September 17, 2013
1. Call to Order
Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner Becky Rheintgen, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt, Commissioner Greg Hosé, Commissioner David S. Olsen and Mayor Martin Tully Absent: Commissioner Sean P. Durkin Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden T he Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting - September 10, 2013 M ayor Tully asked for a Motion to approve the minutes as submitted.
Commissioner Neustadt moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Olsen seconded the motion.
The Mayor declared the Motion carried by voice vote.
Mayor Tully read a proclamation honoring Constitution Week, and declared the week of September 17-23, 2013 as Constitution Week on the Village of Downers Grove. He presented the proclamation to Carol Wandschneider of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda
Brian Deady, 6508 Hathaway, asked why there are no recycling containers in the downtown area and train station.
Mayor Tully said staff will respond to him.
5. Council Member Reports
Commissioner Hosé announced that the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club is partnering with Sharing Connections in a drive for supplies. He referred people to the Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club website at People can also call Sharing Connections at 630-971-0565, ext. 300 to schedule a drop off time or free pick up.
Commissioner Rheintgen announced that the Grove Foundation is accepting grant applications for local organizations and programs that benefit Downers Grove residents. The deadline for submitting a grant is October 1, 2013. More information is available at
Commissioner Olsen said the Center for Speech and Language Disorders hosted a 5k run/walk on September 15. It was a great event and he was happy to support it.
Commissioner Olsen announced that the Jeanine Nicarico Children's Advocacy Center opened today. This serves children who are victims of abuse or who witness crimes. He attended the dedication ceremony as did many County and municipal officials.
Commissioner Olsen reported out on the September 12, 2013, meeting of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Intergovernmental Planning Committee meeting, which he, Commissioner Durkin and Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker attended. The major topic of the meeting was ComEd and some of the programs they offer for businesses and municipalities to help attract businesses with reliable power. Stormwater issues were also discussed.
Commissioner Neustadt reminded people that the Village has a number of ways to stay connected, including our website, the community wide notification system and twitter.
Mayor Tully announced Amnesty day the week of September 30 on one's regular refuse pick up day. This is a one-time pick up. The first three (3) bags or cans of refuse must each be tagged with a Downers Grove refuse sticker. If a resident rents a cart, they do not need the three stickers. Remaining items will be removed free of charge. The Recycling Extravaganza will be held before Amnesty Day, on September 28, 2013, at the Public Works Facility at 5101 Walnut. More details on both of these events can be found at our website:
The Mayor then announced that the 3rd Annual ComEd town hall meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19, at 7:00 p.m. at the Public Works Facility, 5101 Walnut. The reliability report is on our website.
6. Public Hearings
7. Consent Agenda
COR 00-05334 A. Claim Ordinance: No. 6019, Payroll, August 23, 2013
Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A
BIL 00-05335 B. List of Bills Payable: No. 6072, September 17, 2013
Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A
MOT 00-05336 C. Motion: Authorize $24,899.20 for the Purchase of 20 Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) from Zoll Corporation, Chelmsford, MA
Sponsors: Fire Department A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Fire Department - Cardiac Monitors
MOT 00-05337 D. Motion: Authorize the Purchase of Firefighter Turnout Gear from Air One, Inc., Elgin, IL in an Amount Not to Exceed $42,000.00
Sponsors: Fire Department A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Fire Department - Uniforms
MOT 00-05332 E. Motion: Authorize Purchase of Mobile Phone Services with AT&T
Sponsors: Finance A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Telephone System
MOT 00-05339 F. Motion: Authorize the Purchase of Bulk Road Salt from Cargill Incorporated Salt Division, North Olmsted, Ohio, via the State Contract
Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Salt
RES 00-05340 G. Resolution: Authorize an Extension to the Agreement with Wellspring Management, Ltd.
Sponsors: Public Works
RESOLUTION 2013-56 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Public Works - Standard Supplies & Services
MOT 00-05343 H. Bid: Award $105,100 to IMPCO Technologies, Inc., Union City, Indiana, for Installation of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Systems on Ten Chevrolet Tahoe Police Patrol Vehicles
Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Award this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Police Vehicles
MOT 00-05338 I. Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions
Summary of Item: Liquor Commission - May 2, 2013; June 6, 2013; August 1, 2013
Plan Commission - August 5, 2013 A motion was made to Note Receipt Of this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Boards and Commissions
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Olsen and Mayor Tully
8. Active Agenda
ORD 00-05236 A. Ordinance: Establish and Amend Stop and Yield Sign Locations at Multiple Intersections
Sponsors: Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission
Summary of Item: This establishes and amends stop and yield sign locations at multiple intersections.
ORDINANCE NO. 5334 A motion was made by Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, to Adopt this file. Mayor declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Olsen and Mayor Tully Indexes: Traffic Study - Fairview, Ogden, Williams/Roslyn
9. First Reading
ORD 00-05341 A. Ordinance: Restrict Parking on Carpenter Street
Sponsors: Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission V illage Manager Dave Fieldman asked Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, to address the two items on the First Reading.
Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, said these are two recommendations from the Traffic and Parking Commission (TAP).
The Carpenter Street restriction is being proposed in response to recent construction activity at the intersection of Carpenter and Grove Streets, which resulted in narrowing Carpenter Street at this location. At the time of construction, temporary parking restrictions were imposed. Carpenter Street is now redesigned which has reduced the street width and precluded parking here. This item was discussed at the August 14, 2013, TAP meeting. The Commissioner voted unanimously to recommend a No Parking Any Time restriction on Carpenter Street from Grove Street to Ross Court. Staff concurs with this recommendation.
Commissioner Barnett asked how far north the no parking restriction extends on Carpenter.
Ms. Newlon said she will check, but she believes it is to Gilbert Street.
Commissioner Rheintgen said she has heard concerns about speeding and safety on Carpenter Street. She asked if this will be reviewed.
Ms. Newlon said follow-up counts will be done on Carpenter Street. She said there are car parking boxes which help to slow traffic whether a car is parked there or not. Indexes: No Park - Carpenter, Grove to Ross
ORD 00-05342 B. Ordinance: Restrict Parking on Saratoga Avenue
Sponsors: Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission T his is to amend the Municipal Code to restrict parking on the east side of Saratoga Avenue, north of Palmer Street in response to a neighborhood concern that vehicles parking on Saratoga Avenue for after school field activities at Kingsley School are damaging the parkway and blocking the private driveway along the east side of Saratoga Avenue, north of Palmer Street. Staff has observed the location and agrees that the after school activities at Kingsley field have created an unsafe parking condition along Saratoga Avenue. This item was discussed at the August 14, 2013, TAP meeting. The Commissioner voted 4-2 to recommend a No Parking Any Time restriction along the east side of Saratoga Avenue, north of Plamer Street. Staff concurs with this recommendation.
Commissioner Barnett referenced Fairmount or Lyman where there is a similar situation with a deadend. He asked if staff has considered setting up parking in the ends, hammerhead parking.
Ms. Newlon said that in this case the road was not fully completed and it does not have sufficient width. Indexes: No Park - Saratoga - North of Palmer
10. Mayor's Report
New Business
RES 00-05325 Resolution: Appoint and Reappoint Members to Boards and Commissions
Sponsors: Mayor
RESOLUTION 2013-57 Mayor Tully thanked those who agreed to serve on Boards and Commissions. He also thanked his fellow council members for their assistance.
He asked the Clerk to read the resolution.
COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMISSION Reappoint Dave Humphreys to a three-year term expiring August 31, 2016
Appoint Susan Carroll to a two-year term expiring August 31, 2015
FIRE PENSION BOARD Reappoint Jeff Kuchta and David Fieldman to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016
HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION Appoint Jonathan Meehan to a two-year term expiring August 31, 2015 Appoint Amanda Gray to a three-year term expiring August 31, 2016
LIQUOR COMMISSION Appoint Alice Strelau as Chair to a term expiring August 31, 2014 Reappoint James Krusenowski and Christine Fregeau to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016
PLAN COMMISSION Reappoint Daniel Cozzo, Michael Quirk and Denise Rabatah to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016
POLICE PENSION BOARD Reappoint Norman Sidler and David Fieldman to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016
STORMWATER AND FLOOD PLAIN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Appoint David Gorman as Chair to a term expiring August 31, 2014 Reappoint Richard Crilly, Mark Scacco and Daniel Schoenberg to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016 Appoint Anthony Civito and William Wicklander to two-year terms expiring August 31, 2015
TECHNOLOGY COMMISSION Reappoint Brian Dietrich, James McGinnis and Don Nichols to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016 Reappoint Ed Earl and Chuck Redpath to two-year terms expiring August 31, 2015
TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMISSION Reappoint Chris Saricks and David Stuebner to three-year terms expiring August 31, 2016
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Reappoint Margaret Earl to a three-year term expiring August 31, 2016 A motion was made by Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Olsen, to Adopt this file. Mayor declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Olsen and Mayor Tully Indexes: Boards and Commissions
11. Manager's Report
The Manager said the proposed FY14 budget will be posted to our website on September 27, 2013. Everyone is invited to participate in the upcoming budget discussions.
12. Attorney's Report
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting two (2) items to Council: 1) An ordinance restricting parking on Saratoga Avenue; and 2) An ordinance restricting parking on Carpenter Street.
Future Active Agenda
13. Council Member New Business
14. Adjournment
Mayor Tully asked for a Motion to adjourn.
Commissioner Neustadt moved to adjourn. Commissioner Olsen seconded the Motion.
VOTE: AYE: Commissioners Neustadt, Olsen, Hosé, Rheintgen, Barnett; Mayor Tully
Mayor Tully declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
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