May 05, 2008
May 5, 2008
Plan Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
Agenda Summary
- FILE NO . PC-17-08 A petition seeking a lot consolidation to combine the West Half of Lot 35 with all of Lot 36; the property is located at the Southeast corner of Washington Street and Birch Avenue, commonly known as 4729 Washington Street, Downers Grove, IL (PIN’s 09-08-106-001,-002); David Prepejchal & Nicole Gundich, Petitioners/Owners
May 6, 2008
Special Council Workshop – 6:00 p.m. – Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Information Session concerning the Village’s integrated branding and marketing initiative – Don McEachern, CEO , North Star Destination Strategies
Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
- Council Agenda 05-06-08
- Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only – 04-15-08
- Council Minutes 04-15-08
- Workshop Minutes 04-22-08
- Meetings Schedule
- Board Minutes
- Bi-weekly Update – Fire Station 2 Construction
- Special Presentation – Metra, Downers Grove Park District
Agenda Summary
- MOT 00-03251 Motion: Receive the Recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Housing
- RES 00-03287 Resolution: Authorize the 2008 Addendum for the USPRO Criterium Championship and the USCF Elite Criterium Championships
- RES 00-03288 Resolution: Authorize a License Agreement with the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corporation for the 2008 Car Show Season
- BID 00 -03289 Bid: Award $196,963.65 to Air One, Inc., Elgin, Illinois, for Firefighter Turnout Gear
- RES 00-03290 Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd.
- BID 00 -03291 Bid: Award $972,049.05 to Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc., Addison, Illinois, for the Carpenter Street Improvements Project
- BID 00 -03292 Bid: Award $141,174.12 to A.C. Pavement Striping Company, Elgin, Illinois, for the 2008 Preventive Seal Project
- BID 00 -03293 Bid: Award $2,093,197.44 to James D. Fiala Paving Company, Inc., Bolingbrook,Illinois, for the 2008 Resurfacing Project
- MOT 00 -03295 Motion: Authorize a Change Order for $19,677.64 for Rock Salt for 2007-08
- BID 00 -03296 Bid: Award $24,585 to M.E. Simpson Co., Inc., Valparaiso, Indiana, for Water Meter Testing and Repair
- BID 00 -03297 Bid: Award $95,000 to Meade Electric Company, McCook, Illinois, for Streetlight Maintenance Services
- BID 00 -03298 Bid: Award a Contract to Osburn Associations, Inc. for the 2008 Traffic Sign Materials in an Amount Not to Exceed $12,000
- BID 00 -03299 Bid: Award a Contract to US Standard Sign for 2008 Traffic Sign Blanks in an Amount Not to Exceed $18,000
- BID 00 -03300 Bid: Award $20,304 to Allied Municipal Supply for 2008 Traffic Sign Posts
- RES 00-03301 Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd for Carpenter Street Reconstruction
- MOT 00 -03305 Motion: Approve a Contract for Medical Billing Services with Andres Medical Billing, Ltd., Arlington Heights, Illinois
- RES 00-03306 Resolution: Authorize Extension of an Agreement with A.B. Data, Ltd. for Utility Billing Services
- RES 00-03308 Resolution: Authorize an Agreement with the Suburban Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (Pace)
- MOT 00 -03310 Motion: Note Receipt of Minutes of Boards and Commissions
- BID 00-03294 Bid: Award $153,033 to M & A Cement Work, Inc., Bensenville, Illinois, for 2008 Replacement Sidewalk Program
- ORD 00-03280 Ordinance: Rezone 715 & 719 Rogers Street from M-1, Light Manufacturing District, to DT, Downtown Transition District
- ORD 00-03281 Ordinance: Designate Rogers Street Redevelopment as Final Planned Development Number 50 with a Variation
- RES 00-03282 Resolution: Final Plat of Subdivision for Rogers Street Redevelopment Subdivision
- ORD 00-03283 Ordinance: Authorize a Special Use for Planned Development #50 to Permit Construction of Attached Single Family Dwellings
- ORD 00-03284 Ordinance: Amend Parking Restrictions
- MOT 00-03285 Motion: Authorize the Village Manager to Proceed with Negotiated Sale of General Obligation Bonds for Watershed Improvements
- MOT 00-03286 Motion: Authorize a Contract with Chapman and Cutler, Chicago, Illinois, for Bond Counsel Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $42,350.
- RES 00-03311 Resolution: Appointments to Boards and Commissions
May 7, 2008
Human Services Commission – 6:15 p.m. – Ante Room
Agenda Summary
- Review of HSC proposed questions for the next Citizen Survey
- Homeless issues related to public facilities and areas
May 8, 2008
Technology Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Staff report on EDEN installation and usage
- AVL installation process report
Environmental Concerns Commission – 7:00 p.m. – Public Works, 5101 Walnut
Agenda Summary
- Discussion on the development of promotional activities regarding the proper disposal of compact fluorescent bulbs as directed by the Village Council
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