October 11, 2011

1. Call to Order

Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. 

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Sean P. Durkin, Commissioner Becky Rheintgen, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Martin Tully Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden T he Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.  The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.

The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.

Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.

3. Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Minutes - October 4, 2011 C ommissioner Schnell said she submitted a few minor changes to the minutes to the Village Clerk.

Mayor Tully asked for a Motion to approve the minutes as amended.

Commissioner Schnell moved to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.

The Mayor declared the Motion carried by voice vote. 

Proclamation and Recognition of Christopher Bowen

Mayor Tully said that he is excited to be able to recognize Christopher Bowen, who has served the Village for many years as the Director of the Downers Grove Public Library.  The entire Library Board is present at the meeting as well to honor Mr. Bowen. The Village has long prided itself on having the best library in the Chicago metropolitan area. The Mayor then read a Proclamation acknowledging Mr. Bowen's 27 years of service to the Downers Grove Public Library, and wished him the best in his retirement. He then presented the Proclamation to Mr. Bowen.

Mayor Tully mentioned also that during the Library expansion, it was frequently noted that the project was on time and on budget. The Village aspires to that in Village projects. Everyone knows that the Library is part of the Village and part of the organization, but there is a professionalism that sets it apart from Village operations.

Commissioner Neustadt said that the Downers Grove Public Library is a destination place from the youngest to the oldest. He thanked him for his work and service to the Village.

Commissioner Schnell thanked Mr. Bowen and the Board for creating a space that is so important to this community. She said they have some of the best staff she has ever seen. She thanked Mr. Bowen and the Library Board and staff for all their work.

Commissioner Waldack extended his congratulations to Mr. Bowen. When considering where to move, people look at the library in addition to the schools, neighborhoods etc., before they look at the Village Council. The Library has always been friendly, and he has heard from many people how much they appreciate the work of the Library and its staff.

Mayor Tully thanked Mr. Bowen again for his service, saying he has left a legacy in the Village. He also thanked everyone for attending.

4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda

1 . Tom LeCren, 545 Chicago Avenue, extended kudos to the Village and the Village Forester for the parkway tree replacement program that started today. He said that the people have a choice of five different trees, and the residents should be proud of that.

2. Chuck Keenly, 1518 Hillcrest, Board Chair for the Indian Boundary YMCA, and Barbara Taylor of the Indian Boundary YMCA announced their annual fundraiser to be held Saturday, November 12 at the YMCA. This gala will announce the Citizen of the Year Award. The theme of the event is "Dance Like a Star." One of the attendants will be Mrs. Illinois 2011 who will perform. In addition, Mayor Tully will also perform and dance at the gala.

3. Bill Wrobel, 7800 Queens Court, commented about the town hall meeting to be held on Thursday at Village Hall. He noted that he has a long history of going to town hall meetings, and they have always been held away from Village Hall. He also noticed that Senator Sandack is using the Village Hall for a town hall meeting. He said that Senator Sandack announced his candidacy a few weeks ago for another office. Mr. Wrobel said they are particularly conscious about using Village hall for political purposes. He thinks this is a sticky wicket and wanted the Council's opinion on this. He thinks it is irregular to use the Council Chambers for this purpose.

Mayor Tully said that historically Village Hall has been used for informational meetings on a variety of topics. He is unaware of any legal issues and the Village Attorney could clarify that. He does not know the details of the timing. Other meetings of a similar nature have been held in the Council Chambers. Mr. Wrobel interrupted to ask whether those involved people who were running for office. He believes that puts everything in a different context. The Mayor continued that he did not know. Mr. Wrobel interjected that Brian Krajewski, when he was an active Mayor, chose Lincoln Center as his town hall meeting site. He didn't use the facilities of the Village. If the Village is satisfied that this is within the normal use for the facilities, he will accept the Mayor's word on this.

Mayor Tully said he wasn't giving his opinion, but saying that he was not surprised because this facility and other public facilities like the Lincoln Center have been used for informational purposes or town hall meeting-type of events by sitting representatives either at the State or federal levels. The Village doesn't want to facilitate anything that would be improper.

Mr. Wrobel said he is opinionated, and he believes the Village should be neutral as far as offering accommodation to any political candidate.

5. Public Hearings

6. Consent Agenda

BIL 00-04667 A. List of Bills Payable: No 5928, October 11, 2011

Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A

RES 00-04661 B. Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Subdivision for 511 Austin Street

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission



RESOLUTION 2011-78 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Subdivision - 511 Austin

RES 00-04672 C. Resolution: Abrogate a Certain Portion of a Public Utility Easement - 511 Austin Street

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission


RESOLUTION 2011-79 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Subdivision - 511 Austin, Abrogation - 511 Austin Street

MOT 00-04671 D. Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

Summary of Item:Plan Commission - September 12, 2011 A motion was made to Note Receipt Of this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Boards and Commissions Minutes Passed The Consent Agenda

 A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully

7. Active Agenda

ORD 00-04662 A. Ordinance: Create a Bring Your Own Liquor License Classification

Sponsors:Liquor Commission

Summary of Item:This creates a liquor license classification to allow bring your own beer and wine.


ORDINANCE NO. 5228 A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully Indexes: Liquor Ordinance Amendments

ORD 00-04663 B. Ordinance: Amend On and Off Premise Consumption Licenses

Sponsors:Liquor Commission

Summary of Item:This amends the Class P-O-2 license provisions.


ORDINANCE NO. 5229 C ommissioner Waldack said last week he would carefully consider the changes. Arguments that were considered sarcastic were dismissed, and he look at the issue on a macro-level, on the basis of what is fair and in the character of the Village. He mistrusts arguments that are expedient as well. He doesn't think laws should be passed for one person or entity. Staff indicated that this allows them to control entities. He would like to see designer licenses removed. This will not spark new businesses. He asked whether they are cannibalizing other businesses. Lemon Tree is unique. Many residents are disappointed because the store is upscale and it is subsidized by Village money that competes with other businesses that do not get a subsidy.  Clothing stores are disappearing from the downtown area, and that should be a concern. Lemon Tree already has a liquor license and they are required not to over serve. The comments he received didn't lead him to believe that this license will increase drinking problems. He will vote in the affirmative.

Commissioner Schnell thanked the residents for their comments to her. She will vote against this, and would like a report in a year as to the sales.  A motion was made by Commissioner Barnett, seconded by Commissioner Neustadt, to Adopt this file. Mayor declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully Nay: Commissioner Schnell and Commissioner Durkin Indexes: Liquor Ordinance Amendments

8. First Reading

INF 00-04673 A. Information: Countywide Stormwater & Flood Plain Ordinance Update

Sponsors:Community Development T om Dabareiner, Director, Community Development, presented an update on the proposed amendments to the County Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance. Staff is seeking direction with regard to minor language changes. Mr. Dabareiner said the original County ordinance was drafted in 1992, and has been amended 11times.  The current process began in 2009. The new ordinance represents a shift from new development to redevelopment. It also recognizes some regulatory changes such as best management practices and other water quality improvement needs.

Mr. Dabareiner said the goals were: To convert the ordinance from new development focus to multi-focus including new, redevelopment and existing development; to improve the balance of flood control and environmental protection matters while maintaining and attracting business; to reduce the time to prepare and to review the applications; and, to add clarity to the application process.

Regarding changes to the ordinance, Mr. Dabareiner reviewed those as: 1) allowing for general certifications; 2) clarify wetland buffer issues; 3) net new impervious as the trigger for detention; and 4) creation of a municipal technical advisory panel (MTAP).

Mr. Dabareiner said the advisory panel would serve as an interpretative board that anyone could consult. It would be made up of professionals, empowered to make an interpretation in terms of how the updated ordinance might apply. This would be a new body. Staff would like to see this section amended to say that local applications would occur after any kind of local appeals process has already been undertaken, such as through the Village's Stormwater and Flood Plain Oversight Committee. It should be made clear that the group would be able to accept or reject the MTAP interpretation, thereby making it clear that MTAP is an advisory panel. Staff would like to clarify that the ordinance to be enforced stays with the municipality. With that change, staff feels it is a fairly good ordinance. It is written in a manner that understands and discusses redevelopment. Staff is seeking direction to prepare a response to DuPage County regarding the MTAP modification.

Mayor Tully asked what the vehicle is for communicating to the County. Mr. Dabareiner said they need a letter prepared to be sent to the County this week. He noted that Mike Millette is present to answer any technical questions as he attended the majority of the meetings on this.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked how the panel would be selected.

Mike Millette, Development Engineer, responded that the process is that MTAP would be a subset of the current municipal engineer's group, and the panel would be chosen from that group.

Commissioner Schnell said that one of the advantages of being a full waiver community is that the Village has control over its own destiny. She agrees that the Village needs to send a letter in support of staff's recommended change. She asked what would happen if the County does not change the proposed language, and asked if there would be no recourse.

The Manager said that it is not exactly clear as to what would happen regarding the opinion of the advisory board.

Commissioner Waldack asked what would happen if a parking lot that has been grandfathered in wanted to make a change. Mr. Dabareiner responded that the trigger is 5% of modification to the area. If you are enlarging your parking lot by 4% you have not met the trigger. Once you meet 5% you have met the trigger. There is a little more flexibility in the proposed ordinance than currently exists.  Commissioner Waldack then asked, generally speaking, whether the Village could always be more stringent, but cannot be less restrictive. Mr. Dabareiner said that was correct.

Mayor Tully commented that from his perspective this is a greatly improved ordinance, but it is not perfect. He said the creation of the MTAP is another improvement to the overall schema, but he does agree with the recommended change. He thanked Mr. Millette and Mr. Dabareiner for all the work they did with regard to this ordinance. Indexes: DuPage County, Stormwater and Flood Plain Ordinance

ORD 00-04669 B. Ordinance: Amend Sign Ordinance

Sponsors:Community Development M r. Fieldman said these are minor amendments.

Mr. Dabareiner said that the ordinance as prepared will affect garage sale signs, as well as correct some previous errors. He noted that this ordinance amendment would allow garage sale signs to be placed in the parkway on federal holidays which fall on Mondays. That is not explicit in the current ordinance. The size, number, location does not change. The second amendment to the sign ordinance would clean up a scrivener's error made in 2009 regarding monument signs. The correction allows it to include 100-foot wide lots. The Plan Commission reviewed this amendment and recommended approval.

Commissioner Waldack then acknowledged Bea Bennett for the garage sale sign ordinance amendment.  Indexes: Zoning Ordinance - Signs

INF 00-04665 C. Information: FY12 Budget Discussion

Sponsors:Manager's Office M ayor Tully said this is a continuance of the Village's discussion on the FY12 budget.

Mr. Fieldman explained that this is the second of a series of meetings on the proposed budget for 2012. It represents the implementation of many plans and has as its three goals a balance of the general fund, continued implementation of the Water Fund Plan approved last year; and continued investment in infrastructure in a sustainable manner using existing dedicated revenue sources. All three of these goals have been achieved. He explained that the General Fund is balanced in the amount of $41.35 million, which is $1.4 million less than the budget of five years ago. There are no proposed reductions in service levels.

With regard to the property tax, the Village levies a specific amount and the proposed levy is $393,104 less than last year's levy. A typical property owner will pay $17.52 less in taxes to the Village as a result. This is due to changes made in the pension law, which is a one-time change.

The Manager said the proposed budget reflects the recommendations of the Water Fund Study Report, and an issuance of a $10 million bond. With regard to the infrastructure, the budget calls for $26.5 million investments in streets, stormwater and sidewalks, all from existing and dedicated revenue sources. This also calls for the issuance of a $25 million bond for the reconstruction of certain streets. Existing revenue sources would pay for that bond issuance.

With regard to risks, the potential actions of the State of Illinois present a risk to the Village budget as the State could change its funding distribution to municipalities. Also, some of the major revenue sources reflect dependency upon economic conditions. The Manager said the Village has an action plan which will involve continued monitoring of budget conditions, presentation of quarterly reports to the Council and public, and continued mid-year budget discussions and adjustments if necessary.

Mayor Tully said this discussion began October 1. Coffee with the Council will be held on Saturday at Fire Station 2, and the focus will be the FY2012 budget. With regard to revenues that are in jeopardy, and being dependent upon the State, the Mayor explained that the Village is at the mercy of the State with respect to the Village's share of State revenue streams. The more that the Village can be self-sufficient and less reliant on Springfield, the better it will be. He noted that there is no way the Village can control the fluctuation in the political environment in Springfield. However, the Village will search out tools to increase its own self-reliance.

Commissioner Waldack said that the budget does not include the Village Manager's contingency. The Manager said previously there were funds available for the Village Manager to react to unforeseen conditions. That was about $100,000; however, staff has learned that if they have such a situation it is likely to be more than the amount allowed under his authority. Therefore, this budget was prepared without a Village Manager's contingency.

Commissioner Waldack then addressed the telecommunications taxes. He said today he heard a report that there are more smart phones and telecommunication devices than there are people in the United States. It seems counter-intuitive that this tax is going down. He asked what our neighbors are experiencing in relation to their telecommunication taxes, and is there enough concern to investigate this further.

Commissioner Barnett asked what the unit of tax is for telecommunications. Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker responded it is 6% of the bill, which is the maximum.

Commissioner Waldack then commented on ambulance fees, saying he wants to see how much insurance companies are paying for ambulance services, and what is considered reasonable and customary by the insurance companies. He said he could see an increase in fees if Medicare is going up. The Commissioner said he has received inquiries from residents billed after their insurance companies have made payment, and that concerns him because of discussions that were held saying the Village would accept what the insurance companies would pay.

Mr. Fieldman said that amendments to the fee schedule will be discussed in November. Additional information will be available then about ambulance fees, which are expected to go up 3%. Commissioner Waldack said he wants to be sure that the Village is not chasing down the residents for the difference between what the insurance company pays and what is owed.

Commissioner Schnell commented that traditionally, staff has worked with what is considered reasonable and customary by the insurance companies.

Commissioner Durkin also commented on the ambulance fees, saying that the Village is looking to get reimbursed for its costs, and he hopes that the billing is for actual costs and not for what they can get. Mr. Fieldman responded that more information will be presented in its entirety in November.

Mayor Tully said he appreciated the detailed information received from staff on administrative transfers. He said he would like to be reminded of what goes into the calculations determining administrative transfers. In terms of capital projects, the Mayor said that the projects and budgets proposed assume what the current levels are and the current allocations. There may be discussion on reallocations of some projects eventually.

Commissioner Barnett said that there were some questions raised about possibly reallocating some CIP funds to do more sidewalk work and pull back on some lower priority matters.  He hopes that will be given serious consideration. He noted that they do not have a deadline, but he suggested that they put off some projects to accelerate the sidewalk projects.

Commissioner Schnell also stated that she'd like to know the implications of postponing projects. She has a problem with taking money out of roadway maintenance programs, as the Village is already short. She is not sure that $300,000 is the right number for sidewalks, and if they do more sidewalks, she asked what it would do to bundling, as it is cheaper to bundle. She is not adverse to some additional money for sidewalks, but she believes it must be done in the most cost-effective manner.

Commissioner Barnett stated that a large portion of the 2012 sidewalk budget is for right-of-way acquisition. He doesn't think that's the best use of those funds. He asked whether they should spend the money on streetlights versus sidewalks and he hopes people will consider options. He also said that the staff has a road plan that goes out a decade or more. The point is to try and move some money around to do more now.

Mr. Fieldman said staff has started the process of looking more closely at bundling options.

Commissioner Schnell addressed the questions of acquisition costs, stating that a percentage of that money is grant money. She said it scares her to watch people walk in the street on Ogden Avenue. Grant money has to be used for acquisition, in her opinion. She believes they need to move further on that project as well.

Commissioner Barnett agreed, saying he recognizes the importance of sidewalks on Ogden Avenue.

Commissioner Neustadt noted that they are talking about moving things around with a balanced budget and a lower tax levy of $393,000. That's a huge difference than where they have been in the past years. Staff has done a tremendous job in getting the Village to this point. He said he is in favor of looking at the proposed items by staff since they prepared the budget. He has one question about the Village Hall parking lot light replacement. They have always talked about this complex as being updated and changed to some degree, but the expenditure for the parking lot light replacement for Village Hall is something he would like to see. Staff did a good job of getting grants for the solar powered lights at Prentiss Creek and he would hope they could look for that in this case as well. He said that a balanced budget is a huge accomplishment, with no cuts in any programs or services or staff. He agrees with Commissioner Schnell that it may not be a good idea to take funds from the roadway maintenance program.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked about bundling and whether they look at the sidewalk gap list. The Manager said it is included.

Commissioner Schnell commented regarding the NLC Conference that she and Commissioner Neustadt will be attending, saying hopefully they will be able to provide information and resources they can share with the Council.

Commissioner Waldack discussed grant money, saying that the Village has obtained a lot of funding through grants, and that comes with a responsibility. He noted that sometimes that affects our priorities. He urged everyone to take a look at the grant money. In addition, with regard to shifting money around, he said that in the first LRFP session, they planned on using $1million of reserves to cover the budget. They used about $875,000.

The Manager said they budgeted to use $838,000 and did not use any of it. The reserves have remained at the 40% of expense level throughout the economic changes.

Commissioner Waldack then discussed cuts made to the transportation subsidy and the Meals on Wheels program. He said that the Meals on Wheels is a federal grant program, not a charity. County Board Chairman Cronin praised the process of the Meals on Wheels program. In Downers Grove, 200 citizens would get meals and well-being checks daily. It is not a charity. The transportation subsidy was not eliminated but reduced. Changes in those two programs have had a detrimental effect over the past two years. He recommended developing a policy to restore those programs, and said it boils down to political will. Elmhurst has an increased subsidy program and joined with the Ride DuPage program. He proposed to instruct staff to increase taxicab coupons to $100 per month and to find money to contribute to Meals on Wheels. He said that is his plea for this year and he begged them to consider this.

Commissioner Neustadt asked whether Commissioner Waldack has looked at where funds would come from for Meals on Wheels.

The Mayor said he has asked everyone to put their opinions and ideas on the table. He encourages members to have proposals. What is the return on the investment, and what are they preventing from happening are the questions to consider. He thinks the question by Commissioner Neustadt is a legitimate question.

Commissioner Schnell noted that they have not received a communication from Meals On Wheels as to the effect. She said they didn't get a request for funding or a report on the implications of this. She would like to have seen some report from the group seeking the funding. There are limited amounts of funds that can be shifted around, and she doesn't have the information she needs to make a decision about this.

Mayor Tully said he would like them to look at this in an analytical fashion and obtain the information needed to make the decision. He needs to be convinced that it is the right thing to do.

Commissioner Waldack commented that in the past Downers Grove has been one of the largest recipients of Meals on Wheel. Other communities have continued to donate or increase their donation, and the Village has given nothing. Downers Grove is mooching off of everyone else, however the Village is willing to take out bonds and is willing to pay interest to get certain projects accomplished.

The Mayor said that the Commissioner should suggest how much money he is considering and where it would come from.

Commissioner Waldack suggested that staff provide an estimate of what it would cost to keep the 50% subsidy and just increase the number of coupons available. The Mayor said staff can obtain that information and they can review it.

Commissioner Barnett asked about checks written in the past and to whom they were written. The Manager said they were written to the DuPage County Senior Citizens Council. Commissioner Barnett asked if they are a charitable organization.

Commissioner Waldack said they can designate the money to go to Meals on Wheels and keep the money in Dowers Grove. He said that they are not giving money to a charity. He said misrepresentations keep getting made.

Commissioner Barnett asked if in years past, through Community Grants, the Village made donations to other groups in town performing a similar service, and if so how much and when. He is talking about organizations such as FISH, etc.

Commissioner Neustadt said donations were not given to those types of groups, but to local community groups with a cultural aspect

Commissioner Barnett said then, that historically speaking, they have only contributed to the Senior Citizens Council, and if so, should they resume those contributions.  He asked for 5-10 years of history on this. Mr. Fieldman said staff will get that information.

Commissioner Durkin said to Commissioner Waldack's comments that he needs to determine where those funds will come from, and he encouraged him to be creative. He noted his suggestion to recoup for the cost of water used in fighting fires from insurance companies. It doesn't even have to be dollar for dollar.

Mr. Fieldman responded that in most fires, the Village is using mutual aid and there are no meters on the apparatus.

Commissioner Waldack then asked if there are well-being checks.

Commissioner Neustadt said there are. If you call the police, they can have someone go and check on someone.

Commissioner Durkin then asked about the $500,000 for the parking deck. The Manager said it went directly to the downtown TIF debt service fund balance. It was entered as additional amount that shows up as income in 2011, and increased the beginning fund balance in the debt service fund by $500,000. It will be used to pay down the debt.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked about Information Services, saying there is a huge increase from 2011 to 2012, and she asked why. The Manager said it is because of the movement to cloud computing service. Commissioner Rheintgen then asked about Community Development, which shows an increase in professional services. The Manager said that is for implementation of the high priority action items. The Commissioner also asked about the Ogden Avenue TIF highlights and Comprehensive Plan representation. The Manager said several years ago they began implementing the Master Plan. They have had discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and created the OASIS program to determine whether they want additional funding for OASIS for 2012, or take the TIF moneys for right-of-way improvements.

Commissioner Rheintgen said that staff's recommendation for adding more sidewalks is good, but she is also reluctant to take money from the roadway maintenance program.

Commissioner Schnell asked about the memo sent to the Council regarding shifting $30,000 from the traffic signal modification project at Main & Maple to sidewalks. The memo references that this money is available due to an updated cost estimate. She asked how confident staff is of that estimate. The Manager said they are extremely confident. Commissioner Schnell then asked about the increased number of street sweeping, and how many sweeps are done in the fall, how often are they done, and how expensive are they. She asked how much it would cost to add an additional sweep.

Commissioner Waldack noted that the Council hasn't been getting the monthly statistical report. The Manager said that the intern is compiling the information this week. Commissioner Waldack asked if they do projects that are not budgeted for, if these are tracked. The Manager said that only happened once in the Capital Fund.

Mayor Tully said if enough projects come in under budget, staff has tried to have a list of what could be done next.

Commissioner Waldack said that he is looking for budget changes where they've done better than expected.

Commissioner Rheintgen commented on the Ogden Avenue Sidewalks and the grant revenue of $25,000. She asked whether they could pay the fees out of the Ogden Avenue TIF fund. The Manager said they could not because the properties are outside of the TIF area.

Mayor Tully said this is not the end of the conversation. The Coffee With the Council will be the third session of budget discussions. The Manager said that it is usually a resident-driven discussion, and he encouraged people to bring questions. Indexes: Budget - 2012

9. Mayor's Report

Materials to be Received

Materials to be Placed on File

Mayor Tully proclaimed October 9-15, 2011 Fire Prevention Week in the Village of Downers Grove.

The Mayor asked for a Com Ed update. Mr. Fieldman responded that they have heard from residents who have been contacted by ComEd. ComEd posted a work plan with dates of deliverables, including enhanced tree trimming. They will meet with the Village Forester before tree trimming and vegetation control work begins. He said residents might see Com Ed representatives or contractors walking the neighborhood, making an assessment of the work to be done.

The Mayor said that on future agendas, there should be a Com Ed Reliability update.

Commissioner Schnell asked that information be placed on the website regarding the process of tree evaluation.

Commissioner Neustadt asked whether staff knows the geographical areas, and can activate the community calling service. The representatives should have some kind of identifiable apparel.

Commissioner Waldack also asked if the Village Forester will go on the site, or whether residents can contact the Village Forester. The Manager said that staff is the advocate for the residents. Commissioner Waldack said that ComEd might want to trim more than necessary. 

10. Manager's Report

11. Attorney's Report

Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting one item to the Council: An ordinance amending certain sign provisions. Future Active Agenda

12. Council Member Reports and New Business

Commissioner Schnell announced the Helping Girls Navigate Adolescence (HGNA) Pancake Breakfast to be held on Saturday, October 22 from 8:00 a.m to 11:00 a.m. They are looking for volunteers, and should call Damienne Souter for information. She also suggested visiting HGNA.org, which explains the organization and what they do to help young girls.

Commissioner Neustadt announced that this is Fire Prevention Week, and a Night at the Fire House will be held at 6701 Main Street, October 12 from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Also, the 17th Annual Silent Parade will take place on October 14 beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Village's ladder truck will be on display. The focal point will be at Main and Maple at approximately 7:15 p.m. Residents are asked to assemble there and hold a flashlight in honor of the fallen firefighters.

Commissioner Waldack said that on October 16, Gloria Dei Church will hold the annual Crop Walk beginning at 2:00 p.m. It is a walk for hunger and 25% of the funds raised remain local. He encouraged residents to participate.

Mayor Tully announced the Run for Her Life for the Family Shelter Services, which begins and ends at North High School on October 16 beginning at 8:00 a.m. The website is www.familyshelterservices.org.

The Mayor also announced Downers Grove South Homecoming this weekend with a parade this Friday beginning at 3:20 p.m.

Coffee With the Council will take place on Saturday October 15 at Fire Station 2 at 9:00 a.m. 

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Schnell moved to adjourn. Commissioner Durkin seconded the Motion.

Mayor Tully declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m.

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