September 16, 2008

1. Call to Order

Mayor Ron Sandack called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.

Roll Call: Commissioners Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack, Schnell; Mayor Sandack

Absent: Commissioners Durkin and Tully

Convene into Executive Session – Ante Room

Commissioner Schnell moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2©(1) of the Open Meetings Act to consider personnel matters. Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion.

VOTE : AYE – Commissioners Schnell, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Sandack

NAY – None

The Mayor declared the Motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session in the Committee Room at 5:30 p.m.

Reconvene into Open Session – Call to Order – Council Chambers – 7:00 p.m.

The Mayor reconvened the Council meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

The Mayor led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

2. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Martin Tully, Commissioner William Waldack, Commissioner Sean P. Durkin, Commissioner Bruce E. Beckman, Commissioner Geoff Neustadt and Mayor Ron Sandack Non Voting: Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden and Deputy Village Manager David Fieldman

3. Minutes of Workshop and Council Meetings

Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only – August 26 & 28, 2008 Council Meeting – September 2, 2008 Workshop Meeting – September 9, 2008 Mayor Sandack said he had a minor correction to the September 9, 2008 Workshop minutes, which he provided to the Village Clerk.

Capital Projects Update

Robin Weaver, Interim Public Works Director, said she would like to report on the rain event of the past weekend instead of providing an update on capital projects.

Ms. Weaver said the storm started Friday, September 12; it rained 6.75 inches over three days. It is the equivalent of a 25-50 year event, meaning there is a 25% chance of a rainstorm of that amount in any given year. She said this rain had less impact than a similar event in October 2006. There was a similar amount of rainfall in 2006, but it was over a two-hour period and leaves were on the ground. In this event, the rain was unrelenting but not intense. She said there was area flooding in all the high priority stormwater areas except the Northcott and Brookbank area. There was 24-hour management of the situation as of Saturday. There were power outages in 85 buildings and one tree fell in the Prince Pond area.

Ms. Weaver reported on street closures during the rainstorm and Public Works activities, including pumping.

The Mayor noted that this was a taxing event affecting many people. He said he heard and saw the tree fall. He is pleased to see that the improvements worked on Brookbank. He said many staff members were out working in the community during this event. They learned that the improvements already in place worked, and the Village will have to remain vigilant in its stormwater improvement efforts.

Commissioner Beckman referenced an article in the Chicago Tribune with respect to the discharge of water into Lake Michigan and the opening of the locks. There was a concern expressed about possible bacteria into the Lake, and he asked if there was any impact on our water.

Ms. Weaver said there was no impact on our water quality. She explained how the treatment plants monitor the quality of water on an on-going basis.

Commissioner Schnell thanked Ms. Weaver and her staff for their mobilization efforts during such difficult working conditions. She also thanked Acting Village Manager Dave Fieldman for providing regular updates to the Council. She then referenced a project done in conjunction with DuPage County on 40th Street, Glendenning and Sterling. It was to supposed to be managed by the County to assure that it was draining properly, however, it appears as though it has never been maintained. It was to have been a wet retention area that never materialized. There was an agreement with the County, but the plans were never realized. The area is not functioning as it should and the flooding problems have not been solved. She asked if the Village can hold the County responsible.

Ms. Weaver said the Village was able to provide updates due to the fact there was electrical power. Over 400 Public Works hours were logged.

Commissioner Waldack thanked staff and neighbors who helped one another. He asked staff to report on the amount of rain that fell in a large event in the 1990s.

Ms. Weaver said there were similar events in August 1987 and in 1996. She will provide information to the Council.

4. Public Comments and Questions

A. Comments and Questions on Active Agenda

There were no comments.

B. Comments and Questions on General Matters

Denise McCann from Lester Elementary School said that Lester is the largest elementary school in District 58. There is an unsafe traffic situation that needs to be addressed. For five years they have been trying to work on a solution to traffic problems on the Lincoln side of the school. This needs to be brought to a level of safety so that the children can be protected. She described the drop-off zone, the signage and traffic flow. Ms. McCann said a solution has to be devised, and that her group will come before the Council on a monthly basis in the hopes this will be solved.

The Mayor said this is the first this Council has heard of the problem. He noted that there is a new Transportation and Parking Commission to address the issue. Manager Fieldman said this is already scheduled for the October meeting, which is the second Wednesday in October. The Mayor asked that the meeting be advertised on the cable TV station and on the website.

Commissioner Tully said that District 58 staff has reached out to identify this issue. It is a challenging area, but he indicated that it can be addressed through the Transportation and Parking Commission process.

Regina Hartnett, 300 Lincoln, showed pictures depicting the dangers with respect to Lester School. This has been a concern for a long time. There are potholes on Lincoln on the Village property. Ms. Hartman then showed the old and new signs, and how they face each other. Children are crossing in both directions, and cars are parking in the crosswalk. She showed photographs of children crossing the street with no attendants, as well as cars making u-turns in the school zone. She is here to appeal for the safety of the children.

Noreen Kratz, 4008 Elm Street, said she has lived at that address for 28 years. She discussed the flooding problems at her home, noting improvements and steps she took to address the flooding issues. She received a loan from the SBA , tore down the garage to address the flooding, but the new grading plans did not solve the problem. Once the ground settled the flooding became worse. In October 2006, she pumped continuously to keep the water level in her family and utility rooms at eight inches. She has attended Stormwater and Council meetings, and has had numerous conversations with Village staff, but has yet to see any work done. During the recent storm, she could not keep up with the rain, and had to purchase additional pumps to try and keep the water at a manageable level. She distributed photos to the Council depicting the conditions on her property. She has spent over $50,000 to address the problem, and she finds it disturbing that this continues to be overlooked. Over this past weekend she had to spend the night on her neighbor’s couch and repeatedly check the status of her pumps to assure that the water was being pumped out. She challenged the Mayor and Council to figure out a way to put an end to this, asked for feedback from staff, and a timeline on the resolution of the problem.

The Mayor expressed empathy with her plight. He said the photos are very telling. He asked if the home is in the high priority section. Ms. Kratz said that it is in one of the areas established as needing remediation. Mr. Fieldman said he would get back to the Council and the homeowner as to the area where her home is located.

The Mayor said that the Village has allocated significant funds to remediating the stormwater situation in the Village. He reviewed the plans to address the stormwater detention. He said that they are trying to take appropriate action and improve the situation. Ms. Kratz explained that she is north of the park, and north of 40th Street. That area is a localized poor drainage area, and the water comes onto her property from the area all around her. She collects everyone’s water because her property is the low point. The Mayor directed staff to obtain all of the necessary information from Ms. Kratz.

5. Public Hearings

Community Development Block Grant Applications (3): Mayor Sandack called the public hearing to order at 7:35 p.m. to consider submittal of applications to the DuPage Community Development Commission for block grant funding for: (1) the Downers Grove Prentiss Creek Neighborhood Resource Center; (2) Prentiss Creek street lights; and (3) the removal and replacement of trees susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer. Notice of this hearing was published in the Downers Grove Reporter on September 3, 2008. The Mayor then reviewed the procedure for the hearing. Neighborhood Resource Center Cluster Project for the Prentiss Creek Neighborhood Resource Center Andy Matejcak, Director, Counseling & Social Services, said the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federally funded HUD grant. The Prentiss Creek Resource Center provides programs to the community and partners with many community groups. Programs include ESL classes, emergency financial assistance referrral, computer proficiency classes, Homework Happening, etc. Staff is seeking $38,537 to offset personnel costs.

Commissioner Schnell asked what percent of the request has been funded in past years. Mr. Matejcak said funding has been at 27% of the request. Neighborhood Investment Project for Prentiss Creek Street Lights Robin Weaver, Interim Director, Public Works, said $330,000 is requested for street lights for the Prentiss Creek area. She said the Homeowners Association expressed an interest in this matter. If funding is received, LED lights will be installed, which will help to contain costs and promote green technology.

Commissioner Schnell asked if this application competes with the Prentiss Creek Resource Center application. Acting Village Manager Dave Fieldman said only 20 percent of the CDBG funding can be used for social service programs. The other 80 percent is for these kinds of projects.

Commissioner Beckman asked if the Homeowners Association will participate in this. Ms. Weaver said they have expressed interest. It would be for a three block area. Neighborhood Investment Project for Removal and Replacement of Trees Susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer Ms. Weaver said the third request is for a project to remove and replace trees susceptible to Emerald Ash Borer disease. Funding is requested in the amount of $45,051.

There being no questions, the Mayor adjourned the public hearing at 7:46 p.m.

6. Consent Agenda

COR00 -03468 A. Claim Ordinance: No. 5759, Payroll, August 29, 2008 Sponsors: Accounting Indexes: N/A

BIL00 -03469 B. List of Bills Payable: No. 5738, September 16, 2008 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A

RES00 -03470 C. Resolution: Authorize Submittal of Application to the DuPage Community Development Commission for the 2009 Community Development Block Grant for the DuPage County Neighborhood Resource Center Cluster Sponsors: Finance and Counseling and Social Services Summary of Item: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION TO THE DUPAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CDC) FOR THE 2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FOR THE DUPAGE COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCE CENTER CLUSTER

RESOLUTION 2008 -93 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: DuPage County Community Development Block Grant

RES00 -03471 D. Resolution: Authorize Submittal of Application to the DuPage Community Development Commission for the 2009 Community Development Block Grant for the DuPage County Neighborhood Investment Project (Trees) Sponsors: Finance and Public Works Summary of Item: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION TO THE DUPAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CDC) FOR THE 2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FOR THE DUPAGE COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT PROJECT (Trees)

RESOLUTION 2008 -94 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: DuPage County Community Development Block Grant, Trees and Shrubs, DuPage County Neighborhood Investment Project

RES00 -03472 E. Resolution: Authorize Submittal of Application to the DuPage Community Development Commission for the 2009 Community Development Block Grant for the DuPage County Neighborhood Investment Project (Street lights) Sponsors: Finance and Public Works Summary of Item: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATION TO THE DUPAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (CDC) FOR THE 2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FOR THE DUPAGE COUNTY NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT PROJECT (Street lights)

RESOLUTION 2008 -95 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: DuPage County Community Development Block Grant, Street Lights – Maintenance, DuPage County Neighborhood Investment Project

RES00 -03473 F. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. Sponsors: Community Development Summary of Item: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE AND ENGINEERING RESOURCE ASSOCIATES , INC.

RESOLUTION 2008 -96 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Stormwater Improvements

RES00 -03474 G. Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation Sponsors: Police Department Summary of Item: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE AND THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

RESOLUTION 2008 -97 A motion was made to Pass this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Illinois Department of Transportation

BID00 -03475 H. Bid: Award $75,500 to Baxter & Woodman Control Systems Integration, Crystal Lake, IL, for SCADA System Radio Design and Installation Services Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: SCADA

BID00 -03476 I. Bid: Award $170,206 to TransChicago Truck Group, Elmhurst, IL, for a 2009 Freightliner MT-55/Utilimaster Water Service Truck Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Vehicle Purchases

MOT00 -03477 J. Motion: Authorize $22,841 for Change Order #1 for Florence Avenue Detention Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Ogden Avenue TIF , Stormwater Detention, Redevelopment Agreement – Luxury Motors

MOT00 -03478 K. Motion: Authorize a Change Order in the Amount of $42,268.18 to Volvo Sales & Service Center, Inc., Lisle, IL, for the Purchase of Two (2) Additional 2009 Honda Civic GX CNG Sedans Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: The purchase of the two additional Civic CNG vehicles would replace the planned purchase of two compact four-door hybrid electric utility vehicles. A motion was made to Authorize this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Vehicle Purchases

MOT00 -03488 L. Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions Summary of Item:

  • Architectural Design Review Board – July 9, 2008
  • Foreign Fire Insurance Fund – July 8, 2008
  • Library Board – August 27, 2008
  • Plan Commission – August 4, 2008
  • Stormwater and Flood Plain Oversight Committee – April 24, 2008
  • Transportation and Parking Commission – August 13, 2008

A motion was made to Note Receipt Of this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Boards and Commissions Minutes Passed The Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack

7. Active Agenda

ORD00 -03480 A. Ordinance: Authorize a Special Use for 2501 Ogden Avenue to Permit an Automobile Dealership with a Zoning Variation Sponsors: Community Development and Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 4, 2008, the Plan Commission recommended a special use for 2501 Ogden Avenue to permit an automobile dealership with a zoning variation.


ORDINANCE NO . 4996 Commissioner Tully said that this is an example of the EDC working with public and private interests to advance the mission of the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Special Use – 2501 Ogden Avenue

ORD00 -03487 B. Ordinance: Restrict Movement of Vehicles onto Cross Street Sponsors: Community Development Summary of Item: This restricts vehicle movement from the property located at the southeast corner of Cross Street and Ogden Avenue (2501 Ogden Avenue) and prohibit left turns onto Cross Street.


ORDINANCE NO . 4997 A motion was made by Commissioner Durkin, seconded by Commissioner Beckman, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Traffic Restrictions – Cross Street

RES00 -03481 C. Resolution: Final Plat of Consolidation for 2501 Ogden Avenue Sponsors: Community Development and Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 4, 2008, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the Final Plat of Consolidation for the property located at 2501 Ogden Avenue.


RESOLUTION 2008 -98 A motion was made by Commissioner Beckman, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Consolidation Plat

ORD00 -03482 D. Ordinance: Designate a Yield Right of Way on Florence Avenue at Sheldon Avenue Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This makes certain amendments to traffic regulations for placement of yield signs on Florence Avenue.


ORDINANCE NO . 4998 A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Waldack, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Yield – Florence and Sheldon Avenues

ORD00 -03483 E. Ordinance: Authorize the Sale by Public Auction of Personal Property Owned by the Village of Downers Grove Sponsors: Deputy Village Manager Summary of Item: This authorizes the sale of various property owned by the Village of Downers Grove at a public auction conducted on October 11, 2008 by the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and according to provisions set forth in Section 2-35 of the Municipal Code.


ORDINANCE NO . 4999 A motion was made by Commissioner Waldack, seconded by Commissioner Neustadt, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Surplus Property

ORD00 -03484 F. Ordinance: Amend Provisions for Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment Sponsors: Police Department Summary of Item: This amends certain provisions for vehicle seizure and impoundment.


ORDINANCE NO . 5000 A motion was made by Commissioner Neustadt, seconded by Commissioner Tully, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment

ORD00 -03485 G. Ordinance: Amend Provisions for Citations in Lieu of Prosecution Sponsors: Police Department Summary of Item: This allows the Village to issue administrative citations for the sale of tobacco products to minors.


ORDINANCE NO . 5001 Commissioner Waldack said that during the discussion on this matter last week he suggested changing the fine from $75 to $100 last week so it would be in line with the sale of cigarettes to minors. He said the fine for smoking in prohibited areas is $100 and this is a related matter.

Commissioner Waldack moved to amend the ordinance to increase the fine for the sale of tobacco to a minor to $100. Commissioner Schnell seconded the motion.

Commissioner Beckman asked if it is possible to consider an escalator clause.

Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said the ordinance is written such that the fine doubles after ten days.

The Mayor asked for a vote on the motion on the table.

VOTE : YEA : Commissioners Waldack, Schnell, Beckman, Neustadt, Durkin, Tully; Mayor Sandack

NAY : None

Mayor Sandack declared the Motion carried.

Mayor Sandack asked for a vote on the motion as amended. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Municipal Code-Amendments, Citations, Tobacco

ORD00 -03486 H. Ordinance: Designate the Village Attorney as the Downers Grove Ethics Officer Sponsors: Village Attorney Summary of Item: This designates the Village Attorney as the Downers Grove Ethics Officer.


ORDINANCE NO . 5002 Commissioner Tully proposed a revision to the language to address a consistency issue. He suggested the following language: “The Village Attorney shall be designated the Downers Grove Ethics Officer to the extent the Village Council has not otherwise contracted with another person or entity to perform the duties of same.” He said he considered this a “friendly amendment” to the ordinance. The Mayor asked if there were any objections to this amendment. Hearing none, the Mayor declared the amendment adopted. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: Ethics Ordinance

8. Mayor’s Report

New Business

RES00 -03489 Resolution: Appointments to the Circulator Study Task Force Sponsors: Mayor Summary of Item: This appoints members to the Circulator Study Task Force in compliance with Resolution 2008-19. The appointments dissolve within nine months unless otherwise extended by the Village Council.

A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CIRCULATOR STUDY TASK FORCE Chair – Dan Loftus Members – Heather Prince, Alice Strelau, Christine Fregeau, Anthony Schiller, Frank Green and Jim Giblin

RESOLUTION 2008 -99 The Village Clerk read the Resolution.

Mayor Sandack thanked all of the resident volunteers named in the Resolution for their time and talent.

Commissioner Waldack said that he called the other Council members with some concerns, but he wanted the Council members to know that he obtained additional information from staff that has eliminated those particular concerns. He will support the seven members mentioned in the resolution. However, he does have a concern with the Task Force and what he considers the need for senior representation, which he will discuss later in the meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Durkin, to Adopt this file. Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Waldack, Commissioner Durkin, Commissioner Beckman, Commissioner Neustadt and Mayor Sandack Indexes: DuPage Mayors & Managers Materials to be Placed on File

9. Manager’s Report

10. Attorney’s Report

Future Active Agenda

11.Council Member Reports and New Business

Commissioner Waldack congratulated members of the Task Force already appointed.

Commissioner Waldack moved to revise the number of Task Force members from seven to nine members to allow for senior representation on the Task Force. Commissioner Beckman seconded the Motion.

Village Attorney Petrarca said they cannot vote on this yet because it has not been placed on the Agenda. It will be placed on next week’s Agenda. The Mayor noted that the members of the Council concurred with the Motion.

Commissioner Beckman announced that the Black & White Ball is this Saturday at the Esplanade, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. He also reminded residents of the Recycling Extravaganza on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Belmont Parking Lot H. It will be on the south side of the railroad tracks, 5000 Belmont Road.

Commissioner Tully said that the information is on the home page of the Village website.

Megan Bourke, Management Analyst, said that many volunteers have signed up to assist. She added that Dunkin Donuts, Trader Joe’s and Celebrity Sandwiches are providing food. Cars will not be allowed to park, and volunteers will remove the materials from the cars.

Commissioner Beckman said that this is a great opportunity to dispose of items, and he hopes this becomes an annual event. He also thanked the staff for their work after the rain this past weekend. He drove through the Village after the flooding and was amazed by all the work the crews did during the course of the weekend.

Commissioner Durkin said he attended the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting and will present the notes to Mr. Fieldman regarding red light enforcement. He also announced that DMMC has formed a partnership with the University of Phoenix, Chicago campus, and he attended a meeting on leading across generations. He will forward that information to Mr. Fieldman as well.

Commissioner Tully said that on Saturday, September 20, the Coffee with the Council will be held at 9:00 a.m. at the Downers Grove Market at the Main Street Station. From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. there will also be the Recycling Extravaganza at Lot H of the Belmont Train Station. He noted the Chamber of Commerce sponsored the Black and White Ball and reminded everyone that they can obtain detailed information at

Mayor Sandack said that Marta Cullen has been named the Chamber’s Citizen of the Year. She owns Dream Interiors downtown and does a lot for the community. She’s been involved in improvements made for the Downers Grove Market. He then announced that tomorrow night there will be a reception at Stillwater for George Nicholaou in conjunction with his photography, which is on exhibit at the Downers Grove Public Library. That reception will take place from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. The Mayor then announced the Taste of Downers Grove to be held on September 25 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. outside Carlucci’s. Many Downers Grove restaurants will have samplings at that event.

12. Adjournment

Commissioner Tully moved to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Section 2©(1) of the Open Meetings Act to consider personnel. Commissioner Durkin seconded.

VOTE : YEA – Commissioners Tully, Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack, Schnell, Mayor Sandack

Mayor Sandack declared the motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m

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