March 02, 2009

March 2, 2009

Plan Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • PC-06-09 A petition seeking a final plat of subdivision to consolidate two existing lots into one new lot for the property located on the west side of Linscott Avenue, approximately 100 feet north of Prairie Avenue, commonly known as 4736 Linscott Avenue, Downers Grove (PIN 09-07-205-022-023); Rodney & Jennifer Lawrence/Petitioners/Owners
  • PC-07-09 A petition seeking Zoning Map Amendment to rezone a portion of the property commonly known as 340 Burlington Avenue, specifically three existing parcels (PINs 09-09-109-015,-016,-017) located east of the existing building, from B-2, General Retail Business to B-3, General Services & Highway Business district. The property is located at the northwest corner of Burlington & Wilcox Avenues, commonly known as 340 Burlington Avenue, Downers Grove (PIN 09-09-109-013,-014,-015,-016,-017); Brian McLachlan, Petitioner; Oak Properties, Ltd., Owner

March 3, 2009

Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers

Agenda Summary

  • MOT 00-03694 Motion authorizing staff to proceed with 2009 General Obligation Bond Refund
  • RES 00-03695 Resolution authorizing an agreement with Suburban Bus Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (Pace)
  • RES 00-03696 Resolution continuing participation in Suburban Tree Consortium and authorize certain purchases for FY 2009
  • BID 00 -03697 Bid awarding a contract to Superior Road Striping, Inc. for 2009 thermo pavement marking in an amount not to exceed $30,000
  • BID 00 -03698 Bid awarding a contract to US Standard Sign in an amount not to exceed $18,000
  • BID 00 -03699 Bid awarding a contract to Newman Signs in an amount not to exceed $18,096
  • ORD 00-03700 Ordinance approving a planned development amendment to Planned Development #9 for the construction of a service station with convenience store and car wash
  • ORD 00-03701 Ordinance authorizing special uses for 1200 75th Street to permit a service station with convenience store and car wash
  • ORD 00-03702 Ordinance establishing valet parking provisions
  • ORD 00-03703 Ordinance amending provisions of the Class “E-1” theater liquor license classification

March 4, 2009

Agenda Summary

  • Community Workshop

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