March 06, 2022
March 7, 2022
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Public Hearings:
- A. 22-PLC-0004: A petition seeking approval for a Special Use approval to construct an accessory structure on a lot of record prior to the construction of a principal structure. The property is currently zoned R-4, Residential Detached House 4, and is located at 5240 Lyman Avenue (PIN 09-08-315-001). Michael and Stacy Lane, owner and petitioner.
- B. 22-PLC-0006: A petition seeking approval for a Final Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the existing property into two lots. The property is currently zoned DT, Downtown Transition, and is located at 1122 Gilbert Avenue (PIN 09-08-126-002). Immanuel Residences, Inc., owner and petitioner.
March 8, 2022
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - There will be a live broadcast of the meeting for the public.
Public Comment
Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your rEmarks about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes just a few minutes to complete. All rEmarks will be forwarded to the Village Council and all submitted rEmarks will be linked to this page. Written responses to rEmarks will not be provided.
Council Agenda - March 8, 2022
Council Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2022
Roll Call
- A motion to allow electronic participation for the March 8, 2022 meeting.
Mayor's Report
- A. REP 2022-9369 Report: Materials to be placed on file - Not Kind of, LLC d/b/a The Foxtail, Class "O" Liquor License
Consent Agenda
- A. BIL 2022-9342 Bills Payable No. 6650 - March 8, 2022
- B. MIN 2022-9359 Note receipt of boards and commissions meeting minutes.
- C. MOT 2022-9332 A motion approving an agreement with JA Johnson Paving Company of Arlington Heights, Illinois in the amount of $1,213,354.76 for the Prairie Avenue Resurfacing Project.
- D. RES 2022-9331 A resolution approving the first extension to the contract with Alliance Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $536,824.26 for the 2022 DBD Crosswalk & Accessibility Upgrades.
- E. RES 2022-9366 A resolution appropriating an additional amount of $40,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the 2022 Annual Roadway Resurfacing Program.
- F. MOT 2022-9368 A motion approving an agreement with KLOA, Inc. of Rosemont, Illinois in an amount not-to-exceed $45,000.00 for on-call traffic engineering services including Neighborhood Traffic Study #8.
- G. RES 2022-9367 A resolution approving an amendment to the agreement with HR Green, Inc. of McHenry, Illinois in the amount of $24,950.00 for pedestrian safety improvements design services related to Downers Grove North and South High Schools.
- H. RES 2022-9365 A resolution authorizing Addendum No. 051-TR with Sentinel Technologies of Downers Grove, Illinois in an amount of $47,112.00 to upgrade the Village's VoIP Telephone System.
Active Agenda
- A. ORD 2022-9349 An ordinance vacating a certain portion of a public right-of-way in the Village of Downers Grove (A 10-foot wide right-of-way located at 6000-6014 Fairview Avenue).
- B. ORD 2022-9350 An ordinance rezoning certain property located at 6000-6014 Fairview Avenue.
- C. RES 2022-9333 A resolution approving the final Plat of Subdivision for 6000-6014 Fairview Avenue.
- D. ORD 2022-9334 An ordinance authorizing a special use for 1000-1010 75th Street to permit a personal vehicle repair and maintenance business.
First Reading
- A. MOT 2022-9347 A motion approving the 2022 Street Resurfacing Contract B to K-Five Construction Company of Westmont, Illinois in the amount of $2,689,352.56.
Manager's Report
- A. MOT 2022-9371 FRSP Update: A motion 1) Approving the schematic design plans and 2) Approving the updated total project budget and financial plan for the Facilities Replacement and Sustainability Plan.
rEmarks - There were no rEmarks submitted for this week's agenda items.
Manager's Report to the Village Council - There is no Manager's Report to the Village Council this week.
March 9, 2022
Transportation and Parking Commission - Canceled
March 10, 2022
Community Events Commission - 5:30 p.m. - Committee Room
- Public Comment
- New Business: Downers Grove YMCA - Farmers Market
- Staff Report
- Old Business
Environmental Concerns Commission - Canceled
Technology Commission - Canceled
March 12, 2022
Coffee with the Council - 9:00 a.m. - Downers Grove Public Library - 1050 Curtiss Street
- Forum for comments from Village residents
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