July 05, 2015

July 3, 2015

Independence Day Observed - Most Village Offices Closed

July 6, 2015

Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers

Agenda Summary


  • 15-PLC-0017: A petition seeking approval of a Special Use for a Fueling Station to redevelop the existing gas station. The subject property is zoned B-3, General Services and Highway Business. The property is located on the west side of Finley Road between Ogden Avenue and Warrenville Road, commonly known as 2212 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (08-01-402-006, -007, -008). Ambrose Design Group, LLC, Petitioner; TrueNorth Energy, LLC, Owner. 
  • 15-PLC-0019: A petition seeking approval of a Planned Unit Development and Special Use to permit the construction of a multiple family residential structure. The property is currently zoned DB, Downtown Business. The property is located at the northwest corner of Gilbert and Forest Avenues, commonly known as 5100 Forest Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (09-08-126-005). DG Burlington Partners LP, Petitioner and Owner. 
  • 15-PLC-0021: A petition seeking approval of a Final Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the existing property into two lots. The property is currently zoned O-R-M, Office-Research-Manufacturing. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Ogden and Walnut Avenues, commonly known as 2801 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (08-01-304-002, -003, -022, -028 and 08-01-307-001, -002, and -003). The Alter Group, Petitioner and Owner.  
  • 15-PLC-0018: A petition seeking approval of multiple text amendments to 1) Article 4, Institutional and Public Districts and also Planned Unit Developments; 2) Article 9, Signs; 3) Article 12, Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments and also Planned Unit Developments; and 4) Articcle 15, Definitions. Village of Downers Grove, Petitioner
  • 15-PLC-0020: A petition seeking approval of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to amend a single sentence of the Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan. Village of Downers Grove, Petitioner. 

July 7, 2015

  Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers

Council Agenda rEmarks

NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks  format.


Submit Public Comment


Council Meeting video

Council Agenda 07-07-15

Council Minutes 06-16-15

Meetings Schedule



  • A.  2015-6308 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Consent Agenda

  • A. COR 2015-6295 Claims Ordinance: No. 6113, Payroll, June 12, 2015
  • B. BIL 2015-6296 Bills Payable: No. 6200, July 7, 2015
  • C.  MOT 2015-6301 A motion awarding a contract to Ray O'Herron Co., Downers Grove, IL, for an amount not to exceed $135,167 for police equipment and uniforms
  • D.  MOT 2015-6302 A motion awarding a contract for $77,950.30 to RoadSafe Traffic Systems, Inc., Romeoville, IL, for the 2015 pavement striping maintenance
  • E.  MOT 2015-6307 A motion authorizing a change order for $32,627.50 to Globe Construction, Inc., Addison, IL, for 2015 replacement sidewalk program 
  • F.  MOT 2015-6309 A motion noting receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions

  Active Agenda

  • A.  ORD 2015-6277 An ordinance amending traffic provisions 
  • B.  MOT 2015-6286 A motion directing staff to prepare an amendment to the Stormwater Utility Credit and Incentive Manual

  First Reading 

  • A.  MOT 2015-6303 A motion awarding $1,729,127.73 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for Maple Avenue roadway reconstruction 
  • B.  RES 2015-6311 A resolution authorizing a license agreement for the temporary use of public property with the Downtown Downers Grove Management Corporation for the 2015 Fine Arts Festival
  • C.  RES 2015-6292 A resolution authorizing a license agreement for the temporary use of public property with the Educational Foundation of Downers Grove District 58 for the 2015 Oktoberfest

Council Member New Business

  • A.  MOT 2015-6310 A motion to consider amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance 
  • B.  MOT 2015-6300 A motion to consider creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Historic Preservation

Manager's Report 

Manager Report

Long-Range Planning (Committee Room) ( Staff Report )

Council Responses

July 8, 2015

Transportation and Parking Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • File #08-15 Village traffic projects and priorities

July 9, 2015

Environmental Concerns Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Committee Room

Agenda Summary

  • Summary of the DuPage River Sweep and rain barrel sale with the Conservation Foundation
  • Green Business application revision discussions

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