July 07, 2008
July 7, 2008
Plan Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
FILE NO . PC-18-08 (CONTINUED FROM 06 -02-08) A petition seeking Special Use approval for a telecommunications tower located on the East side of Springside Avenue, approximately 730 feet South of 63rd Street, commonly known as 6401 Springside Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN’s 09-19-101-002, 09-19-200-003); Mark Layne, Agent for T-Mobile Central LLC , Petitioner; Community High School District 99, Owner
PC-11-08 5532 Main Street A petition seeking 1) Final Plat of Subdivision approval for three lots located on the West side of Main Street; and 2) a Side Yard Setback Variation. The property is located approximately 420 feet South of 55th Street, commonly known as 5532 and 5540 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN’s 09-17-101-032,-033); James F. Russ, Jr., Attorney/Petitioner: William Haider, Owner
PC-13-08 1330 63rd Street A petition seeking approval for a shared parking agreement for property located at the Northeast corner of 63rd Street and Dunham Road, commonly known as 1330 63rd Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-18-406-057); Paul Kucher, Pastor, Petitioner; Christian Worship Center, Owner
PC-21-08 5106 Walnut Avenue A petition seeking Special Use approval for a Contractor Shop & Office in an O-R-M zoning district for property located at the Northwest corner of Walnut Avenue and Curtiss Street, Downers Grove, commonly known as 5106 Walnut Avenue, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 08-11-408-007); James W. Briggs, Petitioner; Environmental System Products, Owner
PC-22-08 1801 Butterfield Road A petition seeking an Amendment to Planned Development No. 31 Esplanade for a variation for a temporary sign on property located on the South side of Butterfield Road, approximately 220 feet East of Esplanade Road, Downers Grove, commonly known as 1801 Butterfield Road, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 06-30-304-002); Zach Dich, Petitioner; Gary Mori, Hamilton Partners, Owner
July 8, 2008
Village Council Workshop Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
Active Agenda
- Active a FY08 Budget Update and Discussion
- Active b Integrated Branding and Marketing Initiative
- Active c Amendment to the Transfer Ordinance Ceding the Village Bond Cap Authority to IHDA
- Active d Red Light Camera Enforcement System
- Active e Total Community Development 3 Scope Discussion
- Active fi Prairie Avenue Reconstruction and Resurfacing – Project Status
- Active fii Prairie Avenue Reconstruction and Resurfacing – Utility Improvements
- Active fiii Prairie Avenue Reconstruction and Resurfacing – Addendum to Engineering and Design Services Agreement
Consent Agenda
- Consent a Bid: Barneswood Storm Sewer Replacement
- Consent b Bid: Rooftop Condensing Units Replacement Purchase
- Consent c Fee Waiver Request for Downers Grove South High School Located at 1436 Norfolk Street
- Consent d Resolution to Support the Chicago Olympics Bid
Manager’s and Directors’ Reports
- Manager's Report 3 DuPage Water Commission – Water Rate Increase
July 8, 2008
Foreign Fire Insurance Fund – 8:00 a.m. – Fire Station #3, 3900 Highland Avenue
Agenda Summary
- Treasurer’s report
- Station 1 purchases
- Requests for purchase
- Station requests
July 9, 2008
Architectural Design Review Board – 7 p.m. – Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- File ADRB -01-08 A petition seeking a historic landmark designation for the property located on the West side of Carpenter Street, approximately 115 feet South of Ross Court, commonly known as 5256 Carpenter Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN 09-08-309-003); Mildred Drew and Susan Estell, Petitioners; Mildred Drew, Owner.
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