October 06, 2008
October 6, 2008
Plan Commission – Cancelled
October 7, 2008
Executive Session – 6:00 p.m. – Ante Room
- Property Acquisition and Litigation
Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
- Council Agenda 10-07-08
- Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only – September 9, 10, & 16, 2008
- Council Minutes 09-16-08
- Workshop Minutes 09-23-08
- Meetings Schedule
- Board Minutes
- Youth in Government Recognition
- Capital Projects Update
Agenda Summary
- RES 00-03492 Resolution: Authorize an amendment to an intergovernmental agreement for joint administration of employee health insurance program with the Downers Grove Park District
- RES 00-03506 Resolution: Authorize a plan amendment for Village of Downers Grove group health plan
- RES 00-03493 Resolution: Authorize an intergovernmental agreement with the Sanitary District re: Permitting and bonding requirements
- MOT 00 -03494 Motion: Authorize an addendum to the professional services agreement with Chapman & Cutler, LLP , Chicago, IL for bond counsel services
- RES 00-03495 Resolution: Authorize an amendment to a banking services agreement with US Bank
- BID 00 -03496 Bid: Award $13,964.00 to Professional Land Surveying, Inc., Lisle, IL, for surveying services for proposed 2009 and 2010 new sidewalk program
- BID 00 -03497 Bid: Award $4,630.00 to GC Engineering, Inc., Downers Grove, IL, for surveying services for proposed 2009 and 2010 new sidewalk program
- MOT 00 -03498 Motion: Authorize $24,088.50 to John Thomas, Inc. for purchase of 18 protable volume traffic counters/analyzers and protective covers
- ORD 00-03500 Ordinance: Grant stormwater variances for 4958 Forest Avenue
- ORD 00-03501 Ordinance: Amend rates charged for metered water
- RES 00-03508 Resolution: Appoint members to Boards and Commissions
- ORD 00 -03507 Ordinance: Authorize the negotiation for the acquisition of property known as the Main Street/Prairie Avenue right-of-way project/First Illinois Bank & Trust #10189 (Ring) parcel
- ORD 00 -03509 Ordinance: Provide for the settlement and closing of property known as the Belmont/Burlington Grade Separation and Transportation Safety Project/4927 & 4944 Belmont (Litt parcels)
- ORD 00 -03510 Ordinance: Authorize the acquisition of property known as the Belmont/Burlington Grade Separation and Transportation Safety Project/4927 & 4944 Belmont (Litt parcels)
- RES 00 -03511 Resolution: Authorize appointment and employment agreement of David Fieldman as Village Manager
October 8, 2008
A Night at the Firehouse – 6:30 p.m., Fire Station 5, 6701 Main Street
Transportation and Parking Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Public Works Facility, 5101 Walnut
Agenda Summary
- File #07-08 Florence Avenue – Ogden Avenut to Grant Street parking modifications
- File #08-08 Prentiss Drive – Woodward Avenue to Puffer Road parking modifications
- File #09-08 Sidewalk matrix – 2009 projects
- File #10-08 Lincoln Avenue (Lester School) school drop-off alternatives
October 10, 2008
Silent Parade – 7:20 p.m. – Along Maple Avenue
October 11, 2008
Budget Workshop – 8:00 a.m. – Fire Station 2, 5420 Main Street
Agenda Summary
- 2009 proposed annual budget and five-year plan
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