March Hot Topic: Severe Weather Preparedness

March 04, 2024

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The National Weather Service recognizes March 4-8, 2024, as Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Illinois. This is a great time to review personal weather safety plans for home, work, school, on the road, and elsewhere.

March is also recognized by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) as Severe Weather Preparedness Month

While Mother Nature can summon all types of severe weather, Illinois is most at risk for tornados.

Three key things to remember for preparedness:

  • Get a kit; Be prepared with food, water and basic supplies for 72 hours, for EACH member of your family.
  • Make a plan; How will you communicate, where to meet persons you may be separated from, knowing where to go to stay safe no matter where you are, etc.
  • Be informed; Know WHERE and HOW to receive notifications, weather alerts/warnings and additional information.