September 14, 2010
1. Call to Order
Mayor Ron Sandack called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Sandack led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Bob Barnett, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Bruce E. Beckman, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Ron Sandack Absent: Commissioner Sean P. Durkin Non Voting: Village Manager David Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden The Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC. In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions of a general matter. If a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing. Finally, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on items appearing on the Consent Agenda, the Active Agenda and the First Reading.
The presiding officer will ask, at the appropriate time, if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. Remarks should be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.
Mayor Sandack said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
Council Meeting - September 7, 2010 Strategic Planning Session - September 7, 2010 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Mayor Sandack said they would be filed as submitted. Proclamation
Mayor Sandack declared September 17-23, 2010 as Constitution Week in the Village of Downers Grove. He introduced Carol Wandschneider representing the Daughters of the American Revolution and presented her with a copy of the Proclamation. He thanked the representatives of the DAR for giving the Village the privilege to read the Proclamation over the years. 4. Public Comments - General Comments on Matters Not Appearing on Tonight's Agenda
Gordon Goodman commented on the Long Range Financial Plan. He inquired about suspension of the Community Grants program for this year, and asked when that suspension would be lifted. The Mayor responded that it will be a budget item, and budget discussions will begin on October 2. Dr. Goodman said he hoped that the Council would take into account the experience of the groups that have benefited from the Grants program, as well as financial considerations.
5. Public Hearings
Community Development Block Grant Application - Neighborhood Resource Center Cluster Project for the Prentiss Creek Neighborhood Resource Center Mayor Sandack called the public hearing to order at 7:05 p.m. to consider submittal of an application to the DuPage Community Development Commission for block grant funding for the Downers Grove Prentiss Creek Neighborhood Resource Center. Notice of this hearing was published in the Downers Grove Reporter on September 1, 2010. The Mayor then reviewed the procedures for the hearing.
Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker provided information on the CDBG with regard to the Neighborhood Resource Center in Prentiss Creek operated by the Village. The Village provides policing services as well as a number of other activities. The Village has received CBDG funding for this project since 1997. Mr. Baker said that the Village is seeking 2011 funding in the amount of $80,450 for a portion of the Police Officer's salary and the Resource Center Coordinator's salary.
Commissioner Schnell inquired as to whether eligibility requirements have changed. She noted that they are asking for twice the amount that was received last year. Mr. Baker responded that the Village receives comments each year and determined that this is in line with the comments. Commissioner Schnell commented that in the past the Village usually received about 1/3 of what is requested. She asked if they know whether total funding is available. Mr. Baker said he would obtain that information.
Dr. Gordon Goodman said he looked at the on-line information and this looks like a very good program. He fully supports this and appreciates the staff looking closely at the program guidelines.
There being no further comments, Mayor Sandack adjourned the public hearing at 7:11 p.m.
6. Consent Agenda
BIL 00-04250 A. List of Bills Payable: No. 5850, September 14, 2010
Sponsors:Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: N/A
RES 00-04251 B. Resolution: Authorize a Fifth Amendment to Grant Agreement for Eminent Domain Services for the Downers Grove Separation Project Contract No. K00419
Sponsors:Village Attorney
RESOLUTION 2010-67 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Metra, Belmont Road Grade Separation Project, Belmont Road Underpass
MOT 00-04252 C. Motion: Approve the Terms of the Village's Voluntary Separation Program - Police Department
Sponsors:Manager's Office A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Voluntary Separation Program
RES 00-04253 D. Resolution: Acceptance of Public Improvements - Fairway Court Subdivision
Sponsors:Village Engineer
RESOLUTION 2010-66 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda.Indexes: Subdivision - Fairway Court Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Barnett, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack
7. Active Agenda
ORD 00-04195 A. Ordinance: Adopt an Ogden Avenue Site Improvement Strategy Program
Sponsors:Community Development and Finance
Summary of Item:This adopts the Ogden Avenue Site Improvement Strategy Program (OASIS).
ORDINANCE 5150 Mark Thoman, 1109 61st Street, noted that the Architectural Design Review Board looks at the facades and architectural design aspects of projects. He urged that they be brought into this program as well.
Commissioner Barnett reiterated his feelings that this is a fantastic program. TIF funds are used to make the improvements, and this can be done in a short period of time. With regard to signs, he noted that sign-only applications would probably not rise to the level of funding. He likes the program and hopes improvements will not just be for signage. This is an opportunity to make big improvements in the Village.
Commissioner Schnell said she agrees with Commissioner Barnett that this is a great program. She said including sidewalks and/or easements is a great component of the project. Ogden Avenue sidewalks are a priority, in her opinion, and this is a great way to move forward and enhance businesses along Ogden Avenue.
Commissioner Beckman shared the enthusiasm of his colleagues, saying this offers an opportunity for improvements along Ogden Avenue and allows the Village to share the revenue of the TIF funding with owners on Ogden Avenue, whether it is for signage or other uses.
Commissioner Waldack added his feelings that this is a great way to help make improvements coincide with the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. He asked staff to hold off on signage-only applications until the end of the funding period to get the best use of the funds.
Commissioner Neustadt requested updates during the award period. Cooperation and partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, the EDC and Village staff has been fantastic. He thanked the businesses who participate as well as it will benefit the Village as a whole.
Mayor Sandack thanked staff for helping in the coordination of this program, and the stakeholders along Ogden Avenue in putting this program together. He said that the Village has a TIF on Ogden Avenue that has no debt. This will make Ogden Avenue better for the businesses. The $750,000 is a match amount and can be used up quickly; however, the effect will be to beautify Ogden Avenue with the business sector tending to itself. A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Barnett, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote:Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Barnett, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF
8. First Reading
Village Manager Dave Fieldman reviewed the items on the First Reading. The first two items have been discussed over the past several months to find ways to be creative and save money. These items accumulate a savings of $1.7 million.
Mayor Sandack said Council and staff are also looking at sharing opportunities with our neighbors to drive efficiencies in providing services.
RES 00-04255 A. Resolution: Authorize an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Westmont for Dispatch Services
Sponsors:Police Department Police Chief Bob Porter said that currently the Village provides emergency and non-emergency dispatch service through the Village Operations Center (VOC). The Department has worked with the Westmont Police Department since March of this year researching the feasibility of combining the operations into one program. Both are on the same CAD system, and the environment is right. This Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) is the result of the meetings with Westmont.
Chief Porter explained that this program would allow for dispatching out of Downers Grove for both Downers Grove and Westmont. The cost share would be 60% Downers Grove and 40% Westmont, with an annual savings to the Village in excess of $300,000. He said that they are looking to hire three additional dispatchers, as well as having a Fire Desk handled by one of the dispatchers. Everyone will be cross-trained. He said that officials from both Downers Grove and Westmont are present.
Westmont Police Chief Tom Mulhearn said that the Villages have had a long history of cooperation with each other. He agreed with Chief Porter with regard to the Police staffs working together. He asked that the Council approve the IGA, saying that Westmont unanimously approved it last week. This consolidation will allow the municipalities to reach their goals without a loss in the level of services. He noted that Village Manager Ron Searl, Fire Chief Frank Trout, Deputy Fire Chief Jim Gunther, and IT Director Glen Liljeberg were also in attendance.
Mayor Sandack said he was glad to hear that Westmont already approved this agreement. He congratulated them, thanked them for their good will, and said this type of action is necessary between municipalities if they are to continue to provide needed services to their communities.
Commissioner Beckman noted that the world is always changing, and those businesses that remain constant in a sea of change will not survive. This is also true for municipalities that must search out ways to better serve their residents. He hopes this forms the basis for a new paradigm of efficiency for the communities.
Commissioner Barnett commented that they've talked about these being lean times. The goal is to continue to provide services as good or better than yesterday. To that end, he asked about the proposed Fire Desk and the typical Police and Fire calls.
Chief Porter responded that staff would all be cross-trained, but one individual will be specifically assigned to the Fire Desk. There will be a much greater emphasis on training.
Fire Chief Jim Jackson said that having one dispatcher for fire calls would enhance the services.
Commissioner Schnell thanked everyone involved in putting this IGA together. Staff has looked for other opportunities, and she congratulated everyone involved. As to the Fire Desk, she asked if this included any type of response that would ordinarily go to the Fire Department including paramedics and ambulance calls. Chief Jackson responded that was correct, and they can also call on the Westmont Department to respond through one dispatcher without making extra phone calls.
Commissioner Schnell inquired as to similar opportunities with other municipalities. Mr. Fieldman replied that there is an initiative Countywide and staff will look for more consolidation efforts.
Commissioner Waldack considered this a great opportunity. He said when he looks to make a decision budgetarily it must include the criteria to increase revenue, decrease costs or increase service. This project covers two of those three criteria. He congratulated everyone for a great job.
Commissioner Neustadt expressed his appreciation to everyone for their hard work. Fire calls, EMS and fire alarm board calls will go to the Fire Desk. There is also a customer service component to this, and he sees it as a great partnership.
Mayor Sandack expressed his sincere gratitude to all of the individuals for their efforts toward getting this accomplished. He looks forward to voting on this agreement and passing it unanimously. Indexes: Police, VOC
RES 00-04254 C. Resolution: Authorize Agreements with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois
Sponsors:Human Resources Deputy Village Manager Mike Baker said that the Village staff and GCG Financial analyzed the Village's contractual arrangement for health insurance. The Village currently contracts with a third party administrator, PBA, for medical insurance. The network is PCHS. The proposal is to move claims administrations services as well as network access to a large single carrier, and staff recommends Blue Cross/Blue Shield as that carrier. Staff looked at this from a financial perspective and the opportunity to save $1.3 million as compared to the current arrangement. Staff also looked at the customer service aspect, an extensive network, and a reliable carrier with a strong presence in this area. Human Resources, Financial and Legal staff were critical to this endeavor, and employees have been notified about the proposed change.
The Mayor commented that this is a huge component of benefits to any employee in any organization. It is important that employees have buy-in, good coverage and a good network. Staff went out of its way to communicate the proposed changes to employees. He added that the Village needs to be prudent fiscal stewards and the financial opportunity for savings is overwhelming. He noted that his employer also uses Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Commissioner Beckman was President of a national retiree association, and one of their major areas of focus was to support the needs of fellow retirees with regard to their heath care. His experience is that there are far less problems with Blue Cross/Blue Shield than with alternative groups. He is pleased to see this take place.
Commissioner Neustadt commented that District 58, of which he is an employee, went through a similar transition. If approved, Blue Cross/Blue Shield will have a transition plan for the employees. The District saved money in their transition, and provides better coverage and a better system for health care benefits. Indexes: Insurance - Health, Employee, Employee Benefits Manager Fieldman noted that the next five items are from the Public Works Department and he asked Director Nan Newlon to explain the items.
MOT 00-04240 B. Motion: Award $24,000 to Kenig, Lindgren, O'Hara, Aboona, Inc., Rosemont, IL, for Preparation of the 2010 Neighborhood Traffic Study
Sponsors:Public Works Ms. Newlon said this is a follow-up to a Council discussion regarding the 55th Street and Washington Street intersection. One component of this proposal is an outgrowth of the traffic calming discussions over the past few years. There have been concerns expressed about traffic in specified areas. Ms. Newlon said that they are proposing to introduce this as a pilot program in the area bounded by 55th Street, Main Street, Maple Avenue, and Fairview Avenue, which includes the intersection of 55th Street and Washington Street. The proposal is to conduct a large-scale traffic count including speeds, volume, origins, pedestrian generators, etc. to determine how traffic moves in this pilot neighborhood. She said that another component will include meetings with the neighbors and looking at traffic controls in the neighborhoods. Cut-through traffic is aimed at avoiding collector and arterial streets to by-pass bottlenecks. She indicated that the staff went through a competitive selection process, received 14 submittals, and KLOA had the best related experience for this type of project.
Tom LeCren, 545 Chicago Avenue, spoke to the Village's fiscal impact for this project as the FY-10 budget does not provide funding for this, but the Manager's memo states that ample funding is available from the capital projects funding. He asked where that funding came from, and suggested that this not be included until the next budget year.
The Mayor responded that he understands Mr. LeCren's concerns, and believes that the Village received beneficial savings on capital projects this year due to the economy.
The Manager said that was correct, and staff has monitored all projects let this year. He said they are confident that the capital projects fund will end this year with at least $25,000. There are no other capital projects in a small dollar amount.
Mr. LeCren recommended that this be moved to next year. The Mayor said that was a fair point.
Commissioner Beckman asked whether this could be done internally, and if the Village has the resident resources to do this type of study. Ms. Newlon responded that half of the cost is the actual traffic counting which takes specialized equipment. The firm comes in with mechanical counting units, to which the Village does not have access. She said that she believes Village staff is qualified to do this, but there has been a cut back on staff in the engineering staff. The consultant selected can train Village staff.
Commissioner Neustadt asked if the Benton project would be done before this project. Ms. Newlon said it might be a factor in the timing. They are looking to do this before the end of September.
Commissioner Waldack said this started out with 55th and Washington and then expanded. He doesn't think they are addressing the area as should be done. There is no money identified for this in the budget. He said that when they were discussing Comprehensive Planning, they discussed parking and traffic studies. He would like to see the Comprehensive Planning group look at this. It encompasses the right-turn on red at Main and Maple. He asked that they find a way to include a wider area including the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. He doesn't want to see this done piecemeal. He asked that it be put in the budget for next year and address a wider area.
Commissioner Schnell commented that there was a study done on the north side of town. She said you cannot look at a small region, as changes affect the entire region. She said the boundaries are of a well-defined area. She asked if this is a time-sensitive project, or if it can be done during the winter months.
Ms. Newlon replied that there is some sensitivity to the equipment, and it can't be used well in winter. There have been discussions with residents around Blodgett and Benton for at least a year, and there have been discussions with the County as well to work on the cut-through traffic. Information from this project will be beneficial on many different levels, and she feels that the information obtained will be important. It could not be done in the winter months with snow or ice on the roads.
Commissioner Schnell said the Manager has expressed concern about committing funds available as a result of lower than expected bids or cost savings due to the uncertainty of the economy. She said there is now one quarter left to the year and asked whether staff is confident that the funds will be available for this project. Mr. Fieldman said that both revenues and costs are down in the capital projects fund as has been true for the last two years. There will be funding available in the capital projects fund from cost savings. Staff is confident that this fund can handle this expense. Staff does not recommend adding the funds to other projects. Because of Council's interest, staff is making this specific recommendation.
Commissioner Barnett commented regarding the funding, saying that the Council knows that every dollar counts, but continues to do capital projects, and progress needs to be made. He noted that adjustments are made all year. The funding is available because the Village is taking advantage of an opportunity. The area involved in this recommendation is adequately sized. The Commissioner said that the Village does not have a cohesive traffic policy to support neighborhoods. He said that cut-through traffic is a continuous problem and the Village needs to protect its neighborhoods. He hopes this will help the Council develop a more comprehensive traffic policy.
With regard to the Comprehensive Plan, Commissioner Barnett said he thinks traffic is part of planning, and he appreciates Ms. Newlon's persistence and response to resident requests. He will vote for this recommendation.
Mayor Sandack commented that this is an interesting concept and he is mindful of Mr. LeCren's comments to stick to the budget. The Village has seen opportunities arise this year, due to the distressed economy and better than expected bids received related to infrastructure projects. He mentioned last week that he participated in some neighborhood runs in the community, and he received several comments from residents regarding the condition of the Village's roads. His prediction is that this year the Council will be much more focused on capital components of the budget because the Village is behind the 8-ball. It is behind in the maintenance needs of the infrastructure including roads, storm water systems, water lines, sidewalks, and overall road maintenance including traffic flow. Council discussed this last year, asking for information on how traffic affects the entire community. This is intended to be a pilot program to utilize the information in other neighborhoods. In size and scope, this is an appropriate program, which may lead the Village to attempt different ways to improve traffic. He hears a lot from people in the Village and traffic in their neighborhoods. This is an opportunity to take a broader look at the neighborhoods and take it to other areas. He thinks this is a project worth doing now. Indexes: Traffic Safety
ORD 00-04246 C. Ordinance: Amend Parking in Chase Avenue Lot
Sponsors:Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission Ms. Newlon said that the Transportation and Parking (TAP) Commission heard this staff initiated recommendation, due to the parking space reduction caused by the Belmont underpass project. She explained this will include Chase, north of Curtiss, for 23 parking spaces, and will regulate parking on Chase. The spaces are being completely utilized.
Commissioner Waldack thanked staff for the information provided. He said these are not spaces controlled by Metra. The spaces are $3.00/day, which is very inexpensive, and he questions this low cost and overall maintenance costs. Indexes: Parking Lots, Parking Meter Rates, Parking Permit Rates, Parking Permits
ORD 00-04247 D. Ordinance: Amend Turning Restrictions
Sponsors:Public Works and Transportation and Parking Commission Ms. Newlon commented that this was another TAP item initiated by staff and last discussed by Council in 2005. Staff re-evaluated the intersection and based on its observation, did not find justification for continuing the No Turn on Red at this time. It leads to congestion and does not improve safety. TAP voted unanimously to approve this proposal.
Gordon Goodman said he regularly uses this intersection and supports this change.
Commissioner Waldack said that this intersection would be included in the study discussed earlier. Because there is not a great deal of pedestrian traffic here, drivers do not look for them. Pedestrians crossing at that location are primarily during rush hour, which also coincides with traffic backups. Commissioner Waldack said if they could rely on drivers being careful, they would not have needed this. He recommends holding off until the proposed traffic study is completed. He would also insist on much more enforcement if there were a right turn on red allowed. Indexes: No Turn on Red - Main & Maple
BID 00-04256 D. Bid: Award $18,249.50 to V3 Companies, Ltd., Woodridge, IL, for 59th Street Streambank Stabilization Project
Sponsors:Public Works Ms. Newlon noted that these last two items relate to the Stabilization Project. The first was budgeted for $125,000 for St. Joseph's Creek, and staff is proposing to do one piece of this in an amount of $18,250. The section involved was shown on an overhead. The area is about 225 feet and has caused erosion and sedimentation problems for the residents along 59th Street. This will include a three-year vegetative maintenance program. The Village pre-qualified five companies and four firms bid on the request. V-3 presented the lowest cost proposal. Their qualifications have been reviewed and they have previously worked successfully for the Village.
The Mayor asked about the variance in the bids. Ms. Newlon said that staff reviewed the proposal with V-3 regarding the scope and cost. They understood the scope, time, resources and equipment. She said that staff is confident that V-3 is familiar with the project and will provide what is requested.
Gordon Goodman commented that this project is in his neighborhood. The problem has been exacerbated by a project done by the Village several years ago in an attempt to raise the bottom of the stream. Now to improve the situation they will need to lower the stream and provide bank vegetation. He asked if that is part of the proposal. He said the center of the stream is what is causing the problem for the neighborhood, not just the banks. He doesn't think this is an adequate solution.
Ms. Newlon explained that the project includes redoing what was done in the past, noting that staff agrees that process did not work. She said that today's practice is to work with nature. This area of St. Joe's Creek is very flat and they will remove the sediment and restore the area. She noted that this is just the beginning.
In response to Commissioner Schnell, Ms. Newlon said this portion of the project is just vegetation. Indexes: St. Joseph Creek, Stormwater Sewer Watershed Improvement Plans, Watershed Infrastructure Improvement Plan
BID 00-04257 E. Bid: Award $561,200.00 to Burke, LLC, Rosemont, IL, for Lacey Creek Streambank Stabilization Project
Sponsors:Public Works Ms. Newlon said this has been identified as a high priority project. She said $2.9 million has been set aside for this project, which includes the entire section of 3,300 lineal feet of timber retaining-wall replacement in the subdivision from Barneswood Drive to I-88. Originally they intended to proceed with the entire replacement; however, the timber walls vary in the degree of disrepair. Also, access agreements will have to be obtained. Finally this will be disruptive to the vegetation. Ms. Newlon said that it makes sense to approach this on a phased process. She indicated that this portion addresses 800 lineal feet as Phase 1, and includes the process to start managing the vegetation in other phased areas. She noted that V-3 was the consultant on this program and did the design of the walls. Five firms were pre-qualified and two firms submitted bids, with Burke LLC recommended as award recipient. She said that staff has checked their references and received positive recommendations.
Commissioner Beckman asked about the expected life of the concrete walls, which will be replacing the timber walls. Ms. Newlon said staff would get that information for him. This will eliminate some of the walls. She noted that this project has been worked on for some time, and will not be easy to construct.
Commissioner Beckman asked for a time frame for completion. Ms. Newlon said that the walls should be completed this fall, with restoration in the Spring.
Commissioner Schnell asked whether the contractor has experience dealing with the electrical issues. Ms. Newlon assured her that staff would go through the normal JULIE requirements.
Commissioner Neustadt volunteered to go to Butler National Golf Course and conduct a survey to see whether the work there has held up. Indexes: Lacey Creek, Stormwater Sewer Watershed Improvement Plans, Watershed Infrastructure Improvement Plan
9. Mayor's Report
Materials to be Received
Materials to be Placed on File
10. Manager's Report
Manger Fieldman said that the Third Annual Recycling Extravaganza was held this weekend, with a report to be made next week.
11. Attorney's Report
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting two (2) items: 1) An ordinance amending parking in Chase Avenue Lot and 2) An ordinance amending turning restrictions.
12. Council Member Reports and New Business
Commissioner Waldack said he recently received an invitation to the Open House for the Downers Grove Sanitary District, which is on the same day as the Village's budget discussion. The Village budget discussions will take place on October 2 beginning at 7:30 a.m. The Sanitary District Open House will be held between 9:00 a.m. and noon.
Commissioner Beckman announced Coffee with the Council on Saturday, at 9:00 a.m. at the Downers Grove Downtown Market at the Main Street Train Station.
Commissioner Barnett thanked the Police Department, Officer Powers and Sgt. Tessman. He appreciated the time given to him to learn more about the organization. He is always impressed by the quality of people who work for the Village. He said the Public Safety staff does fantastic work for the Village every day, and their work is often a challenging situation.
Commissioner Schnell said that the Farmer's Market is popular, and she's noticed a lack of handicapped parking or lack of enforcement in that area. It gets to be chaotic there, and there should be more handicapped parking provided and enforced. Mr. Fieldman said staff would look into this.
Commissioner Neustadt announced the Taste of Downers Grove to be held on September 16 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 2001 Butterfield Road next to Carlucci's. He noted the Downers Grove restaurants participating in the event.
Commissioner Neustadt also noted that Saturday is Transport to Safety Day at the Park District Recreation Center from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.
Mayor Sandack announced that Amnesty Week will be held the week of September 27, and encouraged people to be careful of the many cars that will be driving around.
The Mayor then announced the grand opening of Washington Park on Sunday, September 19, with a ribbon cutting ceremony from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Mayor Sandack expressed his pride in the Village staff by accomplishing the consolidation of services between communities, which may become a standard operating practice in the future. Staff achieved this and needs to be commended for their achievement. He looks for improved and enhanced services. He sees this as a tremendous accomplishment and a continuing journey.
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Schnell moved to adjourn. Commissioner Barnett seconded the Motion.
Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
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