November 15, 2015
November 17, 2015
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Council Agenda rEmarks
NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks format.
Consent Agenda
- A. COR 2015-6552 Claims Ordinance: No. 6133, Payroll, October 30, 2015
- B. BIL 2015-6553 Bills Payable: No. 6228, November 17, 2015
- C. MOT 2015-6505 A motion awarding a three-year contract for $262,800.00 to NJ Ryan Tree & Landscape LLC for parkway tree pruning services
- D. MOT 2015-6506 A motion awarding a three-year contract for $467,243.40 to Homer Tree Care, Inc., Lockport, IL, for tree and stump removal services
- E. MOT 2015-6507 A motion awarding a three-year contract for $26,650 .00 to Homer Tree Care, Inc., Lockport, IL, for demand pruning services
- F. MOT 2015-6508 A motion awarding a three-year contract for $88,200.00 to WA Management, Inc., West Chicago, IL, for mowing services
- G. MOT 2015-6550 A motion noting receipt of Compliance Review No. 73 re: Audit of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds - January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2014
Active Agenda
- A. ORD 2015-6511 An ordinance amending parking and traffic provisions
- B. RES 2015-6517 A resolution approving the final plat of subdivision with exceptions for 5307 Victor Street
First Reading
- A. ORD 2015-6525 An ordinance rezoning certain property located at 1940 Elmore Avenue
- B. ORD 2015-6526 An ordinance approving an amendment to Planned Unit Development #51 to allow revisions to the campus master plan at Midwestern University located at 555 31st Street
- C. ORD 2015-6527 An ordinance rezoning certain property located at 2501 Hobson Road
- D. ORD 2015-6528 An ordinance authorizing a special use for 2501 Hobson Road to permit a cemetery
- E. RES 2015-6557 A resolution authorizing an agreement with Williams Architects
November 18, 2015
Fire Pension Fund - 4:30 p.m. - Fire Station 2, 5420 Main Street
Agenda Summary
- Report from Marquette and Associates
- Treasurer's Report
- Old Business: Executive Session
- New Business: Discuss hiring new broker for fiduciary liability policy; approve 2016 budget; discussion on 2016 agenda planning; Spradau QILDRO; Brainard QILDRO; discuss new actuary and RFP
Zoning Board of Appeals - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- 15-ZBA-0012: A petition seeking an exception to construct a second story addition on the existing house. The property is currently zoned R-4, Residential Detached House 4. The subject property is located on the south side of 6th Avenue, approximately 70 feet east of Victor Street and is commonly known as 23 6th Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-09-324-002). Anthony Passarelli, Petitioner and Owner.
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