January 22, 2008
Mayor Sandack called the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall. Girl Scouts Troop 1029 assisted Mayor Sandack in leading the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present:Mayor Ron Sandack; Commissioners Martin Tully (by phone), William Waldack, Sean P. Durkin, Geoff Neustadt, Bruce Beckman; Village Manager Cara Pavlicek; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca; Village Clerk April Holden
Absent:Commissioner Marilyn Schnell
Visitors: Residents: Tam Kutzmark, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, 1220 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook; Jim Russ, 4915 Main Street; Bill Wrobel, Downers Grove Watch, 7800 Queens Court; Andy Clark, Downers Grove Watch, 1226 62nd Street; Christine Fregeau, 1918 Elmore Avenue; Steve Brewton, 1945 Curtiss; Bernie Bak, 1930 Bending Oaks Court; Edward and Nicole Green, 1928 Bending Oaks Court; Mark Thoman, 1109 61st Street; Chris Saricks, 1116 61st Street; Marge Earl, 4720 Florence Avenue; Greg Bedalov, 2001 Butterfield Road; James Sangala, 1947 Curtiss Street Staff: Robin Weaver, Interim Director, Public Works; Jim Black, Deputy Police Chief; Dave Fieldman, Deputy Village Manager; Phil Ruscetti, Fire Chief; Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager; Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development; Megan Bourke, Management Analyst; Mike Millette, Assistant Director, Public Works; Judy Buttny, Director, Finance; Brandon Deiter, Management Analyst; Mary Scalzetti, Director, Community Events; Doug Kozlowski, Communications Director; Wes Morgan, Director, Human Resources; Andy Matejcak, Director, Counseling and Social Services; Liangfu Wu, Director, Information Services
Mayor Sandack explained that Council Workshop meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are video taped live and for later cable cast over cable channel 6.
The Workshop meeting is intended to provide Council and the public with an appropriate forum for informal discussion of any items intended for future Council consideration or just for general information. No formal action is taken at Workshop meetings.
The public is invited to attend and encouraged to comment or ask questions in an informal manner on any of the items being discussed or on any other subject. The agenda is created to provide a guideline for discussion.
1. Active Agenda and Informational Items
Special Use 4923-4927 Seeley Avenue . The Manager said Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development, would present this item.
Tom Dabareiner , Director, Community Development, explained that this special use is for an accessory structure on two adjacent parcels. The Zoning Ordinance was amended in December 2007 and this request applies to that amendment regarding common ownership with a shared lot line of at least 100’ in length. Mr. Dabareiner showed an aerial view of the properties with the vacant lot to the south. The accessory structure is a gazebo, and meets all of the criteria. Staff recommended approval, as did the Plan Commission, with the condition that the gazebo be removed upon sale of the property unless both properties are sold simultaneously and singularly owned.
The Mayor said that Commissioner Tully was present by phone.
Parking Deck Signage Enhancements. The Manager said this enhances the current signage on all levels of the deck and removes the signs for Lot R. She asked Robin Weaver, Interim Director, Public Works, to discuss this matter.
Robin Weaver , Interim Director, Public Works, said that the signage was reviewed by staff, the Police and the Downtown Management Corporation. The signage more clearly identifies parking locations. Eliminating the signage for Lot R should clarify any confusion for parking in that lot by the general public.
Linda Kunze of the Downtown Management Corporation said that they have worked with the staff on this item. She appreciates all of the time and effort spent to clarify this.
Commissioner Beckman referred to the ordinance, Item 10, asking how the process takes place and whether the Village Manager will have the authority to make changes. The Manager said that she can make modifications based on recommendations from Ms. Weaver and staff.
Commissioner Waldack said it might be helpful to include alternative language to reference a map approved by the Village Manager.
Ms. Weaver said she would prefer to have the greater flexibility at this time. If they designate specific spots, it reduces staff’s timely flexibility.
Mayor Sandack said perhaps they could put a time limit on this in order to provide for review of this matter.
Commissioner Beckman asked whether this was seasonal, and Ms. Weaver said it was more in line with the residences downtown.
Commissioner Tully said that revisions of this sort were anticipated and he thinks appropriate. They need to maintain flexibility to make changes. He added that he was calling from Minneapolis, MN.
Commissioner Waldack clarified that should there be a problem, it can be directed to the Village Manager.
Ordinance Amendments: Liquor Provisions. The Manager said this ordinance allows for the consumption of beer and wine at functions at the Downers Grove Park District.
The Manager asked whether there is a limitation on the amount of events
Enza Petrarca , Village Attorney, said there were no limitations.
Commissioner Waldack asked if this would be an open cash bar. The Village Attorney said it would be for banquet style events, closed to the general public.
Commissioner Beckman asked for clarification that this addresses the Park District and the Recreation Center, since page 6 said the Park District. Village Attorney said that the license type, K-2, applies to the Recreation Center.
Local Circulator Study Resolution. The Manager said that Tam Kutzmark, Transportation Director for the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference would make the presentation on this item this evening, and the Council may wish to Workshop this again on February 12 with consideration for approval on February 19.
Tam Kutzmark , Transportation Director, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference (DMMC), thanked the Council for the opportunity to work with the Village on this issue. She referred to the passage of H.B. 656 concerning transit reform, and then provided an overview of the Study. Ms. Kutzmark said that the Village has always recognized the importance of good transit opportunities for its residents and for economic development. The Grove Commuter Shuttle is an important aspect of the transit program and could be maximized. The Circulator Study conducted by DMMC was conducted in 2005 with a market analysis prepared in 2006. Downers Grove was included as one of four communities for the circulator service. Ms. Kutzmark said that four detailed service designs were proposed in 2007, and from those four, one is being presented for the Council’s review at this time. She explained how the service design was chosen and reviewed the four alternative options under consideration. The second alternative proposed two routes: One serving the Main Street Corridor north of the Main Street station, and one south of the Main Street station. It includes a route deviation service to pick up individuals within ¾ of a mile from the established route. Service would run from 6:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, and 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday at the rate of $1.00 round trip. This would be integrated into the existing Grove Commuter Shuttle operation. The other three communities, Addison, Wheaton and Lombard, would have a transfer system between the services to allow transit between the four communities.
Ms. Kutzmark said that the Council is being asked to adopt a resolution that states that the preferred Alternative 2 should be further discussed as to its implementation. This will not signal a financial commitment by the Village. She summarized the timeframe, saying they hoped they could begin implementation by August 2008.
Mayor Sandack thanked Ms. Kutzmark for an enlightening presentation.
Commissioner Beckman asked what basis was used to determine the annual passage trips. Ms. Kutzmark said that was based on a market analysis to include employer based ridership, census data and employment data, as well as high-density residential.
Commissioner Beckman commented that the estimated cost for riders would be $1.00 per trip, but the cost per passenger trip is estimated at $6.25. He asked how they would make up the difference. Ms. Kutzmark said that $1.00 per roundtrip is a good starting point. The community might want to amend that cost taking into account the needs of the community. As to making up the difference, Ms. Kutzmark said that part of it comes from the benefits that transit will bring to the community. They do not assume that the fare box recovery will cover the entire cost. They need to find a balance between the recovery rate to make the project viable, and what the market will bear. In the interim they are looking to grants and community support to cover the cost difference.
Commissioner Waldack said that the overwhelming choice by the public was Alternative 4. Ms. Kutzmark responded that Alternative 4 is the highest level of service. They are looking to grow into Alternative 4. Alternative 2 adds service that is more frequent and convenient than Alternative 1, but sets Alternative 4 as an objective. They intend to evaluate the service over time and monitor it to determine its growth potential.
Commissioner Waldack said that there is an estimate of 160,000 trips for Alternative 4, or 13,000 estimated per month. He said there may be a greater opportunity there. He indicated that there are funding opportunities that have not been reviewed. He noted that part of the State funds go to DuPage County for public safety rather than transportation. He believes that the 13,000 monthly figure may be conservative. Ms. Kutzmark said that the experience of Ride DuPage has prepared them for many riders.
Commissioner Durkin said he had expressed his feelings about the subsidized program in the past. The Village currently heavily subsidizes a transit program. He said Ms. Kutzmark still has not answered the question as to how the difference will be paid. The proposed cost for this route is $1.5 million a year, resulting in a cost of $9.35 per passenger. That results in a difference of $8.35 per rider. Ms. Kutzmark said that is why they have chosen to go with Alternative 2, rather than Alternative 4. Commissioner Durkin said that still results in a difference of $5.25 per rider.
The Manager said that if the Council gives staff the direction to proceed, Council would have to decide on the funding. It is a large challenge to identify the funding sources. She indicated that if the Council wants to expand the Grove Commuter Shuttle to a Circulator Program, staff will have to have direction from the Council. She said that staff will provide additional details as they move forward. It is the obligation of the Village to provide sources of revenue, including grants from other sources. She indicated that DMMC is not a tax-generating body.
Commissioner Durkin responded that basically it would be the Village’s responsibility to make up the difference between the cost and the ridership fee. Ms. Kutzmark said that they are working in a coalition, which gives the power of combined municipalities in terms of funding. Right now they know the “what” but not the “how” – how to make it happen. That is what Phase 4 of the project is all about, and why a local Task Force representing the Village is a necessity.
The Mayor asked where the other communities are on this issue and Ms. Kutzmark said that Wheaton is discussing this tonight, Addison decides on February 4, and it has already passed in Lombard.
The Mayor clarified that the Council is being asked for it’s “blessing” so to speak, and is not making a financial commitment at this time.
Commissioner Beckman said he understands the position the Village is in with regard to this program. He said that the Village is taking this seriously, and he expects that funding sources are being sought. He then asked about the survey conducted to determine the best routes. He asked about the mix of business people versus local population. Ms. Kutzmark aid the population from which they drew came from the service analysis conducted last year. They approached neighborhood markets, senior markets, employers, and residents. Every household was reached through the mailing. For Phase 4 they want to heavily engage the work forces that would use this service.
Commissioner Durkin asked whether there is a cost associated with moving forward. The Manager said it would be staff time; she can provide an estimate of personnel time.
Commissioner Neustadt commented that with the new buses on the way, Downers Grove will have lower initial capital costs than the other three communities. Moving ahead in Phase 4 will allow the Village to see the possibilities for funding and how the new buses can be used.
Commissioner Waldack thanked Ms. Kutzmark and DMMC for their work on this project. He said that the Village has been alone in its transportation system, and this is an opportunity for the Village to combine with its neighbors to provide a transportation plan. He noted that Naperville is going it alone. Being part of this group of four allows the power of combining with other communities for the funding, and also puts an added stress on the newly formed Transportation Committee.
The Mayor said that the EDC has weighed in on this issue.
Commissioner Waldack said that the next step is to provide an implementation plan and see what money is available. As for the subsidy, he said that the Village has a taxi subsidy program, which is the most expensive paratransit program and averages about $14.50 per ride, about $7.00 of which is subsidized. He noted, however, that the object is to get as many people as possible on public transportation.
Commissioner Tully also thanked Ms. Kutzmark for her presentation. He has no objection to pursuing staff’s suggestion to give this more thought as long as it does not derail the project or cause other problems. He then asked whether the new equipment is appropriate and will fit into the Alternative 2 program. As to funding, Commissioner Tully said that transportation systems do not make money, and the question is to what degree subsidies should be considered. He would like to know what types of revenue would be available that hasn’t been available to date. Commissioner Tully then commented on the economic impact of participating in a program such as this, and he asked whether there are other studies to demonstrate what type of economic benefits participation would provide.
Ms. Kutzmark responded that workshopping this again will not derail the process. She indicated the costs represent those associated with Alternative 2, which would be two buses on the road with two backups. They always anticipated integrating the service with the Village’s buses to maximize the Village’s existing services. As to funding sources, she reviewed the names of some sources that would be approached including the Job Access Reverse Commute Fund, Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Fund, Illinois Transportation Enhancement program. She said that they have to look at the dollars spent on this type of transit to determine where there would be local revenue. With regard to the economic impact on other communities, she said they would provide that information to the Council.
The Mayor asked Council members about workshopping this item again, and the consensus was to workshop this on February 12.
3. Consent Agenda Items
Approval of Scope of Stormwater Project: North St. Joseph Creek Subwatershed C Improvements – Waive one-week waiting period. The Manager said this is part of the FY08 budget for the top 15 priority projects. Staff is requesting that the one-week waiting period be waived to consider this item.
James Sangala , 1947 Curtiss Street, said he has been a resident at that location for 34 years. St. Joseph’s Creek runs through his back yard. He showed the plat of survey for his property, which is the first property downstream from the project. He is concerned about additional flooding to his yard. There is no guarantee that this will not create a problem for him, and no one has ever addressed the problem. He said that he was told that his yard would still probably flood, and that the engineering studies are based on incomplete data. He asked what right he has to protect his property should the flooding increase. He asked for reassurance that the Village will step in if this project floods his garage or his house. Water will be dumped outside of the watershed.
Mayor Sandack responded that the idea is to alleviate flooding as much as possible. He said the Manager will ask the Village Engineer to address these comments. Certainly, the Village wants the flooding of his property to be reduced, not increased. The design will be based on good data. He indicated that Mr. Sangala’s property rights will not be diminished in any way. The Village cannot do anything that will negatively affect others. The idea is to make his property less problematic.
Manager Pavlicek stated that the plan is to address the public system. Private property owners would have to agree to pay the costs to connect into the public system.
Mr. Sangala asked about enlarging the opening at Belmont Road. Mayor Sandack said that Robin Weaver and Mike Millette can meet with him to discuss his concerns for his property and any other questions he may have.
Steve Brewton , 1945 Curtiss, said his property does not connect with the Creek, but he would like information of what can be done for his property. His garage is in a flood plain.
Edward Green , 1928 Bending Oaks Court, said that yesterday a truck drilled a large hole within five feet of his back yard. He then found out that on January 8 a notice was sent out for a meeting on January 10 of the Stormwater Flood Plain and Oversight Committee. The notice did not address his property. He said that the minutes reflect that people did not receive more than two days notice. He did not think the notice impacted his property, yet the drilling is five feet away from his property. There were complaints by residents that they were not notified more than two days before the meeting. Mr. Eckmann, the Chairman of the Committee, could not answer the questions asked of him, didn’t know if it was a retention or detention pond. Mr. Green asked more questions to which he received no answers. He is concerned about the lack of notice and with the details of the plan. He then asked that the Council not pass Item 2A.
The Mayor said he would like further information regarding the notice to the residents. He stressed that the item up for consideration is for design work only.
Deputy Village Manager Dave Fieldman said that the Village has added a new public input process for design of the stormwater process this year. He apologized if the notification was not as timely as it could have been. He said that there have been three meetings. Regarding the name of the park, it has two names, as the Park District owns the land. The staff is working with the Park District on an intergovernmental agreement to address things like ownership and maintenance. The intergovernmental agreements will go through a public process. He said that most importantly, the staff wants an opportunity to understand the issues before the design work starts. He said staff will meet with Mr. Green.
Bernard Bak , 1930 Bending Oaks Court, said he attended the meeting on January 10. The notice was hand-delivered. His property borders on two sides of the Park District subject property and he was told that the Village only notified those who lived within 250’ of the property. Bending Oaks Court is more than 250’ from the property, although some of the homes are adjacent. He said he is concerned about the maintenance of the existing infrastructure by the Village. At the January 10 meeting, representatives of the Stormwater Department provided slides showing improper maintenance. He asked if the Village has evaluated how they will maintain the existing infrastructure, and if there is adequate staff and resources to do it properly. He said the Village has to look at is own work first. He then questioned the data collection, some of which is ten years old. There may have been significant development during that time. Mr. Bak asked what the margin of error is in the consultant’s computations. He noted that many complaints are private areas, not public areas, and he thought that the goal was to alleviate the problems of residents. He is confused by the Manager’s comment that this concerns public areas. Mr. Bak said that the Park District assured him that they will be hiring their own consultants to evaluate the work being done by the Village. As to future maintenance, Mr. Bak asked what the Village will do to maintain this pond. The maintenance of Patriot’s Park and Barth Pond has been less than stellar. He indicated that the quality of water runoff from residences and streets will settle near his property. He asked how that will be maintained to insure the quality of the water, and said that the proposed budget did not show annual maintenance costs.
The Mayor noted that the reports included hard data. He indicated that the Village needs to have an intergovernmental agreement with the Park District. The goal is to alleviate the problems and not make them worse. There has been a lack of maintenance in the past, and the goal of this project is to get water off the public ways and alleviate flooding for residents’ property.
The Manager said that in 2006 the Master Stormwater Plan was adopted. In 2007 the maintenance was changed. In 2008 the Stormwater Improvement Fund was established, which addresses the ongoing maintenance as well as construction.
Nicole Green , 1928 Bending Oaks Court, said that her perspective and the perspective of residents in her neighborhood is that they will take all the water from northwest Downers Grove and put it into their back yards. She has concerns about that. The toxic pond is scheduled to go ten feet from her property line. She thinks this plan is ludicrous and is upset that there have been three meetings and she was not notified of them.
Commissioner Tully expressed his disappointment regarding the notice and what type of notice was given. He commented in the past on how broad the notice was.
The Mayor asked for further information from staff on the notice.
Commissioner Waldack said that the Village is required to give notice, and tries to go above and beyond the requirements. He asked about the requirements.
Mr. Fieldman said the intention was to give more opportunity than required for public input. It was above and beyond the requirements. They were not required to hold these meetings. Staff wants a dialog with the residents and will try to address their concerns. They chose to follow the 250’ requirement, which is used for zoning meetings.
Mr. Sangala, 1947 Curtiss, said that he lives 50’ from the property, and never received any notice. He said that perhaps staff did not consider the Lisle Township residents in the mailing.
Commissioner Tully said that this is 250’ from the watershed, not just from where the pond is to be built.
Mr. Green, 1928 Bending Oaks Court, said that the retention pond is outside the watershed. Notice should have been given to people living within 250’ of the retention pond.
Contract Award: WIIP Projects St. Joseph North Sub C and St. Joseph North Sub E Improvements – Waive one-week waiting period . The Manager said that with regard to Items b., c., d., and e., there were 15 projects identified in this year’s budget, which were considered top priority. These items deal with awards for design projects for ten of the projects; two will come forward at a later date, and three have already been designed.
The Manager said that Item b. has been recommended to be awarded to Christopher Burke Engineering in the amount of $291,899.50 for design of the watershed project, and staff asked for a waiver of the traditional one-week waiting period.
Commissioner Tully asked whether it will cause any schedule problems if they wait until next week. The Manager said that the next opportunity to vote one this would be February 5 and it would impact the schedule. Commissioner Tully said that next week is January 29 and the 5th Tuesday; however, it would be the 4th meeting of the month. The Manager responded that they have scheduled other capital improvement project meetings for January 29. It has not been noticed as a Council meeting date.
The Mayor asked if it is a material difference, and the Manager said it is a material difference. Staff wants to be responsive to Council’s direction for the construction schedule.
Contract Award: WIIP Projects Prentiss Creek Sub B, South St. Joseph Creek Sub J and Sunridge Watermain Replacement – Waive one-week waiting period. The Manager said the contract award is to Engineering Resource Associates of Warrenville, Illinois in the amount of $246,523.
Contract Award: WIIP Projects Dunham Place Storm Sewer Improvements – Waive one-week waiting period. The Manager said this contract is to GC Engineering, Inc., of Downers Grove in the amount of $49,6730.20.
Contract Award: WIIP Projects Brooke Drive & Centre Circle, Parrish Court and Venard & Acorn, Barneswood (Saratoga to Highland) and Lacey Creek Retaining Wall – Waive one-week waiting period. The Manager said this contract is to V3 Companies of Woodridge Illinois in the amount of $334,980.
Public Safety Midrange Server Replacement. The Manager said this item replaces the IBM System 1 AS/400 Servers to Total Network Solutions of Downers Grove in the amount of $47,116.
Heritage Festival Amusement Ride Contract. The Manager said this authorizes execution of an agreement with Astro Amusement Co., Inc, to operate the amusement midway at the 2008 Heritage Festival.
Strategic Planning Consultant. The Manager said Council is seeking direction to proceed with Strategic Planning activities for 2008 and to continue to use the facilitator, Lyle Sumek Associates.
There was a consensus among the Council members to continue the strategic planning process. The Mayor added that eventually they will want to change facilitators for new perspective, and to continue to use the competitive bidding process. The Manager responded that generally communities operate on a 3-5 year basis, although some have long-term relationships with their facilitators.
Commissioner Waldack said he agrees with the Mayor and thinks the Village should be open to change.
The Manager said staff would provide dates to the Council.
Heritage Festival Layout. The Manager asked Mary Scalzetti, Director, Community Events, to discuss this matter.
Mary Scalzetti , Director, Community Events, said that the Community Events Commission has presented the 2008 plan to the Downtown Management Corporation. She said there have been three public meetings soliciting input with the downtown businesses. She reviewed the process to plan the upcoming Heritage Festival. Ms. Scalzetti then reviewed the top priority consideration including moving food vendors to the center of the street and consolidating the Festival. In addition, the objective is to keep Main Street open as long as possible. Moving the large amusement rides, and review of the application fees for downtown businesses are also to be considered.
Ms. Scalzetti then reviewed the high priority items, as well as items for additional consideration. These include notice for street closures, better signage, returning the East Curtiss stage, parking for employers, etc. She presented an overhead of the map, which depicted the 2007 layout and the proposed changes for 2008. She indicated there would be a loss of revenue from a reduction in the number of booths. The implementation of the changes will result in additional costs, including more labor-intensive electrical cable setup and teardown, and police costs for the Tivoli, and materials and labor for the new signage. Future considerations include researching other sites for the Festival, adding a competitive aspect to the activities, adding a Taste of Downers Grove element to the weekend. She thanked everyone involved in planning for the Festival.
Mayor Sandack said that challenges have been presented for the Festival by the additional residential property in the downtown area.
Commissioner Durkin commented on the loss of revenue and asked about increasing the rental space of booths and increasing the cost of the booths. Ms. Scalzetti said that booth costs were raised last year. She said they will review the fees and categories. Commissioner Durkin urged the Committee to review the fees. It is a very successful Festival and this is the livelihood of the vendors during the summer months. He asked how the residents in Acadia who have garages will get out of their garages. Ms. Scalzetti showed the proposed route on an overhead projection. The Manager said they would have full concrete barriers. Ms. Scalzetti also noted that the majority of vendors are local with only 25% coming from out-of-town.
Commissioner Beckman asked how competitive the Village’s Heritage Festival is in comparison to others. Ms. Scalzetti said staff has not done a comparison for a couple of years.
Commissioner Waldack commented that the reduced cost of booths to downtown businesses is a great idea, especially if it helps to keep the economy going overall in the community. He congratulated staff and Downtown Management for their efforts.
Commissioner Tully expressed his appreciation to Mary Scalzetti, the Community Events Commission, and the Downtown Management Corporation, as well as all of those who participate in meetings that resulted in these recommendations. They have all been charged to make Heritage Festival better, with a goal to break even. That limits creativity in some cases, and some suggestions come at a cost. He said they discussed the timeline for the implementation of some of the proposed changes. He noted that this is one of the last free festivals. Most of the other festivals have changed to gated and ticketed attendance.
Monthly Statistical Report – December 2007. The Manager said that much of the data in the report will also be in the Annual Report.
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting five items to the Council: 1) An ordinance amending catering license provisions; 2) A resolution authorizing execution of a contract between Astro Amusement Co. and the Village of Downers Grove; 3) A resolution accepting the preferred alternative in phase 3 of the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference Local Circulator Study; 4) An ordinance amending deck signage; and 5) An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit an accessory structure at 4923-4927 Seeley Avenue.
The Attorney asked the Council to consider a motion waiving the one-week waiting period to consider new business to approve the scope of the north St. Joseph Creek subwatershed C improvement project and to award contracts for four watershed improvement projects.
Commissioner Durkin moved to waive the one-week waiting period to consider the five items outlined by the Attorney. Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion.
Commissioner Tully objected to waiving the one-week period for Consent Agenda Items A and B, those affecting the St. Joseph’s Creek Watershed C. He has no problem with the others. He recognizes that they have to move with speed. He doesn’t think they have to move forward to the exclusion of all else. Given comments earlier tonight, he doesn’t see the harm of waiting a relatively brief period for Items A and B.
Commissioner Waldack said the resolutions are for design purposes only.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : Commissioner Tully
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
A. Approval of Scope of Stormwater Project: North St. Joseph Creek Subwatershed C Improvements. This approves the scope of the 15th high priority stormwater project that will be designed in 2008.
Commissioner Durkin moved to approve the scope of the 15th high priority stormwater project that will be designed in 2008. Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : Commissioner Tully
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
B. Contract Award: WIIP Projects Prentiss Creek Sub B, South St. Joseph Creek Sub J and Sunridge Watermain Replacement. This authorizes agreements between the Village of Downers Grove and Engineering Resources Associates for certain watershed improvement projects.
Commissioner Beckman moved to adopt “A Resolution Authorizing Execution of the Professional Services Agreements between the Village of Downers Grove and Engineering Resource Associates,” as presented. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Beckman, Waldack, Durkin, Neustadt, Tully; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : None
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
C. Contract Award: WIIP Projects St. Joseph North Sub C and St. Joseph North Sub E Improvements. * This authorizes agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for certain watershed improvement projects.
Commissioner Neustadt moved to adopt “A Resolution Authorizing Execution of the Professional Services Agreements between the Village of Downers Grove and Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.,” as presented. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.
Commissioner Tully said he was concerned with the timing, not the resolution.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Neustadt, Durkin, Beckman, Waldack; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : Commissioner Tully
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
D. Contract Award: WIIP Projects Dunham Place Storm Sewer Improvements. This authorizes an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and GC Engineering, Inc. for a certain watershed improvement project.
Commissioner Durkin moved to adopt “A Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Professional Services Agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and GC Engineering, Inc.,” as presented. Commissioner Beckman seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack, Tully; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : None
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
E. Contract Award: WIIP Projects Brooke Drive & Centre Circle, Parrish Court and Venard & Acorn, Barneswood (Saratoga to Highland) and Lacey Creek Retaining Wall. This authorizes agreements between the Village of Downers Grove and VC Companies of Illinois, Ltd. for Certain watershed improvement projects.
Commissioner Beckman moved to adopt “A Resolution Authorizing Execution of the Professional Services Agreements between the Village of Downers Grove and V3 Companies, Ltd.,” as presented. Commissioner Waldack seconded the motion.
VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Beckman, Waldack, Durkin, Neustadt, Tully; Mayor Sandack
NAYS : None
Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.
Commissioner Neustadt thanked Public Work for the excellent work they did on snow removal, as well as the Police and Fire Departments. He reminded everyone that it is unlawful to deposit snow on the roadways.
Commissioner Waldack said that the Finance and Administrative Committee met yesterday with staff and discussed the cash policy. They have outsourced work to PMA and talked about bringing it back in-house. He noted that Commissioner Durkin was very helpful with his banking expertise. They also discussed the travel and reimbursement policy. It was a very productive meeting and they will be bringing forth a resolution for Council consideration.
Commissioner Waldack then commented on transportation, saying that some people cannot make a 7:00 p.m. meeting. He also noted that they haven’t had a Coffee with the Council for a long time, and suggested that perhaps Peace Memorial could host a meeting. He then mentioned that in the Village Corner there is a statement that if someone has trouble attending a Village meeting, the Village can help. He asked what that means. The Manager responded that it means accessibility, not driving the residents to the meeting.
Mayor Sandack commented that having Coffee with the Council at Peace Memorial makes good sense and is a fine idea. He also asked staff to stay attuned to the Federal Reserve interest cuts and how the Village can capitalize on these.
1. Dr. Gordon Goodman , 5834 Middaugh, said that ownership transfer of the Blodgett House will occur on February 1 with plans to move it to the museum campus in the beginning of March. The budget for moving and restoring the house to its original state is about $187,000. They expect to be about $60,000 short and are talking to a local bank. Dr. Goodman said they had a good meeting with Mary Scalzetti to clarify the terms of the RFP for the Thursday Night Festival Concert. There were some issues that may need the Manager’s attention. He said that a year ago when they partnered with the Village, 100% of the ticket sales went to the vendor. Normally this is a 60% split to the Village with 40% to the vendor. Dr. Goodman suggested that this sharing arrangement could be changed to 30% to the Village and 70% to the vendor.
Mayor Sandack recommended they speak with the Village Manager or the Village Attorney.
2. Bill Wrobel , 7800 Queens Court, said he wanted to recognize Tom Dabareiner for his leadership regarding the 4929 Forest Avenue issue. Mr. Dabareiner mentioned that the developer had many violations and coming before the Council was a last ditch effort to get the developer to comply. He also recognized Commissioner Waldack’s attempt to address the construction materials. Mr. Wrobel said that Elaine Johnson has a blog with interesting comments made regarding the last two meetings.
Mr. Wrobel announced that the Downers Grove Coalition for Redevelopment is meeting at 7:00 tomorrow evening, Room 202 in Lincoln Center. He then recognized Downers Grove Television for the wonderful trailer they did on the Ice Sculpture Festival for February 8-10. They do a wonderful job.
Mayor Sandack repeated the announcement for the Ice Sculpture Festival to be held February 8-10, 2008. Mary Scalzetti said the theme is “Under the Big Top.” It is a National Championship and a two-day carving competition will be held Saturday and Sunday. There are 12-15 carvers already signed on.
There being no further discussion, the Workshop meeting was adjourned at 9:41 p.m.
April K. Holden Village Clerk tmh
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