May 03, 2010

May 3, 2010

Plan Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • PC-27-09 A petition seeking 1) a Special Use for a drive through; 2) a front yard setback variation; and 3) a variation to permit parking within the required front yards located at the southwest corner of Butterfield Road and Downers Drive, commonly known as 1353 Butterfield Road, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 06-30-408-001); Jeffrey R. Walker, J.R. Walker, Inc., Petitioner; Downers Drive LLC , Owner
  • PC-04-10 A petition seeking a Special Use Amendment and a side yard sebtack variation to permit an expansion and addition to the existing parking deck at Midwestern University. The property is located on the south side of 31st Street, approximately 1,281 feet west of Meyers Road, Downers Grove, IL commonlyknown as 555 31st Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 06-32-200-015 and 06-32-400-026); Midwestern University, Petitioner/Owner
  • PC-05-10 A petition seeking a Special Use to permit a private school in the existing building at 1037-1043 Curtiss Street. The property is located on the south side of Curtiss Street, approximately 200 feet west of Main Street, Downers Grove, IL commonly known as 1037-1043 Curtiss Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-08-305-010); University of Aesthetics, Petitioner; K2 Investments LLC , Owner

May 4, 2010

Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Council Agenda 05-04-10

Consent Agenda

  • A (COR 00-04136) Claim Ordinance: No. 5845, Payroll, April 23, 2010
  • B (BIL 00-04137) List of Bills Payable: No. 5824, May 4, 2010
  • C MOT 00-04122 A motion authorizing a contract for $18,728 with M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. for water distriubtion system leak detection survey services
  • D MOT 00-04125 A motion authorizing a contract for $67,200 with M.E. Simpson Co., Valparaiso, Indiana, for water distribution system valve assessment services
  • E BID 00-04127 A bid awarding $109,405.86 to Denler, Inc., Mokena, IL, for the 2010 preventive seal project
  • F BID 00-04128 A bid awarding $662,662.00 to Everest Excavating Co., Naperville, IL, for the Benton Avenue drainage improvements
  • G BID 00-04139 A bid awarding $119,420.05 to Tri-Brothers Contracting, Inc., Southgate, Michigan, for fire hydrant painting
  • H MOT 00-04140 A motion authorizing a contract for $22,410 with M.E. Simpson Co., Inc., Valparaiso, Indiana, for water meter testing and repair
  • I RES 00-04133 A resolution authorizing an intergovernmental agreement between the County of DuPage, Village of Downers Grove, Illinois, and Village of Westmont, Illinois for the transfer of property and maintenance responsibility for drainage system components
  • J MOT 00-04129 A motion awarding a contract for $52,060.00 to V3 Companies, Ltd., Woodridge, IL, for the Brookbank Road design
  • K RES 00-04147 A resolution authorizing a revised agreement and adendum thereto with Champion Energy, LLC
  • L MOT 00-04138 A motion noting receipt of minutes of Boards and Commissions

Active Agenda

  • A ORD 00-04075 An ordinance amending rates charged for metered water
  • B RES 00-04112 A resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with Sikich, LLC

First Reading

  • A ORD 00-04145 An ordinance re: Modifications for Burlington Avenue between Mochel Drive and Washington Street
  • B ORD 00-04143 An ordinance amending special event liquor licenses
  • C ORD 00-04144 An ordinance amending certain liquor license provisions
  • D ORD 00-04142 An ordinance amending the ex-officio membership of the Community Events Commission
  • E MOT 00-04126 A motion to pre-qualify ten (10) firms for surveying services associated with FY2010 and FY2011 Community Investment Program projects

Attorney’s Report

May 6, 2010

Liquor Commission – Cancelled

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