May 10, 2011

1. Call to Order

Mayor Martin Tully called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. 

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mayor Tully invited Cub Scout Pack 99 to help lead those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Sean P. Durkin, Commissioner Becky Rheintgen, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Martin Tully Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden T he Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.

The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.

The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.

Mayor Tully said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.

Questions from Cub Scout Pack 99

Matthew from Fairmount School asked how the Village helps with car safety. Mayor Tully responded that the Village's "Click It or Ticket" program encourages people to use their seatbelts. There are also car inspections and car seat programs.

Louis of Fairmount School asked whether Heritage Fest is going to come back. Mayor Tully responded that Heritage Festival may come back; but there will be a Downers Grove Rotary Grove Fest, which will be held the last weekend in June.

Darren from Fairmount School asked how Mayor Tully became Mayor. Mayor Tully said he had to fill out a lot of paperwork and file with the Election Commission. Then he had to campaign and get people to vote for him.  He then thanked Cub Scout Pack 99 for coming to the meeting. 

3. Minutes of Council Meetings

Council Meeting - May 3, 2011 M ayor Tully asked for a Motion to approve the minutes as submitted.

Commissioner Schnell moved to approve the May 3, 2011 Council minutes as presented. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.

VOTE: YEA: Commissioners Schnell, Durkin, Rheintgen, Barnett, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Tully

The Mayor declared the Motion carried.

Learn Not to Burn

Marsha Giesler of the Downers Grove Fire Department said that this is the 27th year of the Annual Learn Not to Burn contest for fourth grade classes. Students are asked to brainstorm the things they learned during the third grade on fire safety and first aid. These children can make a difference in the community. Last year almost 800 homes had smoke alarms because of the Learn Not to Burn program. Staff goes to the fourth grade classes and asks the students to create a tri-fold brochure containing a fire safety message to the community, as well as first aid tips, and create a design for the cover.

Ms. Giesler invited Mrs. Schultz's class from St. Joseph's School to come forward, and she read the message that their class created for the community. They included ten fire safety tips and were awarded a First Place prize. She said they could not get these excellent results if it were not for the involvement of the teachers.

Ms. Giesler then introduced Mrs. Boyer's Class from Highland School. They won First Place in two categories--first aid tips and cover design. Mrs. Boyer's Student Teacher, Kelly Wolf, is a graduate of South High School, and worked with the students on this project.

Mayor Tully thanked everyone for attending and participating in these programs.  

Capital Projects Update

Public Works Director Nan Newlon presented the capital projects update, which is also published on the Village's website. Ms. Newlon said that a new sidewalk construction contract will be recommended this evening. In addition, the street resurfacing project is underway. Also on tonight's agenda is the intersection improvement for Maple Avenue at the BNSF crossing. The cameras have been installed at Maple and Main, and the parking study will get started later this month.

Ms. Newlon said that things are moving very slowly at the Belmont underpass. It is about 40% done. They are doing a lot of digging on the north side of the underpass.

Ms. Newlon referred to a comment made at the last Council meeting regarding the consultants that are being used, instead of having staff do the work. She wanted to point out that staff does the design and manages about $13.6 million in capital works projects.

4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda

Tom LeCren, 545 Chicago, welcomed the new Council. He urged citizens to attend the Long Range Financial Planning meetings, noting that the first one will be May 24 in the Committee Room in Village Hall. It is a chance to learn what it takes to run a Village.

5. Public Hearings

6. Consent Agenda

Commissioner Schnell moved that item D, RES 00-04514, a resolution opposing reduction of state collected revenues due municipalities, be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration. Commissioner Neustadt seconded the motion.

VOTE: YEA: Commissioner Schnell, Neustadt, Rheintgen, Waldack; Mayor Tully NAY: Commissioner Barnett, Durkin

The Mayor declared the Motion carried.

 BIL 00-04506 A. List of Bills Payable: No. 5898, May 10, 2011

Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A

RES 00-04497 B. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with Verizon Inc.




RESOLUTION 2011-30 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Telephone System

MOT 00-04507 C. Motion: Award a Contract to the Flolo Corporation, Bensenville, IL, for Finley Well House Repairs in an Amount Not to Exceed $32,235.00

Sponsors:Manager's Office A motion was made to Award this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Well House - Finley

MOT 00-04513 E. Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

Summary of Item:Human Service Commission - April 6, 2011 A motion was made to Note Receipt Of this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Boards and Commissions Minutes Passed The Consent Agenda

 The Consent Agenda was passed as amended. A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Waldack, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully

7. Active Agenda

RES 00-04514 D. Resolution: Oppose Reduction of State Collected Revenues Due Municipalities

Sponsors:Deputy Village Manager


RESOLUTION 2011-31 M ayor Tully said he was in favor of having some discussion on this item, and asked Mike Baker, Deputy Village Manager, to make his presentation.

Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker discussed the Local Government Distributive Fund which concerns the distribution of income tax. The State collects the income tax and distributes 6% to the municipalities. It used to be 10%, however, the rate was reduced. The municipal portion is based on population, and proposals are being made in Springfield to reduce or eliminate the distribution to municipalities. He showed graphs indicating that the State Income Tax represents about 10% of the Village's General Fund. He said $3.8 million was collected in 2010. The proposal under consideration could reduce the Village's amount by $1.1 million to as high as $3.8 million. Nothing has been decided as yet as the legislature is still in session. The Village has taken proactive efforts such as sending letters to the General Assembly members, relying on the lobbyist to meet Legislators on behalf of the Village, and other efforts. This resolution states the Village's opposition to a reduction in Income Tax revenue.

Commissioner Waldack said he was glad that this was pulled off the Consent Agenda. This is a large chunk of the Village's revenue and its loss would deeply impact every resident and business in the Village. He said this would be the equivalent of $20-$70 on the average homeowners Downers Grove property tax bill to make up the difference. He asked that information and contact information be placed on the Village's website so residents can contact their State Representatives and ask them not to interfere with the municipality's portion of the taxes.   Commissioner Waldack said that in the 1960s there was an option for municipalities to have their own local income taxes. The State was opposed to that. Municipalities may incorporate an income tax to make up the difference. He asked that residents urge representatives to defeat this measure.

Commissioner Barnett said he wanted to quantify this for the residents. He said $1.1million would be equivalent to an 8% to 9% tax increase to make up the revenue taken by the State. He said that the State could remove two years of work that the Village has put into balancing the budget. He referenced the midnight tax increase put into place ostensibly as a one-time increase. However, he noted that it sounds as though that is permanent. In conjunction with this, if the Village were to try to maintain its services, it could result in two tax increases - one from the State and one from the Village - at about double what has been done already. He encouraged people to contact Springfield. This is not a gift from the State over the past 42 years. It is the Village residents' money and should be used by their own community. There is information on the Village's website on who to contact in Springfield in opposition to this action.

Commissioner Schnell said that in the early 2000s the State raided local funds. The Village has been fortunate because the efforts of certain groups have forestalled further increases. However, because of the current financial situation of the State, the State will try to take these funds and it will have to be made up somehow. That could mean new taxes. She said that staff has done a great job to cut expenses, however, the State has not done that. This is a real threat. Residents need to be aware of this and contact their State representatives. She supports this resolution.

Commissioner Durkin said when he was last in Springfield, he delivered a letter signed by then Mayor Sandack to the members of the Senate and House. He met with representatives there and told them the hard work done by the Downers Grove Council and staff. He said it was their turn, and all they are doing is passing the buck. This is going to be a lot of money for the residents and will result in painful cuts.  This is almost $4 million. He asked that residents reach out to the leaders, such as Michael Madigan. He asked that residents reach out to lead Democrats. Those who made the cuts and stood by their votes were reelected.

Commissioner Rheintgen said that the State of Illinois thinks the answers are to collect more revenue and not cut programs. She doesn't know how the Village could manage such a significant decrease in revenue. She encouraged people to take action. She said that she recently attended a conference where they were told that as few as 13 letters or calls can result in a change.

Commissioner Neustadt agreed with all the comments made. Most everyone in the State Legislature got their beginning locally. This is equal to the cuts already made over two years by the Village. He urged everyone to contact their representative via e-mail, calls, and letters immediately.

Mayor Tully stated that the Village stance on this is well stated. He thanked Mayor Sandack for writing the letter. He also thanked Mayor Murphy in Woodridge for his work.  A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Neustadt, to Adopt this file. Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully Indexes: State Income Tax

8. First Reading

Village Manager Dave Fieldman asked Nan Newlon, Director, Public Works, to discuss the First Reading items.

ORD 00-04494 A. Ordinance: Regulate Turns at 39th & Highland

Sponsors:Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission M s. Newlon said this concerns a "no turn on red" restriction at 39th and Highland, in proximity to Highland School, which is staffed by a crossing guard. She showed a map of the area. Motorists do not see the school clearly enough and the crossing guard expressed concerns. She noted that staff has recommended new restrictions between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., and between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. The Transportation and Parking Commission (TAP) has reviewed this and unanimously recommended approval.

Commissioner Neustadt asked whether the crosswalk button could be reprogrammed to lengthen the walk time. Ms. Newlon said staff would review that with the County. The County has been out there already.

Commissioner Schell commented that this recommended change was enforced many years ago for a year or two. There were enforcement problems and wording was changed to "when pedestrians are present." Her concern is that they may be setting themselves up to fail. People coming westbound are stuck and cannot make the turn. They are impatient. This did not work before and she asked why they think this will work now. Ms. Newlon suggested trying it and monitoring it closely. The term "when children are present" is nebulous and it is difficult to write a ticket on that.  Commissioner Schnell said she thinks people will make the turn in the summer months. She's concerned that this will fail, because it has not worked before. There is no simple solution.

Commissioner Barnett asked about removing a section of the sidewalk on the east side of Highland. Ms. Newlon responded that she would like to propose looking at this more closely over the next month. It is very difficult to enforce now, and it is hard to control where people cross.

Commissioner Durkin commented that this may be the ideal place for red light cameras to ticket violators. There was legislation being lobbied in Springfield to put red light cameras in school zones. He suggested looking at this more closely during the Long Range Financial Plan discussions.

Commissioner Neustadt asked whether they could do "no turn on red" during the school year. Ms. Newlon said they could remove the signs during the summer months.

Commissioner Waldack expressed concern that they not act on this, but at least take a look at it. It is important to get this right, and he would like to have staff look at this. It is not necessary to take action next week if staff needs more time to weigh the options. . Commissioner Schnell asked if they have included the principal of Highland School in the discussion. Ms. Newlon said she would have to check. Commissioner Schnell suggested that staff engage the school administrators as well.

Mayor Tully suggested that this be kept on next week's Agenda. They can always ask that it be continued to a date certain. He also suggested a subcategory in the Municipal Code as Subcategory C in Section 14.8 of the Code as another option. Indexes: No Turn on Red - 39th & Highland

MOT 00-04508 B. Motion: Award $365,469.28 to Landmark Contractors, Inc., Huntley, IL, for the Maple Avenue/BNSF Railroad Grade Reduction Project

Sponsors:Public Works M s. Newlon said this refers to improving safety at this crossing. She showed pictures depicting the area that has been the scene of multiple accidents, including a fatal crash in 2007. Staff sought funding from the Illinois Commerce Comission (ICC) and received a grant of $262,800. On April 20, 2010 the Village executed a local agency agreement with the ICC in which the Village agreed to prepare engineering plans and contract documents, to act as the contracting agency, and to fund the remainder of the project. Staff received another $75,000 grant from the Department of Commerce and Economic Development from the Illinois Jobs Now program. This project was included in the 2011 Community Investment Program. In conjunction with the project, staff will also be replacing a section of an older 8" water main. She indicated that Landmark Contractors was the low bidder of the five bidders who responded. They have successfully completed various projects for the State of Illinois and local municipalities. Staff recommends award of this contract.

Commissioner Barnett said he is opposed to doing this. He does not discount the safety issues involved, but he would prefer to have this crossing closed. The Village has to spend $50,000 of its own money and will be committing itself to live with this crossing. He is not quarrelling with the need for improvements. He thinks this crossing should be closed. It is not a good use of Village money or State funds in his opinion.

Commissioner Durkin asked whether staff talked to the railroad about the future of this crossing. He thought he recalled a plan in the future to get rid of the crossing. He said he agreed with Commissioner Barnett's opinion, although he would go with the majority due to the safety issue. Ms. Newlon said she is not aware of any discussion to close the crossing. The real advantage to the crossing is moving traffic. Railroads are always looking for reasons to close crossings.

Mr. Fieldman said those discussions go back a couple of years. The ICC recommendation was to follow this course of action for safety reasons.

Commissioner Barnett said that this would put more cars down Grand, and some would go to Fairview and Maple to make a left. This would affect 200-300 cars. He is uncomfortable with this.

Commissioner Schnell also agreed with Commissioner Barnett on making the street one-way. She said that she hoped staff could find other ways of doing this before next week's discussion.

Commissioner Rheintgen asked whether there are plans to close the crossing, and Mr. Fieldman said there are not. Commissioner Rheintgen asked if the Village would receive money from the railroad if the crossing were closed. Ms. Newlon said that they would likely contribute money to help close the crossing.

Mayor Tully commented that he would benefit from hearing more of the history on this. Mr. Fieldman said this came about in a discussion with the ICC when the Belmont Underpass was under discussion. When the funding came through this crossing was brought up and the recommendation was for this improvement as a safety measure.

Mayor Tully said he doesn't want to solve one problem and create another problem. He asked if there is something the Village can do to initiate an underpass at this location. Mr. Fieldman said that was the initial request, but underpass funding is being discontinued. The Belmont Underpass will be the last, and future plans are to focus on overpasses.

Commissioner Durkin asked whether this is a time-sensitive issue. Ms. Newlon said that bids have a certain date. Mr. Fieldman commented that it could be put off for a week. Commissioner Durkin said that could give time to obtain additional information.

Mayor Tully asked about financing and whether the funding could expire. Ms. Newlon said not unless there is a major delay.

Commissioner Schnell said she understood the safety issue here; however, she doesn't want to trade safety here versus safety of children going to school. Safety is important and she asked whether they are trading one for another.

Commissioner Barnett said it sounds like there was a tragic accident that elevated this issue. Various options were apparently discussed, but he hasn't heard of any discussion about doing without this crossing.

Frank Falesch, 820 Prairie, suggested cutting off westbound Burlington and make it eastbound. He noted that it is unfortunate that it got this far, because contractors spent money putting the bid together.

Marge Earl, 4720 Florence Avenue, said this was discussed in depth at the Comprehensive Plan level. There was no consensus to close the crossing, but the compromise was to make it one way. She said that consultants expressed concern about rerouting traffic. There was no easy answer to this. She suggested looking at the Comprehensive Plan documents.    Indexes: Burlington Northern

ORD 00-04495 C. Ordinance: Regulate Traffic on a Portion of Burlington Avenue

Sponsors:Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission Ms. Newlon said this ordinance would designate Burlington Avenue as one way eastbound at its intersection with Maple to a point 300 feet to the east. She showed the area on the overhead, saying this is directly related to the previous item. The ICC asked that the sight issue be addressed. This proposal was reviewed and approved by the ICC. There are approximately 950 cars traveling eastbound daily at this location. TAP reviewed this item and voted unanimously to approve the Motion. Indexes: One Way Streets Designated

BID 00-04509 D. Bid: Award $248,407.35 to DiNatale Construction, Inc., Addison, IL, for the 2011 New Sidewalk Installation Program

Sponsors:Public Works M s. Newlon explained that this is a request to award a contract for the 2011 new sidewalk installation program in the amount of $248,407.45 to DiNatale Construction Inc. The fiscal year 2011 budget includes $280,000 for new sidewalk installation in the capital projects fund. This program is directly related to the Village's policy to install sidewalks on at least one side of every street in the Village. She reviewed the segments that would be installed: Seeley Avenue from 40th Street to Herbert Street; Morton Avenue from 40th Street to Herbert Street; Lee Avenue from Ogden Avenue to north of Virginia; 40th Street west of Morton Avenue to east of Seeley Avenue; and Prospect Avenue from Chicago Avenue to Lincoln Street. Three public meetings were held with the residents who live on these streets. Ms. Newlon said that on Prospect, storm sewer improvements would be made as well. She noted that DiNatale was the low bidder.

Frank Falesch, 820 Prairie, said that this cost is almost one quarter of a million dollars and he believes it could be delayed until the Village has more money. Mayor Tully responded that some people would say it is long overdue.  Mr. Falesch said that a lot of people do not want sidewalks. Mayor Tully explained that this is the result of the TCD-II community-wide program held a long time ago.

Commissioner Schnell asked about the work of DiNatale, and whether they have done sidewalk work in the past.  Ms. Newlon responded that they did concrete work. Staff will check on whether they have installed sidewalks. Commissioner Schnell said there have been issues in the past with contractors who did not have sidewalk experience. Ms. Newlon noted that staff spends a great deal of time in the field checking with the contractor and working with the residents.

Commissioner Barnett inquired as to the recent State law regarding crosswalks, and the issues of connectivity, deciding where to do sidewalks, crossings and striping. Ms. Newlon responded that her understanding is that State law applies to any area where pedestrians cross the road whether or not it is a marked crosswalk. Whenever a pedestrian steps out into the street to cross, motorists are required to stop. Staff will check school areas to be sure we have the necessary connections, as well as to determine where children are crossing.

Commissioner Durkin asked how much sidewalk installation is being accomplished. He also asked about confirming with the Sanitary District on work they may be doing. He referenced the Bonnie Brae and Lyman area, saying that where the sidewalk replacement was done, a lot of tree roots were taken out. He asked that they inspect to make sure that all roots are removed, as some sidewalks are cracking. He asked that they emphasize the education process regarding sidewalk installation and replacement. He then asked whether these would be complete before the school year starts in the fall. Ms. Newlon said they would be.

Commissioner Rheintgen commented that as a Mom, she appreciates sidewalks.   Indexes: Sidewalk Construction

MOT 00-04510 E. Motion: Award $106,015 to M.E. Simpson Co., Inc., Valparaiso, IN, for a Three-Year Contract for Water System Leak Detection Services

Sponsors:Public Works M s. Newlon said this is a request for authorization of a three-year contract with M.E. Simpson Company, a technical service company, to identify water main leaks. The Village's entire system would be surveyed for leaks. Last year 14 leaks were discovered which resulted in a savings of $135,000 annually. Staff received three proposals, and M.E. Simpson was recommended because their references are consistently the best received. They have also provided excellent service for the Village. They are not the lowest bidder, but provide the best analysis and excel at finding and fixing minor leaks while in the field. They completed a project for the Village in FY10, and staff recommends that they be awarded the contract.

Commissioner Schnell said that she noted an "excellent" notation on their report card, and that was one of the first times she recalls seeing an "excellent" on the report card. Indexes: Water System

MOT 00-04511 F. Motion: Award a Contract to Denler & Sons, Inc., Mokena, IL, for the 2011 Preventive Seal Project in a Not-to-Exceed Amount of $153,000.00

Sponsors:Public Works Ms. Newlon said that staff is recommending awarding a contract to Denler & Sons of Mokena for this project, which is a component of the 2011 Roadway Maintenance Program. It includes crack seal on approximately 27.5 miles of Village streets to help delay base failure to pavement. Denler & Sons is the low bidder and they are prequalified by the Illinois Department of Transportation for this work. Their previous work for the Village was completed in a satisfactory manner, and they come with positive recommendations.  Indexes: Preventive Seal

9. Mayor's Report

RES 00-04512 Resolution: Appoint Members to Village Boards




RESOLUTION 2011-32 M ayor Tully explained the procedures that are followed with regard to Council appointments to Village Boards. He thinks moving people around to serve on various Boards is beneficial because it helps spread the experience of the Council members.

Mayor Tully asked the Clerk to read the Resolution:


Appoint Commissioner Schnell as Mayor Pro TemDEPUTY LIQUOR COMMISSIONER

Appoint Commissioner Neustadt as Deputy Liquor CommissionerPUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE

Appoint Commissioner Neustadt to the Public Safety Committee as Chair

Appoint Commissioner Barnett to the Public Safety CommitteeFINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE

Appoint Commissioner Durkin to the Finance and Administrative Committee as Chair

Appoint Commissioner Schnell to the Finance and Administrative CommitteePUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE

Appoint Commissioner Waldack to the Public Services Committee as Chair

Appoint Commissioner Rheintgen to the Public Services CommitteeECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION

Appoint Commissioner Durkin as Ex-Officio Council Representative to the Economic Development Corporation A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Y ea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Rheintgen, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Tully Indexes: Boards and Commissions

Materials to be Received

Materials to be Placed on File

10. Manager's Report

Mr. Fieldman presented the first quarter report for 2011. Regarding key accomplishments, there was a major response by staff to the winter blizzard and a reimbursement is expected through FEMA. He noted the purchase of virtualization software as well to reduce operating costs in technology and equipment. A Village You-Tube Channel was launched and other technology improvements included installation of license plate recognition software for parking enforcement. Staff also received a $187,000 reimbursement for heath care costs.

He showed figures for the 2011 budget revenues, which were up slightly over FY 10. He noted that the Village is now receiving revenues from the quarter percent home rule sales tax increase. Sales taxes have been tracking slightly above the expected amounts. Other revenues are tracking at or near budget. He noted that there is the potential reduction in State income tax revenue. Expenses came in $1 million less than budgeted in 2010. Key findings on the expenses are that they are tracking right at budget during the first quarter. Snow and ice control was significantly over budget due to the blizzard. Other expenses are down slightly. The Manager noted that fuel costs are higher than anticipated. In addition, risk costs have been higher than anticipated. He stated that staff will watch the snow and ice control costs in November and December. He explained that staff will continue to implement operating efficiencies, and as positions become vacant they will replace only essential staff vacancies.

Commissioner Durkin asked whether the increase in revenues is due to the $187,000 savings on health care. The Manager responded that it is due to the sales tax, not the $187,000.

Mayor Tully reminded everyone that revenues are tracking because the costs of goods are going up. The Manager replied that these sales tax revenues are equal to 1996/1997 levels. The Mayor said that this would lead into the upcoming Long Range Financial Plan discussion. He echoed Mr. LeCren's encouragement to the public to attend those LRFP meetings. 

11. Attorney's Report

 Future Active Agenda

12. Council Member Reports and New Business

Commissioner Neustadt announced two golf events: May 12 the Downers Grove Chamber of Commerce will host their event at Ruffled Feathers. There will also be a new event on May 14 at the Downer Grove Golf Club sponsored by the Junior Women's Club.

Commissioner Rheintgen said that she went on a Ride Along at Fire Station 2 on May 3. It was an uneventful day, but it was interesting to be with the staff and watch them conduct drills that day. She also attended the Skuddlebutts ribbon cutting event. She will do a Ride Along with Chief Porter tomorrow.

Commissioner Waldack commented that they were given the schedule for the LRFP discussions. He requested that at least one meeting be moved to a Saturday, because it would open it up to more residents.

Mayor Tully said he is fine with another meeting. Another alternative would be a Coffee With the Council at Fire Station 2.

Commissioner Durkin agreed to making the LRFP part of Coffee With the Council. He suggested previously moving Coffee With the Council around town.

Commissioner Schnell asked whether that would be in lieu of one of the meetings. Mr. Fieldman said staff would give some thoughts to the Council.

Commissioner Waldack congratulated the Mayor on the job he did at the Police Ceremony. It was a wonderful event, and he was impressed with the vigilant and concerned neighbors. He announced that next Monday on May 16 at 1:00 p.m. the annual Barth Memorial would be held at Barth Pond. He urged people to come to the event at least once, as it is a very moving experience.

Commissioner Schnell noted that water restrictions start on May 15 through October 15, with water usage on even/odd days based on resident addresses.

Commissioner Durkin said that the Administrative and Finance Committee will meet tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. to discuss annexation initiatives. There will be future opportunities for public input. He noted that last Wednesday he and Mayor Tully attended the Annual DuPage County Regional Business Outlook and Executive Briefing, hosted by Choose DuPage, Ice Miller LLP and Mesirow Financial. The moderator of the event was Greg Bedalov, who is now the new President of Choose DuPage. There were many kudos given to Downers Grove for our successes. It was a great opportunity to hear what is going on in the County. Diane Swonk, chief economist, Mesirow Financial, provided the keynote addres. County Board Chairman Dan Cronin also spoke of his vision of economic development and the important role it plays in the County. Commissioner Durkin referrred people to the Choose DuPage website for more information.

Commissioner Durkin then noted that when he was sworn in last week he neglected to thank Damienne Souter for her assistance to him while he was dealing with personal issues. He expressed his appreciation for all she did to help.

Commissioner Barnett also referenced the Police Ceremony last night, saying he was very proud of the Village's Police Department. He encouraged everyone to watch the event on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday at 9:00 a.m. when it will be rebroadcast. He said that the Village's staff is awesome.

Mayor Tully advised the public that the Quarterly Report will be on the Village's website. He also commented on the Police Ceremony event, saying it was as special as he remembered it being in the past. He is glad that all of his colleagues were present. He is always moved by the Barth Memorial ceremony to be held next Monday. It will be the 37th Anniversary of the death of Officer Barth. He strongly encouraged people to attend the ceremony.

Mayor Tully then announced that there are 44 days left until Downers Grove Rotary Grove Fest. 

13. Adjournment

Commissioner Schnell moved to adjourn. Commissioner Durkin seconded the Motion.

Mayor Tully declared the motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

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