ditch reconstruction and maintenance services. The original contract was for an amount of $33,230 and there is no change in contract cost for this time extension.



MOT 2015-6094 - G. Motion:  Authorize a Contract for $15,850 to Midwest Dock Solutions for Replacement of Overhead Doors at Fire Station 3, 3900 Highland Avenue

Summary:  This authorizes a contract for $15,850 to Midwest Dock Solutions for replacement of three overhead doors at Fire Station #3, 3900 Highland Avenue.

MIN 2015-6108 - H. Minutes:  Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

Summary:  Library Board - January 18, 2015 Stormwater and Flood Plain Oversight Committee - November 13, 2014 Zoning Board of Appeals - December 17, 2014

Motion:  Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Sean Durkin, moved to adopt the Consent Agenda.

Votes:  Aye: Commissioners Neustadt, Durkin, Hosé, Olsen, Rheintgen, Barnett; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried.

7. Active Agenda

MOT 2015-6062 - A. Motion:  Direct Staff to Draft a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance re:  Retail and Warehousing Activities in the O-R, Office-Research Zoning District

Summary:  This directs staff to draft a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to amend the existing permitted use regulations to permit e-commerce, e-retail and warehousing activities in the O-R, Office-Research zoning district.

Village Manager Dave Fieldman said staff will work with the petitioner.  Council will review and take action on this matter at a later date with the benefit of a recommendation from the Plan Commission.

Motion:  Commissioner Geoff Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Sean Durkin, moved that the motion be adopted.

Votes:  Aye: Commissioners Neustadt, Durkin, Hosé, Olsen, Rheintgen, Barnett; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried.


ORD 2015-6029 - B. Ordinance:  Rezone the Property Located at 305-307 and 325 Ogden Avenue from B-3 to B-3/PUD

Summary:  This rezones 305-307 and 325 Ogden Avenue from B-3, General Services and Highway Business, to B-3/PUD, General Services and Highway Business with a Planned Unit Development overlay.



Mr. Fieldman said this allows flexibility to encourage economic development.

Motion:  Commissioner Durkin, seconded by Commissioner Neustadt, moved the motion be adopted.

Votes:  Aye: Commissioners Durkin, Neustadt, Hosé, Olsen, Rheintgen, Barnett; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried.


ORD 2015-6060 - C. Ordinance:  Approve a Planned Unit Development Amendment to Planned Development #52 Located at 305-307 Ogden Avenue

Summary:  This approves a planned unit development amendment to Planned Development #52 located at 305-307 Ogden Avenue. 



Motion:  Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Durkin moved that the motion be adopted.

Votes:  Aye: Commissioners Neustadt, Durkin, Hosé, Olsen, Rheintgen, Barnett; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried.


MOT 2015-6118 - D. Motion:  Direct Staff to Facilitate a Three-Party Agreement re:  942 Maple Avenue Structure Relocation

Mayor Tully asked for an update on this matter.

Stan Popovich, Planning Manager, provided an update on the proposal to move the house at 942 Maple Avenue.  Mr. Popovich addressed the tree impact of moving the house to 743 Maple Avenue.  Upon further discussion, the tree map has been revised to lessen the impact on the trees.  He described the move as it impacts 25 parkway trees and six private trees.  Only the Tillotsons tree on private property would be removed.

Regarding the three-party agreement, Mr. Fieldman provided an update and said the financial request is for $123,560 for the house move only to be paid for by waiving the permit fees for the condo development.  The other terms of the agreement remain the same.

Mr. Tillotson expressed his appreciation to Mr. Fieldman, the staff and the Council.

Mr. Tillotson presented slides and made summary comments.  He showed a slide that illustrated what the house would look like moving down Maple Avenue to demonstrate that the house fits on Maple Avenue.  He spoke of lessons learned and referenced the Village's vision with respect to a "balance between tradition and progress."  He said there is a commitment on the part of the Council toward historic preservation.  He said this has been a good opportunity to be disruptive of his own finances.  The basis of entering into this endeavor was with the assumption that the fee waiver would be applied toward moving the house.  He cannot cover the cost of moving the house. 

Mr. Tillotson then spoke of the economic opportunity of the condo development.  Progress is the Marquis on Maple and balance is preserving the home.  He then addressed why the Council should vote yes.  It is a win-win situation and it creates good will in the community.  Mr. Tillotson said the issue is a gradual decimation of high value of historic assets.  A public/private solution is needed, 

Mike Behm spoke on behalf of all of the friends of the Edwards House.  They are trying to make this work for the Tillotsons and for the Village.  Mr. Behm offered another option and said Judy Bach, a third party, has a property with no home on it.  She has offered her property under certain conditions.  She will move the home to her property and funds will be found to move it.  The Village would then buy the property back for a predetermined amount and put out an RFP to restore the house.  No trees are impacted on Maple Avenue and no public funds would be given to a private entity.  Ms. Bach can sell the house to the Village at below market value.  Mr. Behm noted that they are running out of time to save this house.  He offered a market analysis of the home done by his realtor.

Motion:  Commissioner Neustadt moved to adopt a motion to direct staff to facilitate a three-party agreement between the Village, John Tillotson, and FFM-DG Development, LLC for the relocation of the structure at 942 Maple which includes the Village's obligation to issue a loan in the amount of $123,560, or the total amount of waived building permit fees, for the multiple family residential building development at 936-942 Maple Avenue for ten years a 0 percent interest in accordance with all other consistent terms as outlined in the March 3, 2015, Manager's Memo.  Commissioner Barnett seconded the motion. 

Following Commissioner Neustadt's motion, Commissioner Olsen asked as to the petitioner's response.

Commissioner Durkin said this would be a loan.

The Mayor clarified that the request for was waived fees to go to moving the house; the motion is for a loan.

Commissioner Olsen asked if the proposal is acceptable to Mr. Tillotson.

Commissioner Neustadt asked if private money would be found to move the house in the proposal just presented by Mr. Behm.  Commissioner Neustadt asked what makes this move different.

Mr. Behm said the money would be paid back as soon as the Village buys back the house.

Mr. Tillotson said he appreciates the loan offer, but declined it as they are already in the red.

Commissioner Rheintgen said the Village is hesitant to own the property.  She asked if the Village could loan the money to Ms. Bach and then she could sell it. 

Mr. Behm said that while he could not speak for Ms. Bach, they are asking for the Village to participate.  This is not a big risk for the Village as the Village would own the property for a very short amount of time.

Margy Sigerich, 522 59th Street, said she grew up in Downers Grove and has sold real estate since 1987.  She knows why people want to live in Downers Grove.  The Edwards House belongs to all of us.  The idea of spending public money benefits all of us because it is part of our community.

Judy Bach said she supports what has been said.  

Amy Hebert referenced fee waivers in Chapter 1 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. 

Mayor Tully said fees can be and are waived for economic development.

Mr. Tillotson said the updated cost of the move is $133,000; the request is $123,000.  This money would not go into the home or preparation of the site.

Ken Lerner, 4933 Whiffen Place, said the Pierce Downers Heritage Alliance has been serving as an aggregator for donations for people wanting to save the house.  In one week they have collected over $5,000 and in-kind donations of $6,500.  This is the reflection of the desire of the community to preserve this piece of art history. 

Mary Ann Krempp, 850 Maple, said she moved here 32 years ago.  The homes appealed to her and her husband, and that needs to be kept.  It is worth tax dollars to keep the flavor of the town.

Charlie Smart, 4804 Main, said he is president of the Downers Grove Heritage Preservation Corporation, the Blodgett House group, which represents a successful partnership between public and private cooperation.  The demolition of the house would be an irretrievable loss.  Moving the house preserves it and advances the cause of historic preservation.

Scott Lazar, 808 Maple, asked the Council to approve the plan without public funds.  Moving the house is not a must have for the Village.  He noted that the Village is likely looking at a significant loss of funds from the state.  The return on the investment for the Village must be asked.  This sets a terrible precedent.  Private fundraising is the way to go; using public dollars is not appropriate.  The Tillotsons found a way to preserve the trees.  He asked them to be creative in terms of the financing as well.

Mike Moats, 1100 Maple, said he is in favor of saving the house and keeping it on Maple Avenue.  This house has potential for raising property taxes on a property for decades to come.

Jordan Macarus said people are committed and sincere, and he supports them.

Mr. Tillotson addressed the issue of precedent setting.  He said there are no other significant historic homes left in the CBD.  This presents a very narrow risk for precedent setting.

Commissioner Hosé asked Ms. Bach about the possibility of a loan to her and have her sell the house.

Ms. Bach said it would not be enough money.

Mr. Tillotson said it will cost $150,000 to prepare the site.

Mr. Behm said the Village would be a partner.  The Village does not move the house.  After it is moved and the utilities are hooked up, the Village would buy the house.  The Village would put up funds for a short time to then re-sell the house.

The Mayor recapped Mr. Behm's proposal.  Private funds would be used to move the house, the Village would purchase the land with the house on it, and the Village would then sell it to get out of its investment.

Commissioner Neustadt thanked people for their interest.  He said the staff has worked hard on this; approximately 210 hours of staff time has been spent on this matter.  The motion addresses many of the issues and terms raised tonight.  The loan option is a unique option and is an excellent way to mitigate the Village's risk.  He noted his appreciation for everyone's time and ideas.  He thinks this motion is the most responsible way to help.

Commissioner Barnett said that, with respect to the plan offered tonight, he does not want anyone to expect a decision this evening, although he would not want to rule it out.

Commissioner Olsen said he appreciates everyone's time.  Staff has worked hard on this issue.  He would support the motion if it were feasible, but it does not work.  Mr. Tillotson is not willing to go along with the motion.  We are not meeting in the middle.  It sounds as though the Village will walk away from Mr. Tillotson.  It is unfortunate for all of us.  It is difficult to measure the value of this to the community.  He asked if the house is worth waiving fees of $123,000.  He thinks it is worth it.  He supports Mr. Tillotson's initial proposal. 

Commissioner Olsen moved to amend the motion by striking the loan language and replacing it with language to waive fees of $123,000.   The motion failed for lack of a second.

Commissioner Olsen expressed his appreciation to Mr. Behm and Mr. Tillotson for their work going above and beyond to pursue options.

Commissioner Rheintgen moved to amend the original motion to add language allowing the petitioner to pursue subdividing his lot at 743 Maple.  Commissioner Hosé seconded the motion.

Commissioner Rheintgen said this would result in two houses and two lots.

Mr. Fieldman said the Council cannot approve the subdivision.  The request would have to go to the Plan Commission. 

Commissioner Rehintgen thanked Mr. Lazar for this suggestion.

Mr. Fieldman clarified that this is a subdivision concept instead of a loan or a waiver of fees.   The property would consist of two lots where one is now.  The financial value of the second lot would be greater than the financial assistance.

Mr. Tillotson said that while he appreciates the creativity, he does not want to live on a smaller lot. 

Commissioner Rheintgen said the point is to demonstrate that there are lots of options.

Marge Earl, 4720 Florence, said this idea is not consistent with anything the Council has done for the last 10 or 15 years.  It flies in the face of reason and will create two non-conforming lots.

Laurel Bowen, 829 Clyde, said residents are paying stormwater fees and now a lot would be split and two houses would be crammed on it.  She said she had hoped that Commissioner Olsen's motion would have been seconded.

Commissioner Rheintgen said staff has studied this. 

Ken Wolf, 744 Maple, said he would not want to see two houses crammed on the lot across the street from him.

Hilary Denk, 433 Wilson, said she appreciates the creativity.  She read a quote from President Lincoln regarding the government's role.  Commissioner Olsen's motion is a very good one for our community.  She is sad that no one seconded it.

William Waldack, 1409 Willard Place, spoke about the money budgeted for the gateway signs and said they are supposed to represent the architecture and tradition of Downers Grove.  The budget for one year is $100,000.  The Village will spend $100,000 for architecture that is being torn down.

David Gassen, 5320 Benton Avenue, said he is proud of the people here tonight; he likes living in Downers Grove because of the people. 

Mr. Behm said Mr. Tillotson has rejected the motion; he requested that it be withdrawn or further amended.

Commissioner Neustadt said he is fine with considering a lot split and could consider the lot split and the loan concepts.

Commissioner Durkin moved to close the debate.  Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion.

Vote:  Aye:  Commissioners Durkin, Olsen, Hosé, Rheintgen, Barnett, Neustadt; Mayor Tully.

Mayor Tully declared the motion passed and the debate was closed.

Mayor Tully then asked for a vote on the motion as amended by Commissioner Rheintgen.

Vote:  Aye:  Commissioners Rheintgen, Hosé, Neustadt Nay:  Commissioners Olsen, Barnett, Durkin; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the motion failed 3:4.  

Commissioner Hosé thanked everyone who has been involved in this matter.  With regard to the condo development, Commissioner Hosé said that was a matter of land use and whether the proposal fit our Zoning Ordinance.  Whether or not additional property tax would be captured from that is a separate item.  If the building is built, the property tax generated from it will go into the Downtown TIF and not the General Fund.  Regarding participation, the Village has participated in the request to relocate the house.  His principal objection had to do with the trees.  Lessening the impact on the trees is extraordinary.  The use of public funds has become more significant with the Governor's address regarding budget proposals.  Commissioner Hosé said he is not willing to put public dollars into this matter at this time.  He would agree with a loan, or a lot split and a loan.

Mayor Tully said he is glad that time has been spent on this and that everyone is still trying to solve this.  We strive for "and" not "or" solutions.  We value historic architecture and preservation.  This is a challenge and we have continued to work on it.  The Council members are fiduciaries of more than just money.  Even discussion of the condo development included the desire to save this house.  Shame on us if we do not collectively work this out.  Everyone has a stake in this.  This is a value proposition.  We would not have the $123,560 without the condo development.  We can save this house.  He said he would have seconded Commissioner Olsen's motion if he were allowed to do so.  We need to act.  The loan is a great idea if it works.  We will not have the home if we do not take action.  He will vote in favor of the loan, but it is not his preference.


Mayor Tully called for a vote on the motion made by Commissioner Neustadt and seconded by Commissioner Barnett.

Votes:  Aye: Commissioners Neustadt, Barnett, Hosé, Olsen, Rheintgen, Durkin; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried.

Mayor Tully said Council will continue to listen to comments.


8. First Reading

RES 2015-6135 - A. Resolution:  Authorize an Amendment to the Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. re:  Clyde Estates

Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, said staff is requesting an amendment to an existing contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) of Rosemont, Illinois, for design engineering services for the Clyde Estates Improvements in the amount of $11,000.00.  Staff is asking for modifications with respect to the traffic circle, ditch profiles and resulting stormwater calculations in response to comments from the public.

Ms. Newlon said staff anticipates award of the contract in June and project completion by November 2015.

Ms. Bowen asked what is being proposed.

Mayor Tully explained the current state of the project and the proposed changes.

Ms. Newlon said these are changes to the design to eliminate the traffic circle, modify grading to save three trees and modify the ditches.

The Mayor said the change order is to do the design work.

Ms. Bowen asked about the sidewalks.  She thanked the Mayor for walking the neighbor.  She asked how the residents will know that the development will work out right and solve issues.  She said the residents have not asked for sidewalks.  She addressed budget issues and historic preservation.  She urged the Council to use common sense and consider the residents.  The road needs to be paved.

Norine Hess, 6004 Clyde, thanked the Mayor for walking the area with the residents.  She asked if there will be an opportunity for residents to see the modifications to the traffic circle.  She also asked if there will be a vote on this tonight.

Mayor Tully said there will not be a vote tonight; however, direction may be given.

Ms. Hess said the neighbors do not feel they have a voice in this matter.

Commissioner Hosé said if there are four Council members that say they do not want sidewalks, staff will act on that.

Commissioner Durkin said this is the first time this has been on the agenda.

Jordan Macarus, 300 Burlington Avenue, said he does regenerative economics and infrastructure.  He joins with those opposing sidewalks in Clyde Estates.  He has established an organization, "Hands in the Earth" where people can learn more about his work.  He urged the Council to say no to sidewalks in Clyde Estates.

Andre Knockaert, 945 60th Place, asked the Council to reconsider the sidewalks and detention ponds.  He has not heard any complaints about the lack of sidewalks.  He asked who would maintain the ponds.

Bea Bennett spoke about what should be included in an amended contract.  She asked why this work costs $11,000.  She does not think Burke should be paid for this work.

John Povlivka, 6016 Washington, said he thinks the traffic circle is a good idea.  He agrees with redesigning the ditches.  He believes the other work is warranted.

Bill Schultheis, 5916 Washington, said the traffic circle was designed by Burke.  Clyde Estates gets a significant amount of pass through traffic from Main Street.  He asked that Council reconsider adding the traffic circle or some other method of mitigating traffic. 

Norbert Ryzbicki said he is concerned about the sidewalks, as he feels people will ignore them.

Connie Butler, 5925 Washington, thanked the Council for this opportunity for public comment.  She asked if the scope of this project has been discussed with the Council.

Mayor Tully said it has been. 

Ms. Butler asked if all the Council members have been through Clyde Estates.  She then provided pictures of the area.  She said Clyde Country Estates is one of two unique communities in Downers Grove.  It was never designed to have traffic coming in and out of it.  These are the houses and the community we live in.  It is a community of land except for a few houses that do not have much in the way of backyards.  She asked if the Council has this right.  She addressed cutting the trees and water absorption.  She said this needs more thought.

Ms. Bowen said the Council has handled traffic issues with signs.  She asked why everything is being re-worked.  The traffic is a police issue.  This is not needed.  She asked about the process for the design contract as it was not shared with the neighborhood.

The Mayor noted that there has been more discussion about improvements in Clyde Estates than in any other neighborhood in the last 10-15 years.  Not everyone agrees as to the approach.

Commissioner Olsen asked if removing the sidewalks from the contract would increase the cost.

Mr. Fieldman said it would not; it will decrease the cost.

Commissioner Olsen said the amendment is fairly routine.  He said he would support removing the sidewalks from this plan as there will be no additional cost to do so.  The residents have spoken clearly.  This is a unique neighborhood.

Commissioner Durkin said he has driven the area and talked to residents in the area.  It is a very unique area and he supports postponing the sidewalks to a date uncertain.

Commissioner Hosé said a substantial majority of the neighborhood does not want sidewalks.  The sidewalk matrix for the Village was developed because a resident was struck by a car and killed on a road where there were no sidewalks.  We have heard from a number of residents that live on Washington who say Washington has cut through traffic and speeders.  We have to do more than enforcement to make sure traffic slows down.  He reviewed a map for revised sidewalks provided by Mr. Fieldman.  The revised map would put sidewalks on Washington, and on Clyde to Main Street, and 60th Place to Main Street.  This would reduce the amount of sidewalks in the neighborhood and would significantly reduce the impact on the trees.  His concern is public safety down Washington out of the neighborhood to the south and west.  He supports putting the traffic circle back in the design and partial removal of sidewalks.

Commissioner Barnett said he is concerned with the impact of sidewalks and ditches on the neighborhood.  He would like to see redesign work with minimum ditching and tree removals.  He would like to see the results of the change order before the bid is awarded.  The process needs to continue to unfold.

Commissioner Neustadt said the change order work is needed.  He said he has seen people walking in the street many times when he has driven through Clyde Estates.  It is a safer community when people are given a place to walk.  He agrees with the partial removal of sidewalks.  He said he thinks the residents are getting a lot of attention.

Mayor Tully said he is hearing that the current sidewalk proposal is not going to go forward.  He asked if this will delay the project.

Mr. Fieldman said with direction from the Council, staff will proceed on the schedule presented by Ms. Newlon.

The Mayor noted that this project will be voted on at a later date.

Mr. Fieldman said staff will continue with the change order and sidewalks will be removed from the plan.  Staff will bring this back to Council before the bid is awarded.

Commissioner Neustadt said if Clyde Estates sidewalks are eliminated, eliminate sidewalks in Denburn Woods and Johnson Woods as well.

Ms. Bennett said she is hugely impacted by this.   

Commissioner Olsen said we will have the opportunity to see the plans again.

Ms. Butler noted that stop signs have been proposed.  It is a wonderful, low-cost way to deal with the traffic.  She was glad to hear that stop signs are part of the plan.

MOT 2015-6102 - B. Motion:  Award $1,410,250 to V3 Construction Group, Ltd., Woodridge, IL, for a Design-Build Contract for Streambank Stabilization Lacey Creek, Phases II and III

Andy Sikich, Assistant Director, Public Works, said staff is presenting a design-build contract for the streambank stabilization on Phases II and III of Lacey Creek to V3 Construction Group in the amount of $1,410,250.00.  Phase II is planned for 2015 and Phase III for 2016.  He described the areas included in each

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