March 17, 2008
March 15, 2008
Coffee With The Council – 9:00 a.m. – Chicago Marriott Suites, 1500 Opus Place, Downers Grove
March 18, 2008
Executive Session – 6:15 p.m. – Ante Room
Agenda Summary
- Litigation and Property Acquisition
Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
- Council Agenda 03-18-08
- Council Minutes 03-04-08
- Workshop Minutes 03-11-08
- Meetings Schedule
- Board Minutes
- Bi-weekly Update – Fire Station 2 Construction
Agenda Summary
- BID 00 -03233 Bid: Award $179,762.50 to Marcott Enterprises, Inc., Addison, IL, for debris hauling and crushed limestone supply services
- BID 00 -03234 Bid: Award $71,297.50 to Western Gradall Corporation, Naperville, IL, for roadside ditch reconstruction and maintenance services
- BID 00 -03235 Bid: Award $105,230 to Waste Management of Illinois, Inc., Cicero, IL, for street sweeping maintenance services
- BID 00 -03236 Bid: Award $127,000 to R&W Clark Construction, Mokena, IL, for water utility repair restoration services
- BID 00 -03237 Bid: Award $22,400.10 to Ozinga Illinois RMC , Inc., Mokena, IL, for ready mixed concrete
- BID 00 -03238 Bid: Award $69,000 to Chicago Materials Corporation, Lemont, IL, for hot mix asphalt materials
- MOT 00 -03239 Motion: Authorize a contract with Claude H. Hurley Co., Elmhurst, IL, for geotechnical engineering and materials testing services for FY08
- MOT 00 -03240 Motion: Authorize a professional services agreement with Houseal Lavigne Associates, Naperville, IL, for consultant services re: Pattern book
- RES 00-03241 Resolution: Authorize submittal of grant application to the Illinois Department of Transportation for the speed enforcement program
- RES 00-03242 Resolution: Authorize an extension to the contract with Gen Power, Incorporated
- RES 00-03243 Resolution: Authorize extension of the contract with North Park Rental Services, Inc.
- MOT 00 -03244 Motion: Approve proposal from Word Systems, Inc., Indianapolis, IN, for purchase and installation of an audio/video digital recording system
- ORD 00-03226 Ordinance: Adopt and approve publication of the Village of Downers Grove 2008 Zoning Map
- ORD 00-03227 Ordinance: Amend rates to be charged for service for the Village of Downers Grove Bus System
- RES 00-03228 Resolution: Authorize the federal fiscal year 2008 FTA certification and asurances
- ORD 00-03229 Ordinance: Amend flag lot provisions
- ORD 00-03113 Ordinance: Prohibit liquor licensees from contributing to certain local political campaigns
- ORD 00-03231 Ordinance: Amend license classifications
- ORD 00-03232 Ordinance: Amend telecommunication tax provisions
- RES 00-03245 Resolution: Authorize agreement with County of DuPage re: Prentiss Creek Neighborhood Resource Center
- REP 00 -03246 State of the Village Report
- INF 00-03247 Lease for Tenant Space – Main Street Train Station
March 19, 2008
Foreign Fire Fund – 8:00 a.m. – Fire Station 3, 3900 Highland Avenue
Agenda Summary
- Treasurer’s report
- 2008 budget review
- Telestaff database software
- Deputy Chief Tutko – Station #2 request
- Requests for purchase
- Station requests
March 20, 2008
Community Events Commission – 6:00 p.m. – Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Extension of Heritage Festival Contracts – 1) Tables, tents & chairs; 2) Electrical services
- Request for Proposal – Fireworks
- Heritage Festival Update – Entertainment update; Thursday night benefit concert
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