May 12, 2013
May 13, 2013
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners - 2:00 p.m. - Fire Station 2, 5420 Main Street
Agenda Summary
- Go into Executive Session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to conduct oral interviews of candidates for Fire Lieutenant for purpose of creating Eligibility List
May 14, 2013
Foreign Fire Fund - 7:30 a.m. - Fire Station 2, 5420 Main Street
Agenda Summary
- Treasurer's report
Council Agenda rEmarks
NEW! Can't make the Council meeting, but would like to give your opinions/comments about this week's agenda? Give us your rEmarks ! This electronic form takes about 5 minutes to complete, depending on the number of comments you have. Comments will be accepted through noon on Tuesdays and will be forwarded to the Village Council and posted on the Council Responses link below. Staff and Council will not provide a written response to questions posed in the rEmarks format.
To comment on this week's agenda (below) using rEmarks, click HERE .
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Consent Agenda
- A. BIL 00-05221 List of Bills Payable: No. 6046, May 14, 2013
- B. RES 00-05222 A resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement with the Downers Grove Sanitary District for overflow answering and dispatch services
- C. RES 00-05223 A resolution authorizing an agreement with MC Squared for retail electricity supply
- D. RES 00-05205 A resolution authorizing a contract and addendum not to exceed $62,523.26 with F.H. Paschen
- E. RES 00-05197 A resolution authorizing a redevelopment and license agreement for the installation and use of a refuse enclosure on Village property with Downtown Downers Grove, Inc.
- F. MOT 00-05229 A motion noting receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions
Active Agenda
First Reading
- A. ORD 00-05227 An ordinance amending the Liquor Ordinance re: entertainment/restaurant facility license
- B. ORD 00-05230 An ordinance amending the Liquor Ordinance re: floor plan changes and certified training requirements
- C. MOT 00-05228 A motion awarding a contract for $639,340 to Patnick Construction, Inc., Franklin Park, IL, for the water main loop, annexed area
- D. BID 00-05226 A bid awarding $569,680.05 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for the 2013 new sidewalk installation program and right-of-way accessibility improvements
- E. ORD 00-05216 An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit an automobile laundry and repair shop at 946 Ogden Avenue
Mayor's Report
Manager's Report
Attorney's Report
May 16, 2013
Community Events Commission - 6:00 p.m. - Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- GroveFest Update
- July 4th Parade & fireworks activities
- After parade activities - update
May 18, 2013
Coffee With The Council - 9:00 a.m. - Downtown Downers Grove Market, Main Street Train Station
Agenda Summary
- A forum for comments from Village residents
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