March 19, 2013
1. Call to Order
Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Sean P. Durkin, Commissioner Becky Rheintgen, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Martin Tully Absent: Village Clerk April Holden Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Deputy Village Clerk Linda Brown T he Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting - March 12, 2013 M ayor Tully asked for a Motion to approve the minutes as submitted.
Commissioner Schnell moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.
The Mayor declared the Motion carried by voice vote.
4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda
Michael Cassa, President, Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation, provided a recap of the 2012 activity. He explained the marketing initiatives of the EDC, including ads in the State of Illinois Economic Development guide, participation in many trade shows such as the Biotech Show in Chicago, the International Council of Shopping Centers show, etc. They also try to attract foreign-owned direct investment into the Village.
Mr. Cassa described economic development projects for 2012, saying that the Village is the community with the largest lease transactions in the Chicago area. Among those leasing space, extending leases or expanding their space in the Village are: J.P. Morgan-Chase, Honi Global Solutions, Bentley of Downers Grove, Neuco, Five Guys, Lemon Tree Grocers, State Farm, Mr. Submarine, ASGE, Painters USA, Flavorchem, PGA Tour Superstore, Best Buy, Shop & Save, Invesco Power Shares, Packey Webb, Aston-Martin, Grundfos USA, Pugi dealerships, and Midwestern University Science Building & Auditorium, and the Midwestern University Dental Clinic.
Mr. Cassa noted that in 2012 the Downers Grove Visitors Bureau Committee was formed including the Village, Park District, hotels and Tivoli. The Android version of the EDC mobile app was released, and websites will be launched at the June 26 luncheon. Sales tax revenues show an increase over 2011 of 3.8%. He noted that Scott Miller is the new Chairman of the EDC Board.
Mr. Cassa thanked the Council for the business friendly climate that exists in the Village due to the Village's policies and professional staff.
Commissioner Schnell asked if there is anything that is not currently being done that should be done to attract more business to the Village.
Mr. Cassa responded that Downers Grove is viewed favorably compared to its competitors in the region and the State. He spoke to developers, brokers, and corporate real estate representatives before he took this job, and was impressed by how strongly the business community felt about the Village.
Mayor Tully said that the Best Buy ten-year extension of its lease is worth mentioning as the Village needs to retain businesses, as well as attract new business to the community.
5. Public Hearings
6. Consent Agenda
COR 00-05179 A. Claim Ordinance: No. 5993, Payroll, February 22, 2013
Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file. Mayor declared the motion carried.Indexes: N/A
BIL 00-05180 B. List of Bills Payable: No. 6036, March 19, 2013
Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A
RES 00-05167 C. Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Subdivision with Exceptions for 4729 Woodward Avenue
Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission
RESOLUTION 2013-16 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Subdivision - 4729 Woodward Avenue
MOT 00-05161 D. Motion: Award a Contract for $941,849.15 to John Neri Construction Co., Inc., Addison, IL, for Washington Street Improvements
Sponsors:Public Works A motion was made to Award this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Water Main Improvements
RES 00-05162 E. Resolution: Authorize an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Downers Grove Sanitary District to Replace Sanitary Sewer Manholes in Washington Street from Burlington Avenue to Maple Avenue
Sponsors:Public Works
RESOLUTION NO. 2013-17 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Sanitary District
MOT 00-05169 F. Motion: Award a Contract for $3,020,000.19 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for Concord Square Unit 2 Roadway Improvements
Sponsors:Public Works A motion was made to Award this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Street Lights - Maintenance, Roadway Improvements
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully
7. Active Agenda
MOT 00-05182 A. Motion: Approve the Labor Agreement with the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (VOC Operators)
Sponsors:Village Attorney
Summary of Item:This adopts the collective bargaining agreement negotiated with the Illinois Fraternal Order of
Police Labor council (VOC Operators), effective May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2016.
RESOLUTION 2013-18 C ommissioner Neustadt said he saw this as an outstanding example of the Village's management team and employee group working together to come to a mutual agreement. When there are both management and employee rights, everyone wins.
Commissioner Barnett said he would not belabor his previous comments. He asked for an answer to a question regarding contracts in the last 2-1/2 years. He would like official clarification as to whether there are any laws that constrain the Village from not negotiating on a particular set of topics. He doesn't think his understanding matches that of his colleagues. Mr. Fieldman responded that there are no legal parameters that prohibit the Village from negotiating any particular item. There are legal frameworks, within which the Village must work, that lessen the likelihood of breaking new ground in certain areas. There are certainly no laws prohibiting reaching an agreement or negotiating on those items. Commissioner Barnett clarified that choosing to pursue one ground-breaking idea or not is an opinion that has been developed collectively, based on what they think are possible successes in the process of negotiation. Mr. Fieldman said that was correct.
Commissioner Waldack said this was probably the last chance he would have to comment on union contracts. He's avoided making remarks in the past, but has decided to speak as others have made comments. He said that contracts are the result of both sides believing the decision is fair. The contracts are not perfect. In some cases employees give up the right to strike and are subject to arbitration. That does not apply to this contract. The Commissioner said that his experience is that the best agreement is one that addresses the security and safety of the members. Since he took office, there have been some good budgetary results, and there have been tough times as well. If either side fails to cooperate, choices will have to be made. The Village is almost four months into its new year and will most likely still be adjusting its 2012 budget. Village funding is always part of a competing interest, and can be in conflict with the residents and result in legal battles. This contract has no such poison pills, and Commissioner Waldack said he plans to support it.
Mayor Tully said that the question was raised as to parameters governing the Village, and there are absolutely none. There is no limit on the creativity of the proposal on either side. If both sides agree, you can pursue the proposal and most likely have a creative outcome. However, if one side does not agree, can they be forced to agree? The Mayor said in that situation there are two things to keep in mind: 1) the rules, and 2) precedent. This is no different than what people must do when they decide whether to settle litigation. As for the rules, they are covered by the Illinois Public Relations Act, whose purpose it is to regulate labor relations between public agencies and employees concerning delegations of representatives, negotiation of wages, and resolution of disputes arising in collective bargaining agreements. The Illinois General Assembly makes those rules and they cannot be changed. The Mayor said he supports changing the rules to allow for more creativity, but that battle must be waged in Springfield.
As to precedent, the Mayor said that looking at precedent could provide the likelihood of success in pursuing a particular line of thought, as well as the cost/risk of that pursuit, and other related impacts. There becomes an issue of balancing the amount of risk versus the cost, and whether it is equal on both sides. In his opinion, there is not room for more creative thinking in the rules as they stand now. It is about balancing costs and risks, and being fair to the taxpayers, as well as the employees. He favors the agreement before the Council at this time. He explained this is not the same police contract as discussed last week, but concerns the VOC center. A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Neustadt, to Approve this file. Mayor declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully Nay: Commissioner Barnett and Commissioner Durkin Indexes: VOC
8. First Reading
INF 00-05171 A. Information: Ogden Avenue Site Improvement Strategy (OASIS) Grant Program
Sponsors:Community Development T om Dabareiner, Director, Community Development, said that OASIS, the Ogden Avenue Site Improvement Strategy, was developed in 2010 through the joint efforts of the EDC, Chamber of Commerce, and the Council using TIF funds. It has four goals toward achieving more attractive sites: 1) improve vehicular and traffic circulation; 2) improve building appearance; 3) improve signage, and 4) reduce visual clutter.
Mr. Dabareiner reviewed the modifications requested on January 15 by the Village Council to five categories and team recommendations:
1) Maximum Ratio. The maximum ratio is currently at 75% grant money and 25% business participation. The 75% grant would be reduced to a 75% front yard grant, and a 50% match for side and rear yards.
2) Maximum Grant Amount. This figure was increased last year to $150,000 for acre and corner lots due to more frontage space. Smaller lots were maximized at $100,000. The team recommendation is to return to the original $75,000 and $50,000 grants.
3) Sidewalks. In the past it was acceptable to donate land or an easement for the sidewalks. The OASIS team agreed to require construction of the sidewalks. There is significant public value having a sidewalk leading to and away from the property in question.
4) Landscaping. There was a question about potentially increasing this. The Zoning Code requirement is 10% of lot coverage. A typical lot on Ogden Avenue is about 15,000 square feet. 1% landscaping would be the equivalent of one parking space. Ogden Avenue lots are generally shallow, and the OASIS team was not ready to recommend a change so as not to eliminate available parking.
5. Franchisee Grant Restrictions. Franchise agreements can vary widely, even within the same franchise. It is difficult to determine who has what responsibility regarding the parent company or the franchisee. There was also some general concern that this might discourage the attraction or maintaining of franchise business types.
Mayor Tully thanked the OASIS team for its contributions.
Commissioner Rheintgen asked what the approximate cost of 50 feet of sidewalk would be. She also commented that she appreciates the Committee looking at the franchise part of the question. She is not sure how the application works. In her business they are a dealer of a product for a corporation, and based on their prior years' sales they get paid for making certain improvements. Her concern was if a company obtains money from its parent corporation, and wants to also seek funding from the Village, that there be some way in the application process to eliminate duplicate funding. She doesn't feel a business should get money from two different places. Mayor Tully said he understands the point she is making. Commissioner Rheintgen said corporate may simply reimburse the franchisee, and, if the business is also receiving money from the Village, that should be understood.
The Mayor said the question speaks to the purpose of the program. He doesn't know whether the source of private money is important towards the public improvements. Commissioner Rheintgen said she agrees, but doesn't agree with receiving funding from two different sources for the same project. Mayor Tully asked what would be acceptable regarding obtaining outside funds. Commissioner Rheintgen said she is not looking necessarily to restrict it, but believes the Committee should have that information.
Commissioner Waldack commented that these are taxpayer dollars and the purpose was to invest in the area. This is not a business subsidy. The concern should be the return on the taxpayer dollars. As far as franchises, if a business cannot start up because it does not have the basic funding for its own franchise grant, the taxpayers should not fund it.
The Mayor said the issue is if a public purpose is being achieved, and if one public dollar generates two private dollars, then that is a good use of public funds.
Commissioner Waldack stated that it is hard to determine in franchise agreements. If you have a business and have to have certain colored arches, you don't ask the Village to fund that requirement because it is a private purpose. He said the OASIS team can review the documentation to determine the legitimate need. He thinks they need to distinguish between what the franchise requires and the public goal. Mayor Tully said if the franchise requires a sidewalk in front of a business that is also the Village's public goal. Whether the Village should fund that sidewalk becomes the question. Commissioner Waldack commented that the OASIS team thinks separate restrictions on funding franchises might discourage franchise business development. However, there are tax incentives available through agreements other than OASIS.
Mr. Fieldman interjected that the cost for sidewalk installation is $50-$60 per linear foot.
Commissioner Schnell said that she supports requiring all businesses that receive these funds to install sidewalks. By obtaining easements, they will not see sidewalks. She thinks it is time to do this and require installation of sidewalks.
With regard to landscaping, Commissioner Schnell said requiring more landscaping is a great idea; however, maintaining the landscape is more important. She asked if there was a caveat that required proper maintenance of the landscaping including replacement. Mr. Fieldman said that is required as part of the normal property maintenance code.
Commissioner Schnell noted that salt kills a lot of landscaping. If the goal is to make Ogden Avenue look better, she believes they should be required to replace those plantings that fail. She also said it is important to remind landowners that they cannot park on the sidewalk. The goal is to improve the looks of Ogden Avenue, and landowners should be reminded of the regulations.
Commissioner Waldack said he agreed with Commissioner Schnell's comments regarding sidewalks and landscaping.
Commissioner Neustadt agreed on the sidewalks. He wanted to discuss the process, which resulted from a Council member and OASIS team member. It shows that this Council and the team are open to change. Ultimately this Council does have the authority to approve or amend these grants. He noted that the primary incentive to the businesses is tax dollars. He asked if there were any pending applications waiting to be approved. Mr. Dabareiner replied that there are interested parties waiting for the process to move forward.
Commissioner Rheintgen asked if the TIF district falls under prevailing wage, and if there would be a way to get better prices for sidewalk construction. Mr. Fieldman said he believed it was prevailing wage. Commissioner Rheintgen said she thought perhaps several sidewalk projects could be grouped together to result in a lower cost. Mr. Fieldman said that there are some economies of scale allowed; however, there have been challenges with regard to land acquisition and parking issues.
Commissioner Barnett said he asked for the review and is struggling with this. Additional information was received today. His fundamental problem is the businesses were spending more public dollars than private funds, which made no sense to him. The table provided shows that the Village spent more on façade improvement than any other single category. All of that points to using public dollars to clean up privately owned properties, which doesn't seem to be an appropriate use of TIF dollars. They are tax dollars, and he doesn't think they should be used for this. The idea of spurring improvement is valuable; however, he would prefer to see 50% rather than 75%. Commissioner Barnett said he thought they should be insisting on more public improvements if they are going to receive 75% in funding. He asked how serious they are regarding Ogden Avenue. There is a Master Plan and a TIF, yet the bulk of the problem is lot sizes. They are solidifying conditions that work against the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. He is not trying to deep six the entire OASIS plan, but he would like to pull back and review the project to include perhaps lot consolidation or other public improvements. This doesn't properly address the use of TIF dollars in his opinion.
Mr. Fieldman stated that following Commissioner Barnett's idea would be to follow the more traditional TIF funding approach on a case-by-case redevelopment basis. This program was initiated in 2010 to address façade improvement; however, they may want to consider returning to the case-by-case review.
Mayor Tully commented that the original purpose of the Ogden Avenue Master Plan and the original purpose of the TIF are not entirely consistent with the OASIS program. The Master Plan significantly predated the OASIS program. The original purpose was lot consolidation, streetscape elements and traffic patterns, creating a unified design, improving pedestrian access, including elimination of curb cuts and adding streetlights. He summarized those original goals and purposes. The Mayor also noted the sign discussion for sign replacement or gateway signs. There was no statement that signage replacement was an appropriate use of TIF dollars. OASIS was not contemplated at the beginning of the Master Plan. The OASIS plan would allow funds to be used for lesser goals. Mayor Tully said that they should be mindful of making sure than any public dollar invested achieves a public purpose, and shows a significant and demonstrable return by a match in private contribution. Getting the mix of public and private dollars is important. There are people waiting to apply and he thinks this is something they should continue to do; however, they need to manage the expectations of those who are waiting to apply.
Mr. Fieldman said that during the budget process, the mix of Ogden Avenue TIF funds was adjusted to lower the amount budgeted for the OASIS program, increase the amount budgeted for sidewalk and streetscape, and reserved money for redevelopment incentives, based on a strategic discussion by the Executive Board of the EDC. Mayor Tully said that this refers to how the budget is put together on a macro basis. The Mayor said he was speaking to the micro mix on a project-by-project basis. He would like to be able to be confident in every situation that it is a good use of public dollars for a public purpose.
Commissioner Barnett said that they should always be less than 50% in his opinion.
Commissioner Rheintgen said that they have to consider the total dollars spent.
Commissioner Schnell noted that back in 1999 or 2000, the Village was in the real estate business and used public dollars to assemble parcels so they could be redeveloped to increase the public good. Many people took exception to that. On Ogden, where the lots were very narrow, they would have to find a way to use TIF dollars without going back into the real estate business. Finding the fine line must be done carefully. Many people in the community felt that the Village crossed the fine line. She urged caution as the Council looks toward goals of the Ogden Avenue Master Plan as it relates to larger parcels and redevelopment.
Mayor Tully commented that there are a lot of shades of grey. He said that at Belmont Avenue, the power of eminent domain was rightly used for the grade separation project. He noted the area of Ogden and Lee, which has remained undeveloped for decades. He agreed they have to be careful in how OASIS is used for parcel redevelopment. They are not saying to get rid of OASIS, since there are major goals already established. However, the appropriate use of public dollars for lesser goals must be addressed.
Commissioner Barnett questioned whether the Village is investing in existing private businesses by approving a $100,000 investment in a single parcel with almost no public benefit. He questioned how serious they are about the major goals of the Master Plan.
The Mayor said that if the Village budgeted $500,000 for the OASIS program, and a greater goal appeared, the Village would realign those funds. However, such an opportunity has not come forward. He doesn't think they would hesitate reconsidering the smaller goals at all if there was an opportunity for Lee and Ogden.
Commissioner Waldack said there are lots of tools. They could buy the property and see what would come forward in terms of opportunities. He agreed with Commissioner Barnett's comments regarding putting money into the facades. It bothers him that they are putting more in than the private funds. If they continued to do facades, he would favor a 25%/75% split. He has always had a problem with the sign situation. It's up to the future Council to determine the direction. He doesn't feel the Village is achieving the goals of the original plan.
The Mayor said the OASIS team presented five items. Three were recommendations. On the match, he hears support for 25%/75% match. Commissioner Barnett said he prefers something more in line with Commissioner Waldack's recommendation. The Mayor agreed with Commissioner Neustadt that the Council makes the final decisions in terms of these grants. He would rather be more generous when there is a project that is worth facilitating.
Mr. Fieldman said that an agreement separate from the OASIS program is always a possibility.
Commissioner Rheintgen said she understands increasing the public improvement portion is a concern of Commissioner Barnett's.
Commissioner Barnett said his point was improvements must benefit the public, such as sidewalks, stormwater detention, etc.
Commissioner Rheintgen noted that the Downers Grove Animal Hospital grant had 47% devoted to landscape and site improvement. She suggested that perhaps an established percentage for public improvements might be helpful.
Commissioner Schnell said that the Conservation Foundation may have suggestions to reduce runoff along Ogden by enhancing certain landscape features, which would be a public benefit. Their involvement could be incorporated into the grant process.
Mr. Fieldman said they could restructure the program to move away from the present categories of façade improvement and signage improvement. If they wish a more traditional public improvement grant program they simply have to redefine the categories such as right-of-way improvements and stormwater improvements.
Mayor Tully referred to a former Village program, which had a pamphlet specifying the guidelines for applicants. Each request was reviewed on a case-by-case basis and utilized a limited pool of funds.
Mr. Fieldman suggested continuing these discussions on a one-on-one basis to determine how to structure the OASIS program.
Mr. Cassa of the EDC said that the biggest hurdle on Ogden Avenue development is the lot size and depth. He and staff met with a developer recently who noted the lack of depth of the lot and lack of parking. He wants to find ways that would make it easier for someone to develop the small lots. They have to keep in mind that the company can't be successful if customers do not have access or parking availability.
The Mayor agreed that flexibility is necessary to assess everything on a case-by-case basis. Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF
MOT 00-05181 B. Motion: Award a Three-Year Contract for $384,053.66 to Hoving Clean Sweep LLC, West Chicago, IL, for Street Sweeping Maintenance Services
Sponsors:Public Works N an Newlon, Director, Public Works, said this contract would accomplish three primary goals: 1) improve water quality; 2) remove leaves and tree debris; and 3) improve appearance of streets and parking lots. Under this contract the schedule would remain the same, including monthly sweepings of curbed streets, weekly sweeping of the downtown, and additional sweepings. She said that this contract includes different sweepers that have more vacuum action that can remove smaller particulates from the street. They are also significantly quieter, with a larger tank capacity. The past operation required the Village to pick up leaves from the sweeper in a Village truck, which will no longer be necessary. GPS trackers on the sweepers will provide better information to the Village. She noted that Hoving Clean Sweep was the lowest of three bids received. There have been positive references on Hoving from other communities.
Commissioner Durkin asked if there is an additional cost for an extra sweep. Ms. Newlon replied that there are on-call provisions for emergency and/or special event sweeps. What the Village has done in the past is to hold the third sweep in reserve. Mr. Fieldman said staff would obtain the cost for an additional sweep. Commissioner Durkin said it aggravated him to have the Village staff waiting for the leaf sweeper to transfer the load. He is glad this will no longer be necessary. Indexes: Street- Sweeper
9. Mayor's Report
Materials to be Placed on File
10. Manager's Report
Doug Kozlowski, Director, Communications, presented a report on the Village's stormwater utility, explaining that all properties share in the cost of the stormwater management system. All elements of the program are now working and are in line with the budget and expectations. He noted that 85% of the total amount billed in January and February has been paid on time. Incentives have not changed since the last report with 66 totaling $4775. As for credits offered, St. Mary of Gostyn school applied for a 100% education partnership credit beginning in April. In addition, District 58, the Park District and Sanitary District all have credits. One appeal has been heard at this time.
Mr. Kozlowski said the Village received an Environmental Appreciation Award from the Conservation Foundation for the implementation of the stormwater utility and for protecting area waterways.
Commissioner Schnell asked about the education workshop. Mr. Kozlowski said that the Stormwater Education for Business Workshop will be held on April 3, at the Lincoln Center. It is primarily for businesses and not-for-profits. Additional information is on the Village's website. Commissioner Schnell said the education workshop for residents was superb in terms of the explanation and information presented.
11. Attorney's Report
Future Active Agenda
12. Council Member Reports and New Business
Commissioner Barnett clarified some of the discussion on the Active Agenda tonight. There is no piece of him that is critical of the Village employees. As contracts affecting staff have been discussed, one of the critical elements is missing. He understands the limits placed on the arbitration process. The Village Council chose collectively not to pursue or even ask about some of the issues that have been important to him. However, when he tries to explain his "nay" vote, it would be appreciated if it were acknowledged that the Council has collectively decided not to pursue and ask those questions. He is aware of the arbitration process, and it can be difficult, but difficult doesn't mean "don't try." He is not reluctant to try. It's important that people understand his vote and the reasons behind it.
Comissioner Durkin said that retired firefighter/paramedic John Green passed away to cancer. He was a 21-year member of the Village Fire Department. He was one of six paramedics who pioneered the first firefighter/paramedic program in Downers Grove. Mr. Green was dedicated to his firefighters and the citizens he served. He extended thoughts and prayers to the Green family.
Commissioner Schnell said that several attended the Omega grand opening. It is clean, fresh and looks wonderful. She welcomed them back to the Village.
Commissioner Neustadt announced that yesterday was the 39th anniversary of the death of Officer Richard Barth, the only Downers Grove police officer to die in the line of duty. He reminded everyone that no call is routine in Downers Grove. He thanked all the Downers Grove Police and Fire Department staff for their service.
Commissioner Rheintgen encouraged those going on vacation to participation in the vacation house-watch with the Police Department.
Mayor Tully said he appreciated Commissioner Barnett's comment to make sure things are understood in context. It is important to weigh all the different factors in an issue, and the question of whether it is realistic to proceed can arise. There is no random assignment of compensation. It is often a well-debated process.
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Schnell moved to adjourn. Commissioner Durkin seconded the Motion.
VOTE: AYE - Commissioners Schnell, Durkin, Rheintgen, Barnett, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Tully
The Mayor declared the Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
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