March 20, 2016
March 19, 2016
Coffee With The Council - 9:00 a.m. - Downers Grove Public Library, 1050 Curtiss Street
Agenda Summary
- A forum for comments from Village residents
March 22, 2016
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Council Agenda rEmarks
NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks format.
Submit Public Comment
Executive Session - 6:00 p.m.
Regular Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Consent Agenda
- A. COR 2016-6736 Claims Ordinance: No. 6149, Payroll, February 19, 2016
- B. BIL 2016-6737 Bills Payable: No. 6252, March 22, 2016
- C. MOT 2016-6717 A motion awarding a contract not to exceed $19,179.00 to Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Lombard, IL, for clean construction and demolition debris environmental engineering services
- D. MOT 2016-6718 A motion awarding a contract for $23,900.00 to M. Gingerich, Gereaux & Associates, Manhattan, IL, for survey services
- E. RES 2016-6719 A resolution authorizing an amendment to the contract with Hancock Engineering
- F. MOT 2016-6720 A motion awarding a contract for $84,450.00 to Safe Step, LLC, Hortonville, WI, for 2016 sidewalk rehabilitation project
- G. RES 2016-6733 A resolution authorizing a license agreement with SprintCom, Inc., to install, maintain and operate antenna equipment on Village property
- H. RES 2016-6734 A resolution authorizing a settlement agreement and release with Tracy Spakausky
- I. MOT 2016-6725 A motion authorizing participation with the State of Illinois in joint purchase of bulk rock salt for 2016-2017 winter season
- J. MOT 2016-6739 A motion authorizing participation with DuPage County in the joint purchase of bulk rock salt for 2016-2017 winter season
- K. MOT 2016-6724 A motion authorizing a change order to an existing three-year contract for Water System Leak Detection Services with M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. of Valparaiso, Indiana in the amount of $18,000.00
- L. MOT 2016-6726 A motion awarding a contract for the Design and Oversight for Parking Deck Rehabilitation and Maintenance to Walker Parking Consultants/Engineering, Inc. dba Walker Restoration Consultants, of Elgin, Illinois in an amount of $42,460.00
- M. MIN 2016-6738 Note receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions
Active Agenda
- A. RES 2016-6698 A resolution granting historic landmark designation for 5320 Benton Avenue
First Reading
- A. REP 2016-6723 A report regarding the economic development plan to enhance the sales tax base
- B. ORD 2016-6721 An ordinance authorizing a special use for 4617 Roslyn Road to permit an extended family accessory housing unit
- C. ORD 2016-6722 An ordinance authorizing the vacation of a public alley adjacent to 4147 Venard Road
- D. MOT 2016-6740 A motion to authorize a fee waiver in the amount of $4,901.18 for the vacation of a public alley adjacent to 4147 Venard Road
Mayor's Report
- A. RES 2016-6694 A resolution establishing the Downers Grove Comprehensive Planning Ad Hoc Committee and appoint members thereto
Manager's Report
Council Responses (Published on Tuesday afternoon, prior to the Council meeting)
March 23, 2016
Zoning Board of Appeals - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- 16-ZBA-0003: A petition seeking a zoning exception to vertically extend a non-conforming wall. The property is currently zoned R-4, Residential Detached House 4. The property is located on Parkway Drive, approximately 100 feet east of Linscott Avenue and is commonly known as 1217 Parkway Drive, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-07-217-013). Shannon Clayton, Petitioner and Owner
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