September 21, 2004
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Krajewski called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Krajewski led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Ron Sandack, Commissioner Stan Urban, Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Martin Tully, Commissioner Mark Zabloudil and Mayor Brian Krajewski Non Voting: Village Manager Riccardo Ginex, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Village Clerk April Holden
Mayor Krajewski said he would like to remind everyone present that the Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC . In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions on the active agenda items for this evening’s meeting. Following this, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on any subject. Finally, if a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing.
The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. He stated that remarks be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.
The Mayor said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
The Mayor announced that the petitioner has asked that the rezoning and final plat of subdivision for Golfview Estates be removed from the Agenda. It is the intent of the Council to table those items at the request of the petitioner.
3. Minutes of Workshop and Council Meetings
Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only – August 3, 2004 & August 17, 2004 Council Meeting – September 7, 2004 Workshop Meeting – September 14, 2004 There being no additions or corrections to the minutes, Mayor Krajewski said they would be filed as submitted.
Boards and Commissions Recognition In honor of her many years of service to the Village as a member of the Plan Commission, the Mayor presented Catherine Reynolds with a plaque of appreciation. Mark Griesbaum of the Plan Commission presented and read a letter written by Plan Commission Chairman Alan Jirik on behalf of the Commission. The letter noted that Ms. Reynolds served on the Commission in parts of three decades and thanked her for her dedication to the Village and to the Commission.
Commissioner Schnell served with Ms. Reynolds for a short period of time. She said that Ms. Reynolds represents what is great about Boards and Commission members. She had excellent attendance and was always prepared and put time into the Commission. It’s been a pleasure to serve with her and have her on the Commission.
4. Public Comments and Questions
A. Comments and Questions on Active Agenda
Janet Barr, 4605 Puffer Road, said she submitted a petition in accordance with State law on behalf of 20% of adjacent properties in opposition to the rezoning. She asked if the rezoning has to pass by a 2/3 majority rather than a normal majority.
Village Attorney Petrarca said that the petition will require 5 of 7 Commissioners to approve it.
B. Comments and Questions on General Matters
Jim Cavallo, 6943 Valley View Drive, presented the final group of petitions for the neighborhood character petition. He presented these on behalf of Dr. Goodman who was unable to attend. There were 1885 signatures presented.
Ms. Barr said she attended the Community Dialogue and thought it was a great experience. She thanked the Manager, Mayor and Council for sponsoring this.
5. Public Hearings
Community Development Block Grant Application Mayor Krajewski called the public hearing to order at 6:43 p.m. to consider submittal of an application to the DuPage Community Development Commission for block grant funding for the Downers Grove Community Oriented Policing/Autumn Grove Resource Center. Notice of this hearing was published in the Downers Grove Reporter. The Mayor then reviewed the procedure for the hearing.
Andy Matejcak, Director, Social & Health Services, said support was being sought for the Resource Center at Autumn Grove to develop and implement the programs which include English as a Second Language, homework classes, Summer Camp, computer classes, arts and crafts, cultural events, recreational activities, mentoring, physical and health education and diversity training. The Resource Coordinator will provide social service resource networking. Funding for five hours per week salary support is being requested which comes to $5,748, and 100% of the Coordinator’s IMRF costs at $2,144. Additionally, they are requesting funding to cover overtime expenses for 3 COP officers who maintain high visibility in the Autumn Grove community. Mr. Matejcak said they are seeking $17,126 in total from the Grant. The total program costs are $135,144.
Commissioner McConnell asked for an explanation as to why they are only going for one location at this time. Mr. Matejcak said that they currently have only one Resource Center at Autumn Grove. The Arbor Park program closed at the end of August, 2004.
Commissioner McConnell said she believed that the Arbor Park is changing its focus to condominiums. She said that she thinks the program has done an awesome job in incorporating the concept of community oriented policing, as well as its focus on the community as a whole. She said it is far reaching beyond the money spent, and is a tremendous benefit to the Village.
Mr. Matejcak said that 80% of the funding is supported by other than grant funds.
The Mayor asked if the Village was given notice of the Arbor Park closing before it happened. Mr. Matejcak said that it only came up in early spring. He said there was a part-time NRC Coordinator as well as COP officers. As to officers working overtime, Mr. Matejcak said it includes chaperoning and mentoring projects they work on. The Mayor then thanked the officers for their efforts and for taking the kids to the circus.
There being no further discussion, the Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:50 p.m.
6. Consent Agenda
COR00 -01720 Claim Ordinance: No. 5547, Payroll, September 3, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A
BIL00 -01721 List of Bills Payable: No. 5542, September 21, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski
7. Active Agenda
ORD00 -01722 Ordinance: Rezone Property at 4606 Puffer Road from R-1 to R-3, Single Family Residence District Sponsors: Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 2, 2004, the Plan Commission recommended that the property commonly known as 4606 Puffer Road be rezoned from Village R-1 Single Family Residential to Village R-3 Single Family Residential.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DOWNERS GROVE , ILLINOIS, PASSED AND APPROVED APRIL 19 , 1965, AS AMENDED , TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4606 PUFFER ROAD Commissioner Tully said last week this matter was discussed with a great deal of emotion. He wanted to reiterate that the Plan Commission does a tremendous job. They make recommendations to the Council, and the Council has asked the Plan Commission in the past few years to take on a greater burden and additional responsibilities. He stressed that the Commission members donate their own time to work on the issues before the Village.
The Mayor said that many issues were raised at the Plan Commission meeting regarding this property that generated even more investigation. He also thanked the Plan Commission for the extra meetings, subcommittees, and their work with EDC . A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Table Indefinitely this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Subdivision – Golfview Estates, Rezone 4606 Puffer – R-1 to R-3
RES00 -01723 Resolution: Final Plat of Subdivision for Golfview Estates Subdivision with Exceptions (R-3 Zoning) Sponsors: Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 2, 2004, the Plan Commission recommended approval of the Final Plat of subdivision for the Golfview Estates Subdivision with exceptions in the R-3 zoning district.
A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF SUBDIVISION FOR THE GOLFVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION WITH EXCEPTIONS A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Table Indefinitely this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Subdivision – Golfview Estates
ORD00 -01724 Ordinance: Approve a Lot Split with an Exception with regard to Lot Width for the Property at 4905 Woodward Avenue Sponsors: Plan Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of July 19, 2004, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of a lot split with an exception with regard to lot width for the property located at 4905 Woodward Avenue.
ORDINANCE NO . 4613 Commissioner Tully said he has long been a proponent of lots being no less than 75’ wide. There was an ordinance enacted some years ago stating that lots should be no less than 75’ wide. There are avenues for requesting exceptions. Last week, it was confirmed for Commissioner Tully that the two lots in question were platted at 60’ wide, however when measured they are slightly less. He cannot vote in favor of voting for lots of less than 60’ wide in this community. It has nothing to do with the petitioner.
Commissioner Schnell said to be consistent with a vote of her a couple of years ago, she will also be voting against this tonight. She believes they are only proliferating the 60’ lots. She said that the last time this subject came up there were residents who were not in favor of the lot split.
The Mayor said he doesn’t want to grant lots splits when they are creating lots smaller than what is already on the street. He noted these lots were only slightly below the 60’ width.
Commissioner Schnell said in looking at the street, there are 3 or 4 lots on the street that are 120’ in width, and some others have been split into 60’. She asked whether staff had the exact width of the lots.
Commissioner Sandack said that the lots were platted using less sophisticated equipment, while today’s measurements show only a de minimis difference. He sees no objectors of record in and around that street and he will be voting in favor of this.
Commissioner Schnell said that one of the things mentioned by groups at the community dialogue was that houses are getting larger and larger, and do not fit with the lots. They need to bring into their discussion the number of lot splits and what is or is not acceptable.
The Mayor said that in this particular situation the lots will look like most every other lot on the street.
Commissioner Tully agrees that it is only a very small difference. However, there are two issues which he sees: One that concerns the present matter before them and the current ordinance, and secondly, what future development will allow. He said that lots of less than 60’ generate issues such as stormwater that need to be recognized. He is not comfortable with granting lot splits of less than 60’.
The Mayor thanked the Commissioners for their statements, and said this should be discussed in the future. A motion was made by Commissioner Urban to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Nay: Commissioner Schnell and Commissioner Tully Indexes: Lot Split
RES00 -01725 Resolution: Establish an Amended Village Council Policy regarding Appointments to Boards and Commissions Sponsors: Village Attorney Summary of Item: This will make certain amendments to the Village Council Policy concerning appointments to boards and commissions.
RESOLUTION 2004 -57 Commissioner McConnell said last week they spoke about some of the additional guidelines not being part of the Resolution, but as becoming part of the application. She said that Attorney Petrarca sent the material and she thinks they should proceed with that.
Commissioner Tully agreed with Commissioner McConnell’s statement. He suggested that they further elaborate on additional ideas as well, and will provide his comments to the Village Attorney.
The Mayor said that a staff liaison meets with the new Board members and gives them six months of meeting minutes to review. He asked that staff check that this is being done for all Boards and Commissions. He also asked about the Environmental Board.
Manager Ginex said he will make a decision regarding the staff liaison for that board. He said he spoke with Dr. Goodman over the weekend at the Community Dialogue, and the Chair of the Commission will be out of town until next week. A motion was made, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Boards and Commissions
RES00 -01726 Resolution: Adopt the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Sponsors: Fire Department Summary of Item: This will adopt the National Incident Management System.
RESOLUTION 2004 -58 A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Sandack, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: National Incident Management System
RES00 -01727 Resolution: Amend a Village Council Policy concerning Tree Debris Cleanup in Response to Severe Weather Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will make certain amendments to the Village Council Policy concerning tree debris cleanup in response to severe weather.
RESOLUTION 2004 -59 The Mayor asked staff to request that Finance Director Rita Trainor, and Village Forester Kerstin von der Heide provide the fines for damage to trees and the amounts collected. A motion was made by Commissioner Sandack, seconded by Commissioner Zabloudil, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Trees and Shrubs
RES00 -01729 Resolution: Establish Certain Amended Forestry Policies Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will make certain amendments to the Village Council forestry policies.
RESOLUTION 2004 -60 A motion was made by Commissioner Zabloudil, seconded by Commissioner Tully, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Forestry – Trees and Shrubs
ORD00 -01728 Ordinance: Establish Turning Restrictions from the CBD Parking Deck Northbound onto Washington Street Sponsors: Parking & Traffic Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 11, 2004, the Parking & Traffic Commission unanimously recommended establishing turning restrictions from the CBD parking deck onto Washington Street between 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., except on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
ORDINANCE NO . 4614 Commissioner Urban recused himself as he is a lease holder in the CBD TIF District. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Parking Deck – CBD , Central Business District – Parking Deck Traffic Impact Study, Traffic Restrictions – CBD Parking Deck to Washington
ORD00 -01730 Ordinance: Establish Parking Restrictions on Chicago and Montgomery Avenues Sponsors: Parking & Traffic Commission Summary of Item: At their meeting of August 11, 2004, the Parking & Traffic Commission unanimously recommended establishing parking restrictions on Chicago and Montgomery Avenues.
ORDINANCE NO . 4615 A motion was made by Commissioner Urban to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Parking Restrictions – Chicago Avenue, Parking Restrictions – Montgomery
ORD00 -01731 Ordinance: Amend Parking Permits Sponsors: Village Attorney Summary of Item: This will establish provisions for hang tag parking permits.
ORDINANCE NO . 4616 The Mayor said that the Transportation and Advisory Commission will be looking at this next month. He raised the issue at the July 20 Workshop meeting due to comments from residents being ticketed for failure to display their hang tags, many of which were on their dash boards. He’s still having trouble figuring out under what authority people were ticketed. Attorney Petrarca said it was under the Manager’s temporary authority under Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code providing for 60 days to make any modifications to the Chapter. The Mayor asked under what provision the ticket is written, and the Attorney said it is written as “failure to display a permit.” The Mayor then asked what kind of communication took place between the Village and the resident, and how does the party know they violated the Code or Ordinance to generate a fine. Attorney Petrarca said it was failure to properly display the permit. She said she is not positive as to the language on the hang tag. The Mayor said he is concerned that tickets have been issued to people who had valid permits but not hung properly.
Manager Ginex said it is similar to the static cling parking stickers, if they were not displayed properly. The Mayor said that is in the Ordinance, but where does it say that if it is not hanging properly it will generate a $20 fine. Attorney Petrarca said she knows officers are writing tickets if they do not see a valid sticker. The Mayor said that in the past few months he has received numerous complaints about how this has been conducted, since their permit was displayed on the dashboard. He said whatever has been implemented in the last 60 days has generated a number of complaints in a short period of time. He then asked what notice was given to the residents regarding this.
Mike Baker, Assistant Village Manager, said that the tag has language at the top which says the tag must be hung in the rear view mirror of the car. The Mayor said he wants to resolve this matter of what is the best, hanging tags or static cling stickers. He said these are big tags and are hung while driving, which is also a violation. The Mayor said he is not sure he can support this until they can determine the best course of action. Attorney Petrarca said that the hang tags have already gone out for the next quarter and if this ordinance does not pass there will be another enforcement issue. The Mayor said he didn’t think they gave adequate notice to the residents. Manager Ginex said he would find out what communication was sent to the residents.
Commissioner Tully asked if people were ticketed under the existing Code 14.125 if the sticker was on the dashboard rather than on the window. Attorney Petrarca said officers did ticket those people. They write the ticket as they drive by. The complaint was that the stickers were falling off and people were being ticketed. The Mayor said that some residents brought their tickets into Village Hall and because they had a valid sticker those tickets were cancelled. Attorney Petrarca said she knows that every quarter, residents are given a one-week grace period in case they forgot to change to the new sticker.
Manager Ginex said they were not voiding the stickers that were falling off. He said that it must be understood that once a ticket is written, it cannot be voided. The individual will have to go to Court and the judge must decide. The judge has been finding them guilty.
Commissioner Tully asked how this has been handled in the past, versus the present, and has there been a change in treatment. He recommended giving people a choice between the hang tag and a window sticker. He is trying to determine if tickets were voided in the past.
The Mayor said he got a letter from a resident whose ticket was displayed on their window, but the officer voided it last week. He thinks a number of tickets were voided in the past.
Attorney Petrarca said she spoke with Chief Porter who said he was unaware of tickets being written when the hang tags were visible regardless of where they were.
The Mayor said people are angry because they are being ticketed even though they have permits. He asked if the true intent was to get people to purchase parking passes. Attorney Petrarca said there has to be a mechanism for enforcement. Mayor Krajewski said the hang tag is a whole new system, and hopefully the Transportation Advisory Commission will look at this.
Commissioner Tully said that the enforcement issue is generating complaints. The Mayor added that the people are irritated.
Commissioner Urban said the problem he has is that a message has been sent that if people scream loud enough the ticket will be voided. Clear direction has to be given to the Manager, Police Chief, and staff as to enforcing the provisions of the permit. People are being given the right to park in a more convenient location by purchasing the permit; however, Mr. Ginex needs to know what authority he and his staff have to issue the tickets. He said that if you choose to park in a no parking area that is posted, you have to pay the fee.
Manager Ginex said that the residents were notified, and he will provide that information to the Council.
Commissioner Schnell said this hang tag is no different from the handicap hang tag, and if those handicap tags are not used, there is a $100 fine.
Mayor Krajewski said that people aren’t taking the hang tags down. Manager Ginex said he thinks the officers are writing the tickets for these violations. The Mayor said that these tags are much bigger than the handicap tags.
Commissioner McConnell said that the Village Manager has used his discretion appropriately by trying to remedy the situation. The tag says what is to be done with it and how it is to be displayed. The Council is now making it official.
The Mayor asked why they didn’t see this in April as the hang tags were implemented in June. Attorney Petrarca said they thought this would be a test period. They cannot go back to stickers for this period. If this came about in April or May, it would have probably been hang tags only because they would have done away with the stickers.
The Mayor asked staff to also check whether or not it had been stated that residents would receive one warning before being ticketed. A motion was made, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully and Commissioner Zabloudil Nay: Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Parking Permits
8. Mayor’s Report
Materials to be Received – Minutes
Economic Development Commission – July 14, 2004 Library Board – August 25, 2004 Liquor Commission – August 5, 2004 Parking & Traffic Commission – August 11, 2004 Sign Committee – August 12, 2004, August 19, 2004, August 26, 2004 and September 2, 2004 A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Note Receipt Of this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Materials to be Received – Monthly Reports
The Mayor proclaimed September 26, 2004 as Donald J. Drew Day in the Village of Downers Grove in honor of Mr. Drew’s 100th birthday, his lifetime achievements and his contribution to music in our community.
Mayor Krajewski proclaimed September 25, 2004 as Downers Grove High School Class of 1944 Day in honor of their 60th reunion.
Mayor Krajewski announced that he attended the District 99 School Board meeting where the 2004-05 budget was adopted. They have about 5,000 students attending the high schools today. The operating budget this year is at a $2.8 million deficit. There is a referendum to be placed on the November ballot asking for an increase.
The Mayor noted that a State of District 58 meeting will be held next month. They will be discussing their Mission Statement which had been developed by the community several years ago. The Mayor suggested that the Council consider doing the same in involving the public in reviewing the Village’s Mission Statement.
9. Manager’s Report
Manager Ginex thanked Staff members for their work in putting the Community Dialogue together last weekend.
The Manager attended a public hearing on the Illinois Tollway. Long range plans were put into effect, with five goals. The 10-year capital plan is a cost of $5.3 billion. The existing 274 mile system serving 1.3 million vehicles on a daily basis will be rebuilt. No state or federal funds are received, and it is a user-based system. The plan includes no increase for cars with I-PASS for ten years, and intends to increase the number of I-PASS lanes. Cash paying cars will be at a rate of $.60. There will also be “pay less” for truck traffic using off peak hours on the Tollway.
Manager Ginex said DuPage County and Illinois EPA will hold a fall 2004 Household Hazardous Waste Collection event in Downers Grove on Saturday, October 23 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Belmont Commuter Parking Lot. In addition, at that time, the Illinois EPA will be collecting unwanted cellular phones and eyeglasses.
Manager Ginex said that the Village Newsletter will now be known as the “Hometime News.” This edition will be the first 4-color newsletter. It will be delivered between September 22 and 25.
The Manager will be attending a leadership seminar next week, and Chief Porter will also leave Friday for an 11-week program at Quantico.
The Mayor said he had a few concerns about the Tollway plans. Some Will County mayors were concerned because the State wanted them to pay $20 million for the on-off ramps for I-355. Mayor Krajewski said there are also issues with the environmental impact study. He said he raised concerns about raising the tolls for truckers, since 17,000 licenses were lost due to the fees added on a few years ago. He noted that truckers may choose to by-pass the Tollway by using municipal streets. Finally, he also expressed concerns about borrowing money to fix the roads, as this would put the State into further debt. He felt the extension of I-355 to I-80 made sense.
10. Attorney’s Report
Future Active Agenda
11.Committee Standing Reports
Finance Committee
Commissioner Zabloudil said the Finance Committee met. They discussed the budget process for 2005-06, improving citizen input, and the budget process itself. They also discussed a proposed resolution to change the IMRF earning contributions under the Section 125, and he asked for more information as to the impact. Commissioner Zabloudil said a question raised by one of the Liquor Commission members regarding fees for liquor licenses was also reviewed and discussed. Staff presented an RFP for consulting services regarding bond issues. He said the final item was how to protect the Village relative to the sales tax revenue, and how some companies skirt paying sales tax to the Village.
Mayor Krajewski said that he thought there would be a law suit filed in regards to St. Charles, Illinois. Commissioner Zabloudil said that staff has been asked for further information on that as well.
Commissioner Zabloudil further responded to the Mayor that the discussion on the IMRF Section 125, concerned the impact if the calculation ratio was changed allowing the employee to contribute more to the fund. The new proposal would allow the employee to contribute a bit more. The Mayor asked for clarification as to whether IMRF contributions are currently coming off the gross wages under Section 125.
Deputy Village Manager Dave Van Vooren said that under Section 125, any contribution an employee selects come off before IMRF earnings are calculated. The net W-2 shows a reduction of the IMRF and any of Section 125 based on health insurance contributions, dental, etc. He said that gross earnings are all earnings less those in Section 125.
Rita Trainor, Finance Director, said that IMRF is calculated off the lower base. She said she would verify how the IMRF is calculated.
Public Safety Committee
Commissioner McConnell reported on the Public Safety Committee, saying they looked at the proscan technology, the video recording technology, used to view violators at railroad gates, and it was determined that the technology does not work well. She said that about three years ago they put in place a two-year pilot to try the technology out. It is a cumbersome process to generate any types of citations from this process. Based on today’s discussion, the Committee felt there were a number of additional evaluations that had to be done by the Village to determine the validity of citations, the process itself as well as a way to track the costs.
12.Council Member Reports and New Business
Commissioner Sandack thanked staff and Commissioners Schnell and McConnell for their work on the Community Dialogue. He thought it was a great first step in gathering information regarding the future of the Village. He is looking forward to the process and the next steps.
Commissioner Schnell presented a brief review of the Community Dialogue. Three questions were asked of the residents: 1) what do you like about your neighborhood; 2) what do you dislike about your neighborhood; and 3) how would you define your neighborhood. There were about 175 people in attendance. She reviewed the characteristics reported by the attendees regarding their community. Among the items liked were spaciousness of lots, trees, parks, mature landscaping, sense of community, compatibility of the homes, diversity of architecture, pedestrian friendly sidewalks, feeling of safety, etc. Dislikes included the lack of control over the process of buildings, the lack of respect from builders, timing, tree protection, compliance with Village Codes, disturbance to the neighborhoods by developers, overbuilding for lot size, cookie-cutter buildings, lack of housing diversity, cost economics, loss of home for seniors and those starting out, traffic and speeding, and stormwater control. As for next steps, staff will compile the information sheets of the Dialogue. Attendees provided their e-mail addresses to be apprised of any future discussion or actions in this regard. She said that this event could not have happened without the staff’s dedication and creativity. Residents said how smoothly the Dialogue went and how they appreciated it. She said that the Cable TV Department was present and taped the discussions that took place after 10:00 a.m., which will be on the Village’s Cable network soon.
Commissioner McConnell commended April Holden, Village Clerk, for her creativity in preparing the Proclamation for Downers Grove North High School’s 60th reunion class. Regarding the Community Dialogue, she also thanked everyone for a well-run event.
Commissioner McConnell also informed the Council that last week the CBD Downtown Dialogue group met, made up of the police department, Downtown Management, and Character Counts. It was focused on creating better dialogue and harmony between kids who inhabit the downtown area in the summer months. Overall, they had a good year with a decrease in skateboarding and biking violations. The Committee was encouraged by the improvement, and looks forward to greater improvement in the future. She said there would be additional community policing downtown by the officers who were working at the Arbor Park Center.
Commissioner Tully commented on the Community Dialogue, expressing his appreciation to the Manager, and Commissioners Schnell and McConnell, as well as the staff. It was a very productive exercise, which was well executed. One of the concepts discussed was the hope that this was a start, and not a finish. He suggested making the information from the event available at the Library and on the Village website. He then asked what the next steps are going to be, saying that the ideas presented were not surprising. The Council needs to think about how this will be “workshopped.” They must seriously think about how this will be broken down and addressed to become a reality. The Commissioner said some time ago he spoke with Ron Stapleton who is a Trustee of the Village of Lemont. Lemont is going through the same process and they have already drafted ordinances and begun revising their code. He suggested looking to see whether any of it is applicable to the Village. In addition with respect to the issue of a historic preservation ordinance in the Village, he mentioned meeting with Lisa Di Chiera, Director of Advocacy of the Landmark Preservation Council of Illinois, and suggested they make a presentation to the Village following the Community Dialogue. He then asked that staff be directed to contact Ms. Di Chiera as a start in this portion of the dialogue.
Commissioner McConnell suggested that it might make sense for them to come before the results of the Dialogue are workshopped to allow them to incorporate that information into the overall information. Commissioner Tully agreed.
The Mayor thanked the Manager, staff and Commissioners Schnell and McConnell for putting the forum together. Now they need to develop the action plan and implement the plan. They have to get the public involved in the process. The Mayor noted that one of the “pros” were greenspace, trees, etc. Cons included items such as property maintenance, Codes, parkway trees, etc. He said that their workshop should focus on developing the action plan and tackling the project in small steps.
Commissioner Schnell said that eight years ago a proposal was made by staff regarding preservation of areas of Downers Grove. She suggested that it might be time to look at that and work toward defining neighborhoods and boundaries.
Commissioner McConnell said that perhaps there may be information already put together by Dr. Goodman.
Commissioner Tully said it would be helpful to see the historical document. Different frameworks could be set up such that individuals can choose to submit their property for consideration. Volunteer programs provide a mechanism to do this and could heighten awareness and appreciation for these structures.
The Mayor then noted to the Manager that Senator Rutherford asked for the NPDES fees are that were charged this year. Manager Ginex said he would provide the information when it becomes available.
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Tully moved to adjourn. Commissioner Urban seconded.
VOTE : YEA – Commissioners Tully, Urban, Sandack, Zabloudil, McConnell, Schnell, Mayor Krajewski
Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m
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