Village Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 | 7:00 pm | Map It
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Provide public comment
Public comment received via the electronic rEmarks form opens at 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before a Village Council meeting and closes at 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
Comments are forwarded to the Village Council prior to the meeting and published on the Village's website.
Supplemental Documents
- rEmarks received for this meeting.
- Council Questions for this meeting.
- Manager's Memo to Village Council for this meeting. No Manager's Memo to the Village Council was received for this week's meeting.
Meeting AGENDA
1. Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
2. Roll Call
MOT 2023-10065 A. Motion: Allowing for Electronic Participation for the November 7, 2023 Village Council Meeting
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2023-9941 A. Minutes: Village Council Meeting Minutes - October 24, 2023
MIN 2023-10069 B. Minutes: Executive Session Meeting Minutes for Approval Only - October 24, 2023
4. Public Comments
This is the opportunity for the public to comment on non-agenda items.
5. Consent Agenda
COR 2023-9942 A. Claims Ordinance: No. 6527, Payroll - October 20, 2023
BIL 2023-9943 B. Bills Payable: No. 6762 - November 7, 2023
MOT 2023-10094 C. Motion: Authorize the Purchase of Bulk Road Salt Via the State Contract
RES 2023-10068 D. Resolution: Approve an Agreement with Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
6. Active Agenda
ORD 2023-10062 A. Ordinance: Authorizing a Special Use to Establish an Accessory Structure Before the Principal Structure is Established at 5140 Carpenter Street
7. First Reading
INF 2023-10075 A. Information: FY 2024 Municipal Budget Discussion. Presentation can be viewed here.
ORD 2023-10073 B. Ordinance: Repealing Article 8.XII of the Downers Grove Municipal Code Concerning Amusement Devices
ORD 2023-10071 C. Ordinance: Approving a Water Purchase and Sale Contract between the DuPage Water Commission and Contract Customers
RES 2023-10072 D. Resolution: Approve an Extension of the Water Supply Contract between the DuPage Water Commission and the City of Chicago
8. Attorney's Report
Pursuant to Section 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, the following are presented for Village Council consideration:
1. An ordinance repealing Article 8.XII of the Downers Grove Municipal Code concerning amusement devices.
2. An ordinance approving a water purchase and sale contract between the DuPage Water Commission and contract customers.
9. Mayor's Report
10. Council Member Reports
11. Manager's Report
INF 2023-10070 A. Information: Fairview Focus Area Implementation
B. Update on Priority Action Items. Presentation can be viewed here.
12. Adjournment
1. Call to Order
Mayor Barnett called to order the Village Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. He introduced the Webelo Den Pack 227 to led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He explained the protocol for the meeting and the guidelines to submit public comment.
2. Roll Call
Council Attendance (Present): Mayor Barnett, Commissioner Hosé, Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Tully, Commissioner Davenport
Council Attendance (Not Present): Commissioner Gilmartin
Non-Voting: Village Manager Dave Fieldman, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca, and Village Clerk Rosa Berardi
3. Minutes of Council Meetings
MIN 2023-9941 - A. Minutes: Village Council Meeting Minutes – October 24, 2023
MIN 2023-10069 - B. Minutes: Executive Session Meeting Minutes for Approval Only – October 24, 2023
MOTION: To adopt the meeting minutes of the October 24, 2023, Village Council Meeting and to adopt the October 24, 2023 Executive Session Meeting Minutes, as presented. RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé SECONDED BY: Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Sadowski-Fugitt, Davenport, Tully, Glover, Mayor Barnett NAYES: None
4. Public Comments
Warner Kiunte, resident, spoke about comments made at the Library Board meeting in reference to indigenous people. He stated that he wanted the Village to be an inclusive community.
A member of the public stated that he attended meeting support of Warner Kiunte and requested that the Council take a leadership role with regards to inclusiveness within the community.
5. Consent Agenda
COR 2022-99942 — A. Claims Ordinance: No. 6527, Payroll – October 20, 2023
BIL 2022-9943 — B. Bills Payable: No. 6762 – November 7, 2023
MOT 2023-10094 — C. Motion: Authorize the Purchase of Bulk Road Salt Via the State Contract
Summary: This motion authorizes the purchase bulk road salt from Cargill, Inc. of North Olmsted, OH for snow and ice control via the State of Illinois contract at a cost of $74.59 per ton and a not-to-exceed cost of $126,803.
RES 2023-10068 — D. Resolution: Approve an Agreement with Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC RES 2023-63
Summary: This resolution approves a contract with Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC for a period of 36 months for Internet connectivity and for Ethernet private fiber lines between 850 Curtiss Street and four Village facilities (Public Works - 5101 Walnut Avenue, Fire Station 1 - 2560 Wisconsin Avenue, First Station 3 - 3900 Highland Avenue, Fire Station 5 - 6701 Main Street) in the amount of $245,000.
MOTION: To adopt the consent agenda, as presented.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Sadowski-Fugitt, Davenport, Tully, Glover, Mayor Barnett
6. Active Agenda
ORD 2023-10062 — A. Authorizing a Special Use to Establish an Accessory Structure Before the Principal Structure is Established at 5140 Carpenter Street
Summary: This ordinance authorizes a special use to construct an accessory structure on a lot of record prior to the construction of a principal structure.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Sadowski-Fugitt, Davenport, Glover, Tully, Mayor Barnett
7. First Reading
INF 2023-10075 — A. Information: FY 2024 Municipal Budget Discussion
Village Manager Dave Fieldman and Finance Director Robin Lahey provided an overview of the FY 2024 Village Budget.
Brian Gay from the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation (EDC) highlighted the corporation’s accomplishments of the past year, which included the Ogden Avenue TIF closeout strategy and plan for the extension of the TIF; the ongoing redevelopment of the Meadowbrook Shopping Center and creation of the TIF District; the
Fairview Area Plan for redevelopment; and the creation of EDC Retention Program. Mr. Gay then discussed the scheduled events of the year and conferences that are attended by members of the EDC. He also reviewed the $595,000 fund request made to the Village.
Erin Venezia, Executive Director for Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation (DMC), spoke of Special Service Area No. 11; Media advertising; the events and programs offered by the DMC; the direct Mail Coupon Books. She also gave a review of the new businesses in the downtown and provided a description of the additions of new aesthetic features that have been added to the downtown.
Village Council Comments/Questions
Commissioner Tully thanked Manager Fieldman for the presentation. He said this presentation was very different from those in 2008-2009. Commissioner Tully reviewed all the positive components of the General Fund and stated that the current state of the Village Budget is a luxury compared to what the Council is used to. He said he believes the investments in the EDC and DMC is two-fold. Commissioner Tully asked the following question regarding the Capital Fund: Given the Priority Action items and projects in 2024, are there any Fairview sub-areas that would benefit from different timing?
Manager Fieldman said that when the Council discussed the Capital Project Plan over the summer, they decided to consider implementing the entire Fairview Plan. He noted that the answer to this question will be in the presentation at next week’s meeting.
The Mayor urged everyone to review the budget that is available online. He noted that 90% of the Village’s daily operation costs do not come from property taxes. The Mayor said, to Commissioner Tully’s point, that he is thankful the Village is in this situation and able to operate the way it does, while also being able to smooth future obligations. Mayor Barnett continued by stating that he wants everyone to keep in mind that the years ahead could be different for the Village. The Mayor highlighted the pension stabilization and said the efforts made now will help soften the impact in the future.
Manager Fieldman noted the Village Budget performance over the past three years, stating it was in a good position even during COVID, and attributed that to the Council’s strategic direction.
The Mayor reminded the public that the Council had been briefed on the budget process over the past four to six months, explaining the lack of questions from the Council. He also noted that the Village engages in fund accounting and some funds may go up while others may go down.
Manager Fieldman said that at the next Village Council meeting, additional budget items would be discussed. He noted that all Council questions are published with responses.
ORD 2023-10073 — B. Ordinance: Repealing Article 8.XII of the Downers Grove Municipal Code Concerning Amusement Devices
Village Manager Dave Fieldman said that he and Village Attorney Enza Petrarca reviewed this ordinance and believe this is written for the “Pac Man era”. He said that given modern operations, they believe this should be repealed.
Village Council Comments/Questions
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt said she brought this up to Village staff because she received an inquiry from an establishment that wanted to have a pinball machine for the sake of nostalgia. She noted there was a hearty
Amusement License Fee that came along with this. Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt agreed with Manager Fieldman, stating that this ordinance was written for a time when playing video games was popular.
The Mayor stated this is process is normal and that some ordinances come and go. He said this was part of a code clean-up.
ORD 2023-10071 — C. Ordinance: Approving a Water Purchase and Sale Contract between the DuPage Water Commission and Contract Customers
RES 2023-10072 — D. Resolution: Approve an Extension of the Water Supply Contract between the DuPage Water Commission and the City of Chicago
Manager Fieldman presented both items C. ORD 2023-10071 & D. RES 2023-10072 . After his review of them, he stated that staff recommends approval of both items.
Village Council Comments/Questions
Commissioner Tully reviewed the history of these items and said he welcomes the opportunity to improve any issues that have happened in the past.
8. Attorney’s Report
Pursuant to Section 2.5 of the Downers Grove Municipal Code, Village Attorney Enza Petrarca presented the following for Village Council consideration:
- An ordinance repealing Article 8.XII of the Downers Grove Municipal Code.
- An ordinance approving a water purchase and sale contract between the DuPage Water Commission and contract customers.
9. Mayor’s Report
There was no Mayor’s Report.
10. Council Member Reports
There were no Council Member Reports.
The Mayor called for a five-minute break, noting the meeting would reconvene in the Committee Room to discuss the Fairview Focus Area Implementation Plan. He welcomed all to join.
11. Manager’s Report
INF 2023-10070 — A. Information: Fairview Focus Area Implementation
Village Manager Dave Fieldman explained that this was discussion #2 of the Fairview Focus Area Plan. He noted the three items that would be covered included:
- Review of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan.
- Review the Priority Action Item and its components.
- Confirm Council direction regarding boundaries and land use.
He stated that once all three items were completed, staff would be well-positioned to move forward on rezoning efforts with the focus area.
Community Development Director Stan Popovich presented via PowerPoint.
Village Council Comments/Questions
The Mayor asked that any Council members that were not in agreement with implementation of the plan as described, to please voice their opinion.
None of the Council members responded.
The Mayor explained that part of this process is to implement the 2017 Comprehensive Plan, not to change it.
Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt said she agrees with most of what is in the vision, even though the setbacks are different than discussed. She said, in general, this is what she would like to see as the vision for Fairview.
Manager Fieldman explained that he met with Mr. Johnson, the property owner Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt referred to, regarding setbacks and Mr. Johnson understands that what has been presented is not set in stone.
Commissioner Davenport explained that what was presented that evening represented the Council’s vision. He said he thought there was value in seeing the vision acted out with this process. Commissioner Davenport stated he agrees with everything in the plan.
Commissioner Tully said the key thing is the rezoning. He said that once the rezoning happens, it will shows the community that the Council is inviting interest to buy into the area and give the EDC the opportunity to market such things.
The Mayor noted that rezoning is an important first step.
Commissioner Hosé stated that the downtown zoning was an important, difficult step. He said he is glad this is being done up front. Commissioner Hosé said he is on board with the plan, and he noted that the current land uses were appropriate for now.
Commissioner Tully said that once rezoning happens, the more finesse questions on zoning can be addressed at a later time. He stated that he does not want those things to hold everything up.
Mr. Popovich explained the process of moving working through the Comprehensive Plan to the Zoning Ordinance. He provided a revised map/plan of the focus area per the Council’s direction received at the October 17th Village Council meeting. The map gave an outline of the (revised) boundaries of the focus area. Mr. Popovich also reviewed the uses that were discussed during the meeting on the 17th.
The Mayor noted that he wanted the southeast corner of 2nd and Fairview expanded (other Council members concurred). The Mayor also said he was not sure of the purpose of adding two residential partials on Fairview past 3rd Street to the focus area.
Mr. Popovich said those properties were single-family homes that are zoned R6.
The Council decided to keep them in the focus area.
Manager Fieldman said that based on the Council’s direction, at the next meeting when the zoning framework is discussed, the area at the corner of 2nd and Fairview will be up for consideration. He said he wanted to confirm the Council’s potentially conflicting recommendation around the land uses that are a part of the 2017 Comp Plan.
Manager Fieldman stated that the next steps of the process include the regulatory framework, which would be built based on the land use.
Scott Richards, resident, expressed that if the focus area is expected to complement the downtown, this would be a good opportunity for the Council to take a look at what does not work in the downtown area and do things differently with this project.
Robin Tryloff , resident, said that she is happy to see that the words diverse and beautiful are a part of this plan. She requested the Village find a way to incorporate inclusionary housing in this area.
Mayor Barnett clarified that the drawing that was included in the meeting packet materials is conceptual. The zoning and uses would be determined at a later date.
Warner Kiunte, resident, asked the Council to define the purpose of this project. He asked the Council to consider people with disabilities that are forced to live in nursing and asked the Council to consider incorporating CILA housing in this area. This would allow people with disabilities to live on their own.
Richard Rodriquez, resident, requested that the Council consider being inclusive with this area. He spoke about making the Village affordable to the children of current residents.
Manager Fieldman stated that Village staff would start working on the rezoning framework which would be discussed the next time the Council meets on this topic.
12. Adjournment
Mayor Barnett asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
MOTION: To adjourn the November 7, 2023 Village Council Meeting.
RESULT: Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
MOTIONED TO APPROVE: Commissioner Hosé
SECONDED BY: Commissioner Sadowski-Fugitt
AYES: Commissioners Hosé, Sadowski-Fugitt, Davenport, Tully, Glover, Mayor Barnett
Mayor Barnett declared the motion carried by voice vote and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rosa Berardi
Village Clerk
801 Burlington Avenue
Downers Grove, Illinois 60515
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Special community and business events hosted by Downtown Management can be found on their calendar.
Other Event Calendars
- Downers Grove Public LIbrary
- DuPage County Community Events Calendar Includes area events that meet a basic human need or provides resources that meet the essential economic needs of those in the community (i.e. job training and placement, public assistance, and temporary financial assistance).
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Downtown Events
Special community and business events hosted by Downtown Management can be found on their calendar.
Other Event Calendars
- Downers Grove Public LIbrary
- DuPage County Community Events Calendar Includes area events that meet a basic human need or provides resources that meet the essential economic needs of those in the community (i.e. job training and placement, public assistance, and temporary financial assistance).
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