June 10, 2008
Mayor Sandack called the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall. The Mayor led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present:Mayor Ron Sandack; Commissioners Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Martin Tully; William Waldack, Sean P. Durkin, Geoff Neustadt, Bruce Beckman; Acting Village Manager Dave Fieldman; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca; Village Clerk April Holden
Visitors: Press: Cat Leyden, Downers Grove Reporter Residents: Chris Shih, Northern Trust; Gina and Marissa Leo, 4828 Montgomery; Joe Leo, District 58; Claire Jaros, District 58, 648 62nd Court; Tom Cunningham, District 58, 5220 Benton; John Houseal, Houseal Lavigne Associates, 114 East Van Buren, Naperville; Marty Schack, District 99, 6301 Springside; David Eblen, District 99; Susan Eblen, 1400 Wood; Dale Martin, District 58; Irma Tran, 4708 Cross ; Linda Kunze, Downers Grove Downtown Management, 933A Curtiss; Gordon Ferguson, Burns and McDonnell, 4547 Oakwood; Lisa Woodman, 500 Claremont; Mark Thoman, 1109 61st Street; Janet Matthys, Sikich, LLP , 998 Corporate Boulevard, Aurora; Kristyna Ryan, Cricket Communications, 8619 West Bryn Mawr, Chicago Staff: Liangfu Wu, Director, Information Services; Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development; Judy Buttny, Director, Finance; Robin Weaver, Interim Director, Public Works; Mike Millette, Deputy Director Public Works; Jim Black, Deputy Police Chief; Doug Kozlowski, Director, Communications; Phil Ruscetti, Fire Chief; Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager; Mary Scalzetti, Director, Community Events; Andy Matejcak, Director Social and Health Services; Brandon Dieter, Management Analyst; Megan Bourke, Management Analyst
Mayor Sandack explained that Council Workshop meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are video taped live and for later cable cast over cable channel 6.
The Workshop meeting is intended to provide Council and the public with an appropriate forum for informal discussion of any items intended for future Council consideration or just for general information. No formal action is taken at Workshop meetings.
The public is invited to attend and encouraged to comment or ask questions in an informal manner on any of the items being discussed or on any other subject. The agenda is created to provide a guideline for discussion.
Mayor Sandack read a Proclamation in appreciation and acknowledgement of Dr. Dale’s Martin’s service to the Village as Superintendent of District 58.
The Mayor extended his congratulations to Dr. Martin for his service and wished him the best in his new endeavor.
Dr. Dale Martin , Superintendent, District 58, thanked the Village Council, saying that he was superintendent in three other school districts and has never had the outstanding relationship in other communities that he has with Downers Grove leadership and staff. He said it was an honor to service in this Village.
Mayor Sandack read a Proclamation of appreciation for Dr. David Eblen, Superintendent of School District 99 for 17 years.
Dr. David Eblen , Superintendent, District 99, said he has had a wonderful working relationship with the Village of Downers Grove and considers it a pleasure to have had the opportunity of working in the Village. He has lived in Downers Grove for the past 17 yeas and will remain here after retirement.
The Mayor extended best wishes to Dr. Eblen on his retirement.
Commissioner Neustadt said he worked with the School District and has met with Dr. Eblen. He wished him the best of luck. He also had he unique opportunity of being an employee of Dr. Martin’s and was encouraged to do what was right for himself. He wished Dr. Martin the best of luck as well in his new endeavor.
Commissioner Beckman commended Dr. Martin for the work he has done with the Village, saying he was struck by the collegiality of the members of the Board, which is always the reflection of the Superintendent. He commended him for maintaining that type of atmosphere on the District 58 Board.
Commissioner Beckman said he has known Dr. Eblen for 17 years, and was on the School Board when the District was looking to fill the Superintendent position. He is a benefit to the community, established a strong set of objectives in the School district and achieved them. Commissioner Beckman said that Downers Grove is a better community for having had him as part of the community.
Commissioner Durkin said he has come to know both gentlemen through meetings and wished them both the best of luck, thanking them for their service.
Commissioner Schnell said she had the pleasure of working with Dale on the Strategic Plan for District 58, and was impressed with the leadership qualities he possesses. The quality of education in Downers Grove is phenomenal. She wished him luck.
Commissioner Schnell thanked Dr. Eblen for the quality of education that has been provided in District 99. She recalled a personal note that Dr. Eblen wrote to her son, who chose not to go to District 99 public schools, on his athletic achievements. She thanked him for all of his service to the community.
Commissioner Tully said that it is the interaction of senior staff that really makes things work. Both gentlemen are residents of Downers Grove. One of the qualities of Downers Grove is our schools, and these men have maintained and enhanced that reputation. He thanked them for their service and wished them well in their future endeavors.
The Mayor thanked them both, saying that the Village’s motto is to partner with others.
2. Active Agenda and Informational Items
Annexation of 4708 Cross Street . There were no comments
Annexation with Rezoning of 4412 Cross Street. The Manager said there was a technical defect in the previously published notice, and this corrects that defect.
Rezoning of 2525 Ogden. The Manager asked Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development, to address this matter.
Tom Dabareiner , Director, Community Development, provided background information. He said this is consistent with the surrounding area. The Plan Commission held a public hearing on April 7 and recommended approval. Staff concurs with that recommendation.
Zoning Ordinance Amendment Electronic Changeable Copy/Message Signs. The Manager asked Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development, to address this item.
Mr. Dabareiner commented that this concerns a sign ordinance and that it received a positive recommendation by the Plan Commission following a public hearing. Staff has recommended denial. He showed slides depicting the type of sign being proposed which is an electronic message sign. The proposed amendment would require that these signs be submitted to a special use approval, stating that the property must be at least 18 acres in size with frontage on an arterial road, and will be limited to only one electronic message sign, no larger than 50 square feet, six feet in height. Mr. Dabareiner said that at the Plan Commission meeting of April 7, several concerns were expressed; however, the Plan Commission recommended approval with one dissenting vote. Staff does not believe this is consistent with the Village’s Sign Ordinance adopted in May 2005.
Dr. David Eblen , Superintendent of District 99, stated that the School District is very sensitive to this issue. The Homeland Security Office has designated both schools as emergency centers. They are not a commercial business, and are sensitive to the concerns of such signs, particularly with the type of graphics used, etc. He said that the District felt this type of sign would help if there were an emergency.
Commissioner Durkin said he was under the impression that the sign requested would show video, such as is shown in various communities along the Interstate. He asked what they are requesting. Mr. Dabareiner responded that this is more advertising than reporting time and temperature signs. They are rolling-text signs.
Manager Fieldman clarified that the matter before the Council is to amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance. Application for a sign would be a separate action as a special use.
Commissioner Schnell asked if the proposed sign is the same size as existing signs. Mr. Dabareiner said it was. Commissioner Schnell said that the Sign Committee had major concerns about safety, and there are lots of safety issues on Main Street near North High School. There are lots of distractions already, and this could add to it, particularly with younger drivers in the area. On 63rd Street, people could have the opportunity to slow down. The list of potential entities that could have this type of sign is large, and she will not support this due to the safety issues.
Commissioner Waldack said that there is a reason for a sign ordinance, which is to attract and retain businesses and clean up the community. Electronic messaging would not be a benefit, as its goal is primarily advertising. Getting information out to the public is one thing, but he sees it as inappropriate to do so via electronic messaging. The acreage requirement would eliminate some schools, churches, etc. He would like to see schools, churches, government bodies, etc., segregated to allow for larger signs to provide public information and as an expression of community pride. He cannot support this as it is written, and would like to avoid advertising signs and the annoyance of electronic messaging.
Commissioner Neustadt said this is an electronic sign for residential use and will emit light pollution as it is bright and draws one’s attention. It is distracting. The goal of the Sign Committee was to eliminate electronic signs in the whole Village. There was some discussion about allowing school signs extra text lines. He sees this type of sign as a potential traffic problem, and too invasive in a residential district. He said he probably would not support this.
Commissioner Beckman said he has concerns with the amendment. He noted that he works as a high school volleyball referee in the Chicagoland area. These signs grab the attention of people driving by schools in a residential area. There was extensive work done by the Sign Ordinance Committee that found electronic signs to be inappropriate for the community. Many businesses removed their electronic signs when the ordinance was approved. Once this is reintroduced, businesses may want to be re-evaluated for electronic signage. He believes in what was accomplished by the Sign Ordinance Committee.
Commissioner Tully said the Village has a comprehensive, well thought out, content neutral Sign Ordinance, and it has successfully achieved the goals established. Periodic review of the ordinance was contemplated, and he understands the petitioner’s views. There is no particular sign in question in this decision. What is under consideration is that the Sign Ordinance bans electronic changeable copy signs, and the ordinance would have to be changed hereby opening a door and create a major exception for a special narrow request. He sees this as creating unintended consequences. He also understands the need to communicate events; however, there are other methods to communicate these events. He agrees that there are also safety issues involved. The language of the amendment contemplates signs other than what is being requested, and in his opinion, this amendment is not justified and is a big step backwards.
Mayor Sandack said this is a difficult issue. District 99 has been sensitive to the community but not intruding. A difficult change was made with respect to the Sign Ordinance, and the Village has guided new and long-term businesses toward compliance. The unintended consequence is what must be reviewed. He agrees that making this change may be a major step backwards, and though this is conceptual right now, it might be going too far.
Professional Services Agreement – Consultant for Comprehensive Plan/TCD 3. The Manager said Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager, will address this matter.
Mike Baker , Assistant Village Manager, said that the Total Community Development 3 (TCD 3) process is a large-scale, community-wide effort. One of the outcomes could be an update of the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Dabareiner said that the resolution prepared concerns an agreement with Houseal Lavigne Associates for consulting services. Staff is looking for guidance regarding the relationship with the consultant for TCD 3 . The Comprehensive Plan is a general policy document prepared through a public participation process to identify and discuss community characteristics and overall vision. It includes land use, infrastructure, popular trends, economic and housing trends, neighborhoods, implementation of goals in regulatory documents, etc. He explained that basically it contains a vision of the community’s future. Mr. Dabareiner said the Village’s Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1965, and there has been no update since 1965. The Village was very different then as a growing “Greenfield” community. Now it is a vibrant, built-out suburb. He further explained the Comprehensive Plan’s goal to serve as a legal foundation for Village development, regulations and policies.
Mr. Dabareiner described the RFP process to obtain consultants in this regard, saying that an RFP was issued in March with a pre-proposal meeting held. Seven proposals were received and reviewed with two firms outpacing the rest. Staff is recommending Houseal Lavigne Associates. He then introduced John Houseal.
John Houseal , principal and co-founder of Houseal Lavigne Associates, provided an overview of their firm’s experience with highlights on their approach to facilitate a TCD 3 process for the Village. They have strong familiarity with Downers Grove and have a fresh approach to planning committed to client satisfaction. He explained how they integrate technology including websites and GIS into their projects. Mr. Houseal addressed how their firm will work with the Village on the TCD 3 outreach components including an interactive project website, community outreach, communication with Village staff, Plan Commission and Council, workshops with the business community, implementation of strategies, and identification of areas that dovetail into the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Houseal said he could not emphasize enough how crucial a tool the Comprehensive Plan is to the future of the Village.
Commissioner Beckman said that the Village wants an underpass on Belmont, and asked how Houseal Lavigne plans for the possibility of that becoming a corridor. Mr. Houseal said that every parcel gets addressed. Comprehensive Planning addresses “what ifs.” Their goal would be to examine all areas in the Village in terms of the land use and development planning.
Commissioner Beckman then asked how they dovetail the branding strategy with this. Mr. Houseal said that the Comprehensive Plan would define the character of residential areas as well as commercial or transitional areas. He said that branding is the “micro level” and comprehensive planning is the “macro level.” He said that branding is applicable everywhere.
Commissioner Durkin said that four areas were highlighted, however there is an area at 63rd and Woodward that needs attention. Mr. Houseal said that the Council is looking at preliminary information compiled prior to speaking with the Village. They will work with the Village and staff to identify other key areas. They were aware of the downtown and Ogden Avenue areas and they are looking to define other areas. Commissioner Durkin encouraged him to take a ride down 63rd and Woodward.
Commissioner Schnell agreed that the Comprehensive Plan has to be done. It took a long time to create some of the plans. She noted they are proposing to do a Comprehensive Plan in 12-18 months and asked how they sustain public interest. Mr. Houseal said that goes to the managing process and keeping the momentum. They will meet with business owners in specific areas. On-line capabilities will provide the opportunity for further comments, and by meeting consistently they can agree on the end product.
Commissioner Schnell then questioned how the Village can be assured that the Comprehensive Plan is not just a cookie-cutter process. Mr. Houseal said they do not do cookie-cutter work. They have to have systems in place to manage a project of this size. If requested, they can provide comprehensive plans from other communities.
Commissioner Schnell commented that she has major problems with the TCD 3 process proposed, as she sees it more as a consultant driven-process versus resident-driven process. TCD 2 was a resident-driven process where people got together, established focus groups and developed a vision for the Village for the next 20 years. She sees the process being presented tonight as series of meetings, and the consultant will formulate the responses rather than people sitting down to discuss the community problems.
Mr. Houseal said they need to know what they want as an outcome. The scope of the project is not set in stone, and is responsive to the RFP to manage dialogue. Commissioner Schnell said she does not want to set up the process for failure because people feel they are not included.
Commissioner Neustadt asked whether the other communities listed in the proposal have been contacted. Mr. Dabareiner responded that there were no negative comments, and the communities were pleased with the results and the process. The firm’s ability to synthesize information stood out as well as how active the principals were in the process.
Commissioner Neustadt then asked whether discussions would include agencies such as the EDC , Downtown Management Board, and the Chamber as to their specific plans and how they work toward the goals of the Village. Mr. Houseal said they reach out to businesses to study their unique issues and help them achieve their own objectives through cooperating in the Village’s process. They will be reaching out to groups, which is crucial, and integrate their plans with the Village’s, where applicable.
Commissioner Waldack thanked Mr. Houseal for coming out, and asked if the Village started from scratch, what the process would be in terms of a Comprehensive Plan and TCD . He would like to see choices. Mr. Houseal said it can happen sequentially, but it does not have to. TCD 3 and the Comprehensive Plan is the order to do things. Branding can be done before, during or after the fact, but they will need coordination of efforts.
Commissioner Tully said that the Comprehensive Plan is long overdue to be updated. He expects existing pieces to be assessed including the Future Land Use Map. He noted that there is no contract with Houseal Lavigne, but there is a proposal before the Council. There will be no vote on this next week. The Commissioner noted that this is not a final product and can be further developed. With regard to a timetable and cost estimates, he asked whether this could be compared to other public documents, and how it compares to similar projects elsewhere. He also asked when the Village would expect to see an agreement for further questions.
Mr. Baker responded that a draft agreement would be available in early July.
Commissioner Tully asked who is leading the TCD 3 process. Mr. Baker said they have identified a facilitator, but the structure is still to be refined.
Commissioner Tully said he wants this to be inclusive, but they need to bring it to a conclusion and not extend it into a four-year process. He also understands that this will be a living process, but it needs to be implemented with a defined structure.
Commissioner Schnell said she thinks the perception is that TCD 3 will be similar to TCD 2 , but doesn’t think this will be the same as TCD 2 and that it needs to be clearly defined with respect to expectations.
Mayor Sandack said each TCD has been dramatically different. He noted that getting 50,000 people to actively participate is impossible. TCD 3 needs management and facilitators to come together. It is a resident-driven and resident-participatory program. Staff has brought to the attention of the Council the need for a new Comprehensive Plan. TCD 3 will be a component in the Comprehensive Plan to gather people’s opinions and participation. Getting input from people who cannot attend meetings is essential, and they have to reach for opportunities for resident participation through new technology. The Mayor said it would be a challenge to get participation from all four corners of the Village. He asked the Council to give this more thought. TCD 3 is a great way to engage the citizenry.
Amendments to the Traffic Calming Policy and Transportation and Parking Commission Enabling Ordinance. The Manager said staff has been working on this for some time, studying the current policy, which has a few issues of limited flexibility. They identified some goals including being outcome based, increasing flexibility, improving response time, obtaining input from Transportation and Parking Commission, and implementing a 5-step process for traffic calming devices. Staff, and the Public Services and Public Safety Committees all recommend approval.
Lisa Woodman , 500 Claremont, thanked the Council for being proactive and addressing the concerns of the residents. She asked who would be administering requests. The Mayor responded that it refers to full-time and part-time employees with a directed person. Mr. Fieldman added that the Public Works staff will be responsive to requests. Ms. Woodman then asked what the set period of time would be. Manager Fieldman said that it would be a 90-day period by which the request has to be forwarded to the Village Council. Public Works staff would take the lead in monitoring the effectiveness using various devices. Ms. Woodman added that monitoring has been 24-hours in the past, and she feels this is not long enough. The Manager said that staff will work quickly and be more responsive to resident requests. They will also monitor in a way that meets the needs of the community.
Commissioner Neustadt said the presentation at the Public Services and Safety Committee was great. What was an 18-step system is now a 5-step system. The number of signatures required for a petition has been reduced from 15 to 5. He said that staff did a excellent job in remeding the problems, and he sees this as a quicker process for residents.
Commissioner Schnell thanked staff for bringing this to the Standing Committee and for listening to the Council and the residents.
Commissioner Durkin commented that he had great hesitation to go from 15 signatures to five, though he supports traffic calming devices if warranted. His concern is that it is imperative to notice everyone on the street about a potential calming device request. Commissioner Schnell agreed that notice is critical.
Commissioner Beckman said the underlying factor was to expedite the process for the residents, and he asked staff to bring this back if it doesn’t appear to be working.
Commissioner Tully asked where the proposed policy is for five signatures. Mr. Fieldman said it was included in the application packet. Commissioner Tully said that five signatures could be one household and he suggested a minimum number of households. Manager Fieldman said it was intended to be five separate addresses and he will clarify this.
General Obligation Bond Issuance – Selection of Underwriter. The Manager said this concerns the recommendation by Northern Trust for selection of an underwriter. They went through competitive RFP process, and are recommending three underwriters. Commissioner Durkin asked why there are only two co-managers.
Christopher Shih of Northern Trust said that the number of co-managers is based on size. Responding to the Mayor’s question, Mr. Shih said that the fee structure is the same with the three underwriters.
General Obligation Bond Issuance – Parameters Ordinance. The Manager said this authorizes village officials to go through the next steps of the negotiated sale. The parameters adhere to all discussions held by the Council in the past, and maximize the annual debt service payments at $4 million.
Commissioner Waldack asked about the number of people named as designated officers, and Mr. Fieldman said there would be four designated officers.
The Mayor said this is the culmination of a year-long process. Action will be taken to finance and fund the needed stormwater projects, and the plan addresses the most difficult areas first. He pointed out that they need to be vigilant in this project. Staff will address the issue of the number of designated officers to maintain proper checks and balances.
Fire Station 2 – Report. The Manager reported that the budget for this project was $10,500,000 spread over three fiscal years, and the current cost is $9.1 million, which is significantly under budget. They have adhered to the original development schedule and have moved into the building. Operational goals have all been met or will be met in the immediate future.
The Mayor reminded everyone of the schedule, noting that there are many variables affecting the completion of a project. Close out was to take place in July 2008 and it is complete in just over a year. He said it was a terrific accomplishment.
Fire Chief Phil Ruscetti said that they pulled the fire equipment rigs into the new building on June 2. The objectives in requesting the firehouse were to improve response time coverage for the ladder truck, centralize administrative offices, and replace the obsolete station. All of these goals have been accomplished.
The Mayor invited everyone to attend the Open House and congratulated everyone involved for coming in on time and under budget.
Commissioner Tully said that the original study found the need for a new fire station in 1999. It was confirmed in 2006. He hopes this is the model for future work.
3. Consent Agenda Items
Fire Station 2- Materials Testing Change Order. The Manager said a motion is requested authorizing an amendment to the professional services agreement with Geocon of Oak Forest, IL, for construction materials testing for Fire Station 2. This amendment would result in the contract not-to-exceed amount being increased from $50,000 to $60,000.
Fire Station 2- Telephone Change Order . The Manager said a motion is requested to authorize a change order for the telephone system at new Fire Station 2 in the amount of $5,715.00 to Sound, Inc. of Naperville, IL. The change order increases the contract amount to $20,675.00.
Hospitality Sunday & Holiday Parade Special Commercial Event License and Fee Waiver. The Manager said this is a request to authorize a Special Commercial Event License Agreement with the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation for the 2008 Hospitality Sunday and Holiday Parade to be held on Sunday, November 30, 2008.
Fine Arts Festival Special Commercial Event License and Fee Waiver. The Manager said this is a request to authorize a Special Commercial Event License Agreement with the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation to host the Downers Grove Fine Arts Festival on property owned by the Village on September 13 and 14, 2008.
2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The Manager said this is a request to accept the audit of the Village’s financial records for the year ended December 31, 2007, also known as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) dated December 31, 2007. The Management Letter that accompanies the audit has not yet been received from the auditors. Upon receipt, it will be presented at a future Village Council Workshop and will also be reviewed by the Finance and Administrative Standing Committee.
Commissioner Waldack noted that the report has a narrative preface.
Bid: Supply of Public Works Uniforms and Outerwear. The Manager said this is a request to approve three contracts in the total amount of $17,896.35 for the supply of public works uniforms and outerwear for FY 08 .
HOME Consortium Agreement. The Manager said this is a request to adopt a resolution renewing the HOME Consortium agreement with DuPage County. This resolution is necessary due to a change in membership in the HOME Consortium.
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Grant Agreement . The Manager said this is a request to authorize execution of a grant agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). The grant would provide $35,000 to support the installation of perimeter fencing at the Village’s seven water towers and three rate control stations. Mr. Fieldman said staff received notice that time is of essence and said the Village Council would be asked to waive the one-week waiting period and to act on this tonight.
Commissioner Schnell asked as to the location of the fences.
Mr. Fieldman said he will make sure the installation of the fences complies with all applicable rules and regulations.
Resolutions and License Agreements with Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC . The Manager said this is a request to authorize the execution of three license agreements with Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC to install, maintain and operate antennas on Village property located on the water tower at 4318 Downers Drive, the water tower at 1724 71st Street and the Village Hall communication tower at 801 Burlington Avenue.
Kristyna Ryan , Cricket Communications, 8619 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago, said she represents Denali. Her company has approximately 800 sites, four of which are in Downers Grove. Downers Grove has the highest lease rates. In response to Commissioner Beckman, Ms. Ryan said Cricket is a new cell phone carrier. It is not nationwide and Chicago will be their largest market.
Sungard Public Section Inc. Naviline Software Purchase. The Manager said this is a request to authorize the purchase of Naviline software for the Police Department’s Computer Aided Dispatch and Records system in the amount of $21,834.00.
Live Scan Digital Fingerprint System Replacement. The Manager said this is a request to authorize the purchase of a new Live Scan Digital Fingerprint Identification System from L-1 Identity Solutions/Identix, Inc. in the amount of $18,151.00.
Professional Services Agreement with Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. The Manager said this is a request to execute a professional services agreement for strategic planning with Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00.
Commissioner Waldack asked whether they need to so quickly revise the Strategic Plan, asking if this is a good time to do this and if they should go back to Lyle Sumek. He said there haven’t been that many changes since this plan was adopted, and due to the economy he thought they might have to move more slowly. In addition, the Village is short-handed and, and he thinks they are missing an opportunity when they bring on a new Village Manager. He doesn’t see the need to rush into this, and it would be a good opportunity for a new Village Manager. He also thought they should consider going with a new firm, as there was a relationship between Mr. Sumek and the former Village Manager. Recent events warrant change in the consultant. He asked that this be placed on an Active Agenda, and further stated that he cannot support this.
Mayor Sandack said that when this was discussed in January, Council opinion was that this would be the last year for Mr. Sumek. He does not think they are rushing this. He feels this is good for the future Village Manager as that person would see a stability of the process. He also doesn’t think that the Council has deviated from its stated intentions.
Commissioner Durkin agrees that this should be the last year for Mr. Sumek.
Commissioner Tully said waiting to do any planning would mean not doing it. This has become an institutionalized process. There is an action report for 2008, and there will be room for new items. He said that the Council owes the staff some direction. A proper Strategic Plan leads to a good, sound budget. He supports moving forward with Strategic Planning. As to who leads the session, his understanding was that this consultant would be used for one more year.
Commissioner Schnell said that the Strategic Planning process has to take place each year to set goals for staff, or it becomes stagnant. She thinks it is too late to go with another consultant at this time.
The Mayor said changing facilitators makes sense, but Strategic Planning must continue.
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting 16 items to the Council: 1) An ordinance amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois, codified as Chapter 28 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, as amended to rezone property located at 2525 Ogden Avenue; 2) An ordinance annexing 4412 Cross Street to the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois; 3) An ordinance amending the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois, codified as Chapter 28 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, as amended to rezone property located at 4412 Cross Street; 4) An ordinance annexing 4708 Cross Street to the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois; 5) An ordinance amending sign provisions; 6) An ordinance providing for the issuance of General Obligation bonds, Series 2008, of the Village of Downers Grove, DuPage County, Illinois, authorizing the execution of a bond order and an escrow agreement in connection therewith and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds; 7) A resolution authorizing execution of an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO); 8) A resolution authorizing a license agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC to install, maintain and operate an antenna on Village property (71st Street & Camden Road); 9) A resolution authorizing a license agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC to install, maintain and operate an antenna on Village property (801 Burlington); 10) A resolution authorizing a license agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Denali Spectrum Operations, LLC to install, maintain and operate an antenna on Village property (4318 Downers Drive); 11) A resolution authorizing execution of a maintenance agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Sungard Public Section, Inc. (Naviline); 12) A resolution authorizing a special commercial event license agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation (Fine Arts Festival); 13; A resolution authorizing a special commercial event license agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation (2008 Hospitality Sunday and Holiday Parade); 14) An ordinance amending Parking & Traffic Commission procedures; 15) An ordinance amending the policy of the Village Council with respect to traffic calming; and 16) A resolution authorizing execution of a consortium agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the County of DuPage.
The Attorney asked the Council to consider a motion waiving the one-week waiting period to consider new business to authorize execution of a grant agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Commissioner Tully moved to waive the one-week waiting period to consider new business outlined by the Attorney. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Tully, Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack Schnell; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : None
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
A. A resolution authorizing execution of an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). This authorizes a grant agreement providing $35,000 to support the installation of perimeter fencing at the Village’s seven water towers and three rate control stations.
Commissioner Tully moved to adopt “A Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), ” as presented. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Tully, Durkin, Beckman, Waldack, Neustadt, Schnell; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : None
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
Commissioner Beckman thanked John Tucker of Public Works for helpful hints he gave on critters (skunks) in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Durkin said that the new Downtown Downers Grove Market begins on Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be 61 vendors at the same location. He then extended best wishes for a Happy Fathers’ Day.
Commissioner Tully said that there are 17 days to Heritage Festival and residents can still purchase tickets for the benefit concert. Advance tickets are $10.00 and $15.00 at the gate.
Commissioner Schnell extended wishes for a Happy Fathers’ Day.
Commissioner Waldack thanked everyone for their good wishes, and the staff at Good Samaritan Hospital for all their care during his recent surgery.
Commissioner Neustadt reminded residents that if they have a storm grate in front of their home to clear the grate after a storm.
Mayor Sandack announced that the Village is looking for assistance in identifying potholes in the community. He asked that residents call 630-434-2255, or e-mail him with the locations of potholes in need of repair, or log onto the Village’s website to report a pothole.
The Mayor said he would be meeting on Thursday with representatives of IDOT , their staff, DuPage County representatives and other elected officials in an effort to get funding for the Belmont underpass approved. He noted that the Capital Bill did not happen, and this is a last-ditch effort to find the necessary funding. He noted further that many of the people with whom he will be meeting are aware of the importance of the project. In the Village’s favor is the fact that this project is “project ready” and that it addresses safety issues. He said he would report out on the results of that meeting next week.
There being no further discussion, the Workshop meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m.
April K. Holden Village Clerk tmh
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