Join the Budget Discussion
October 27, 2023
The Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget is ready for review. There is going to be plenty of opportunity for dialogue among community members, the Village Council, and staff at a series of public meetings. We invite you to join the budget discussions during Village Council meetings, starting November 7, 2023.
The budget serves as the implementation plan of the Village’s mission and strategic goals, specifically the goal to be a Steward of Financial, Environmental and Neighborhood Sustainability.
In keeping with these goals, the Proposed FY24 Budget is sustainable with a balanced general fund and no change in the tax levy from last year.
Here’s a few highlights:
- Sustainable General Fund: Revenues of $63.43 million and expenses $63.02 million.
- No Change in the Total Property Tax Levy: The amount the owner of a typical residential property pays to the Village in property taxes will remain at approximately $787.
- $21.3 Million Investment in Infrastructure: The investment includes $5.1 million in streets, $7.4 million in stormwater, $1.5 million in water and $6.5 million in sidewalk and traffic systems.
An overview of the Proposed FY24 Budget and the Budget Review and Approval Schedule is included in Section 1, below.
Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
- Section 1 Village Manager's Budget Message
- Section 2 2023-2025 Long-Range Plan
- Section 3 Sources and Uses by Fund
- Section 4 Fund Summaries
- Section 5 Department Summaries
- Section 6 Community Investment Program (CIP)
- Section 7 Personnel Summary