January 14, 2008
January 15, 2008
Car Show Committee – 6:30 p.m. – Ante Room
Agenda Summary
- Location
- Application Changes
- Entertainment
Village Council Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Council Chambers
- Council Agenda 01-15-08
- Executive Session Minutes for Approval Only – 12-11-07
- Council Minutes 12-18-07
- Workshop Minutes 01-08-08
- Meetings Schedule
- Board Minutes
- Police Swearing-In Ceremony
- Bi-weekly Update – Fire Station 2 Construction
- 2007 Holiday Recognition Program
Agenda Summary
- MOT 00-03145 Motion: Approve the scope of FY08 stormwater projects
- MOT 00-03146 Motion: Authorize the Village Manager to negotiate contracts for engineering design services for FY08 stormwater projects
- MOT 00-03148 Motion: Authorize award of grants as recommended by the Community Grants Commission
- BID 00 -03149 Bid: Award $230,574 to Homer Tree Care, Inc., Lockport, IL, for tree and stump removal services
- BID 00 -03150 Bid: Award $31,052.28 to T.L.C. Group, Ltd., Clarendon Hills, IL, for mowing services
- RES 00-03151 Resolution: Authorize execution of registration with US Communities
- MOT 00-03152 Motion: Approve a purchasing contract for office supplies from Office Depot through the Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with US Communities
- RES 00-03153 Resolution: Authorize participation in a Joint Purchasing Act
- RES 00-03154 Resolution: Authorize an addendum agreement with the Downers Grove Rotary Club re: 2008 Heritage Festival Beer Garden vendor contract
- RES 00-03155 Resolution: Authorize an extension to the contract with Century Post #503 Veterans of Foreign Wars re: 2008 Heritage Festival Bingo Vendor contract extension
- MOT 00-03156 Motion: Amend the professional services agreement with Geocon for construction materials testing services for Fire Station 2
- MOT 00-03157 Motion: Authorize employee training institute days
- ORD 00-03158 Ordinance: Annex 4412 Cross Street
- ORD 00-03159 Ordinance: Rezone 4412 Cross Street from R-1, Single Family Residence District (Unincorporated DuPage County), to B-3, General Services and Highway Business
- ORD 00-03004 Ordinance: Amend the Zoning Code definition of “Recycling Collection Facility”
- ORD 00-03160 Ordinance: Approve a final planned development amendment to Planned Development #8 to permit a restaurant with drive-through and outdoor café
- ORD 00-03161 Ordinance: Authorize special uses for Planned Development #8 to permit a restaurant with drive-through and outdoor café
- RES 00-03162 Resolution: Approve the final plat of resubdivision for the 63rd Street Dunkin Donuts Subdivision
- MOT 00-03147 Motion: 4929 Forest Avenue building modifications
- REP 00-03165 Report: Standing Committee Referrals
- MOT 00-03164 Motion: Waive the one-week waiting period to consider authorizing an RFP for Heritage Festival Thursday Night Benefit Concert
January 17, 2008
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners – 6:00 p.m. – Ante Room
Agenda Summary
- Police Promotional Process
- Deliberation Regarding Terrance Luby
Community Events Commission – 6:00 p.m. – Committee Room
Agenda Summary
- Extension of contracts – Sound vendor; lighting vendor; cleaning services vendor
- Sponsorship brochure
- Ice Sculpture Festival update
- Heritage Festival update – Street Fair rules & regulations; Thursday opening concert
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