August 03, 2004
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Krajewski called the regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Downers Grove Village Hall.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Mayor Krajewski led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
2. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Ron Sandack, Commissioner Stan Urban, Commissioner Marilyn Schnell, Commissioner Martin Tully, Commissioner Mark Zabloudil and Mayor Brian Krajewski Absent: Village Clerk April Holden Non Voting: Village Manager Riccardo Ginex, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca and Deputy Village Clerk Linda Brown
Mayor Krajewski said he would like to remind everyone present that the Council meeting is broadcast over the local FM radio station, WDGC . In addition, a tape recording and videotape of the meeting are being made using Village owned equipment. The videotape of the meeting will be used for later rebroadcast of the Council meeting over the Village cable television Channel 6.
The Council will follow the rules of conduct for this meeting as provided in Sec. 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code. These offer the public the opportunity to comment at several points in the meeting. First, immediately following approval of the minutes of the past meetings, an opportunity will be given for public comments and questions on the active agenda items for this evening’s meeting. Following this, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions on any subject. Finally, if a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting, an opportunity is given for public comments and questions related to the subject of the hearing.
The Mayor stated that at the appropriate time the presiding officers will ask if there are any comments from the public. If anyone wishes to speak, the individual should raise their hand to be recognized and, after acknowledgment from the presiding officer, approach the microphone and state their name and address. He stated that remarks be limited to five minutes, and asked that individuals refrain from making repetitive statements.
The Mayor said there are agendas located on either side of the Council Chambers, and he invited the audience to pick up an agenda and follow the progress of the Council meeting.
3. Minutes of Workshop and Council Meetings
Workshop Meeting – July 20, 2004 Council Meeting – July 20, 2004 Workshop Meeting – July 27, 2004 Commissioner Zabloudil noted that he was not present at the July 27 meeting. There being no other additions or corrections to the minutes, Mayor Krajewski said they would be filed as corrected. POLICE SWEARING -IN CEREMONY
SPECIAL PRESENTATION – 2004 HERITAGE FESTIVAL PHOTO CONTEST AWARD RECIPIENTS AND 4TH OF JULY PARADE Chief Porter presided over the swearing in ceremony for Officer Tom Powers. He introduced Officer Powers’ family. He is a graduate of Benedictine University, and served as an Infantryman with the United States Marine Corps.
Mary Scalzetti announced the winners of the Photo Contest for the 23rd Heritage Festival. There were 69 entries from 16 photographers. First place went to Bruce Chlevin, with 2nd and 3rd Place awards, as well as an Honorable Mention going to Elizabeth Kubis, and a Honorable Mentions to Carla Cox and Nick Stepp.
Ms. Scalzetti then awarded the July 4th Parade award winners, which included the Downers Grove Junior Women’s Club, the West Suburban Humane Society, Pack 54 Cub Scouts, the Maple Hill Recreation Corporation, and the Medinah Highlanders.
4. Public Comments and Questions
A. Comments and Questions on Active Agenda
Willis Johnson, 846 Rogers, said he first saw the draft of the sign ordinance at 5:00 this evening, and apologized for not reading the entire draft prior to the meeting. He learned also that this is an amendment to the sign ordinance rather than the new ordinance. He expressed concerns over Section 28-1204 and changes of ownership. He asked that the Council seriously consider having the sign grandfathered in upon change of ownership. He said if he were to sell the Tivoli (which he is not), he would hate to see the Tivoli marquee removed.
Regarding roof signs, Mr. Johnson said he thought the one-year period for conforming is extremely difficult. Section 28-1102 is referenced, and he cannot find that Section concerning corner signs. In illumination and movement, an existing paragraph measures foot Lamberts. He thinks there should be a statement as to how close the light meter is to the sign being measured. Personally, he has concerns about signs that flash, and also signs that have exposed bulbs, since both apply to the Tivoli Theater. In addition, changing the exposed neon also concerns him. He enjoys signs, and thinks exposed neon signs are some of the best signs around. He has exposed neon sculptures in the lobbies of some of his theaters, although he recognizes that they are not signs, as such. Mr. Johnson said he had trouble understanding what was so wrong with having exposed neon tubing.
Mr. Johnson said he understood the need to stop the moratorium, however, he believes some of the things that have been placed in the ordinance need to be re-examined, and he requested that the odinance not be passed this evening, until further review.
George Swimmer, 4905 Main Street, commented on the sign ordinance, saying he attended three meetings prior to the Workshop meeting, and those meetings were not well publicized. He said if various Commissions want citizen input, the meetings should be better publicized. Some comments made over and over at the meetings were that 20% of the current signs do not conform to Village Code, and that there has been little, if any, enforcement. He knows of some signs that do not conform, but which he considers to be beautiful signs. Mr. Swimmer said that before the Village attempts to putting ordinances in place, they should first clean up their own house to make sure that even beautiful signs that may not conform to existing code be grandfathered in. He realizes that is a subjective thing. Another issue mentioned often at the meeting was that Hinsdale has various ordinances in place, as if Hinsdale is the model community. He said he believes Downers Grove has come a long way in terms of its business district. At the meetings, it was stated that it would be very difficult to have agreement regarding various aspects of sign control such as setback, definition of monument signs, etc. He agrees that the one-year period to change signs may be very difficult for business people. He is upset that the Village put the moratorium in place before these issues were discussed, and he is upset that the Village would consider extending the moratorium. Potential and new businesses have no direction as to what the sign restrictions may be.
The Mayor said many Commissions have been reviewing the sign ordinance, and he agrees that there has been very little attendance from the public. He said the Manager asked the Chamber to e-mail their businesses to notify them of the proposed changes; however, there has been no response.
Mr. Swimmer said he has been in the Chamber for a number of years and supports the Chamber fully. He said he received no e-mail regarding the sign ordinance. Manager Ginex said this was discussed at the last Chamber meeting.
Tom Sisul, 3624 Saratoga, said the Chamber asked him to speak on their behalf noting they would like to participate in this issue. He said it would be very helpful if drafts of the ordinance were circulated to the Chamber for its membership.
Commissioner Tully said that the reason for the moratorium was to address changes to the sign ordinance that have been considered for many years. He said there are more and more signs that do not meet the aesthetic vision of the Village. This has been a much more difficult task than originally thought. The ordinance this evening contains suggested revisions to the existing sign ordinance on a going forward basis. There was some discussion about phasing out exposed neon signs, but due to input the Council has received, the phase out has been removed from tonight’s ordinance. No new neon signs are permitted, but existing neon signs will be addressed at a later point. The Commissioner said the bigger issue is the state of the moratorium, and also non-compliant signs. Neither of those issues will be decided this evening. Enforcement and maintenance are also issues of concern. Tonight’s ordinance only covers one portion of the project.
Village Attorney Enza Petrarca said that the sign moratorium will be on next week’s Workshop agenda.
The Mayor said that Staff is beginning to look at signs and require enforcement such as painting or cleaning up signs that have been neglected.
B. Comments and Questions on General Matters
Mr. Swimmer said he read in the Reporter that Commissioner Urban cannot discuss TIF Districts. He has an office in the TIF District and can’t think of anyone more suited to represent him on this Council. He thinks he is the only Council member in the TIF District. He does not believe in skirting the laws by technicality, such as switching from a long-term lease to a month-to-month lease. This is a Village that proclaims Character Counts, and that is not the way to approach it. He believes there has to be some type of situation where Commissioner Urban is allowed to speak on issues pertaining the TIF District, whether it calls for new State laws or whatever. He thinks it is critically important that everyone in the Village has the right to comment about major issues within the Village.
The Mayor said that the change would have to start in Springfield with the current State Statute.
Bill Wrobel, 7800 Queens Court, said he has been a resident for 36 years. He presented the Council with a petition and letter addressed to Dorin Fera regarding traffic calming applications for Queens Court Knottingham Subdivision. He then read the letter and petition which referred to traffic calming devices. Residents of 51 out of 54 homes signed the petition. He noted one letter included is from Rick Ginex when he was Police Chief commenting to residents about the speeding on Queens Court. A speed trailer was in place on Queens Court April 27, 2004 to May 4, 2004, and residents have personally called in license numbers to the Police. The residents have asked for installation of a speed bump to assist decreasing the speed on the street. Mr. Wrobel asked that the Council reconsider funding for the traffic calming devices. Many communities surrounding the Village use these devices to augment the police department at low cost.
The Mayor asked Staff to review with Sgt. Nehls who the people are that have been ticketed. He said he just recently saw speed bumps near a school. Mr. Wrobel said those are speed tables which can be tastefully done. He asked again that the traffic calming devices be funded.
5. Public Hearings
6. Consent Agenda
COR00 -01688 Claim Ordinance: No. 5541, Payroll, July 23, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A
BIL00 -01689 List of Bills Payable: No. 5536, August 3, 2004 Sponsors: Accounting A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: N/A
BID00 -01674 Bid: Award Contracts to K-Five Construction Corporation and Harry W. Kuhn, Inc. for FY 2004 /2005 Supply of Bituminous Cold Mix, Bituminous Concrete Mix (Hot Mix) and Liquid Asphalt Cement Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: The budgeted amount is $74,500.00. A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Public Works – Cement and Concrete Materials
BID00 -01675 Bid: Award Contracts to Boughton Trucking and Materials, Inc. and Vulcan Construction Materials, LP for FY 2004 /2005 Supply of Crushed Limestone Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Public Works – Crushed Limestone & Ready Mix Concrete
BID00 -01676 Bid: Award a Contract to Harry W. Kuhn for Supply of Ready-Mix Concrete for FY 2004/2005 Sponsors: Public Works A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Public Works – Cement and Concrete Materials
BID00 -01684 Bid: Award $1,783,455.33 to to James E. Fiala Co., Inc. for 2004 Resurfacing Program Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: Bid is for $1,783,455.33 plus a 4.65% contingency of $83,006.00. A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Street – Resurfacing
BID00 -01685 Bid: Award $165,959.30 to AC Pavement Striping Company for 2004 Preventive Seal Program Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: Bid is for $165,959.30 plus a 5% contingency of $8,297.00. A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Street – Slurry Seal
BID00 -01686 Bid: Award $74,875.00 to Roofs, Inc. Fire Station #3 Roof Replacement Sponsors: Fire Department A motion was made to Approve this file on the Consent Agenda. Indexes: Fire Station # 3 Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, that the consent agenda be passed. The motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski
7. Active Agenda
MOT00 -01677 Motion: Authorize Execution of Contract Change Order #14 in the amount of $35,293.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Facility, Project #14-00 Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize execution of a contract change order in the amount of $35,293.00 for the Village of Downers Grove Parking Facility. Commissioner Urban said that pursuant to Section 74-4-4 of the TIF Act he is recusing himself from discussing the following item as he holds a leasehold interest in the CBD TIF District. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Central Business District – Parking Deck
MOT00 -01691 Motion: Authorize an Amendment to Existing Versar, Inc. Contract re: Environmental Cleanup Services for Parking Deck Construction Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize execution of a contract amendment to the existing Versar, Inc. contract for environmental cleanup services for the Village parking deck construction. Commissioner Urban said that pursuant to Section 74-4-4 of the TIF Act he is recusing himself from discussing the following item as he holds a leasehold interest in the CBD TIF District.
Commissioner Tully said he thought the terms of the Versar contract would be the same applied to the additional work that was done. He then noted a 15% markup including subcontractor fees. He said he did not recall the 15% markup in the original 2001 contract. He has asked Mr. Barber to identify the 15% markup.
Dave Barber, Public Works Director, said that generally a 15% markup or within that range in the industry covers costs for a general contractor for coordination of subcontracts, insurance coverage, carrying of bonds for the project related to the subcontracts, processing invoices and general contract administration associated with the contracts, as well as a certain percentage for profit on the subcontract for the contractor. In his experience, Mr. Barber said the 10-15% range is reasonable for subcontracts. He said it seems to be a standard that is met in the industry.
Commissioner Tully asked why the 15% subcontractor markup was not in the original contract.
Village Attorney Petrarca said the original contract had more to do with the work actually performed by Versar itself.
The Mayor said he thought Versar was a testing company, but they seem to be a general contractor as well. He asked if they just add this on to the original contract, and Attorney Petrarca said that was correct.
Mr. Barber responded that in general the Village contracts with a hauler directly. In this particular instance, since Versar was overseeing the process, Versar agreed to subcontract the hauling of the contaminated soil. This worked to expedite removal of the material. He responded to a question from the Mayor that Turner was unable to handle this job because of liability issues.
Commissioner Tully said the schedule of fees does include a provision in the original 2001 contract for subcontractor fees to be billed at cost plus 15%. He said he did not notice this when initially reviewing the material.
The Mayor said he agreed with one resident that this is getting ludicrous regarding the State Statute and Commissioner Urban and asked whether a legal opinion has been received from an outside firm. Attorney Petrarca said they should have that by the end of the week. A motion was made to Authorize this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Central Business District – Parking Deck
RES00 -01678 Resolution: Authorize an Agreement Between Third Party Beneficiaries, Gas Technology Institute and the City of Chicago Department of Environment for the Regional Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize execution of an agreement with Gas Technology Institute and the City of Chicago Department of Environment for the Regional Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Grant Program for funding in the amount of $108,191.00 for the construction of a compressed natural gas, ethanol & propane fueling station with underground storage tanks for E85 (ethanol).
RESOLUTION 2004 -45 A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Sandack, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Alternative Fuel, CNG Fueling Facility
RES00 -01679 Ordinance: Establish a Procedure and Certain Criteria for Determining Whether the Village of Downers Grove Should Participate in the Issuance of Commerical or Industrial Revenue Bonds Sponsors: Deputy Village Manager Summary of Item: This will make certain amendments to Village policies concerning the allocation and reservation of Industrial Revenue Bonds.
ORDINANCE NO . 4604 A motion was made by Commissioner Sandack, seconded by Commissioner Zabloudil, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Industrial Revenue Bonds – Policy
ORD00 -01680 Ordinance: Amend Parking Restrictions on Prairie Avenue Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will amend parking restrictions on Prairie Avenue between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
ORDINANCE NO . 4602 A motion was made by Commissioner Zabloudil, seconded by Commissioner Tully, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Parking Restrictions – Prairie
RES00 -01681 Resolution: Amend the Employee Administrative Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Jury Duty Sponsors: Human Resources Summary of Item: This will authorize an amendment to the employee administrative rules and regulations concerning jury or witness duty.
RESOLUTION 2004 -47 A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Employee Manual
RES00 -01692 Resolution: Approve Final Plat of Resubdivision for the Pettit Subdivision Sponsors: Planning and Community Development Summary of Item: At their meeting of June 21, 2004, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Final Plat of resubdivision for the Pettit Subdivision with no exceptions.
RESOLUTION 2004 -48 A motion was made by Commissioner Urban to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Subdivision – Pettit
RES00 -01693 Resolution: Authorize an Addendum to an Agreement for Engineering Services with Claude H. Hurley Company for Geotechnical Engineering Services May 1, 2004 – April 30, 2005 Sponsors: Public Works Summary of Item: This will authorize an addendum to the engineering services agreement dated April 16, 2002 between the Village of Downers Grove and Claude H. Hurley Company.
RESOLUTION 2004 -49 A motion was made, seconded by Commissioner Schnell, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Geotechnical Engineering
ORD00 -01687 Ordinance: Amend Sign Provisions Summary of Item: This will make certain amendments to the sign ordinance.
ORDINANCE NO . 4603 Commissioner McConnell thanked the residents for their input, and said that the Council must stay on this for appropriate changes to be made.
Commissioner Sandack also thanked the public for their comments regarding this ordinance. He said it will take a while to put together a comprehensive sign ordinance, as there will be many opinions. He said this ordinance assists the Village now, while other changes will be made in the future. There is more to come, and he hopes everyone who has an opinion on this issue will come forward.
Commissioner Tully said it is important to understand that some action must be taken with respect to the moratorium. He thinks it would be a mistake to allow it to continue without taking some action. He looks forward to next week when they will Workshop a number of alternatives and options presented by the Staff. He agreed that this will be a long process that will require additional public input to create a Comprehensive Sign Ordinance.
Commissioner Schnell said they need to move as expeditiously as possible toward the final document. This will take a lot of staff time as well as input from residents.
The Mayor said he agreed with the comments made, and thanked the Staff and Standing Committees for their involvement. He was pleased to see the Chamber’s interest as well. He said that the gateways to the Village must be addressed, noting the Village-owned building just south of the train station that has a large realty sign displayed. He asked that action be taken to remove those signs from the building. A motion was made by Commissioner Schnell, seconded by Commissioner Sandack, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Zoning Ordinance – Signs
8. Mayor’s Report
Materials to be Received – Minutes
Library Board – July 14, 2004 Liquor Commission – July 8, 2004 Performing Arts Study Commission – May 22, 2004 & June 19, 2004 Public Services Committee – May 20, 2004 & June 15, 2004 Zoning Board of Appeals – May 26, 2004 A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Note Receipt Of this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski New Business
The Mayor asked the Village Clerk to read a resolution appointing and reappointing members to Village Boards and Commissions.
RES00 -01690 Resolution: Reappoint and Appoint Members to Boards and Commissions Sponsors: Mayor Summary of Item: This is to confirm the following appointments and reappointments:
Reappoint Kelly Dietrich for a three-year term expiring 4/30/07
PLAN COMMISSION Reappoint Alan Jirik, and J. Philip Matejczyk, and Randall Stark for two-year terms expiring April 30, 2006
Reappoint Daniel McCormick for a three-year term expiring 4/30/07
Appoint Denise Rabatah and Terrance Quandt for three-year terms expiring 4/30/07
Remove Commissioner Stan Urban and appoint Commissioner Martin Tully
Reappoint William Bollenberg for a three-year term expiring April 30, 2007
Appoint William E. Nystrom for a one-year term expiring April 30, 2005
Appoint Richard J. Crilly for a three-year term expiring April 30, 2007
Appoint Lawrence Gress, Robert Kollmar, and Richard Mueller for three-year terms expiring August 1, 2007 (Mr. Gress and Mr. Kollmar as co-chairs)
Appoint Geoffrey Neustadt and John Loper for two-year terms expiring August 1, 2006
Appoint Robert Nastal and Anthony Schiller for one-year terms expiring August 1, 2005
RESOLUTION 2004 -50 The Mayor thanked the residents for volunteering to serve the Village, and thanked the Council members who assisted in interviewing applicants.
Commissioner Tully congratulated those who were appointed, and thanked everyone who agreed to serve on the Transportation Advisory Commission. He said this is a brand new Commission charged with considering issues and recommending action on the Commuter Shuttle System, and general commuter and transportation in the Village including the Parking Deck. This Commission provides another opportunity for the public to comment on Village transportation. Commissioner Tully then introduced the members of the new Commission, and thanked those who served on the Advisory Subcommittee.
Commissioner Schnell thanked Mr. Kahlke for serving on the Plan Commission, as well as Mrs. Reynolds who has served since 1987. Both individuals chose not to be reappointed. Commissioner Schnell then provided background information on the two new members. She also thanked Council members who assisted in the interviewing.
Commissioner Sandack thanked Kelly Diedrich for her work on the Liquor Commission as a new member. A motion was made by Commissioner Tully, seconded by Commissioner Urban, to Adopt this file. Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried by the following vote: Votes: Yea: Commissioner Sandack, Commissioner Urban, Commissioner Schnell, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Zabloudil and Mayor Krajewski Indexes: Boards and Commissions Materials to be Placed on File
9. Manager’s Report
10. Attorney’s Report
Future Active Agenda
11.Committee Standing Reports
Finance Committee
Commissioner Zabloudil said Finance Committee discussed Council policy on Boards and Commissions regarding length of terms and other qualifications of members. They also discussed the Home Rule Sales Tax which has been in place for about one year. He said that a copy of a purchasing policy was received from staff for Committee Review. The Mission and Vision Statements are scheduled to come to Workshop on August 24.
Public Safety
Commissioner McConnell said Public Safety met this morning and discussed revisions and additions to the Emergency Response fees, as well as long terms plans for both the Fire and Police Departments. She said they discussed at length the need for the Mission Statement, and the preparation of a Five-Year Plan to cover goals and objectives. In addition, the future of the Home Rule Sales Tax was reviewed as it effects programs in Public Safety. Commissioner McConnell said that there will be a change in the number of community oriented police officers to 3.5 officers. There are 81 officers in the Department at this time. Downtown development and its effect on both the Police and Fire Departments were also discussed. Chief Porter presented information on the crime rate and crime index, noting an increase in the requests for service, an increase in the number of DUI arrests by 30%, and a decrease in the number of domestic violence cases.
Public Services
Commissioner Tully said that the Public Services Standing Committee will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, August 17 at 5:45 p.m. The last meeting for the Local Transportation Subcommittee will be August 19, 2004. The first meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee will take place immediately following the Local Transportation Subcommittee meeting.
12.Council Member Reports and New Business
Commissioner Schnell said she saw a news story on a workshop held by METRA with the Chicago Police and Fire Departments regarding responses to terrorist attacks. She suggested if that type of training has not been provided, that it be investigated. Manager Ginex said he would look into it.
Commissioner McConnell reminded everyone of the Community Dialogue for Residential Redevelopment, and asked people interested in signing up to register either online, or by calling the Village.
Mayor Krajewski said that a former member of the Economic Development Commission put together a 60-page report on the Village that he would like to have copied. He also asked the Staff for an update regarding a grant for signage. There is one sign on Oakwood and Ogden, but it appears to be the only sign.
The Mayor said that next week the Council will Workshop Localized Poor Drainage Areas (LPDA), and asked that the Chamber be notified, as well as builders or construction people who may have had problems with that issue.
Mayor Krajewski said that Mr. Gray, who recently resigned from the Zoning Board of Appeals, mentioned to him that the Cameo Apartments and Condos on Walnut has 537 residents in the two block area. Mr. Gray informed him that the street is zoned industrial use, and he asked Staff about the possibility of getting left turn lanes established to allow ease of access for those residents into their buildings.
The Mayor asked that Staff review the past ten years number of sworn police officers.
13. Adjournment
Commissioner Tully moved to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to Section 2©(2) of the Open Meetings Act to consider collective negotiating mattters and pursuant to Section 2©(11) of the Open Meetings Act to consider pending litigation. Commissioner Urban seconded.
VOTE : YEA – Commissioners Tully, Urban, Sandack, Zabloudil, McConnell, Schnell, Mayor Krajewski
Mayor Krajewski declared the motion carried and the Council convened into Executive Session at 7:30 p.m
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