May 24, 2005

Mayor Pro Tem Tully called the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 5:44 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall.

Present:Commissioners Marilyn Schnell, Martin Tully, Sue McConnell (by phone), Ron Sandack; Village Manager Riccardo Ginex; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, Village Clerk April Holden

Absent: Mayor Brian Krajewski, Commissioners Stan Urban and William Waldack

Mayor Pro Tem Tully asked for a Motion to move into Executive Session. Commissioner Schnell moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2©(6) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to consider setting a price for sale or lease of property. Commissioner Sandack seconded the Motion.

VOTE : AYE – Commissioners Schnell, Sandack, McConnell, Mayor Pro Tem Tully NAY – None

Mayor Tully declared the Motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session at 5:45 p.m.

Mayor Krajewski reconvened the Workshop meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Village Hall.

Present:Mayor Brian Krajewski; Commissioners Marilyn Schnell, Sue McConnell (by phone), Martin Tully, Ron Sandack, Stan Urban, William Waldack; Village Manager Riccardo Ginex; Village Attorney Enza Petrarca; Village Clerk April Holden


Visitors: Press: Kevin Stahr, Downers Grove Reporter Residents: Dr. Gordon Goodman, 5834 Middaugh; Dave Humphreys (Community Grants Commission) 4221 Saratoga; Christine Fregeau, 1918 Elmore; Martin & Loretta Barrett, 4911 Highland; Denise McCann, 4945 Highland; Stephen Jagielo, 4908 Highland; Daniel H. Myers, 4920 Highland; Vincent Barrett, 4921 Highland; Bill Barrett, 4911 Highland; Mike Parillo, 1409 Ridgewood Circle; William Ponstein, 6012 Hillcrest Staff: Police Dept.: Jim Niehls, Deputy Chief Pam Church, Lt. Tim Gunn; Fire Dept.: Deputy Chief Bob Tutko, Chief Phil Ruscetti; Public Works: Assistant Director Stan Balicki, Assistant Director Mike Millette, Water Manager Dave Bird, Traffic Manager Dorin Fera, Sr. Engineer Brian Parks, Director Dave Barber; Mary Scalzetti, Director, Tourism & Events; Doug Kozlowski, Director, Marketing & Media; Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager; Keith Sbiral, Director, Planning & Community Development

Mayor Krajewski explained that Council Workshop meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are video taped live and for later cable cast over cable channel 6.

The Workshop meeting is intended to provide Council and the public with an appropriate forum for informal discussion of any items intended for future Council consideration or just for general information. No formal action is taken at Workshop meetings.

The public is invited to attend and encouraged to comment or ask questions in an informal manner on any of the items being discussed or on any other subject. The agenda is created to provide a guideline for discussion.


Manager Ginex noted that Item #7 regarding the Sidewalk Café Ordinance is being removed from the Agenda this evening.

Consent Agenda Items

Bid: 1-Ton Dump Bodies and Service Truck Bodies. The Village Manager said this item is a recommendation to purchase the items in the amount of $180,482 replacing 1990 and 1991 models.

Bid: Public Works Materials (various items). The Manager said staff recommends awarding the asphalt contract to K-Five in the amount of $39,405; Redi-mix from Meyer Material in the amount of $20,878; and fire hydrants from Mid-American Water in the amount of $34,400.

Bid: Fire Department Accessories. The Manager asked Bob Tutko, Deputy Fire Chief to address this item.

Deputy Fire Chief BobTutko said that in February or March approval was obtained for the clothing items through Louis Tailors and Menswear, and Holy Cow Sports. He is back for accessory items because the vendors were asked to attend a pre-bid conference, and only the two afore-mentioned vendors attended. Therefore, items were put out for bid again.

Active Agenda and Informational Items

Downtown Rezoning. The Manager asked Keith Sbiral, Director, Planning & Community Development, to address this item.

Keith Sbiral , Director of Planning and Community Development, said that the items before the Council concern the downtown rezoning project. He said the four items include an update of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) for the downtown area, an update of the text of the Zoning Ordinance for the downtown area, an update of the actual Zoning Map, and an update to the Municipal Code.

Mr. Sbiral said that staff, the Land Use Review Task Force as well as planning and legal consultants reviewed the Code in an effort to simplify it and make it more user-friendly to land-owners and land-developers. He described the downtown zoning districts as they presently exist, and how the project concentrates them into two districts: DB (downtown business which is related to the former CBD ), and the DT (downtown transition, or the former CCA ). He said a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on April 13 unanimously recommending approval of the rezoning plan. There was discussion on the Highland and Rogers parcels which contain special use for a parking lot. After review, staff proposed that the parcel should become a commercial zoned and land use area. Residents appeared at the Plan Commission and discussed it, with the result being a recommendation to have the land use remain residential with the R-5 zoning designation.

Mr. Sbiral said that in regard to the structure of the ordinance, items which were spread out through the document are now located in one place, and much easier to find. As for the boundary area, staff walked the downtown area to be sure that land use and zoning are consistent and not creating any nonconformities.

Commissioner Schnell said she concurred with the parcels remaining residential. She said there is a special use there. She asked about the maps, noting that there is a sliver of an R-5 zoning which is in the Prince Pond area and would take R-5 into parkway area. She asked if that is in or out. Mr. Sbiral said in reviewing ownership, it is owned by one owner, so they maintained common zoning. Commissioner Schnell said she is concerned with encroachment of R-5 into the Prince Pond area, and would not want to see townhouses along the Parkway Drive. Mr. Sbiral used the overhead map to clarify the property in question, stating that the lot in question would not be developable. Commissioner Schnell said that neighborhood is so unique with an historic significance, and she has a problem with that one lot in that it could open up adverse possibilities. She suggested leaving it as R-4, single-family, so the residents realize that the Council does not want that area to be changed. She said that on one of the maps that parcel shows up as R-5, while it does not show up on another.

Mr. Sbiral said that the land use is single-family in that area and the R-5 question occurred because of an ownership question.

Mayor Krajewski asked about R-6 zoning surrounding the downtown area. He referred to items shown on the map on the overhead. Mr. Sbiral said there has been no change to the Highland area which is R-6.

Village Attorney Enza Petrarca stated that they only looked at the downtown area. They did not look to rezone the residential areas outside of the CBD .

Commissioner Urban said that the area on Highland should be R-5. He is also very concerned about the Parkway Drive parcel, and if someone were to accumulate parcels in that area, they could construct townhomes. He noted that work of some type is occurring in that area right now. He lived adjacent to the property at 1217 Parkway. The house is built right on the lot line. Mr. Sbiral said he thought it could be left the way it is without causing too much of a problem. If a petition were to come in the Village would probably recommend having common zoning throughout the entire area. Commissioner Urban would prefer to see that parcel remain as R-4.

Commissioner Sandack said that the goal was obviously to simplify and put the zoning districts and uses in one place. He feels that the work reflects diligent and thoughtful work on the issue.

Commissioner Waldack said he did not know there would be height recommendation changes, moving from 60’ to 70’, and asked whether there were any 70’ buildings there now. Mr. Sbiral said that Immanuel Residences and Station Crossing both are at 70’. He further responded that this provides consistency with the current zoning. Commissioner Waldack said he is glad to see that the Plan Commission responded positively to the residents’ concerns.

Commissioner McConnell also concurred with the concerns expressed on the Parkway corner and she believes it should not be part of the transition. She said that at Mackie Place, the transition district seems to go all the way to Maple, asking if that is because of the apartment building now. Mr. Sbiral said that is correct, and they tried to make it consistent with what exists there now.

The Mayor asked what would happen if a townhouse were brought in for that corner. He asked what would happen with two different zonings. Mr. Sbiral said they would probably bring it in as a special use under the new Code. They would probably have to request a rezoning. Attorney Petrarca said that typically they would have to rezone that parcel.

Dr. Gordon Goodman , 5834 Middaugh, asked for the overhead to be displayed again, and asked about the significant of the DB and DT zoning, asking whether the approved ordinance will remove all the current zoning categories in these districts, substituting a unique new set of zoning categories in the area. The Mayor said that was correct. Dr. Goodman asked if both designations would permit both residential and business. Mr. Sbiral responded that the DB permits residential primarily with special use, and the DT is a residentially based zoning district. Dr. Goodman asked if the designations are determined by special use ordinances that the Council would pass, or are they rights-of-property under this zoning. Attorney Petrarca said they are included in this ordinance.

Dr. Goodman asked for clarification as to whether special use is required for all residential use in the business district, or can residential uses take place without a special use ordinance. Mr. Sbiral said that in the DB district, they are all commercial uses. Residential uses listed as special uses are residential multi-family dwellings. As for the DT, downtown transition district, residential permitted uses are single-family dwellings, attached single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, row houses and townhouses.

Dr. Goodman then asked whether there are commercial uses permitted in the transition district. His feeling is that the Council should have some control rather than have blanket districts. Mr. Sbiral read the list of permitted uses in the DT district.

Dr. Goodman said he thought it necessary to look at the property rights being conferred upon property owners, and said he thought this might require some fine tuning. He added that he agrees with preserving the lot on Prince Pond as a regular zoning area rather than transitional zoning. The corner is a potential PUD , and could lend itself to a detailed plan that would make it possible to develop the property. Dr. Goodman said he considered it important that this piece of property maintain its residential zoning. He believes there should be a buffer between the high density development and the Prince Pond area. He also suggested that the Village look at the downtown transition zoning areas along Maple touching Mackie, as he does not see consideration of the historic preservation included in the ordinance. He noted that there is a court-imposed apartment building located there; however, he said they should consider whether the DT zoning is in the best interest of Maple Avenue.

Commissioner Tully discussed the permitted uses in the DT district in proposed Section 14©(3). He said one use permitted included personal grooming services and asked whether they were defined elsewhere. Attorney Petrarca said they are not specifically. Commissioner Tully said he would like that information.

Emergency Response Fees. The Manager asked Deputy Fire Chief Bob Tutko to address this matter.

Deputy Fire Chief Bob Tutko said this ordinance amends the emergency response fee for the Fire Department.

Mayor Krajewski said there is reference to the 1993 non-residence fee. Deputy Chief Tutko said residents began receiving billing for the ambulance service in 2001. The Mayor then asked for a copy of the Naperville survey, saying he is looking for the other fees apart from ambulance fees and whether they are typical for other communities as well. Deputy Chief Tutko said many communities are billing for non-traditional items that the departments did at one time for free. Mayor Krajewski asked that the information be sent to the Council.

Commissioner Schnell said she has a problem with the fees, as they seem excessive. She believes $500 for an ambulance fee is high for a resident. Deputy Chief Tutko said that is what the current fee is now, saying they are amending the fees now to roll them all into one fee.

Commissioner Schnell asked what percentage insurance pays. Deputy Chief Tutko said 100% to 50%. He noted that the Village Manager can waive the fee. Commissioner Schnell asked for clarification that if the insurance doesn’t cover the cost, the intent was to write off the remainder. Deputy Chief Tutko said they still do that for residents. As for other fees, they are recoverable. He said that the Fire Departments have missed this for a number of years. FEMA has suggested that these fees be recovered by the Fire Departments. Commissioner Schnell asked that they find out before this is voted upon how much of this is actually recoverable.

Commissioner McConnell said that the majority of health plans providing coverage for employees are paying 80%+ on emergency response fees. There is usually a $100 deductible.

Commissioner Schnell said she would like to check on that. This is very hard to swallow. People are paying taxes to pay for this, and she is concerned that their insurance rates will go up if they use these services. She would like to hear this from an agent.

The Mayor said that if every insurance company is charged, the rates will be affected. He then asked about extrication. Deputy Tutko said that involves taking cutting tools out and using them to cut away the vehicle area.

Commissioner Urban asked how many extrications were done over the last 3-5 years. Deputy Tutko said over the figures of last year it would have resulted in an additional $20,000 to the Village. For comparison, the fee the Department is assessed every year for ambulance costs and repair of ancillary equipment is about $13,000 and, another $7,000 for repair and update of the cardiac monitors. The auto extrication and car fires fee would pay for those two items. He said he would provide the actual number of extrications over the last 2-3 years.

Commissioner Tully asked the Manager to have information pulled from the Community Response Center system with respect to the number of complaints to any EMS fees charges.

Commissioner Waldack said he doesn’t like the idea of charging residents fees when they are also paying taxes. He recalled an accident in Wisconsin some years ago where the first things family members received after burying the victims were bills from their town. Deputy Tutko explained that bills are not sent when there is a loss of life involved. Commissioner Waldack also recommended that staff check what Medicare pays. He further suggested that taxpayers should be allowed one or two free calls. Deputy Tutko said this administration did not come up with the fee structure. It has been in place for many years, as it has in other communities as well. The fee systems help offset some of the costs.

The Mayor said he shares some of the concerns mentioned, but added that the Village is different from some of the neighboring communities. The Village property taxes only cover 16%-20% of the costs to run the Fire and Police Department, as opposed to Woodridge, or Darien or Lisle where taxes fund 100% for the police and fire services. The Mayor also said he favors user-based fees.

Commissioner Sandack said that he agreed with the Mayor that less and less of the property taxes go to pay the police and fire costs. Commissioner Sandack said that they need to look at this collectively, and determine whether there is a phasing or a la carte component to this. He said they cannot continually raise property taxes; however, these costs continue to escalate.

Commissioner Schnell said she appreciates that this is being brought forward. She said she thought there is a difference in charging a booking fee for someone arrested for a DUI , and in charging an extrication fee to someone who is in an accident through no fault of their own. The question is how much is too much, or is anything too much to charge.

The Mayor asked if there is any problem with imposing fees on non-residents only, and Attorney Petrarca said there is not. The Village has that right. The Mayor said perhaps they can phase this in by charging non-residents first.

Commissioner McConnell said they need to look at this in two sections. Section A is changing fees related to the current EMS fees and simplifying the structure. Sections B & C can be looked at in terms of what the Village can be reimbursed from the insurance company. She suggested Catherine Loney might have additional information that would be helpful.

The Mayor suggested looking at Section B & C in conjunction with overall property taxes.

Commissioner Tully said if the entire operation of the Fire Department were paid through property taxes, and then the Village added these fees it would be one thing, but that is not what happens. The Village is not dependent upon only one revenue source. The question is whether you shift the burden to those who use it more than others. He is sensitive to the issue. He wants everyone to understand that the entire operation of the Fire and Police Departments are not being funded by property taxes and the fees are there to fill the gap.

The Mayor asked Commissioners Tully and Sandack to put together scenarios of what the taxes would be if the Police and Fire departments were 100% funded by property taxes.

Commissioner Waldack said that they would be remiss if the insurance companies were willing to pay some of these costs and the Village passed up the opportunity.

Dr. Gordon Goodman , 5834 Middaugh, said he is in agreement with the analysis of tapping the revenue source of third party payers. He said it is important to establish a cost for ambulance services. Dr. Goodman said the Village is attempting to move ahead on this and that is good. He said his experience is that Medicare pays 80% of the ambulance costs. He said he is one of those who thinks that the Village has unnaturally kept the property taxes low, and more support for Village services should come from property taxes.

Deputy Tutko noted that the Fire Department again received the Joseph Hartman award for EMS excellence by Good Samaritan Hospital. This is the first time an agency has won the award two years back to back in 21 years.

Administrative Fees: Tows & Booking Fees. The Manager asked Deputy Police Chief Pam Church to discuss this matter.

Deputy Chief Pam Church said these ordinances request recovery of expenses and establishing administrative fees. They include a $500 fee for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Licenses Suspended (DWLS) and Driving While License Revoked (DWLR). Statistics show that in 2004 that there were 501 DWLS /DWLR arrests and 431 DUI arrests within the Village. Of the DUI arrests, 73% were non-residents, and 78% of the DWLS /DWLR arrests were also non-residents. The Police Department believes the fee holds the arrestee accountable and sends a message that this will not be tolerated in the Village.

The Mayor asked what happens to the car now. Deputy Church said the Police tow it and charge the owner. They also store the car. The towing company charges $100 per contract. In some cases the Village seizes the car and holds it until the fee is received. There were over 900 offenses last year. Deputy Church said that staff evaluated what other communities charge for the same offenses. She said the Village projects about $250,000 of revenue, based on a full fiscal year, if the ordinance is passed.

Mayor Krajewski asked about the hearing officer and outside prosecutor and whether they can be from the same firm. Attorney Petrarca said they hire from different firms. She said that they can add the outside prosecutor to the RFP if it is determined to be needed. Deputy Church said they are asking $3500 for a hearing officer and $3500 for the prosecutor. They anticipate one hearing date per month.

The Mayor asked if there are plans for the revenue. Deputy Chief Church said the amount was included in the budget as a projection on the revenue side. Mayor Krajewski said he would like information as to other projected revenue. Deputy Chief Church said that there is $45,000 for booking fees as well.

Mike Baker , Assistant Village Manager, said staff discussed these initiatives. He needs to verify whether these were put in the budget. The Mayor asked that they check for others as well, and asked for the information this week.

In response to Commissioner Sandack, Deputy Church said that the majority of the revenue source would come from non-residents.

Commissioner McConnell said in this case the real issue is to provide a deterrent to the offenders, and increase the safety of the community.

Commissioner Schnell said she received e-mails from residents regarding efforts to bring the number of DUIs down, and she thinks this ordinance will serve to do this further.

Commissioner Waldack had previously asked, of the 431 DUI arrests last year, how many were convicted. He said that information he received in response to that question was not clear cut. He has a problem with treating arrestees as criminals since they were not yet found guilty. He asked if there is any chance that the arrestees assessed the fine are not guilty. Deputy Church said this is a civil or administrative system which is outside the venue of the criminal court, and the arrest is based on probable cause. Attorney Petrarca said that the hearing officer would have the discretion to rule against the Village if no probable cause is found.

The Mayor asked if the arrestee refuses to take the tests, the Village still takes the car, and Deputy Church said they do.

Commissioner Tully said the Workshop packet referred to hiring a hearing office who would be a contracted individual. Regarding training and internal staff time costs, Deputy Church responded that it would take 2-3 hours per day of the officer’s time. There is a considerable amount of internal paperwork and tracking. Commissioner Tully said that these changes could more than cover the costs and provide additional revenue to further the enforcement. It raises the consciousness of what is going on.

The Mayor asked whether someone other than the Sergeant could do the paperwork. Deputy Church said it would also involve administrative staff, and the Sergeant would supervise it.

Mr. Baker informed the Council that they did reflect the $250,000 in the 2005/06 budget revenue projections, which was part of how they generated the $2.1 million surplus for the year.

Deputy Church then addressed booking fees saying arrestees would be charged $30.00 when posting bail or bond to help offset the officer’s time on arrestee processing. This could generate $45,000 in revenue.

Commissioner Waldack asked about complaint drafting. Deputy Church said the officer is required to state charges in a complaint which is served to the arrestee and a copy is sent to the courts. In regard to finger printing, Deputy Church said that non-resident businesses are charged $500, but there is no charge to residents or to those needing finger-printing for adoption services. As for the amount of the fee, Deputy Church said that the fee is based upon the information obtained in surveying other surrounding areas.

Commissioner McConnell rang off at this time.

Ordinance Amending Water Meters & Hydrant Uses. The Manager asked Stan Balicki, Assistant Director, Public Works, to address this matter.

Stan Balicki , Assistant Director, Public Works, said this ordinance provides for a permit fee, rental fee and cost of water for contractors working in the Village. The fee is consistent with surrounding communities. The main users would be directional boring contractors, landscape and demolition contractors.

Community Grants Program. The Manager asked Dave Humphreys, Community Grants Commission, to discuss this item.

Dave Humphreys said he was representing Chairman Stan Urban of the Community Grants Commission. The Commission is now in its 15th year. He reviewed the purpose of the program to aid in funding not-for-profit cultural organizations in the Village. There is presently $57,029 available, which is well below the amount of funding requested on an annual basis. Mr. Humphreys explained the program functions, how applications are reviewed and funding distributed. He thanked the Council for their support of the Grants program.

Commissioner Schnell asked about the $5,000 going to the Prairie State Games.

Mary Scalzetti , Director, Tourism and Events, said the amount is dependent upon the measurable impact the event may have on the community. She noted there is $5,000 from the Community Grants Program and an additional $5,000 from the Tourism Council. She said continuation of this funding is up to the Council. She said a letter of intent has been sent. The Mayor noted that no payment has been made yet to the Prairie State Games.

Commissioner Sandack thanked Mr. Humphreys, Commissioner Urban and the members of the Commission for their work. He said this is a very important program.

Commissioner Urban also thanked the Commission for its work as it impacts many people. He said he has expressed his thoughts to the Commission regarding ways of appropriating funds and groups requesting funds. For example, he questions the concept of providing funds for floats, and suggested that the Commission sit with the Council to discuss future direction.

Mr. Humphreys said the Commission would welcome that and hopefully it could be done before the next grant cycle begins which would be before the end of the year.

Commissioner Tully echoed his appreciation to the Commission for their work and agreed with scheduling a meeting between the Commission and the Council to review the Commission’s goals.

The Mayor said that the Village committed $10,000 to the Prairie State Games and he asked about the number of rooms which have been cancelled. Ms. Scalzetti said that the Marriott said they had 525 rooms which were supposed to be booked and have been released. The Mayor asked whether the Village could take the $5,000 and use it for advertising at the venues.

Commissioner Urban responded that his understanding is that all the rooms have not been released, and that there are over 6,000 participants registered for the games. He said that 4,000 of those participants are traveling over 150 miles to participate, but they are not required to stay in a particular hotel. The economic impact includes the exposure rate and the restaurants. Ms. Scalzetti said that he was correct in saying that those commuting for a day will have more of an impact on restaurants and other businesses. Commissioner Urban said that since opening services are in Bensenville, they would be happy to assist the Village in preparing goodie bags for the participants. Ms. Scalzetti said there is a staffing problem, and Commissioner Urban said this is the first time he has heard that.

Commissioner Schnell said she has a problem with the discussion because she remembered asking about the economic impact and was told by the Prairie State Games representative that participants would be staying in our hotels, and our hotels would be filled. She noted that the rooms were blocked and are now being unblocked. Ms. Scalzetti said that a loss report will be made in regard to this by one of the hotels.

Commissioner Urban asked that a copy of the minutes be provided as he did not remember it being said that the participants would be required to stay in Village hotels.

The Mayor said he also was given the impression that the Village hotels would be filled. He said he would prefer to give them only the $5,000 for the Games and keep the remaining $5,000 to advertise Village projects.

Commissioner Tully said that there is a letter of intent which dictates what the Village will do. He said that the Village was shown as a sponsor of the event and he does not think they can undo that. He noted that they originally wanted a three-year commitment, and he knows that they were told there would be a direct benefit to Village hotels. He said he would like to see the letter of intent. Ms. Scalzetti said the letter did not include their intent to fill the hotels.

Commissioner Sandack said that the Village was skeptical about this; however, the event has not occurred yet. He said the Village can walk away from this next year, but should honor their commitment this year.

Commissioner Urban said in his opinion there was never the intent to force people to stay in our hotels. The Prairie State Games representative did say they would stay here but not be forced. This event has not occurred yet, and the impact is not strictly hotels but sales and marketing as well.

Ms. Scalzetti asked if there will be an economic impact study done, and Commissioner Urban said not by Bensenville. They will have the least number of participants other than the opening ceremonies with their lack of hotel rooms and restaurants.

The Mayor said there will be an economic impact in Downers Grove and DuPage County, but he is concerned about what was represented to the Council in terms of hotel use. He asked that tapes be made available to Commissioners Schnell and Urban.

CBD Parking Re-Assignments, P&T File #02-05. The Manager asked Dave Barber, Director, Public Works, to address this item.

Dave Barber , Director, Public Works, said staff is looking at changes that need to be made due to the deck and changes to Curtiss block. He referred to a drawing in the Council’s packet, saying staff has worked with the Parking & Traffic Commission and the Transportation Advisory Commission. Staff looked comprehensively at the downtown parking issue. A recommendation made was to add more shopper parking north of the tracks, adjusting parking ratios in Village Hall, expanding spaces for the Police Department, provide a more uniform parking system in the CBD , relocate employee parking to the deck, provide a transition plan with the loss of the Curtiss parking area, provide for high turnover near the businesses, and look at the overall capacity of parking for the downtown. Mr. Barber said the general changes include converting the 3-hour parking to 2-hour parking on specified streets closer to the businesses, while converting 2-hour parking into 3-hour parking in areas further from the downtown. Lot K will disappear in July, Lot M will merge with Lot L, and the 12-hour meters in front of the Police Department will be removed. Meters are being removed from Washington Street. There will be further discussions with P&T regarding overnight parking as well in the Curtiss lot.

Mr. Barber said that in the Forest Lot more shopper parking will be added, with additional commuter parking if necessary. The Downtown Management Board requested that additional 15-minute parking be made available at Angelo’s and Aurelio’s pizzas. This will not be enforced. He said that generally with the loss of the Curtiss lot there will be a loss of 300 spaces; however, there are an additional 500 spaces with the deck for a net increase of 200 spaces. The Grove Street lot and the 5207 Main Street lot have been lost. There will have to be changes made to the map regarding the Maple and Main property if necessary. Mr. Barber said that the Downtown Management Board has made positive comments regarding this plan. The goal is for this parking to be effective July 1.

Mr. Barber pointed out on the map the location of the private lots. As for overnight parking, people are charged $25 per quarter. They cannot move into the deck as there is no overnight parking in the deck. The Mayor said that the Forest Lot North currently has some 3-hour parking. Mr. Barber said they will try to assimilate the Lot K commuters into existing lots. The Mayor said he would like information as to residents/non-residents. The Mayor noted that the Immanuel Residences would like to have additional handicapped spaces and widening the spaces.

Commissioner Urban questioned the 15-minute parking. Mr. Barber said that Evanston tried this for their evening hours for turnover businesses such as pizza places. As for Main Street, if there is other access, they do not want to put 15-minute spaces on Main Street. Commissioner Urban said he was concerned hat there would be twenty-five 15-minute spaces, and he would like to see it limited. Mr. Barber said the 15- minute spots are very hard to enforce, but there appears to be good compliance.

Commissioner Tully said he appreciates this being brought forward, and suggested that this be promoted as much as possible via e-newsletters, cable and the website, as well as notification to the commuters.

Amend Sidewalk Café Ordinance. The Manager said this item was removed from the Agenda.


The Finance Committee will meet on June 7. The Public Safety Committee will meet next week. Public Services Committee will meet June 21.


Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said she was presenting ten items to the Council: 1) An ordinance amending fees for emergency response services; 2) An ordinance amending water meter and hydrant usage; 3) An ordinance re-assigning CBD parking; 4) An ordinance establishing administrative booking fees; 5) An ordinance establishing procedures for vehicle impoundment; 6) A resolution authorizing execution of annexation agreements for the properties located at 4918 Cross Street, 4520 Cross Street, Vacant Parcel (PIN 08-01-308-014), Vacant Parcel (PIN 08-01-308-015) and Vacant Parcel (PIN 08-01-308-016); 7) An ordinance amending various provisions of the Downers Grove Zoning Ordinance related to downtown classifications and procedures; 8) An ordinance adopting the Village of Downers Grove Zoning Map Delineating the DB, Downtown Business District, and the DT, Downtown Transition District; 9) An ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map for the Village of Downers Grove re: Downtown; and 10) A resolution authorizing an agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Illinois Fraternal Order of Police.


Dr. Gordon Goodman , 5834 Middaugh, commented on a discussion held at Coffee with the Council regarding the second half of the Tree Ordinance concerning private property as well as redevelopment. The Mayor said that the Manager sent out a memo to the Council regarding the tree ordinance. Manager Ginex said that three Council members still need to respond. Dr. Goodman said he is anxious to find out what the next steps will be and hopes that the Council will take the opportunity to let the community know the Council’s decision. Manager Ginex said that information will be available in two weeks. Dr. Goodman asked that the information be posted on the website as he will be out of town.

Mike Parillo , 1409 Ridgewood Circle, said he represents 50 families in the Hillcrest Hollow Subdivision, as well as homes on Carol Street which have been placed in a flood zone. He said the Stormwater Committee asked for an ordinance to go to Workshop. On March 3, residents found out that their houses have been put into a special flood zone that has less engineering criteria than a normal flood zone. He said someone at FEMA looked at old County maps and placed the houses in those zones. Homeowners received notices from their mortgage companies that they are required to purchase flood insurance. He said it will cost him about $2300-$2800 per year. Mr. Parillo said in the ten years he has lived there they have experienced two 100 year rains but no flooding occurred in their houses. He said residents have gone to Public Works but they have not been able to help. The designation has been made by FEMA . Public Works also does not have the funds to do what has to be done, which means surveying the area and how it reacts with other areas. The designation cannot be fought without that information, and banks are charging the maximum amount of flood insurance. He said that the residents need a government agency to resolve this. Pending sales of homes are falling through as a result of this as well, and there are also market value issues. He asked that this be placed on a Workshop agenda as soon as possible.

The Mayor asked about the flood insurance, and the Stormwater Master Plan. Mr. Barber said they probably cannot be included but he explained that there is a map revision that has to be done. He described the process. The County used older aerial photo maps to develop this. A more detailed analysis is required to remove these areas from flood plain designation. The Stormwater and Flood Plain Oversight Committee has looked at this situation. The analysis would probably cost between $10,000-$12,000.

The Mayor asked how many areas are like this in the Village. Mr. Barber said he believes there are a few more areas in the Village and he would like to bring that information to the next Workshop.

Commissioner Sandack asked about the time element. Mr. Parillo said that Public Works gave the neighbors letters to pass onto insurance companies. If this is resolved, the people may obtain a refund of the insurance costs. Mr. Barber said that they could probably complete some of the changes within six months.

William Ponstein , 6012 Hillcrest, said he was the developer of that property, saying in 1988 they had the certification of the Village that there was no flood plain on the property. He is concerned about how this could change from 1988. Mr. Barber responded that the first maps were vague. The County remapped the area that now shows up as subject to flooding. He does not think this is a real flooding problem. The map is updated every 20-30 years.

Mr. Parillo noted that insurance companies will not give the homeowners a full refund.


Commissioner Tully said there are 30 days to Heritage Festival. He said that on June 23 there will be preview rides at $15.00 for all the rides. He said the Parking Deck will be open for Heritage Festival parking at a $3.00 fee. He announced that on Thursday night the Temptations will be appearing at the Tivoli. People holding permits to park in the deck will park as they normally do. He then wished everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

The Mayor said that about two years ago a boy in Downers Grove, Oliver Tribbles, had cancer and was granted a wish by the Make a Wish Foundation to drive a train. Oliver passed away about a year later. This past Saturday the Make a Wish Foundation had their annual black tie affair at Union Station. Oliver’s mother was present and told about how Oliver’s wish was made real. When she concluded her presentation, the Chairman of METRA announced that a new engine had been named after Oliver. It is the Oliver “Ollie” Tribbles engine. Mayor Krajewski said that the train made a run to Downers Grove today at 5:04 p.m. He said that engines normally last about 30 years, and Oliver has his wish of “being” a train.

There being no further discussion, the Workshop meeting was adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

April K. Holden Village Clerk tmh

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