November 01, 2010
November 1, 2010
Plan Commission - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- PC-14-10 A petition seeking a Special Use permit for a private-for-profit educational institution in the ORM zoning district for the property located on the east side of Opus Place, approximately 275 east of the intersection of Opus Place and Finley Road, commonly known as 1431 Opus Place, Downers Grove, Illinois (PIN #06-31-200-038); Joshua I. Robbins, Duke Realty, Petitioner; Duke Realty Liimited Partnerhsip, Owner.
- PC-15-10 A petition seeking a rezoning from R1, Single Family Residence to R3, Single Family Residence for the property located on the south side of 61st Street 120 feet east of Hillcrest Road, commonly known as 1407 61st Street, Downers Grove, Illinois (PIN #09-18-403-003); Pete Boroumand, Petitioner; Oakland Homes, Inc., Owner
- PC-16-10 A petition seeking a Special Use approval for an accessory structure on a vacant lot for property located on the west side of Chase Avenue approximately 220 feet north of 61st Street commonly known as 6092 Chase Avenue, Downers Grove, Illinois (PIN #08-13-404-018); Michael McClement, Petitioner/Owner.
November 2, 2010
Village Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only - 10-05-10
Capital Projects Update
Consent Agenda
- A (COR 00-04302) Claim Ordinance: No. 5871, Payroll, October 22, 2010
- B (BIL 00-04303) List of Bills Payable: No. 5860, November 2, 2010
- C MOT 00-04309 A motion noting receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions
Active Agenda
- A RES 00-04295 A resolution approving the final plat of subdivision for 212 Ogden Avenue
- B ORD 00-04296 An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit an automobile repair facility at 212 Ogden Avenue
- C ORD 00-04297 An ordinance rezoning property located at 1528 Brook Drive from M-2 to ORM
- D RES 00-04301 A resolution of final plat of subdivision for Flavorchem Resubdivision
- E ORD 00-04298 An ordinance authorizing a special use to permit an animal chiropractic clinic in the downtown business district
First Reading
- A MOT 00-04308 An ordinance accepting the Municipal & Financial Services Group Comprehensive Water Rate Study Report
- B ORD 00-04307 An ordinance amending water rates
- C RES 00-04305 A resolution authorizing a five-year contract with Baker Tilly Virchow Krause for audit services
- D BID 00-04304 A bid awarding $42,854 to Genetec, Inc. for Automated License Plate Recognition System
Mayor's Report
- RES 00-04306 A resolution appointing members to Boards and Commissions
Attorney's Report
November 3, 2010
Human Service Commission - 6:30 p.m. - Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Primary focus of the Commission
- Review last month's discussion of Existing Government Communication Tools
- Discussion of Knoxville, TN, Overland Park, KS, Denver CO, and Dublin, OH neighborhood organization models
- Brainstorm about other potential communication models
Comprehensive Planning Ad Hoc Committee - 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- Outstanding items from October 26 meeting
- Fairview Station discussion
- What's next - discussion
November 4, 2010
Liquor Commission - 6:30 p.m. - Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Application Hearing - Pizza Hut, 1560 75th Street, R-2
- Old Business - Liquor Ordinance Discussion
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