July 10, 2022
July 09, 2022
Coffee with the Council - 9:00 a.m. - Downers Grove Market at Main Street Station
- Forum for comments from Village residents
July 11, 2022
Fire Pension Board - 5:00 p.m. - Fire Station #2 - 5420 Main Street
- New Employees/Retirees/Issuance of Refund
- New Business: Approve Hardy Retirement Calculation, Approve Mowery Retirement Calculation, Tasso Retirement Calculation, Update/Revise FPIF Authorized Representatives
- Old Business
- Public Comment
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
- Public Hearing: a. 22-PLC-0014: A petition seeking approval of a Special Use for a drive-through facility and a variation(s). The property is currently zoned B-3, General Services and Highway Business. The property is located on the south side of Ogden Avenue approximately 230 feet west of Sterling Road, commonly known as 621 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-05-402-029, 030). AbyGroups, Inc., Owner and Arc Design Resources, Inc., Petitioner.
- Public Hearing: b. 22-PLC-0015: A petition seeking annexation and rezoning from R-1, Residential Detached House 1, R-2, Residential Detached House 4. The property will be annexed with the default zoning of R-1, Residential Detached House 1. The property is located at the northeast intersection of 39th Street and Douglas Road, commonly known as 3859 Douglas Road, Downers Grove, IL (PINs: 06-32-415-034 and 06-32-415-035). Suheal and Sumaira Ahmed, Owner and Petitioner.
July 12, 2022
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - There will be a live broadcast of the meeting for the public.
Public Comment
Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your rEmarks about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes just a few minutes to complete. All rEmarks will be forwarded to the Village Council and all submitted rEmarks will be linked to this page. Written responses to rEmarks will not be provided.
Council Agenda - July 12, 2022
Council Meeting Minutes - July 5, 2022
Roll Call
- A motion to allow electronic participation for the July 12, 2022 meeting.
Consent Agenda
- A. BIL 2022-9506 Bills Payable No. 6674 - July 12, 2022
- B. MOT 2022-9520 A motion approving a contract with Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. of Huntley, Illinois, in the amount of $73,150.00 for 2022 Fall Roadway Patching (CIP Project ST-004D).
- C. RES 2022-9530 A resolution approving a 3-year agreement with Target Solutions Learning, LLC in the amount of $22,721.19 for fire department training and asset management software.
- D. MOT 2022-9527 A motion approving the purchase of network switch replacements for the Public Works Facility from Sentinel Technologies, Inc. of Downers Grove, Illinois, in the amount of $23,974.44.
Active Agenda
- A. MOT 2022-9528 A motion approving an amendment to the Total Project Budget for the Facilities Replacement and Sustainability Plan and authorize the expenditure of the FF&E and other soft costs allowances and the owner's contingency consistent with the approved Design Development Plans.
- B. RES 2022-9529 A resolution approving an amendment to Exhibit A of the AIA A133 Agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Leopardo Companies, Inc. as construction manager/constructor for the Facilities Replacement and Sustainability Plan.
- C. RES 2022-9523 A resolution approving an Intergovernmental Lease Agreement between the Village of Downers Grove and Board of Education of Downers Grove Grade School District No. 58 for office space within the Village Hall/Police Station combined facility as part of the Facilities Replacement and Sustainability Plan.
- D. MOT 2022-9500 A motion authorizing staff to pursue traffic safety improvements on Main Street and Highland Avenue near Downers Grove North High School.
First Reading
- A. ORD 2022-9519 An ordinance amending certain sections of Chapter 14 of the Municipal Code concerning traffic control provisions at certain intersections. - Presentation can be viewed here .
- B. ORD 2022-9541 An ordinance authorizing the extension of Special Use Ordinance No. 5817 to permit an accessory parking lot use before principal use is established at 3131 Finley Road to July 7, 2023. - Presentation can be viewed here .
Manager's Report
Mayor's Report
rEmarks - No rEmarks were submitted for this week's meeting.
Manager's Report to the Village Council - No Manager's Report to the Village Council was submitted for this week's meeting.
July 13, 2022
Transportation and Parking Commission - Canceled
July 14, 2022
Community Events Commission - Canceled
Environmental Concerns Commission - Canceled
Technology Commission - Canceled
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