May 06, 2018
May 7, 2018
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- 18-PLC-0012: A petition seeking approval of a Planned Unit Development, a Zoning Map Amendment from R-1, Residential Detached House 1 to R-5/PUD, Residential Attached House 5/Planned Unit Development, and a Final Plat of Subdivision, to construct a 13 unit townhome development. The property is currently zoned R-1, Residential Detached House 1. The property is located on the west side of Fairview Avenue, between 60th and 61st Streets, commonly known as 6000 and 6014 Fairview Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-17-405-010). Kindt and Associates, Petitioner and John Gray, Owner.
- 18-PLC-0011: A petition seeking approval of text amendments to all articles of Chapter 28 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Municipal Code of the Village of Downers Grove, except Article 1, Introductory Provisions and Article 13, Administration and Enforcement. Village of Downers Grove, Petitioner.
May 8, 2018
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Council Agenda rEmarks
NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks format.
Consent Agenda
- A. BIL 2018-7758 Bills Payable: 6392, May 8, 2018
- B. MOT 2018-7746 A motion authorizing a three-year contract for $363,563.00 with M. E. Simpson Co., Inc., Valparaiso, IN, for fire hydrant maintenance and flow testing services
- C. MOT 2018-7747 A motion authorizing a three-year contract for $194,600.00 to M. E. Simpson Co., Inc., Valparaiso, IN, for water distribution valve assessment services
- D. MOT 2018-7748 A motion authorizing $1,914,264.48 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for the 2018 water main improvements contract A
- E. MOT 2018-7749 A motion authorizing $1,682,500.36 to Austin Tyler Construction, Inc., Elwood, IL, for 2018 water main improvements Contract B
- F. MOT 2018-7760 A motion authorizing $32,769.00 to CDW Government, LLC, Vernon Hills, IL, for 180 Windows 10 Enterprise Operating System Licenses
- G. MOT 2018-7756 A motion authorizing $32,250.00 to Hancock Engineering, Westchester, IL, for 2019 water main survey services
- H. RES 2018-7763 A resolution authorizing the disposal of personal property owned by the Village of Downers Grove
- I. MOT 2018-7767 A motion authorizing an amount not to exceed $22,000.00 to Zeigler Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Downers Grove, IL, for the Purchase of a Vehicle for Police Operations
- J. MIN 2018-7768 Note receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions
Active Agenda
- A. ORD 2018-7745 An ordinance authorizing a loan agreement with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
- B. ORD 2018-7753 An ordinance amending the rates charged for water
First Reading
- A. RES 2018-7752 A resolution granting historic landmark designation for 1323 Maple Avenue
- B. ORD 2018-7759 An ordinance amending the wine boutique liquor license classification
- C. ORD 2018-7761 An ordinance amending provisions of Chapter 9, Office of Emergency Management
- D. MOT 2018-7750 A motion authorizing $2,792,999.76 to K-Five Construction Corp., Westmont, IL, for 2018 street resurfacing contract B
Manager's Report - Committee Room
- A. REP 2018-7624 Discussion of potential amendments to stormwater management regulations
Council Responses (Published on Tuesday afternoon, prior to the Council meeting)
May 9, 2018
Transportation & Parking Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- File 2-18 Hitchcock at Glenview and Curtiss at Glenview - Traffic Control Revisions
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