September 11, 2016
September 12, 2016
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- 16-PLC-0033 (continued from August 1, 2016): A petition seeking to amend the existing special use ordinance to allow all uses expressly permitted in the M-1 Zoning District. The property is currently zoned M-1, Light Manufacturing. The property is located on Wisconsin Avenue, 480 feet west of Belmont Road, commonly known as 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 08-12-407-006). MacNeil Real Estate Holdings, LLC, Owner.
- 16-PLC-0036: A petition seeking approval of a special use to operate an Animal Board/Shelter business, a parking variation, and a rezoning from O-R-M, Office-Research-Manufacturing to B-2, General Retail Business. The property is currently zoned O-R-M, Office-Research-Manufacturing. The property is located to the south of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Rogers Street, approximately 220 feet to the southwest of Fairview Avenue, commonly known as 421 Maple Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-08-227-002). Gregory Jones, Attorney to Doggie Depot, Inc., Petitioner; Chicago Title Land Trust Co. No. 6579, Owner.
- 16-PLC-0037: A petition seeking approval of a final plat of subdivision to divide three lots into two lots. The property is currently zoned R-4, Residential Detached House 4. The property is located on the west side of Prince Street, approximately 150 feet north of Franklin Street. The addresses are 4824 Prince Street, 4825 Saratoga Avenue, and 1130 Franklin Street, Downers Grove, IL (PINs 09-08-107-014; 09-08-107-006; 09-08-107-016). Jeffrey and Melanie Crane, Petitioners; Jeffrey and Melanie Crane and Fredric and Cynthia Zaeske, Owners.
September 13, 2016
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - 4:00 p.m. - Ante Room
Agenda Summary
- Amend Board of Fire & Police Commissioners rules regarding eligibility requirements for original appointment to Fire Department
- Authorize a recruitment for the purpose of creating a Firefighter/Paramedic Eligibility List to replace the existing Eligibility List expiring 12/12/16
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Council Agenda rEmarks
NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks format.
Executive Session Minutes for approval only - 08-09-16, 08-15-16, 08-16-16, 08-29-16, and 08-30-16
Consent Agenda
- A. BIL 2016-7014 Bills Payable: No. 6286, September 13, 2016
- B. MOT 2016-6945 A motion authorizing a three-year contract for $196,750.00 to Backflow Solutions, Inc., Alsip, IL, for cross connection control program
- C. RES 2016-6999 A resolution authorizing a first amendment to a license agreement with Verizon Wireless to install, maintain and operate antenna equipment on Village property located at 3801 Highland Avenue
- D. MOT 2016-6987 A motion authorizing $36,776.40 to the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference for FY 2016-17 dues
- E. RES 2016-7002 A resolution authorizing a first amendment to license agreement with Wide Open West Illinois, LLC for use of the Village rights-of-way
- F. MOT 2016-7004 A motion awarding a contract for $64,900 to Chicagoland Paving Contractors, Inc., Lake Zurich, IL, for 2016 fall roadway patching (CIP Project ST-004D)
- G. MOT 2016-7007 A motion awarding a contract for $30,000 to Superior Road Striping, Melrose Park, IL, for 2016 pavement striping maintenance
Active Agenda
First Reading
- A. ORD 2016-6951 An ordinance rezoning certain property located at 1401-1445 Ogden Avenue
- B. ORD 2016-6950 An ordinance designating the property at 1401-1445 Ogden Avenue as Planned Unit Development #56 for the redevelopment of a fueling station and car wash
- C. ORD 2016-6952 An ordinance authorizing a special use for 1401-1445 Ogden Avenue to permit the redevelopment of a fueling station and car wash
- D. ORD 2016-6953 An ordinance vacating a portion of a public alley immediately south of 1401-1445 Ogden Avenue
Mayor's Report
- RES 2016-7011 A resolution appointing and reappointing members to boards and commissions
Manager's Report
Council Responses (Published on Tuesday afternoon, prior to the Council meeting)
September 14, 2016
Joint Intergovernmental Meeting - 6:30 p.m. Downers Grove South High Cafetorium, 1436 Norfolk Street
(A joint meeting of the following entities: Village Council of the Village of Downers Grove, School Board members of Community School District 99, School Board members of Downers Grove Grade School District 58, the Downers Grove Board of Park Commissioners, elected officials of the Downers Grove Township, elected officials of York Township, the Downers Grove Sanitary District Board of Trustees, the Downers Grove Public Library Board of Trustees and the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation.)
Agenda Summary
- Presentations by participating governmental bodies
- Question and answer period
Transportation and Parking Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- File #07-16 Venard Road at Brookside Lane - 2-Way Stop
- File #08-16 Middaugh Avenue at Blanchard Street - 2-Way Stop
- File #09-16 Sterling Road at 40th Street - 2-Way Stop
September 17, 2016
Coffee With the Council - 9:00 a.m. - Downers Grove Main Street Train Station
Agenda Summary
- A forum for comments from Village residents
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