Vaccine Event for Seniors: Pre-registration Request
February 24, 2021
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February 27, 2021
UPDATE: Additional appointments for tomorrow's District 99 Consortium COVID-19 vaccine clinic have become available. If you were born on or before October 18, 1950 AND submitted a Pre Registration Request, please check your email as soon as possible. Appointments are limited and scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
February 26, 2021
UPDATE: While the Village attempted to make vaccines available to all who submitted pre-registration requests, due to the limited number of vaccines we were not able to honor all requests. Nearly 900 Pre-Registration Request Forms were submitted for the approximately 300 vaccines allocated to Downers Grove residents. Priority was given based on age, starting with the oldest residents. Recipients range in age from 74 to 101.
Individuals eligible for appointments at the February 28 COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic have been notified via email.
February 25, 2021
UPDATE: Pre-Registration requests have greatly exceeded the supply of vaccine doses available for this event. The Pre-Registration Request Form has been closed. Additional information will be posted soon.
February 24, 2021
District 99 is hosting a Free COVID-19 vaccination clinic for seniors 65 and older:
Sunday, February 28
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Downers Grove South High School, 1436 Norfolk Street
The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine is being used for this event and the second dose clinic is scheduled for March 21, at a time that has yet to be determined.
An unknown, limited number of appointments to receive the vaccine will be available to Downers Grove residents, age 65 and older. The Village of Downers Grove created a Pre-Registration Request Form to assist District 99 and residents' efforts to register for the clinic.
CLOSED How to Pre-Register CLOSED
- Step 1: Complete this Pre-Registration Request Form. Completing this form does not guarantee that you will be able to register for an appointment.
- Step 2 : Look for an email from either the Village of Downers Grove OR High School District 99. Some of the qualifying residents who complete the Pre-Registration Request Form will receive an email that contains a link to an online registration form. This email will likely be sent on Thursday or Friday.
- Due to the extremely limited number of appointments available, not everyone who completes the Pre-Registration Request Form will receive an email.
- Step 3 (If You Receive an Email): Complete the online registration and follow further instructions. Only those receiving the email noted in Step 2 will be able to complete the online registration.
Please pre-register only if you are a resident of the Village of Downers Grove, 65 years of age or older. Proof of age and residency will be verified at the event.