Residents May Receive Lead Line Survey

October 05, 2023

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When it comes to our drinking water, Downers Grove is dedicated to providing water that is clean and safe for you to use. In fact, the water supplied by the Village meets or exceeds all EPA standards, including those for lead.

The Village is in the process of verifying Lead Service Lines within Downers Grove and is developing a plan for future replacement of both public and private service lines. This work is being done in accordance with the State of Illinois Lead Service Replacement and Notification Act.

Engineering Enterprises, Inc., is working with the Village to inventory lead service lines in Downers Grove. Lead service lines are likely to be found in single-family homes built before 1960. Approximately 3,000 properties will receive a letter from the Village, asking them to respond to an online survey. 

If you receive a letter, please complete the survey by January 31, 2024. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and will help you to identify the location of your service line and the material it's made from.

Simply having lead pipes does not mean you have lead in your water. Lead plumbing was used in homes built in the early 20th century, and was banned by the EPA after 1986. 

For more information about water quality and lead compliance, visit our Water page.