January 08, 2008

Mayor Sandack called the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall. The Mayor led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Present:Mayor Ron Sandack; Commissioners Marilyn Schnell, Martin Tully, William Waldack, Sean P. Durkin, Geoff Neustadt, Bruce Beckman; Village Manager Cara Pavlicek; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca; Village Clerk April Holden


Visitors: Residents: Alex Martel, 1973 W. Roscoe, Chicago; Margy Sigerich, 5219 Grand Avenue; Frank Falesch, DG Watch, 820 Prairie; Bill Wrobel, DG Watch, 7800 Queens Court; Mike Prince, 4929 Forest, 4921 Forest; Marge Earl, 4720 Florence; Diane Duncan, Gleason Architects, 769 Heartland Drive; Manek Patel, Dunkin Donuts, 1511 Shiva Lane, Naperville Staff: Robin Weaver, Interim Director, Public Works; Bob Porter, Police Chief; Dave Fieldman, Deputy Village Manager; Phil Ruscetti, Fire Chief; Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager; Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development; Megan Bourke, Management Analyst; Mike Millette, Assistant Director, Public Works; Judy Buttny, Director, Finance; Brandon Deiter, Management Analyst; Mary Scalzetti, Director, Community Events; Naz Yetgen, Management Intern; Doug Kozlowski, Communications Director; Wes Morgan, Director, Human Resources; Andy Matejcak, Director, Counseling and Social Services

Mayor Sandack explained that Council Workshop meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are video taped live and for later cable cast over cable channel 6.

The Workshop meeting is intended to provide Council and the public with an appropriate forum for informal discussion of any items intended for future Council consideration or just for general information. No formal action is taken at Workshop meetings.

The public is invited to attend and encouraged to comment or ask questions in an informal manner on any of the items being discussed or on any other subject. The agenda is created to provide a guideline for discussion.


1. Active Agenda and Informational Items

Annexation with Rezoning of 4412 Cross Street . The Manager said this item would be discussed by Tom Dabareiner, Director, Community Development.

Tom Dabareiner , Director, Community Development, explained that this property is presently in unincorporated DuPage County, and upon annexation would be rezoned to B3 – General Services and Highway Business. He showed an aerial photograph of the unincorporated areas adjacent to the Village. The annexation will leave one area unincorporated. Mr. Dabareiner said that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Village’s Future Land Use Map, and the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. He noted that the Plan Commission recommends approval of this request and the Village staff concurs with that recommendation.

Commissioner Beckman asked about the testimony made at the Plan Commission meeting regarding low-lying areas and flooding. Mr. Dabareiner responded, saying that there is no LPDA or flood plain and no flooding history on the site.

Mayor Sandack noted that any development upon the site would have to comply with the stormwater requirements.

Commissioner Waldack said that the testimony presented noted that the property would be annexed and rezoned for business; however, no information was given as to the type of business that would be going onto that site. He said there is some concern about creating a buffer, but without knowledge of the type of business, they don’t know what kind of buffer is needed. He asked that Council consider including a statement in the annexation agreement giving the Village the opportunity to determine what type of buffer is required based on whatever business opens on the site. He asked that this be addressed.

Commissioner Tully said that the petitioner is requesting annexation and rezoning. He sees no reason to refuse the request for annexation. He added that the request for rezoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and the Ogden Avenue Master Plan. He is reluctant to require buffering based on speculation.

Commissioner Schnell noted that this parcel would probably be developed with additional parcels based on the map. She said that at the time development comes in, the concerns of Commissioner Waldack would be addressed. She said that the Village needs to be proactive if this comes back to the Council, noting for the record that Council members are concerned about buffering issues, especially for the parcels to the south.

Mayor Sandack said that the parcel to the north of the subject property is zoned County Business. He noted that other adjacent properties are Village B-3. The DuPage County properties to the south of the site are residential. He sees the request to rezone to B-3 as appropriate and believes they should move forward.

Commissioner Waldack said he realizes that the Village cannot propose specific buffering, but from the planning perspective, if it can be addressed as part of future actions, he’d like to see this done.

Mr. Dabareiner said that they can request buffering in the course of annexing the property. He said that perhaps they can further look into buffering requirements based on use.

Commissioner Tully noted that there are already specific uses allowed based on the zoning. The Village must be mindful of equal treatment of petitioners. If this is to be part of a larger PUD , then additional requirements could be included.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment Recycling Collection Facility. The Manager said Mr. Dabareiner would discuss this matter.

Mr. Dabareiner reviewed the ordinance amendment, saying that it would amend Chapter 28 with regard to a definition for recycling collection facilities. He reviewed the changes recommended, explaining the language came from the original ordinance considered earlier. The existing definition speaks of a facility; the amended ordinance broadens that to “sites.” It defines materials as, “limited to non-hazardous, nonspecial, homogeneous, nonputresable materials such as dry paper, glass, cans or plastic.” It does not include “general construction or demolition debris facilities as defined in 415 ILCS 5 /3.160, and transfer stations as defined by 415 ILCS 5 /3.500.” Mr. Dabareiner noted that the Plan Commission considered this amendment and unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance. Staff concurs with the Plan Commission’s recommendation.

Planned Development Amendment, Final Plat of Subdivision, Special Uses for a Drive-Through and Outdoor Cafe. The Manager asked Mr. Dabareiner to discuss this item.

Mr. Dabareiner said this is an amendment to Planned Development #8, Meadowbrook Phase II. It relates to creation of an outlot as a special use for a drive-through and outdoor café for Dunkin’ Donuts. He showed an overhead projection of the site with the proposed outlot location. The location chosen for the Dunkin’ Donuts would be off 63rd Street and would have a drive-through facility. Mr. Dabareiner said that there are a number of standards for approval of a Planned Development, three of which staff wanted the Council to consider: 1) Conformity with the planning objectives of the Village. Mr. Dabareiner said that staff doesn’t believe this complies with the goals of the Strategic Plan. He said this site is about two or three generations behind as a retail strip center. 2) Location is necessary or desirable. Staff said this is closely tied with the third item; 3) The proposal will not impede development and use of the adjacent land. Mr. Dabareiner said that staff sees this project as hindering development and/or use of the adjacent land by further carving up the property, thereby discouraging further redevelopment of the site. He noted that the Plan Commission recommended approval for this proposal with one dissenting vote. Staff desires a comprehensive improvement plan for this center and does not concur with the Plan Commission recommendation.

Commissioner Neustadt commented that the Village would like to see redevelopment of the whole site; but they owe it to Dunkin’ Donuts to explain the situation. The Village should not discourage Dunkin’ Donuts.

Commissioner Tully said he agrees that there is no concern with the petitioner or the proposed use. The parcel has long been a comprehensive planning goal of the Village. An intent to redevelop this entire area has been discussed for a long time. Commissioner Tully said he was concerned whether the criteria for Section 28.1607 have been met, and understands the concerns of staff regarding piecemeal development. He stated that he was pleased to see the correspondence from the property owner regarding a desire to do a comprehensive redevelopment. At this time he has a problem seeing whether broader objectives and goals have been met.

Commissioner Waldack agrees with the comments made by Commissioners Neustadt and Tully. He asked whether the Dunkin’ Donuts could be constructed without subdividing the property, and he understands that they would have to make an amendment to the PUD to allow another primary structure. Mr. Dabareiner said it is the further subdivision of the property that is of concern. Commissioner Waldack said he agrees with staff’s recommendation.

Commissioner Schnell agrees with the comments made but said the Village owes it to Dunkin’ Donuts to explain why. There has to be a comprehensive plan for the site.

Commissioner Beckman concurs with the opinions expressed, saying that one positive note may be that they have the attention of the owner of this property.

Commissioner Durkin asked whether the staff has communicated with Dunkin’ Donuts as to the Village’s desires. Mr. Dabareiner said he has not communicated with the Dunkin’ Donuts, but has communicated with the property owner and the developer. The Manager said that staff will communicate with Dunkin’ Donuts.

Commissioner Durkin recommended working the petition into the proposed plan.

Mayor Sandack said that the Village wants to have good development occur, and in this specific case, would like to see comprehensive redevelopment of the site. The owner of the property has had a great cooperative attitude and is willing to participate. He sees this as leading to more conversation with the owner of this site.

Commissioner Tully said that the Village funds the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) as a separate body and contributes a fair amount of resources to the EDC . This particular petition is an effort to steer this property toward a vibrant commercial corridor. He said that the Village’s reluctance should not be viewed as the Village being anti-business, because the Village’s goal is to have a vibrant commercial community.

3. Consent Agenda Items

Approval of Scope of FY08 Stormwater Projects. The Manager said Deputy Village Manager Dave Fieldman would discuss this matter along with item b.

Authorize the Village Manager to Negotiate Contracts for Engineering Design Services for FY08 Stormwater Projects .

Deputy Village Manager Dave Fieldman covered items a. and b., saying that there are two Village Council actions pending. One is to approve the scope of the actual projects to be undertaken this year, and to authorize the Village Manager to negotiate engineering design services. He said that the Village actions include awarding design services contracts, resident engineer contracts, and construction contracts, as well as issuing bonds. He summarized the schedule and process including approval of the Watershed Infrastructure Improvement Plan, the Community Investment Plan, the FY 08 budget, neighborhood review and scope approval, the design and construction plans. Mr. Fieldman said an important aspect of what has already been done was conducting meetings to obtain neighborhood input and review of the proposed plans. He then reviewed the schedule and process for the Stormwater Projects, and outlined the proposed 2008 schedule. The approval for design services by the Council is scheduled for January 22, followed by approval of the engineering plan in approximately 90 days. The bidding process takes about one month, with construction taking 8-10 months. He noted that there are 11 projects in this calendar year. Four projects will take most of 2008 to prepare the design work, due to their complexity.

Mr. Fieldman said that staff sent out 1,400 letters to residents for meetings, and presented plans for the projects on the Village’s website. There is agreement on the scope of the 14 projects under consideration and the Stormwater and Flood Plan Oversight Committee has concurred with those projects. There is one project pending. He said that the selection process for engineering services has been done according to State law. The Village is looking for firms with a history of quality performance, experience in Stormwater Design and the DuPage County Stormwater Ordinance, and an ability to adhere to the schedule. Six firms responded to the Village’s letters of interest. Staff is recommending negotiation with five design firms, and hopes to present the contracts on January 22. There will be 13 contracts for consideration.

Mayor Sandack said he prefers to see an aggressive timeline to a passive one. The Village Council has listened to the concerns of the residents and knows this has to be addressed.

Commissioner Schnell said that staff has done a great job. She is happy that they reached out to the residents, and added that the Stormwater and Flood Plan Oversight Committee also did a great job.

Commissioner Waldack expressed his appreciation to staff for adding the public input portion to this project. He said that the list of requirements is excellent and he is glad to see the concept of the report card.

Commissioner Beckman said this is an excellent presentation, and asked whether staff has any sense of skills for contractors doing the work. Mr. Fieldman said that the work is complex, but standard. They don’t anticipate any issues with the worker qualifications, or with finding a firm.

Commissioner Durkin said that it is outstanding to involve the residents in this process. He asked how the 13 jobs would be divided up between the five engineering firms. Mr. Fieldman said it will not be a bid process per se. Staff will try to match the Village’s needs with the skills of the firms, together with the availability of the firms, staff concerns, etc. He indicated that Mike Millette, Assistant Director, Public Works, will align the proper firm with the appropriate project.

Commissioner Tully congratulated staff for their work in this process. He noted that approximately one year after the stormwater report was issued, the process is in place to move forward. He thanked staff for their extraordinary efforts to move forward and to notify the affected residents. He asked about the meeting held last Monday. Mr. Fieldman said they had a handful of residents in attendance but expect more to attend on January 10.

Commissioner Tully said the second item is authorization for the Manager to negotiate contracts for the firms. The Council will have an opportunity to review the contracts before anything is authorized. This is a professional services contract, which is dealt with differently than the usual bid process. He recommended that language be included to this effect on the green sheets, to explain why it is not going out for competitive bid.

The Mayor said that the process is an important thing. Staff implemented notice to residents to participate in this process, and it is important to recognize that the residents have knowledge about areas that they can share with the staff. He noted that the projects proposed are on the website with the pertinent information. Mayor Sandack pointed out that the Village Council agreed to raise taxes for this specific purpose. The Village is on schedule to provide some relief to the residents. He asked for regular reporting on the status of the projects, as has been done with the parking deck and with the fire station.

4929 Forest Avenue Building Modifications (Ord. #4760). The Manager said Mr. Dabareiner will discuss this matter.

Mr. Dabareiner said that staff is seeking a motion by the Council to concur with the recommendation that changes to the outside of this building substantially conform to the approved plans. He reviewed the changes proposed, which include changing brick to stucco. Brick was approved, but stucco was installed. In addition the roofline is different than originally approved. He showed thee elevations of various sites of the building, pointing out where brick versus stucco changes were made. He said that good progress has been made on the site in the last month. Mr. Dabareiner noted that some of the changes remain significant. Staff believes the revised elevations do substantially conform to the spirit of the plans. He explained that had the designs, as changed, been submitted today, staff believes that they still would have recommended moving forward with the proposed design.

Bill Wrobe l, 7800 Queens Court, said he has taken interest in this project on behalf of the Downers Grove Redevelopment Coalition. It is a major and independent project. Mr. Wrobel said he researched the matter and saw the deviations that were pointed out by Mr. Dabareiner. He thought some matters could have been addressed in a more timely fashion, and that the Village was remiss in not keeping a tighter lock on the project. He sees this as a band-aid. He sees this as an area where the Village could do better.

Commissioner Schnell said she finds this disturbing in that it could set a dangerous precedent and sends a message to developers who may want to cut corners. She said that there is a process whereby the developer could come before the Council to seek relief, but in this case the developer chose to do what he wanted to do. She finds this objectionable, saying they should look at this from the view of how this can harm the community.

Commissioner Waldack agreed with Commissioner Schnell, saying that there has been a history to this project where the residents have been affected. The Council allowed variances on this project and there was a considerable amount of discussion about how this would look in the downtown area. He saw the history of the project as very disturbing, saying perhaps it could have been addressed had it come back to them sooner. He sees this as sending a message to the developers that you can break the rules and get permission later. He asked that this issue be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Commissioner Beckman asked whether there was a means to establish forms of remediation. Mr. Dabareiner said there was a means, and the staff took advantage of the options they had. He said the most obviously would be red-tagging the building to stop work on the project. He indicated that staff was out there fairly regularly, and utilized the tools available with the only remaining option being going to Court.

Commissioner Durkin asked how this got past the staff. He referenced Mr. Dabareiner’s information regarding the roof, and asked what was learned from this. Mr. Dabareiner said he is conducting an internal investigation to find the timeline regarding inspections. He indicated that some issues are more difficult to catch than others. Commissioner Durkin asked for a report on his findings.

Commissioner Tully said this has to be broken into two pieces—where we are today, and how did we get here. He thinks staff has been out and paying attention to this parcel and project, and a number of corrections were required and made. He doesn’t want to tar and feather anyone. Sometimes, in the professional judgment of the staff, changes need to be made. He then asked, if the Council votes “no”, does it the Village file a suit and not issue occupancy permits, asking that the building be rebuilt? Commissioner Tully asked whether the building as built is acceptable. He thinks that it is. However, he shares the frustration of his colleagues in terms of how they got to this point. He believes the Village has to figure out better ways for developers to seek permission, rather than forgiveness. He shares the sentiment that the Village should learn from this, and urged his colleagues to be practical. He suggested considering ways that might have a financial component to them to encourage developers to follow the requirements.

Commissioner Neustadt said that Section 3 of the ordinance provides for violations and penalties. He asked whether staff has explored fining the developer, and if the Village is contacted by others for references regarding this developer, he would suggest giving them a failing grade.

The Mayor said that no one likes having this discussion—neither the staff, the developer nor the residents. The question isn’t extracting retribution, but where they are at this point. He asked if this was a failure in process, as he’s not ready to accept that as yet. He believes they should learn from this going forward. Litigation is unacceptable, and he agrees that the Village should not be in a position to forgive versus permitting. He said the building in his opinion is not awful and there are no life safety issues here. It is substantially in compliance according to staff. He doesn’t know what alternative there is. This will be on next week’s Active Agenda rather than the Consent Agenda.

2008 Community Grants Program. The Manager said $79,200 is being requested for grants for not-for-profit agencies that have applied for financial support.

Mayor Sandack thanked Commissioners Tully and Neustadt, saying this is not an easy process, but there was a very smooth hand off.

Commissioner Neustadt thanked Commissioner Tully for spending Saturday in meetings on this, as well as the community members and Sue Brassfield for her work. He said that they had discussion of the program as a whole. They will look at some possible revisions in the process, saying that all applicants who appear before the Commission have been worthy, but there are always more requests than there is money available.

Commissioner Schnell said that Commissioner Neustadt shared with the Council the idea of looking at the Committee and the process, and making it more transparent. A ranking system was suggested for the applications to provide applicants with a clearer understanding of the process.

Commissioner Beckman said that in reviewing the materials he had a series of questions. He has discussed these with the Manager and staff, and would like to share that information with Commissioner Neustadt.

Commissioner Tully extended his appreciation to the Committee members, saying that the Committee is looking for guidance from the Council, and it has not been forthcoming. He said that one of the problems concerns the history of the Community Grants Commission and its criteria. There are always more requests than there are funds available. Better direction needs to come from the Council. Commissioner Tully offered to facilitate discussion among the Commission members. With regard to transparency, the process is very transparent. The meetings are open meetings. The applicant can ask questions and stay through all of the deliberations.

Commissioner Schnell said that groups that do not get funding or only get partial funding deserve to have some explanation as to how that decision was made.

The Mayor asked that any ideas be shared with Commissioner Neustadt.

Bid: Tree and Stump Removal Contract. The Manager said staff is recommending Council award a contract for tree and stump removal services to Homer Tree Care, Inc. of Lockport, Illinois, in the amount of $230,574.

Bid: Mowing Services. The Manager said the bid from TLC Group, Ltd., was in the amount of $31,052.28.

Commissioner Neustadt asked whether the Village has equipment to mow its own lawns in house, and the Manager said she would look into that and provide a response.

Office Supplies. The Manager said staff is requesting approval of a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement for an Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with US Communities. Staff is the requesting approval of a purchasing contract for office supplies from Office Depot through the agreement with US Communities. The agreement with US Communities allows for deeper discounts than the Village could obtain on its own with Office Depot. The Village spends $75,000 on office supplies annually.

Commissioner Durkin asked if this would consolidate all of the supplies into one vendor.

The Manager said currently the Village worked with one vendor, but this would allow for a greater discount. The Manager said that Office Depot would be the primary vendor, but there may be times when specific products may have to be purchase from another vendor. The goal, however, is to minimize the vendors.

Commissioner Durkin thanked Financial Director Buttny and her staff for doing this. It provides a better record of what is being spent and supplies being used.

Commissioner Waldack referenced an article in their packets regarding “Going Green with Office Supplies,” and going through a consortium. He said that Office Depot and its cooperative intergovernmental agreement was referenced. He urged the people to read the article.

Joint Purchase of Electric Services from State Contract. The Manager said that this resolution would execute an agreement for joint purchase through the State of Illinois for electric services. It would refer to areas where the Village pays for electrical services.

Beer Garden Vendor Contract . The Manager said a resolution has been prepared to authorize an agreement with the Downers Grove Rotary Club to operate as the vendor of the Beer Garden at the 2008 Heritage Festival.

Heritage Festival – Bingo Vendor Contract Extension. The Manager said a resolution has been prepared to authorize an extension of the 2007 agreement with the Century Post #503 Veterans of Foreign Wars to operate as the vendor of the Bingo Tent games at the 2008 Heritage Festival.

Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Construction Materials Testing Services for Fire Station 2. The Manager said this is an extension to the existing professional services agreement with Geocon of Oak Forest, Illinois for construction materials testing for Fire Station 2. She indicated that this amendment would result in the contract not-to-exceed amount being increased from $35,000 to $50,000.

The Mayor said that the Council talked about this with the owner’s representative and the need for this independent testing.

Employee Training Institute Days. The Manager said this would allow the closure of offices to the public on President’s Day and Veteran’s Day to hold training twice a year. Staff training would be conducted on those days.

Commissioner Durkin asked about notification. The Manager said that staff would like to request this annually. These would be non-vacation days.

Commissioner Schnell said this is an innovative way to train the staff. She suggested that staff attempt to track complaints. The Manager said they could be tracked through VOC . Commissioner Schnell said that people come to buy parking passes and staff would need to check on that issue.

Commissioner Waldack asked about the schedule for the Council if one of these days is a Tuesday. The Manager said Council has traditionally met if one of these days falls on a Tuesday.


Manager Pavlicek said that the November Statistical Report is in their packets.

The Mayor said that the statistical report is new, lays out monthly requests, calls made to the Manager, permits requested, call outs, etc.

Commissioner Tully said this is a useful tool and asked when the Council can expect final sales tax figures. The Manager said that can be provided by the end of the week. It can also be included in the December report.

Commissioner Tully noted that the line item for fines is $200,000 more than budgeted. The Manager said she would have staff look into that and provide information.

Commissioner Beckman referred to Page 11, Information Services, asking if they can measure the duration of the visit. The Manager said staff will look review this.


Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting ten items to the Council: 1) An ordinance annexing 4412 Cross Street to the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois; 2) An ordinance amending the comprehensive zoning ordinance of the Village of Downers Grove, Illinois, codified as Chapter 28 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, as amended, to rezone property located at 4412 Cross Street; 3) An ordinance amending the zoning code definition of “Recycling Collection Facility;” 4) An ordinance approving a final planned development amendment to Planned Development #8 to permit a restaurant with drive through and outdoor café; 5) An ordinance authorizing special uses for Planned Development #8 to permit a restaurant with drive-through and outdoor café; 6) A resolution approving the final plat of resubdivision for the 63rd Street Dunkin Donuts Subdivision; 7) A resolution authorizing execution of registration between the Village of Downers Grove and US Communities; 8) A resolution authorizing participation in a joint purchasing act; 9) A resolution authorizing execution of an addendum agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and the Downers Grove Rotary Club; and 10) A resolution authorizing execution of an extension to the contract between the Village of Downers Grove and Century Post #503 Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Ms. Petrarca asked the Council to consider waiving the one-week waiting period to consider new business to authorize Payroll Claim Ordinance No. 5723, December 21, 2007 and List of Bills Payable No. 5704, January 8, 2008.

Commissioner Tully moved to waive the one-week waiting period to consider new business. Commissioner Durkin seconded the motion.

VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Tully, Durkin, Beckman, Neustadt, Waldack, Schnell; Mayor Sandack

NAYS : None

Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.

Commissioner Tully moved to authorize Payroll Claim Ordinance No. 5723, December 21, 2007 and List of Bills Payable No. 5704, January 8, 2008.

Commissioner Tully noted that this is necessary as the Council has not met for two weeks due to the Christmas and New Year holidays, and bills must be paid.

VOTE : AYES : Commissioners Tully, Schnell, Beckman, Neustadt, Durkin, Waldack; Mayor Sandack

NAYS : None

Mayor Sandack declared the Motion passed.


Commissioner Waldack expressed his appreciation regarding the mindset on report cards. He note that sometimes the lowest bid doesn’t get the contract, and asked about interviewing or surveying firms about our process. He asked whether the Village may be missing out because of something in the Village’s process.

Commissioner Schnell said that the Ad Hoc Housing Committee met last night and discussed three questions posed to them. They will discuss the preliminary plan at their February 11 meeting.

Commissioner Durkin said that the Downtown Management Corporation is relocating to 933A Curtiss Street. They are having an event at Stillwater’s tomorrow night with proceeds to go to defer the costs of the move. The event is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., and those interested may call Linda Kunze.

Commissioner Tully extended wishes for a Happy New Year, noting it marked the end of the Village’s 175th anniversary year. He thanked everyone who helped make this a wonderful celebration of the Village’s anniversary. He extended thanks to everyone, noting Doug Kozlowski, for making it such as successful celebration. He said they have to find a new “In” slogan for 2008.

Mayor Sandack also extended his thanks to staff and everyone involved in the 175th anniversary celebration. The Mayor said that on Sunday, the 7th annual Mayor’s Good Will Classic was held. It’s the basketball tournament sponsored by the Voglers, Mullins and their volunteers. Jefferson won over O’Neil, and it was a great day of basketball.

Mayor Sandack said that he attended a meeting with staff and State Representatives regarding the next steps for the Belmont Underpass. He indicated that they have made a lot of progress, and the funding is in place, save for one element. The purpose of the meeting was to get everyone together and participate in creating a coordinated plan and appeal for the funding. They are now moving from concept to implementation. He said it is important to hold all the parties involved accountable.


Frank Falesch , 820 Prairie, complimented Deputy Village Manager Fieldman and the staff regarding the stormwater program. He asked about the situation at Lee and Ogden. The Manager said that they are probably 45 days out from knowing what the petitioner wants to do. Mr. Falesch said it would be a perfect spot for Luxury Motors. He has some problems with the original plan, which puts too much weight on residential and won’t create revenue. He noted also that Ogden Avenue has a lot of empty stores.

There being no further discussion, the Workshop meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

April K. Holden Village Clerk tmh

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