May 03, 2015
May 4, 2015
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- 15-PLC-0009 (Continued from April 6, 2015): A petition seeking approval for a Planned Development Amendment and a Special Use for a drive-through facility. The subject property is zoned B-2, General Retail Business. The property is located at the northwest corner of Lemont Road and 75th Street, commonly known as 1200 75th Street, Downers Grove, IL (09-30-201-002). Eric Carlson, Petitioner; Hemant Paetl, Owner.
- 15-PLC-0011: A petition seeking an amendment to Article 5, Allowed Uses, Article 9, Signs and Article 13, Administration and Enforcement, of Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code. The purposes of the request are 1) to amend Section 28.5.010 to permit limited warehousing activities in the O-R, Office-Research zoning district and 2) to amend various sections within Articles 9 and 13 with regard to enforcement provisions and fines; Village of Downers Grove, Petitioner.
- 15-PLC-0014: A petition seeking approval for a zoning map amendment from R-1, Residential Detached House 1, to R-4, Residential Detached House 4. The property is located on the east side of Rose Avenue approximately 170 feet south of Haddow Avenue, commonly known as 4933 Rose Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (08-12-111-005). Greenscape Homes, LLC, Petitioner; John Pergler, Owner.
- 15-PLC-0015: A petition seeking approval of a Final Plat of Subdivision, rezoning to B-3, General Services and Highway Business, Special Use for an Automotive Service Center and sign variations. The property is located on the north side of Ogden Avenue, approximately 400 feet east of Authority Drive, commonly known as 2655 Warrenville Road, Downers Grove, IL (08-01-302-061). Transwestern Investment Group, Petitioner; Corridors JV, LLC, Owner.
May 5, 2015
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Consent Agenda
- A. COR 2015-6216 Claims Ordinance: No. 6105, Payroll, April 17, 2015
- B. BIL 2015-6217 List of Bills Payable: No. 6188, May 5, 2015
- C. RES 2015-6191 A resolution authorizing an agreement and addendum with Sungard Public Sector, Inc.
- D. MIN 2015-6214 Note receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions
Active Agenda
- A. ORD 2015-6192 An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit an extended family accessory housing unit at 4215 Venard Road
Motion to Adjourn Sine Die (Without Date)
- Mayor's Acknowledgment and Recognition of Service
Swearing-in Ceremony of Commissioners
Roll Call
First Reading
Mayor's Report
- RES 2015-6218 A resolution appointing members to Village Boards and Commissions
Manager's Report
Council Responses
May 7, 2015
Liquor Commission - 6:30 p.m. - Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Application Hearing: Downers Sand Club, 1211 B Butterfield Road, Class REC-1/O
- Old Business: Liquor product identification signs
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