August 02, 2011

1. Call to Order

Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. 

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Tully led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Becky Rheintgen, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Martin Tully Absent: Commissioner Sean P. Durkin Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden T he Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.

The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.

The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.

Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.

3. Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Minutes - July 19, 2011 Council Retreat - July 19, 2011 Long Range Financial Planning - July 26, 2011 M ayor Tully asked for a Motion to approve the minutes as submitted.

Commissioner Schnell moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Barnett seconded the motion.

The Mayor declared the Motion carried by voice vote.

4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda

Mayor Tully introduced and welcomed the new President of the Economic Development Corporation, Michael Cassa. Mr. Cassa was selected after an extensive search and the Mayor said they are proud of the outcome. He has a proven track record with over 20 years of experience, including director of the Oswego Economic Development Corporation. He said Mr. Cassa has already hit the ground running.

Michael Cassa, President, Economic Development Corporation, thanked the Mayor and Council for this opportunity. He said he feels fortunate to have been selected for this position. After contacting friends to announce that he had been hired, he received congratulatory emails that included positive comments about Downers Grove. He said that Downers Grove has a tremendous positive image and pride. He said he looks forward to working with everyone and working to bring and retain jobs and businesses in Downers Grove. He thanked the Council, staff and everyone who has worked to make him feel welcome to the Village.

The Mayor thanked Mr. Cassa and told him the Village looks foward to working with him.

5. Public Hearings

6. Consent Agenda

Commissioner Schnell complimented staff on bringing the DuPage Water Commission issue to completion.

Mayor Tully also thanked all the parties, including members of the DuPage Water Commission for resolving the DuPage Water Commission issue.

Greg Bedalov, 4840 Seeley, extended his congratulations to Mr. Cassa on his appointment to the EDC. He then congratulated all those involved in the OASIS program. He noted that the Council listened to the business community and the staff engaged the participants. It is a tremendous outcome and a fantastic program. This sends a clear message to developers that Downers Grove is open for business. He said he applauds the efforts of those involved in this matter.

COR 00-04575 A. Claim Ordinance: No. 5909, Payroll, July 15, 2011

Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A

BIL 00-04576 B. List of Bills Payable: No. 5914, August 2, 2011

Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A

RES 00-04562 C. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with Bill Kay Nissan

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-44 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

RES 00-04563 D. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with Downers Grove Animal Hospital and Bird Clinic, P.C.

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-45 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

RES 00-04565 E. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with A-Len Radiators and Automotive, Inc.

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-46 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

RES 00-04567 F. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with Anthony Zangler (946 Ogden Avenue)

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-47 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

RES 00-04568 G. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with Anthony Zangler (1614 Ogden Avenue)

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-48 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

RES 00-04569 H. Resolution: Authorize a Grant Agreement with Anthony Zangler (1602 Ogden Avenue)

Sponsors:Community Development



RESOLUTION 2011-49 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF

MOT 00-04574 I. Motion: Authorize $145,912.10 to Zoll Corporation, Chelmsford, MA, for the Purchase of Seven Cardiac Monitors

Sponsors:Fire Department A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Fire Department - Cardiac Monitors

RES 00-04584 J. Resolution: Authorize an Accord, Satisfaction and Release Agreement with DuPage Water Commission 

Sponsors:Village Attorney



RESOLUTION 2011-50 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: DuPage Water Commission

RES 00-04585 K. Resolution: Authorize an Accord, Satisfaction and Release Agreement with Certain Participating Companies

Sponsors:Village Attorney



RESOLUTION 2011-51 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: DuPage Water Commission

MOT 00-04577 L. Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

Summary of Item:Environmental Concerns Commission - June 9, 2011 A motion was made to Note Receipt Of this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Boards and Commissions Minutes

Passed The Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Barnett, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully

7. Active Agenda

8. First Reading

BID 00-04586 A. Bid: Award $438,292.50 to Martam Construction, Inc., Elgin, IL, for the Davis Street Storm Sewer Improvements

Sponsors:Public Works Public Works Director Nan Newlon presented specifics on the Martam Construction bid. She said this bid is for installation of new storm sewers on Davis Street, west of Douglas. She noted that this area does not contain stormwater infrastructure, and explained the present flow of water that causes flooding of streets as well as private property. To avoid moving trees, they are installing a low-profile gutter section to prevent erosion along the pavement edges. There were seven bidders with Martam as the low bidder. Positive references were received from the Village of Elgin.  Indexes: Storm Sewers

BID 00-04587 B. Bid: Award $304,765 to Martam Construction, Inc., Elgin, IL, for the Washington Street Storm Sewer Replacement

Sponsors:Public Works Ms. Newlon said this replacement project is to remove existing old clay tiles. Additional inlets will also be installed. The northbound lane of Washington Street will be repaved, and two structures along Washington and Sheridan will also be replaced. Martam was again the low bidder of eight bids received. Indexes: Storm Sewers

RES 00-04578 C. Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Consolidation for 336 Ogden Avenue

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission C ommunity Development Director Tom Dabareiner presented background information on the next four items. This item is a Resolution for a final plat of subdivision to consolidate four lots into one for 336 Ogden Avenue. He displayed a plat of the property which includes three 50 foot by 175 foot lots and one 25 foot by 175 foot lot that are zoned B-3. The lot consolidation will allow for the construction of a multi-tenant commercial building. Staff is presently reviewing building plans for that proposal. There are no exceptions requested from the Subdivision Ordinance, and the proposed lot will meet all minimum lot dimensions of the ordinance. The Plan Commission considered this at their July 11 meeting and unanimously recommended approval.

Commissioner Schnell asked about the next phase of this project, as this is an important parcel. She referred to this as the last piece of the puzzle, and she wants the developer to know that. Sidewalks and green space are important as it a nice, attractive building. She said that the Village values this site and has put a lot of work into seeing that it meets the Ogden Avenue Master Plan.

Commissioner Barnett asked if consolidation is contingent upon provision of stormwater and sidewalk. He wanted to know whether consolidation occurs even if they do not proceed with construction.  Mr. Dabareiner said that was correct, and if the developer chose not to proceed there would be no other improvements to the site.

Mr. Fieldman responded that the Subdivision Ordinance requires certain public improvements at the time of development, and the developer will have to meet those requirements.

Commissioner Neustadt thanked the developer for following the Village's Code and making the parcel ready for development.

Mayor Tully said he is a fan of lot consolidation especially along Ogden Avenue. This consolidation helps to achieve a larger buildable lot that overcomes some of the challenges presented in the area. This is consistent with the Ogden Avenue Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Indexes: Consolidation Plat

RES 00-04579 D. Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Subdivision for 226 6th Street

Sponsors:Community Development M r. Dabareiner noted that this consolidation brings two lots into one lot of 7900 square feet, zoned R-4. The lots are two 30 foot by 132 foot lots. The petitioner proposes to demolish the existing home and garage and build a new home once the consolidation occurs. Sidewalks currently exist and no new public improvements are needed. This will conform to all Zoning Ordinance dimension requirements. The Plan Commission heard this petition at its July 11 meeting. He noted that the property must comply with the Stormwater Ordinance prior to issuance of a building permit. The Plan Commission noted that and unanimously recommended approval and staff concurs.

Commissioner Waldack said he has no problem with the consolidation; however, he sympathizes with the concerns expressed by one resident at the Plan Commission meeting about the stormwater issues. He is always concerned about the way the Village allows development to go. He knows the Village uses best management practices, but this is an issue he has heard about the most and he hopes water doesn't invade other properties as a result of this. He will support this.

Mayor Tully repeated his approval for consolidation as it is an opportunity to reverse the practice of lot splits from several years ago.  Indexes: Subdivision, Plan Commission, Subdivision - 226 6th Street

ORD 00-04580 E. Ordinance: Authorize a Special Use for 333 Ogden Avenue to Permit an Automobile Dealership

Sponsors:Community Development M r. Dabareiner said this property is zoned B-3 and consists of 4900 square feet of an automobile repair building. Staff analyzed the parking, which will be reduced to 22 striped spaces, and only 12 are required per the Zoning Ordinance. The site will comply with all other bulk requirements. This proposal complies with the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. The Plan Commission considered and recommended this petition at its July 11 meeting. The elimination of curb cuts, and additional green space creates a better-looking building.

Commissioner Schnell commented on the 22 parking spaces, six of which would be used for the display of autos. She asked, with additional sidewalks and greenspace, whether they could insure that the cars do not hang over the sidewalks so pedestrians can still use them. She wanted the importance of this emphasized to the developer. Mr. Dabareiner responded that there is a new depth between the parking lot and sidewalks. Commissioner Schnell reiterated that they should not encroach on this space. She asked whether there is a gap in the sidewalk at Bob Carter's. Mr. Dabareiner responded that there is a carriage walk.

Commissioner Barnett said he would like the Village to consider the Ogden Avenue Master Plan and goals with OASIS program, as well as the Comprehensive Plan. He doesn't believe the general goals are being met. The Village is trying to do things with the auto dealers that are aesthetically pleasing, and he would like the Council to consider whether auto dealerships are considered as primary businesses or related in some way to square footage. There are so many 25 foot or 30 foot lots along Ogden Avenue. He would like to think this through before the Village has several miles of 25 foot or 30 foot car dealerships along Ogden Avenue.

Commissioner Waldack asked whether this is new car sales, or resale. The Village gets state tax on new sales, but not resales. Mr. Dabareiner responded it is largely resale. Commissioner Waldack said that is not really an advantage to the Village in terms of sales tax. Mr. Fieldman corrected that if a used car is sold to an individual customer, it is subject to sales tax. Only wholesale to other dealers are not subject to a sales tax.    Mayor Tully said this request for the Special Use fits squarely into Section 28.1902 of the Code, and he will support it. He said the question regarding what automobile dealerships should look like is a very good question and worthy of further consideration.   Indexes: Plan Commission, Special Use - 333 Ogden Avenue

RES 00-04589 F. Resolution: Abrogate a Certain Portion of a Public Easement in the Village of Downers Grove - 898 Ogden Avenue

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission M r. Fieldman said that the following items, 8F, G and H will be reviewed together because they all deal with the property at 898 Ogden Avenue. This concerns abrogation of easements, a special plat of subdivision, and a special use permit for a service station.

Mr. Dabareiner stated the items consist of three actions including a special use approval, final plat of subdivision consolidating two lots into one, and abrogation of the easement in a vacated alley. He displayed a view of the property which is zoned B-3. A service station and large canopy currently occupy the site. The petitioner proposes to demolish the existing service station and canopy, construct a 3900 square foot convenience store, install six new pump islands, and a new, smaller canopy. The proposal complies with the bulk requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Section 28.1100, and with the Ogden Avenue Master Plan, as well as the Stormwater Ordinance. He noted that the plan shows the existing canopy which, when replaced, will be smaller. He also pointed out the proposed additional greenspace. One of the entrances closest to the intersection is being removed and two others are being moved slightly to provide safer access in and out of the site. He indicated that in 1984 restrictive covenants were placed on the property, which provided setback and landscape buffering requirements. The proposal meets the requirements of the restrictive convenants and adds some landscaping around the parking lot. There are no utilities within the vacated alley as they were relocated. This is why staff is looking to abrogate that easement. The petitioner provided a new ten foot wide easement to provide for the location of public utilities. There will be a considerable reduction in pavement to the site. The Plan Commission considered this item at their July 11 meeting. There were concerns raised, and the petitioner agreed to address all of them as shown in the list provided to the Council. The proposal is consistent with Sections 20.301 and 20.305 of the Subdivision Ordinance, and Section 28-1902 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Plan Commission recommended approval.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked about removal of the diesel pumps, and Mr. Dabareiner said they would be removed. Commissioner Rheintgen said she was also happy to see that the Plan Commission listened to the residents regarding the relocation of the garbage dumpster. She will support this next week.

Commissioner Neustadt pointed out that they also seem to have addressed the right turn on Lindley. He asked if the trees in the proposal would be in the line of sight. Mr. Dabareiner responded that there should be no issue at the intersection, and the landscaping also should not provide an obstruction. It will be looked at again as this progresses.

Commissioner Schnell questioned whether the detention facilities are grass or stone. Mr. Fieldman said both are grass. Commissioner Schnell said if it is dry bottom it must be maintained. Mr. Fieldman replied that this was part of the discussion. Commissioner Schnell said the existing detention now is an eyesore. She referred to the entrance being moved to the north, saying that in 1984 the placement was extremely important. She wants to be sure that residents concur with this. Mr. Dabareiner replied that this was addressed during the Plan Commission meeting. There are safety issues that argue in favor of the entrance being moved.

Mayor Tully referenced the Special Use, saying it is the current use. The site will be razed and rebuilt. The abrogation, easement and final plat of subdivision meet the Code requirements.   Indexes: Subdivision - 898 Ogden Avenue, Abrogation - 898 Ogden Avenue

RES 00-04582 G. Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Subdivision and Accept Certain Public Easements for 898 Ogden Avenue

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission Indexes: Subdivision, Subdivision - 898 Ogden Avenue

ORD 00-04581 H. Ordinance: Authorize a Special Use to Permit a Service Station at 898 Ogden Avenue 

Sponsors:Community Development and Plan Commission Indexes: Special Use - 898 Ogden Avenue, Subdivision - 898 Ogden Avenue

9. Mayor's Report

Mayor Tully announced that he was appointed to the District 3 DuPage County Stormwater Management Committee. He attended his first meeting, saying that the County is working on a new Stormwater Ordinance. The highlights of that proposal were provided to the Village Manager who will share that information with the Council. There will be another opportunity for comment on September 6. He noted that there is a 45-day public comment period on the current version of the ordinance. There will be another public meeting on September 22 to discuss the ordinance updates. Public comments will close on October 20, 2011.

Mr. Fieldman said that this would likely be heard by the Village's Stormwater and Flood Plain Oversight Committee.

Mayor Tully then discussed reliability issues concerning ComEd. He said that the Manager has placed a report on the website that consists of a four-step action plan consisting of the following: 1) Completing a reliability report of our own based on complaints and history over the last five years of outages. ComEd is expected to provide additional information on areas that experience frequent outages.  2) Scheduling a town hall meeting with ComEd officials and others to address particular problems encountered in the Village. 3) Requesting an action plan from ComEd. 4) Continuing to pursue improvements in identified neighborhoods. Staff anticipates receiving the reliability report by the end of the month. He said that he has been in touch with ComEd senior management regarding making Downers Grove a high priority. They appear to be receptive to that. He has also communicated with officials in Springfield, as well as the mayors and managers of neighboring towns to advocate for our region. He stressed that the Village is giving this a great deal of attention.

Commissioner Barnett said he received an invitation to attend an informal meeting with other local elected officials and County Board members to discuss this problem. Downers Grove is not alone in this situation. The problem exists all over Chicagoland. He has been working to consolidate messages in the western suburbs and to speak with the same voice downstate. In the long-term, discussion will focus on the non-weather-related outages that are continuing problems. Surrounding communities report the same problems, and Downers Grove is trying to work with their colleagues toward resolution. The intent is to provide one voice to Springfield concerning this issue. 

Materials to be Placed on File

10. Manager's Report

REP 00-04583 Report: Stormwater Utility M r. Fieldman said this is the first of a series of reports. It is presented by the Municipal and Financial Services Group which was recently engaged for a study to create the Village's Stormwater Utility report. Municipal and Financial Services Group was contracted last year to conduct the Village's water rate study. This report will focus on background information and the identification of key policy issues. Many of the issues have also been discussed in the Long Range Financial Plan meetings.

David Hyder, Municipal and Financial Services Group, said stormwater is a key issue in Downers Grove. He said tonight's agenda is to frame the discussion and would include an overview of stormwater utility background, why implementation is necessary, policy issues and the approach to the study.

Mr. Hyder reviewed the timeline: Tonight's meeting will cover background/overview and policy matters; the second meeting will look at level of service and magnitude of fee which will take place at the second Council meeting in September; the third discussion, which will be held at the first meeting in October, will consider fee structures, billing methodology and administration; and the final meeting will consist of recommendations and will occur at the third meeting in October.

He then reviewed the Village's stormwater system saying the Village has an extensive stormwater system that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to replace. The Village has three major watersheds and 11 miles of streams. He said 2/3 of the Village is drained by storm sewers consisting of 130 miles of storm sewers and 7,000 drainage structures. The other 1/3 of the Village is drained by ditches consisting of 140 miles and 47,000 feet of culverts. There are 315 stormwater storage facilities.

Village stormwater activities include a stormwater master plan established in 2006 which has resulted in increased maintenance activities; a watershed infrastructure improvement plan established in 2007; and issuance of $25 million in bonds to address stormwater infrastructure needs, of which $15 million in improvements has been invested to date. Due to these activities the Lacey Creek streambank stabilization and Washington Park stormwater facility projects have been accomplished. However, significant needs still exist such as failing stormwater lines, deteriorated creek systems, delayed maintenance on drainage systems, and the debris within the stormwater mains.

Mr. Hyder said the focus is on why the Village should consider implementing a stormwater utility. He said communities are accustomed to managing their infrastructure through utilities such as a water system and wastewater. A utility is comprised of delivery of a service (stormwater management) and management of assets (stormwater system). Benefits of a stormwater utility include improved equity, being fiscally accountable, providing a dependable revenue stream, bringing stomwater services to the forefront as a vital service to Village property owners, and assisting in meeting National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements. In terms of improved equity, Mr. Hyder said users contribute to the utility based on stormwater impact. Fees are driven by the level of service and needs, and are exclusively used for stormwater needs. As a dependable revenue stream, a stormwater utility allows for proactive management of the system resulting in lower life-cycle costs. Bringing stormwater services to the forefront as a vital service is an opportunity to educate the public in terms of mitigation and management of stormwater.

Mr. Hyder then discussed policy issues. In terms of level of service, questions include the level of stormwater service the Village should provide, the level currently provided, how long it should take to meet the gap, and the level of stormwater system reinvestment. As to the fee structure, policy issues include determining how the stormwater fee will be structured. Mr. Hyder said typical approaches include a flat rate per property parcel, a flat rate by property type, a charge tied to water usage, a fee based on impervious area of the property, or a fee based on total area of the property and intensity of development. The amount of impervious area on the property is the most common basis for a fee structure. Policy questions concerning implementation include just funding the gap between the desired level of service and existing funding levels, freezing existing revenues at current levels or reducing them over time, and whether the fee should be increased over time. Policy issues pertaining to administration of the utility include exemptions for vacant land, tax-exempt parcels, public rights of way or Village property; billing methodology such as a utility bill, property tax bill or separate stormwater bill; as well as credits for mitigation, and how to handle appeals.

Mr. Hyder then provided an overview of the study approach. He said recommendations will be brought before Council The study includes an assessment of the existing stormwater management program, development of a financial model of level of service and operating costs, an assessment of the fee structure, and assistance with the implementation and drafting of the ordinance. He said it is important to be transparent and public education and outreach will be part of each phase of the study. He recommended communication with the public via the Village newsletter, Village website, online surveys and Council meetings. He concluded with a recap of the timeline.

Mayor Tully summarized that they are merely framing issues at this point, and potential ways to address the issues will be the next step. This presentation lays out the structure and what the analyses will be. He stated that one challenge the Village faces is unfunded mandates, whether they be the Clean Water Act, federal, state or county projects. The NPDES requirements can be expensive to meet and he asked whether they should anticipate additional unfunded mandates in their determinations. Regarding infrastructure needs, the Mayor asked if this were done in an ideal fashion, what would be involved and should it be considered. He realizes that there are many ways to measure and bill for this. He also asked whether the mapping done by the County is available to the Village as a resource.

Mr. Hyder said that they already have that data available. The Village's GIS expert has provided that.

Mayor Tully then inquired how many municipalities in Illinois already have stormwater utilities, and what has there experience been. Mr. Heider responded that there are about 25 or 30 municipalities. Moline has had such a system for 12 years. Mr. Hyder said 15 to 20 other villages are going this through process now. Mayor Tully expressed interest in learning the benefits of their experiences.

Commissioner Waldack noted that the Village did a study some time ago and decided against it as it would become an administrative nightmare. He asked about other options and why they may be less effective. The Village has an idea of the magnitude of the problem, knows it will cost to fix it, and has already started to address the issues. He asked how labor intensive the options are, and stressed the need to engage our residents in a variety of ways, including on-line contact and feedback. He asked for the options available, and the pros and cons to initiating the fees. Fees are not tax deducible as property taxes are, and he would like to see this type of information made available in future presentations.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked whether the map of the sewer lines would be done before this is completed.

Public Works Director Nan Newlon said it will be completed next year, but they will be able to provide a good estimate to the consultant.

Commissioner Schnell commented about public outreach and education, asking whether there will be the ability to ask questions via the website, or some way to include that.  Mr. Fieldman said that was used successfully in TCD3 and Long Range Financial Planning. That can be incorporated here as well. Commissioner Schnell then asked when the next newsletter would be published, and, if not timely, she suggested a special edition. Mr. Fieldman said he would get that information to the Council.

Commissioner Schnell then asked about exemptions and obtaining background as to what utilities exempt certain people in terms of trends and common exemptions. Mr. Hyder responded approximately 90% exclude public roads and Village properties. Vacant land is generally 50/50 in terms of exemptions.

Commissioner Barnett said he looked forward to future meetings. He said stormwater is addressed via property taxes at this time. He asked Mr. Hyder whether they would be able to roughly quantify how much of every dollar is going to specific services. The Council needs to understand this as well. Mr. Hyder said that could be done.

Commissioner Neustadt said that the water rate discussion was great. He asked what forms of community outreach have been shown to be the best. Mr. Hyder responded that workshops with the Council are effective, as are newsletters. Surveys have had about 10% response rate. He noted, however, that public meetings to talk about stormwater have proved ineffective. An FAQ is effective on line if it is kept fresh and up to date.  Commissioner Neustadt then asked staff if there has been any success in using messaging through the water bill. Mr. Fieldman said it is used often, but he doesn't know if they can measure the success rate. It can be used to educate the public.

Commissioner Waldack referenced the Village-wide citizens survey that used to be sent out periodically. Mr. Fieldman said that staff and the budget team is considering this as a proposal for next year's budget.

Mayor Tully then said that the Village should determine the role of the Stormwater and Flood Plan Oversight Commission. He reiterated that the primary question is how the Village would pay for its stormwater needs. There are potential solutions, and it could be paid for in many different ways.

Robert Schultz, 604 Davis, asked who currently maintains stormwater and how it is being done. Mayor Tully responded that the Village maintains the infrastructure through its Department of Public Works. Mr. Schulz asked for clarification that this discussion is merely to fund this rather than creating another department. The Mayor said that was correct because they don't want to create more administration. This is a function that is already performed, but they are seeking options on how to pay for it. Indexes: Stormwater Utility

11. Attorney's Report

Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting four (4) items to the Council: 1) An ordinance authorizing a special use for 333 Ogden Avenue to permit an automobile dealership; 2) A resolution abrogating a certain portion of a public easement in the Village of Downers Grove - 898 Ogden Avenue; 3) A resolution approving the final plat of subdivision and accepting certain public easements for 898 Ogden Avenue; and 4) An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit a service station at 898 Ogden Avenue.

Future Active Agenda

12. Council Member Reports and New Business

Commissioner Neustadt reported that on August 8, Downtown Management Corporation kicks off the Downers through the Decades event at 3:00 p.m. Information can be obtained at He said this includes things such as a tour of the Tivoli, events for kids, etc. This event takes place from August 8 through August 28.

Commissioner Waldack said that many times over the years members of the Council mention their gratitude to their spouses for their support. He said that a handful of residents often attend a majority of the meetings and participate in our government. He then mentioned Bill Wrobel's participation in traffic calming and other neighborhood issues. Commissioner Waldack mentioned that Joan Wrobel, Mr. Wrobel's wife, passed away this weekend. They were married over 50 years. They had four children, she appreciated good music, shared Bill's love of organ music, and she was a good cook. Commissioner Waldack and his wife are good personal friends of the Wrobel's. He looked on her as a favorite aunt, and he said that he and his wife will miss her. She allowed Bill to participate in Village government and her passing is a loss to their family and the community.

Mayor Tully commented that on Monday morning he attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the Midwestern University new building. The Village celebrates with Dr. Goeppinger and her staff the beginning of construction for Midwestern's $120 million medical complex in the Village, which will provide a new dental clinic in the Village of Downers Grove. 

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Schnell moved to adjourn. Commissioner Barnett seconded the Motion.

VOTE: YEA: Commissioners Schnell, Barnett, Rheintgen, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Tully

Mayor Tully declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

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