April 01, 2012

April 2, 2012

Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • PC-09-12 A petition seeking a text amendment to Article IX, Section 28.903, M-1 District Special Uses, of Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code. The purpose of the request is to add "vocational and trade schools" to the list of permitted special uses for the M-1, Light Manufacturing district. Christian Tyler, Petitioner; Trust Agreement dated 4/14/94, known as Trust #1, Owner.
  • PC-10-12 A petition seeking approval of a special use for a spa training academy (vocational school) in the existing building. The property is zoned M-1, Light Manufacturing district. The property is located on the east side of Walnut Avenue approximately 420 feet north of Maple Avenue and is commonly known as 5413 Walnut Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois (PINs 08-12-305-011 and 08-12-305-013). Christian Tyler, Petitioner; Trust Agreement dated 4/14/94, known as Trust #1, Owner.
  • PC-12-12 A petition seeking approval of a Final Plat of Subdivision to consolidate two existing parcels into one lot. The property is located on the west side of Middaugh Avenue approximately 770 feet south of 55th Street, commonly known as 5612 Middaugh Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-18-202-034, -035); David M. Leder & Cindy J. Johnstone, Petitioners; Josepth and Marilyn McCormick, Owners.
  • PC-13-12 A petition seeking approval of a Special Use to allow the construction of three principal buildings on a single parcel. The property is located on the north side of Wisconsin Avenue, approximately 490 feet west of Belmont Road, Downers Grove, IL commonly known as 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 08-12-407-006); David MacNeil Petitioner; Mac Neil Real Estate Holdings, Owner.

April 3, 2012

Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers

Council Meeting Video

Council Agenda 04-03-12 

Council Minutes 03-20-12


  • Telecommunicators Week
  • Marsha Giesler, 2012 Fire & Life Safety Educator of the Year (National Fire Portection Association)
  • Police Department Accreditation (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies)

Meetings Schedule

Consent Agenda

  • A.  COR 00-04841 Claim Ordinance: No. 5943, Payroll, March 9, 2012
  • B. BIL 00-04842 List of Bills Payable: No. 5968, April 3, 2012
  • C.  RES 00-04843 A resolution regarding maintenance of streets and highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code 
  • D.   MOT 00-04844 A motion awarding a contract not to exceed $85,000 to SEECO Consultants, Inc., Tinley Park, IL, for material testing services
  • E.  MOT 00-04845 A motion awarding a contract not to exceed $85,000 to Great Lakes Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., Bolingbrook, IL, for material testing services
  • F.  BID 00-04846 A bid awarding $62,400 to James D. Fiala Paving Co., Inc., Bolingbrook, IL, for supply of hot mix asphalt materials 
  • G.  BID 00-04847 A bid awarding a contract not to exceed $20,000 to Meyer Material Company, Des Plaines, IL, for supply of ready mix concrete  
  • H.   BID 00-04848 A bid awarding $62,860 to Western Gradall Corporation, Naperville, IL, for roadside drainage ditch reconstruction and maintenance services
  • I.   MOT 00-04851 A motion awarding a contract for $66,208 to SEECO Consultants, Inc., Tinley Park, IL, for material testing services (Valley View Estates and Knottingham Subdivision Reconstruction and Water Main Replacement Projects)
  • J.  BID 00-04852 A bid awarding $39,515 to ENCAP, Inc., Sycamore, IL, for Cumnor basin planting and landscape improvements
  • K.  MOT 00-04820 A motion awarding $3,552,453 to A. Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for Valley View Estates reconstruction and water main replacement project
  • L.  MOT 00-04819 A motion awarding $5,489,847.76 to Austin Tyler Construction, LLC, Elwood, IL, for the Knottingham Subdivision Road reconstruction and water main replacement project
  • M.  RES 00-04834 A resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement with City of Darien
  • N.  MOT 00-04858 A motion noting receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions

Active Agenda 

  • A.  MOT 00-04840 A motion authorizing a salary increase for the Village Attorney
  • B.   ORD 00-04833 An ordinance amending certain rates charged for water
  • C.  RES 00-04835 A resolution declaring official intent regarding certain capital expenditures to be reimbursed from proceeds of an obligation

First Reading

  • A.   ORD 00-04854 An ordinance rezoning property located at 6622 and 6700 Fairview Avenue from R-1, Single Family Residence, to R-3, Single Family Residence
  • B.  RES 00-04855 A resolution approving the final plat of subdivision for 6622, 6650 and 6700 Fairview Avenue
  • C.  RES 00-04857 A resolution approving the final plat first resubdivision of Green Acres of Downers Grove Subdivision for 401-403 Lynn Gremer Court and 6568 Fairview Avenue
  • D.  RES 00-04850 A resolution abrogating a certain lot at 6562 Davane Lane
  • E.  RES 00-04856 A resolution abrogating certain utility and drainage easements on certain lots at 401-403 Lynn Gremer Court and 6568 Fairview Avenue
  • F.   BID 00-04849 A bid awarding $165,550 to A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc., Schaumburg, IL, for 2012 pavement patching services

Mayor's Report 

  • ComEd Reliability Report

Manager's Report

Manager Report

Attorney's Report

Attorney Report

Council Responses

April 5, 2012

Liquor Commission - Cancelled

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